2021-08-18 parakiss 18733
Which historical figure is overrated?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

【答案一】Sebas Sujeen, (现居印度)
Winston Churchill温斯顿·丘吉尔

British imperialism had long justified itself with the pretense that it was conducted for the benefit of the governed. Churchill's conduct in the summer and fall of 1943 gave the lie to this myth. "I hate Indians," he told the Secretary of State for India, Leopold Amery. "They are a beastly people with a beastly religion." The famine was their own fault, he declared at a war-cabinet meeting, for "breeding like rabbits."

英帝国主义一直以来用“为了被统治者的利益进行管理”为借口来证明自己的正当性。1943年的夏秋季,丘吉尔的行为揭穿了这一神话。“我讨厌印度人,”他对印度事务大臣利奥波德·埃默里说,“他们是一群有着野蛮宗教的野蛮人。” 他在一次战时内阁会议上宣称,饥荒是他们自己的错,因为“(他们)就像兔子一样产崽。”

1943, some 3 million brown-skinned subjects of the Raj died in the Bengal famine, one of history's worst. Some of India's grain was also exported to Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) to meet needs there, even though the island wasn't experiencing the same hardship; Australian wheat sailed past Indian cities (where the bodies of those who had died of starvation littered the streets) to depots in the Mediterranean and the Balkans; and offers of American and Canadian food aid were turned down. India was not permitted to use its own sterling reserves, or indeed its own ships, to import food. And because the British government paid inflated prices in the open market to ensure supplies, grain became unaffordable for ordinary Indians. Lord Wavell, appointed Viceroy of India that fateful year, considered the Churchill government's attitude to India "negligent, hostile and contemptuous."


Churchill said that history would judge him kindly because he intended to write it himself. The self-serving but elegant volumes he authored on the war led the Nobel Committee, unable in all conscience to bestow him an award for peace, to give him, astonishingly, the Nobel Prize for Literature — an unwitting tribute to the fictional qualities inherent in Churchill's self-justifying embellishments.


Churchill's only response to a telegram from the government in Delhi about people perishing in the famine was to ask why Gandhi hadn't died yet.


An image from the Bengal famine..Yes, it is not Somalia, it happened very much in India.


Makes me wonder, if Hitler had won the war, would he be praised now considering that history is written by the victors.



【答案二】Jennifer Lai, (现居澳大利亚)

Hard to be more controversial than saying that Mother Theresa is overrated, but history has seriously questioned the labeling of Alexander the great ... stating he should have been labeled: "Alexander the not-so-great".


Alexander the III of Macedon, son of Philip II and descendant – at least in his own mind – of the great warrior Achilles, has been known throughout the annals of history as Alexander the Great. Within the context of his time, and viewing his deeds in the context of a society that essentially condoned violence and worshiped gods that were both violent and unforgiving, Alexander was certainly deserving of this epithet. Some historians have referred to Alexander as “possibly the greatest warrior in world history.”


More recently however, modern historians have questioned whether he should be renamed Alexander the Terrible, or Alexander the Insignificant. His life and conquests have been re-examined and terms such as megalomaniac and mass murderer have emerged when describing his exploits. Much has been published that brings into question the greatness of Alexander - from discussions of his drunken brawls and paranoia to his murderous rampages. And while Alexander did spread Hellenistic culture, the spread appears to have been an unplanned side effect.


While his accomplishments are many, Alexander’s flaws cannot be ignored. Half a million soldiers and sailors were wiped out during the building of his empire. In addition, probably another half a million people were sold into slavery, of which half were women and children. Of his own troops, he suffered at least 25,000 deaths –approximately half the army.


Alexander appeared unstable at times and was capable of murder without a moment’s hesitation, even of his closest allies and friends. When Cleitus defended the memory of Alexander’s father, he grabbed a spear and murdered him at the dinner table. He then proceeded to taunt the dead man before being overcome by grief and remorse. Alexander’s response to those who opposed him or espoused opinions different from his own was brutal. The Theban dead alone numbered more than 6,000 and there were more than 30,000 people, including women and children, who were sold into slavery. The council voted to demolish the city, after taking in all the money in plunder.


It is said that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Alexander undoubtedly changed over time, and not for the better. As a result of the combined effects of unbroken victories, unparalleled wealth, absolute and unchallenged power, continual heavy physical stress, and incipient alcoholism… Alexander became an uncontrollable megalomaniac. As his megalomania grew, he sought greater confirmation of his divinity. After his defeat of Darius he sent an order to the Greeks to take a vote making him divine. The laconic response from the Spartans was “since Alexander wants to be a god, let him be a god” by which they meant to expose what they believed to be the stupidity of this request.



