2022-04-12 发电机 28768
Do Koreans believe they have 5000 years history seriously? And what is its authority?


Walter J. Kline
Yes, but I don’t believe them. All of the oldest civilizations began around gigantic rivers. Nile river, Euphrates river and Tigris river, Yellow river and Yangtze river, Indus river are the examples. Curiously, we don’t see this along the Amazon river, I think. Systems of writing, agriculture, and use of metals forged into weapons developed in these regions, and people from there regions were the most powerful people groups. The Koreans did not start out in the Korean peninsula. They started somewhere in present day Northeast China. The huge river basin is not there. But, the Koreans do state that they started out as nomads. Nomad - Wikipedia
They didn’t have their own writing system until 1443, but it is a very efficient writing system. Hangul - Wikipedia

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is the evidence the Koreans cite to assert their 5000 year old history. They center around 2 artifacts. 고인돌, and 한국식 세형동검. These are , Dolmen - Wikipedia and the Bronze age sword. However, these artifacts are also found in many other human culture groups.


Other than that, I don’t think there is a lot of solid evidence. Notably, the Koreans do not have a history that dates back earlier than 57BC. However, the written history book to say so, was written in 1145AD. Samguk sagi - Wikipedia


Although, this book was written with some data that is already existing in Chinese history books, such as Book of the Later Han - Wikipedia. Which was written around 500AD. Although, the Koreans cite that they are mentioned as the Dongyi - Wikipedia in earlier Chinese history records.
I think the evidence is weak.


Mark Johnston, lived in South Korea (2009-2010)
The video in question is a little odd, but not inaccurate.


The Korean peninsula has been continuously populated by humans since the neolithic period and has had a continuous written history since at least 2300BCE. Korea's own history is well corroborated by archaeology, linguistic evidence, and external histories, such as China's and Japan's.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

No one claims that the modern Republic of Korea (or "Democratic" "People's" "Republic" of Korea) dates back 5000 years. The Korean peninsula has been home to many civilizations, kingdoms, and dynasties, each different than the other. The cultures of ancient Korea had different culture, language, and identity than modern Korea, but it's not wrong to think of it as a contiguous civilization.


Andrew Lee, I am Korean
that is a pretty funny and corny video. it says goguryeo’s dream passed down 1000 years, but that country existed 2000 years ago. even China does not have 5000 years history as we cannot really read what those turtle shells of Shang dynasty said. history means recorded in writing. while there are very very early mentions of Korean society in ancient Chinese texts which imply they already had a fairly developed society, they did not however had writing in this time.
Korean imperial civilization, meaning there was a King class, started a little over 2000 years ago, before that Korea was more of a tribal/clan confederacy, very much like the xiongnu/hunnu (proto-mongol) confederacy.

Andrew Lee, 我是韩国人

In this sense, yes Korea has a very long history, with barley carbon dated from 8000 years ago as trade goods from China. much like China, Mongolia, and much of the region, Korea had a very very long continuous line of society.
This is usually what Asian people mean when they say x years of history. also in Asian culture a number, usually big numbers, are not literal, but figurative. for example 100 = a moderate amount 1000 a lot 10,000 = limitless, for example old texts will say “take 100 steps before and after breakfast” they are not saying to actually count 100 steps, it means like 10 - 30 minutes based on how you are feeling, how the weather is, etc. its context based meaning.


so while this sounds ridiculous, if you watch the video they do put dates of kingdoms which are fairly accurate, with the kingdom being a little over 2000 years old which is pretty accurate give or take 100 years.
Confucious was around like 600BC, Korea had a very simple tribal life during this time. records show Koreans enjoyed fishing, going up the mountains to gather foods, had good herbs, and ate salted and fermented foods. Maybe Confucious wanted to live there, maybe he didn’t, I don’t know if there is any record which states that, however Korea was not the warring peoples that plagued what is now China during this time. While this may have been a nice reason for anyone to want to move away, the impliation of the video is rather strange. China was not an enjoyable place for Confucious, probably he would rather have lived anywhere else. and as his home country was right neighboring Korea, it may have been geographical preference to live somehwere without war that is close to his hometown.


I mean this was not an unusual pattern, Li Er (Lao Zi) of Taoism rode an ox over into tibet or mongolia. he was more hermit like than Confucious who endured hardship to change the political structure of the land. if he cared less, like Lao Zi did, he might have rode an ox over to Korea who knows?
in terms of History, a fairly accurate and clear written and well preserved history starts around 100BC-400AD or so. However the history that Korea does have, is very well kept, as they did not have so many turn-overs in power like China did, nor the major shift towards westernization that Japan and China did which saw them burn many many books and historical texts and religious things. Korea kept all those things.
central Asian history like proto-mongolian history is actually longer than China, as they used sandscrit. but records are not plentiful or very good. China has very long history, but lot of it is lost, Korea has less history, but it is well preseved.


Kim Benk, former Esl Teacher(retired)
Answered Fri
A little exagerated but I think at least 4000 years of history in Korea existed. As a Korean kid growing up
I was told that our ancestor was a female bear who became a woman and married a semi-god like figure. Of course it was a folklore myth like the Greeks and the ancient Vietnamese who believed that they were descended from a dragon and a pheonix.
I think because China has 5000 yrs of written history and beyond and Korea used to be part of China about 3,000~4,000 yrs ago. (Not sure when exactly) but then China was consisting many small counries and so was Korea. In the pennsula there used to be 5 different countries and later 3 kingdoms that had wars with one another fot thausands of years. The united Korea took place on,y 2 times and each dynasty lasted about 500 years each until the modern seperation of North and South. So at least 3,000 years of written history. (My family has a family tree book that decorded up to about 3000 years ago in details. I translated some of it and presented to my history teacher in the usa and he was quite surprised to read the chart of my family tree during the past 3,000 years. Our family comes from the 1st of the 9 wives under King Suro but no record beyond him. We still have annual ceremonies with about 5,000 active members among the list of 50,000 descendants.


Charly Lee, former Leader at Samsung Electro-Mechanics (2003-2011)
It’s more than 5000 years. You stupido.
5000 years are even half.
We ruled the whole world already till the 19th century.
Italia, Ostria, Turkey didn’t stab us in the back. May fortune be
with you. God will take care of you. Remember, sons of Romans.
Open your eyes and see who your enemies are.
The Koreans are willing to help your country.
Long lives other Asian countries except for Russia, Japan, China.
Hail Hitler! The true, original suprem Arians will rise again!

Charly Lee,前三星领导
Hail Hitler! 真正的,原始的超现实主义者将再次崛起!

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