2021-07-21 Rainslw 25874


Linh NguyenHoang
I am from theNorth (Hanoi) and my girlfriend is from the South (HCM), so I guess I amqualified to answer this question.
Simple, theNortherners don’t give a shit about their Southerncounterparts. They are just people living in a different area in the samecountry. And their accent is just sweet, I mean really sweet, my god.
The Southernerskind of blame every mischief in their life, especially people in Ho Chi MinhCity (Saigon), on the immigrants from the North. Like how many Americans nowblame illegal immigrants from Mexico :).
Why suchattitude does not exist in the North? Well, they have other groups to blame,the 37 & 36 :).
In the end,North or South, they are the same Vietnamese. Same same, but different, as weoften say.

很简单,北方人根本不关心他们的南方同胞们。他们只是生活在同一个国家不同地区的人。他们的口音很好,我是说真的很好听, 天哪!
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Larry Ho
I’m a Southerner
My father saidthis “The further to the further to the North, the colder itgets. This apply for both weather and people”.
We Southernerswere pioneers originally. We were groups of people that throw themself outthere in the wild tropical jungle of the South to find a new place to live andfarm. We fought tigers, aligators, snakes and many other dangers from the wild,but all we had was each other. We consider each other like brothers andsisters. Thus the Southerner is much more open and warm. You will be amaze atthe hospitality of a Southern family. The moment you step into our home, youare a family member (hell, you even expected to help make dinner and washdishes sometime). With this being said, not so much the case in the North tho.They have their guard up way too high and it make them seems fake and cold toward each other.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nhan Lê
Somebully head in here don't think they are Vietnamese. We have a same motherland,Dai Viet, Van Lang. I very hate people who always have one noun: HẬN. Why they want? They don't want to make theeconomy grow up? They always use the rude words to say about some Vietnameseleaders?as Ho Chi Minh? Why they didn’t say that with the thousandsyears enemy of Vietnam, China? They want to make Vietnam better or worst on theeyes of foreigners? They patriotic? Are they Chinese Puppet? I am SouthernVietnamese. I live in Ho Chi Minh city.


Qi Fen
I heard thatVietnam history textbooks describe Chinese as invaders and colonists forthousands of years. If Vietnamese use the same standard to look at the north vssouth relationship, isn't north Vietnam more qualified to be called as invadersand colonists to the South? Aren't the southern Vietnamese supposed to hatenorthern Vietnamese as much as they both hate Chinese?
If use the samestandard in the history textbook regarding Chinese, should southern Vietnamesecall cham and khmer as their ancestors and hate the Vietnam invasion forhundreds of years? Probably the northern Vietnamese should also be included in “Chinese invaders/colonists” for the southerners, because they are the descendantsof earlier “Chinese invaders/colonists”

我听说越南历史教科书把中国人描述成几千年来的侵略者和殖民者。如果越南人用同样的标准来看待南北关系,那么北方不也是吗? 北方人更有资格被称为南方的侵略者和殖民者?难道南越人不应该像他们都讨厌中国人那样恨北越人吗?
如果在历史教科书中对中国人采用同样的评判标准,那么南越人是否应该称查姆和高棉人为祖先,他们痛恨越南长达数百年之久的侵略?可能是 对于南方人来说,北越人也应该被列入“中国侵略者/殖民者”,因为他们是早期“中国侵略者/殖民者”的后裔。

LeRoy Duvall
There was a bitof a brouhaha a few years back after a newspaper/internet article about thisvery question. The gist was: the Vietnamese from the south are lazy and theVietnamese from the north care only about money.
There is boundto be resentment in the south. I have a handicapped friend who lost his legwhile he was in the South Vietnamese army. He gets almost no assistance, and heand his wife survive by selling sodas, beers and bites from a small stand thatthey put up every night on the sidewalk in the town where they live.
When I wasliving in VN, the people who served in the South Vietnamese military arereferred to as traitors (not by the public).

南方一定会有怨恨的。我有一个残疾朋友,他在南越军队服役时失去了一条腿。他几乎得不到任何帮助,他和他的妻子靠出售汽水为生。 他们每天晚上都在小镇的人行道上摆摊售卖汽水、啤酒。

Thuong Tran
As a SouthernVietnamese, I would simply say, nothing. I see them as brothers, people fromthe same motherland. When I think of the North, the first thing that comes tomind to me is their accent, which to me is strange how different it is to theSouth. I live in Rach Gia, Kien Giang Province btw. But other than theiraccent, there is nothing different which I see the North and the South havesignificantly against each other.

作为一个南越人,我想简单地说,什么也没有。我把他们看作兄弟,来自同一个祖国的人。当我想到北方时,我首先想到的是他们的口音 我觉得奇怪的是,它与南方有多大的不同。我住在坚江省的迪石。但除了他们的口音之外,我看北方和南方没有什么不同,基本差不多。

Tung Manh
I am neutraland i don’t think Southern Vietnamese hates Northern Vietnamesebut Many Southerner still dislike the Communists bosses who run Vietnam andbrought them * suffering and blame Northern* stupidity because Vietnam todayhas embraced the way of capitalism and free market.
So did the 2million Vietnamese from both North and South who died in the Vietnam war for ?
And accordingto one of my hardcore anti-communist friend : bloodtrsty false god communism.

我是中立的,我不认为南越人讨厌北越人,但许多南方人仍然不喜欢GCD大佬,他们管理越南,给他们带来痛苦,他们把这归咎于北方人。 因为今天的越南已经接受了资本主义和自由市场的运行方式。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’m not vietnamese, but there is hostility from somesoutherners towards the northerners due to the war that happened sometimes ago.However I don’t think this is a visible problem. Thereare a lot of northerners in the south and vice versa and clothes like the AoDai that originated in the imperial court of Hue, hugely popular in the1960s-70s, finally made its way to the North and was declared a ‘national garment’
Also they dohave a different philosophy of life, a different way of pronouncing Vietnamese(1900 km between Ha Noi and Sai Gon)… Generally Saigon is more laid-back, caresmore about having a high salary, and drinks coffee while Ha Noi is a bitstricter, cares more about high social status , and drinks tea.

我不是越南人,但由于时常发生的战争,一些南方人对北方人怀有敌意。然而,我不认为这是一个突出的问题。有很多生活在南方的北方人,反之亦然,以及起源于20世纪60至70年代广受欢迎的顺化朝廷中的奥黛等服装,最终传播到了北方,并被称为 “民族服装”。

Vietnhi Phuvan
As aSoutherner, I think of Northerners as more conservative and less open mindedthan we are. They are also more tied to tradition. I’d say that after a few centuries of getting marriedwith Khmers, Chinese, Japanese and who knows what, our outlook is a bitdifferent.
I think we aremore daring and more willing to take the chance of falling flat on our face.
I believe thatofficially, Vietnamese is spoken with the Northern accent. Which causes me noend of mirth when some poor Western shmuck who learned Vietnamese with theNorthern accent lands in Saigon :)
I may make funof Northerners once in a while, but I make fun of them as members of theVietnamese family


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