【答案三】Martin Lindner, seeking wisdom(现居德国)
Princess Diana 戴安娜王妃
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The biggest achievement of this spoiled brat is charity. She was born into wealth, followed her nature as a gold digger and married into even more. Only a few people dared to criticize her or her cult.


Christopher Hitchens was one of those people who spoke openly against her. Something humorous (and harsh) he said about her:
"She was in Angola on her landmine campaign, and there was a hushed, reverent BBC commentator. And he said, 'The thing about mine fields is that they're very easy to lay, but they're very difficult and dangerous, and even expensive to get rid of' - the perfect descxtion of Prince Charles's first wife."


Her charity work is vastly overrated. In her will she didn't left a penny to charity, it was obviously a tool for her. Her dignity could be interpreted as rebellion against the monarchy. She was a spoiled brat in the sense that she didn't behave. No one forced her into her second marriage and she made no sacrifices for duty after she married into the royal family.



【答案四】Feifei Wang, The Interpreter (华裔美籍)
Leonardo da Vinci 列奥纳多·达·芬奇

Sure, the guy is a great painter, have some interesting ideas and crazy inventions, he did some mysterious (not really provocative) paintings here and there, and was probably a genius of some sort... But seriously, the hype over this guy is disproportionate.


He's not a scientist, he's not an engineer (none of this crazy inventions works in real life), he's not a doctor (his famous fetus in womb drawing is modeled after a cow's womb and stick a fetus in it, I mean, no medical doctor would do that, but artist would.) He's not some secret cult member (No Dan Brown, he's not your secret cult leader!). He's probably gay, but he's most definitely not a crossdresser (Mona Lisa is not a self portrait). He's not what he make himself to be (this elderly philosopher looking dude), in fact, Leonardo was quite handsome when he's young. (Verrocchio's david is said modeled after the young Leonardo, cute guy!)


He's mysterious and an artistic genius. He's an important figure in high renaissance, and he left us with a lot of interesting (arguably irrelevant) little puzzles, but he's not the most talented person in history as people often believed him to be.


And if you ask me, Mona Lisa isn't all that great. Certainly don't deserved to be put in a separate room in the Louvre. My personal favorite is actually Last Supper, in which he demonstrate superb composition and character rendering skill. If only he could follow the right way to do tempera painting, namely, do it while it's wet, we'd end up having a much better reserved painting nowadays.


But enough with my rumbling... Da Vinci is great, but not "most talented person in the entire human history" great.



【答案五】Hairuo Guo, (现居马萨诸塞州剑桥市)

Christopher Columbus was a terrible character and an even more terrible navigator. When the captain of one of his ships sighted land, he claimed that he had seen it three hours earlier in order to collect the lifetime pension that was set aside for the first person to do so. He miscalculated latitude, which was the easier coordinate to get right, and he kept two logs: a personal one where he kept his own measurements, and one where he overestimated progress to impress the sailors. The latter ended up being more accurate.



【答案六】Amy Christa Ernano, (意大利裔美国人)
Christopher Columbus. 克里斯托弗·哥伦布

For generations, American schoolchildren have been raised to see Columbus as the noble discoverer of America. We still have a national holiday honoring him, and he has become a symbol of pride for Italian-Americans all over the country.


But he was a monster.


When Columbus arrived in the New World, he landed in the Bahamas, and would later move on to Hispaniola. The indigenous people of the islands - the Arawaks, Lucayans, and Tainos - were peaceful, welcoming, and friendly. They also had gold jewelry, prompting Columbus to take several of them prisoner and demand the source of the gold. He wrote in his journal: “They ought to make good and skilled servants, for they repeat very quickly whatever we say to them.”


The Natives were put to work in the gold mines, where they toiled until they died of exhaustion. Any worker who didn’t deliver his full quota of gold had his hands cut off and tied around his neck. Those who resisted slavery lost their nose or an ear. Those who tried to escape were hunted with dogs, and either mutilated by the dogs or burned alive. Arawak babies were used as dog food if supplies ran short, and girls as young as 9 were sold as sex slaves. At one point there was a mass suicide of over 100 Arawaks, so intolerable were their lives in slavery.


Columbus was so bad that Francisco de Bobadilla, the man who succeeded him as Governor of the Indies, arrested him and his brothers, Bartolomeo and Giacomo (sometimes called Diego), put them in chains, and sent them back to Spain to stand trial for their crimes against the Natives as well as the Spanish colonists. But the King and Queen really liked all the gold Columbus had provided - so they pardoned all three.


