2022-02-03 凌☆♂宇 14832

I feel bad for Lü bu, everyone just use him as a tool.


Guan Yu and Zhang Fei should've accepted Lu Bu


I really wish Lu Bu was of loyal character. If he were, today's history of Shu-Han would of had 6 tiger generals instead of 5.


we get it Lui Bei, you are humble and kind but there is a limit. Lu Bu literally just came to you and you instantly wanted to give him everything you have...
i do love Lui Bei but i do hope he changes to be a bit more ambitious and self serving in the future while keeping his kind and noble personality.


Testosterone makes great warriors, but it also stops logical brain function.


Western film producers could learn a lot from this series .


Cao Cao really is just a more capapable Dong Zhuo.


They're trying to portray Cao Cao as "just another power-hungry warlord" who looked down on & disdained Lu Bei's kindhearted nature etc, etc! Yet, Cao Cao was nothing of the sort! Among ALL other types of men, it's those such as Cao Cao who truly know the greater community needed to unite...A STRONG LEADER. Not, a leader defined & enthralled by ideals of "virtue, formality & principle"! Idealist have caused the harm of more people throughout history than ANY other type of leader. Whether, inadvertently or purposely.
Moreover, Cao Cao was trying to unite the realm, in order to stop the bloodshed ASAP. For, unlike Lui Bei, Cao Cao was not saddled by "Virtue, formality & principle". They merely prolong the peoples suffering & the reunification of a community. In fact, idealist are ruining the Americas, Europe, China & much of the rest of the world today!


They really gloss over the fact CaoCao committed genocide in Xu murdering over 100,000 men women and children dumping so many corpses inside the Si river. Cao Cao was a sick bastard.


Liu Bei is truly stupid and annoying in many many ways.


It's really a good impression that Cao Cao puts rice back into the bowl, after he turns it over with anger. (3:56) It wouldn't be commander in chief's moral if he threw away provisions. Very nice. Anger is one, saving provisions is another.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Liu Bei's lack of ambition is what ultimately led to Cao Cao's side winning the 3 kingdom

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

chen gong should've been liu bei's strategist instead, wonder why he didn't side with liu bei seeing as they both have similar goals


I'm really disappointed. DIAO CHAN is supposed to be the prettiest girl of her time .. But the actress who is playing the role .. is JUST AVERAGE LOOKING AT BEST .. They should've casted prettier girl .. some one like liu Yifei to play Diao Chan !!


Liu Pei is no hero. He is a right cunt. He led so many men to their deaths in the name of righteousness and "restoring the Han". He was just a hypocritical selfish b*tch that fools people by crying like a little girl. You will know what I mean in the much later part of the series. He was just another selfish bastard that manipulates people with his tears and so-called morals for his own gain.


Hm....Cao Cao and Liu Bei both respect each other and yet hate each other in a way at the same time. What a complicated yet interesting relationship.

嗯 ....曹操和刘备既相互尊重,又相互仇视。多么复杂而有趣的关系啊。



The actor who played Cao cao's is awesome


Cao Cao: My Emperor, your Kentucky chicken.


That's why cao cao can defeat yuan shao.


Smart people sees the opportunity immediately, while unwise people doesn’t know it at all. Cao Cao controlled the realm instantly after he got the Emperor.


If I were Yuan Shao at this point, I would simply reject the decree and proclaim that Cao Cao is using the Emperor to coerce the lords.
Since he's followed Tian Feng's strategy this far, Yuan Shao may as well gamble everything on it.


Well, this proves that Cao Cao is a patriot. I mean, not even the other members of the Liu family rushed to the Emperor's aid.


This series reflects a lot on the mindsets of China. While being riddled with historical stories, the ideas conveyed can interestingly enough still be found in big parts of Asia, not just China itself. To put the country above all else, to bring honor to the realm if you will. Here in the west, we have developed a different mindset. we value the individuum.


man this emperor just keeps getting fucked over poor guy.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The Emperor: "In times of need, a loyal subject is found!"
Cao Cao: "Uh, yeah. Sure."


When i say it's noon, then it's noon. Who cares what you say?! Lol, like a boss


I feel pretty bad for The Emperor, he had been puppet since he was born...


Anyhow, so with that said, I want to recognize what an incredible moment it is for Cao Cao to bring chicken soup as tribute to the emperor. It shows his courage and wisdom. He understands what the Emperor has gone through and, while following traditional forms when appropriate to show respect, recognizes the time to break from tradition and follow pragmatism.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Honestly, Liu Xie wasn't even treated all that badly when he was forced to relocate the Imperial Court to Xuchang. While it's true that Cao Cao used the Emperor to make edicts and laws, he never flagrantly abused this power with sincerity and infact used many resources and laws to better the lives of the peasants. The Emperor was still treated vastly better than any peasants or even most nobles when it came to his lifestyle as he was permitted a grand residence, was able to live in overall comfort that most lesser nobles would be green with envy towards, and was always kept fed.


I wonder why Xun Yu pursued Cao cao as someone who is so loyal to the Han court.. Has he not find out the ambitions Cao cao has?


Honestly China would have been so much better off if those three worked together and Cao Cao handled military affairs, Liu Bei took care of domestic matters and Sun Quan was in charge of internal disputes and the Navy. They would have created a dynasty that wouldn't have been whooped by a few barbarians in a couple hundred years.


I guess in that era, living itself is the greatest blessing already... At least the Han emperor meant something and did not die here


You can see the difference between Cao Cao and Dong Zhup at 29:20 when Cao Cao hands over his sword before approaching the Emperor. Dong Zhuo wore his sword in the Palace and the Emperor, openly showing contempt for the Imperial Court and his Liege Lord, making no effort to hide the truth about who was in charge. Even though Cao Cao is manipulating the Emperor in the same way as Dong Zhuo, he's far more intelligent, so he behaves respectfully before the Emperor while still making it clear that he's really in charge.




Liu Bei and Guan Yu are a couple and Zhang Fei is their out of control adopted son


"Brother, I'll do anything for you so long as you dont forbid me tondrink"
The first rule is no wine!!!


Lu Bu is totally out of his element when it comes to strategic thinking, he is only able to see things in short term gain or loss, but not in the grand scheme. It's no wonder he didn't survive the era.


Damn this show is addicting...


Liu Bei: "You must protect Xuzhou with your life. To do so, follow these rules: 1. Don't get drunk........"
Descxtion: "Zhang Fei gets drunk and loses Xuzhou." Haha!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Zhang Fei: If I can't guard Xuzhou, you can kill me
Me: but that means all three of you will die, right?


I will give you 3 rules!
Do not get drunk! (Everyone chugs hundreds of barrels)
No temper tantrums (Finds out one of his soldiers is Lu Bu's cousin)
Do not beat soldiers! (Beats him to a pulp, making Lu Bu furious)


Liu bei spoils Zhang fei.. A lot, in this version


For all we know, Liu Bei knew that it was suicidal to be the Governor of Xuzhou because he is right in between Cao Cao and Yuan Shu who both have at least 200,000 troops. So he instructed Zhang Fei to enact this whole deal where they will loose the City intentional to Lu Bu and let him get killed by either Cao Cao or Yuan Shu in the end. Surely enough that is what happened in the end.


Lui Bei always knew Cao Cao wanted Xu province. He also knew Lu Bu and Chen Gong plotted to take it. He also knew Zhang Fei irrational and easily manipulated. That's why he left Zhang Fei there. As he planned, Lu Bu took over Xu province. Lui Bei is one cunning mofer.


True but Zhang Fei blatantly violated Liu Bei's rules not to drink or beat his men. He's done that several times which led to his assassination in the end.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 5