Within 50 years of Columbus’ arrival on Hispaniola, every one of the roughly 3 million Natives on the island were gone. The lost Native slaves were soon replaced by African slaves, and in fact, Columbus’ son Diego was the first African slave trader in the New World.


This is a man that we actually celebrate in this country. The horror and shame of that cannot be measured. Christopher Columbus should be held up as one of the great villains of world history, not one of its heroes. I’m an Italian-American, and Columbus Day doesn’t exist for me. The sooner it’s changed to Indigenous People’s Day at the federal level, the better.


There are also those in the comments saying that Columbus was just like anyone else in his time, and that his brutality was par for the course. That’s simply not true. If it were, he would not have been arrested and stripped of his governorship for his brutal treatment of Natives and Spanish colonists alike.



【答案七】Julio Cesar Pino,(加利福尼亚大学博士,历史学家)

“My admiration for the Duce is undiminished, but I was wrong to treat him as an equal.” Adolf Hitler, April 1945. I feel exactly the same way today. Mussolini was once a titan in European politics, and certainly an original political thinker, but when he was wrong, well, my god! Hitler once remarked that Italy’s decision to enter the war in 1940 was “the single biggest reason for Germany failing to obtain victory”. On what grounds? First, the disastrous Italian invasion of Greece forced Germany to invade both Yugoslavia and Greece, postponing Operation Barbarossa for several crucial months and tying up hundreds of thousands of German troops in the Balkans.


Second, Mussolini’s botched attempt to build an Italian empire in North Africa made it impossible for the Germans to reach out to critical Arab allies from Egypt to Iraq, making for “a revolutionary alliance with Islam.”


Stalin received a visit from Harry Hopkins, FDR’s top aide, in 1941. When Hopkins asked him if he was worried about the many Italian troops stationed on the Eastern Front, Stalin laughed and replied, “No. I wish Mussolini would send us more.”


If Mussolini had stayed out of the war France and Britain were prepared to offer him important colonies, including Tunisia and Malta. After the war he could have continued as Duce, much like Franco in Spain.



【答案八】Abhilash Pattnaik
Guglielmo Marconi古列尔莫·马可尼

The world of invention has had a few scoundrels –- and Marconi, the alleged inventor of radio, makes Edison look good. Nikola Tesla, one of Edison’s most brilliant engineers, discovered (and published) a way to transmit and receive radio signals in 1895. For all his genius, Tesla is the forgotten man of invention. He had been royally screwed by his boss, and would be conned even more disgracefully by Marconi.


Marconi, a wealthy tinkerer with family ties to the English aristocracy, took credit for Tesla’s discovery, patenting it in England before Tesla got around to it. The Yugoslav-American Tesla then decided to make do with a US patent, so Marconi rushed it through to the US Patent Office, playing dumb when the office suggested that he must surely have seen Tesla’s papers. He eventually used his friends in high places to take out the patent, while Tesla’s patent was voided. Marconi became even wealthier, won a Nobel Prize, and is still known as the inventor of radio. Face it, the guy was a scum! In 1943, however, the Patent Office gave the patent back to Tesla, which was pretty useless as Tesla and Marconi were both dead.


The Actual Story!


the great Nikola Tesla is frequently being remembered as the forgotten man of invention. The Serbo-American genius’ greatest work was credited to Edison, stolen by Marconi, or in that “obscure stuff that most of us can’t understand so we don’t know who did it” category. He made major inroads into X-rays, remote control, radar, robotics, nuclear physics and computers –- and this was back in the 19th and early 20th century.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


【答案九】Chrys Jordan, taught himself history because school stank

Christopher Columbus, the hero of America because he discovered America. He showed extraordinary courage in proving that the world was round.


So I was taught in school. That statement is wrong for many reasons.


Columbus in fact:

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Did not have to prove the world was round: the majority of Medi thinkers who had any opinion on whether the Earth was round or flat chose the former.
Was mistaken on the size of this round Earth; his calculations made the Earth appear smaller than it is. That is why sailing westwards towards India seemed reasonable.


Was badly lost throughout his voyage, never understanding where he was.


Failed to discover North America. Failed to discover South America, despite having seen the coast of Venezuela, because he thought he was seeing another island. Nor was Columbus the first to discover the Americas. Nor was Columbus innocent of slavery. Nor can we reasonably say he was innocent of the genocide of the American Indians via disease. Though unintentional, Columbus exposing people to smallpox resulted in many deaths. We can never know how many people died from infection, but the numbers are surely appalling.


As a hero for America, the man who "discovered America," is overrated forreasons.



【答案十】André Levy, (现居澳大利亚悉尼)
Steve Jobs乔布斯

(1)President Obama on Steve Jobs: "The World Has Lost a Visionary"


The Ideas That Apple Stole | Infographic


(2)How Steve Jobs changed capitalism | The Guardian


Steve Jobs Threatened Palm To Stop Poaching Employees*


(3)Steve Jobs: Management Innovator | Forbes


Steve Jobs: A genius but a bad, mean manager


(4)'America lost a genius,' Bloomberg says of Jobs


Jonathan Ive: Steve Jobs stole my ideas


(5)Steve Jobs: the five Apple products 'that changed the world' - Telegraph


Apple's total device market share to grow from 10% to 14% - new forecast


(6)With Pixar, Steve Jobs changed the film industry forever | CNET


Pixar Myth No. 5: Steve Jobs Ran Pixar


(7)How Steve Jobs' Love of Simplicity Fueled a Design Revolution | The Smithsonian


(8)Steve Jobs on Organ Transplant Lists: "I Almost Died" Waiting


Did Steve Jobs' money buy him a faster liver transplant?


Steve Jobs' liver transplant: Did he game the system


(9)The Pancreatic Cancer That Killed Steve Jobs | TIME.com


Did Steve Jobs Have a Liver Transplant To Treat Pancreatic Cancer?


Diana among 1,600 New Yorkers waiting for liver transplant


(10)Steve Jobs secretly gave millions to charity, publically criticised for not doing enough


Buffett Makes $2 Billion Donation to Gates Foundation


Who will Inherit Steve Jobs' $8.3 Billion?


Bill Gates loses “world’s richest” title after giving $28 billion to charity


Apple's $76B in cash reserves surpasses US government operating balance


What did he give humanity? Consumer electronics.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


【答案十一】Prateek Baghel

I'll say Marilyn Monroe.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I has always baffled me that on what grounds Marilyn is considered an iconic person in history. One of my friends( a girl) told me that Marilyn was such an inspirational person. When I asked the reasons, she apparently had no explanations. I guess she had that image of Marilyn,probably because media portrayed Marilyn in such a way. Later, I pricked my friend's bubble with some of the following Marilyn trivia.


1、She was a below average actress who mostly played the "dumb blonde" stereotype roles.


2、She only served as a major sex symbol during 50's.


3、She was uneducated by choice.


4、She was a promiscuous lady. 3 of her marriages failed. Her affairs with the Kennedy brothers are no longer secret to anyone.


5、She finally died( some speculate it was a probable suicide) from drug overdose.


She was never in the leagues of actresses such as Katherine Hepburn or Audrey Hepburn. She was neither a philanthropist nor a social activist(as Angelina Jolie or Emma Watson are). She never fought for women rights or for any other social issues. She only served as an eye-candy either on the silver screen or on the Playboy magazine. What did she inspire in people? What was in her,that made people look up to her? I,for one, still can't fathom the reason behind.


So on what grounds is she considered a role model?



【答案十二】Abhilash Pattnaik
Alexander Graham Bell 亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔

We know that Bell did not invent the telephone, but stole the idea without acknowledgement from Antonio Santi Giuseppe Meucci. Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1847, and moved to Canada in 1870. He died in the US in 1922 as a highly respected millionaire scientist entrepreneur. He was indeed a gifted technician but had a nasty side to his personality. He presided for many years over the Eugenics Society, which proposed - and, in several cases, achieved - the forced sterilisation of individuals it considered inferior.


The real inventor of the telephone - which he called "electrophone" - was Meucci, who was born in Florence in 1808 and died impoverished in New York in the closing years of the 19th century. Meucci was a patriot and friend of Italy's national hero, Giuseppe Garibaldi (who also visited Hong Kong, Macau, Canton and Xiamen in 1851).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Meucci begun testing primitive telephones while working in Florence as a theatre technician. Later, for political reasons, he and his wife were arrested and expelled by the Tuscan State. They moved first to Cuba and then to the US.


Having fallen on hard times - his savings disappeared with fraudulent debtors - he spent what little money remained left pursuing his dream of voice communication across vast distances. He filed a patent caveat in 1871 - not a full patent that would cost US$250, which he did not have - five years before Bell filed his patent. When it came time to renew his own patent, Meucci couldn't even raise the US$10 renew fee.


Meucci was aboard the Staten Island Ferry in 1871 when a boiler exploded killing 125 passengers and injuring hundreds more. While recovering from his burns, Meucci discovered that his wife had sold the contents of his lab, including the telephone, for a total of US$6 to buy medications.


Not yet resigned to his bad luck, Meucci took his notebooks with all his experiments and a new prototype of telephone to Western unx telegraph company, but their executives (friends and colleagues of Bell) failed to meet him and later claimed to have lost the items he had given them. Two years later Bell filed a patent and set up a company with Western unx.


Meucci sued, and the court case drew considerable public sympathy for the poor Italian immigrant who could barely speak English. But the judge ruled in favour of Bell, perhaps because he, as a skilled businessman and man of means that he was, had in the meantime set a company with branches around the world.


Meucci died without being able to appeal. In 2002, a new ruling by the US House of Representatives declared the ruling invalid. The US Congress found that Meucci had indeed tested a telephone in 1860 and that Bell had had access to his material.


This was not a case of two gifted inventors reaching the same conclusion at the same time, as often happens, but a clear cut case of fraud and misrepresentation. Alexander Graham Bell became a wealthy man with his invention but failed to extend a helping hand to its less fortunate inventor, who was an immigrant like himself. This should not surprise us because Bell showed himself to be a man who strongly believed in the survival of the fittest and, of course, the smartest.



【答案十三)Rohit Chauhan,

Thomas Alva Edison is one of the famous big name in the scientific world.Some regard him one as one of the greatest pioneer in invention . But actually he was entirely a different man in reality for those who know very well about him.Impatience, intolerance, arrogance, jealousy , dictator , rude,less insight , eagerness to steal other ideas and patent and to claim own credit over the works and efforts of others are some of the best few words that aptly describe him in brief.Many credit him with developing electricity and lighting up the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He is credited to have discovered the incandescent light bulb but the real credit to it's invention goes to Englishman Sir Joseph Swan ( 1824- 1914). His only original invention that he did with the help of his assistant Harold P Brown.was a not so useful and remarkable kind of thing which was Electric Chair which he did just to topple the Tesla AC system out of shear arrogance and jealousy.

他因为发明了白炽灯泡而受到赞誉,但这项发明真正要归功于的是英国人约瑟夫·斯旺爵士(1824 - 1914)。他唯一的独创发明是在他的助手哈罗德·P·布朗的帮助下完成的。这是一件不那么有用而非凡的东西,它是一种电椅,出于爱迪生的傲慢和嫉妒,为了推翻特斯拉的交流系统而发明的。

He was a general in the battle field of currents determined to stop and dismantle Tesla AC system at any cost.That AC system which was a greatest advancement and breakthrough ever made in the history of human civilization.He was a hard task maker and the men who worked under him had to invent something anyhow......... no matter whose ideas and patent they stole.


He called the AC current a killer current and to prove his point he designed an electric chair powered by AC to kill men sentenced for execution.In order to prove that the AC system was better for execution ,Brown and Edison killed many animals including a circus elephant while testing their prototype.They also organized execution of animals through electrocution for press in order to ensure that AC current was the extremely dangerous and hence it's use should be stopped at earliest.It is from here the term Electrocution originated.


( Edison laboratory in Melon Park, New Jersey where hundreds of animals which included horses,cats ,dogs and elephants were cruelly electrocuted to discredit the AC system by generating public fear against it owing to it's fatal nature.)

(美国新泽西州Melon Park的爱迪生实验室里,数百种动物,包括马、猫、狗和大象,都被残忍地电死,就为了引起公众对交流电致命性的恐惧,败坏交流电系统的名声。)

The first man to die from electrocution using electric chair was William Kremmler.The sentence was carried out in Aug6,1890.They got a Westinghouse AC generator secretly planted inside the prison to carry out the execution.George Westinghouse tried hard to stop it on the ground that it was inhuman and cruel but all his plea was turned down.


Few words that summaries Thomas Alva Edison :


< i> He was extremely cruel fellow responsible for inhuman killing of men and hundreds of innocent animals in his personal vendetta against Tesla and Westinghouse and their AC system just to prove his point that his DC idea was far better and future promising than the AC.


< ii> No one could be more skilled and competent than Edison in stealing other's ideas and patent and earning credit to own for the work he never did or in which he was never involved .


He was excessively arrogant and ambitious with very little or no respect to others talents and competence ,dreaming to be a single name in the world of electricity and trying hard to pull down everyone who went in support of AC instead of DC.


Thus in my opinion , Edison was not a scientist or inventor at all .He was a man with less or almost no vision,whose only skill was to steal others ideas and claim credit for it and to demean others in the worst possible ways.


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