2021-09-16 滨崎澈 16085
Why is national independence so important?


Anand Nyamdavaa, Worked in Development Field
Consider my country Mongolia. It’s located between China and Russia. Two of the biggest countries in the world, they also possess the biggest militaries in the world. No other country in the world can attack Mongolia, as they would have to go through either Russia or China. So in this situation one might ask, why is independence important for Mongolia?


Mongolia suffered two hundred years under Manchu rule and seventy years under Soviet unx. What we lost:


Lineage tree: Due to these occupations, Mongolians lost our lineage tree and history. Before, every family could, based on their books, tell at least 9 previous generations. We were able to say if we came from Chinggis Khan ancestry or not.
Language: during soviet occupation, our written system was abolished. We followed the more “modern” Cyrillic alphabet.
in both occupations freedom fighters and people who advocated independent policy were arrested and shot.
Chinggis khan and his legacy was forbidden to study during communism
Religion: Buddhism (lamaism) was introduced into Mongolia to pacify warlike Mongols


So what have we learned from this? If you want your culture, language and traditions to remain with you, keep your country independent. We have a great saying:
“Миний нутгийн газар шорооноос бурхан гуйсан ч бүү өг”.
“if god comes to you and asks for some dirt from your land, don't give it”
Meaning that your country, your motherland is more important than anything else. Btw its also motto of our Border Guards…


Azat Abdulkerim Mutellip
Mongolia was never a part of the Soviet unx and was never occupied. It had Soviet army stationed though…
The communist government made great effort to reduce Buddhist influence. Also it was introduced during the Yuan dynasty, several centuries before the Manchu occupation.
Chinggis Khagan was taught in history books as a part of the long Mongolian history. Communist Russia didn't dedicate a whole book to Ivan IV and Alexander Nevsky and communist China didn't talk about Li Shimin and Ying Zheng that often. They tend to focus more on the history of the common folks - the ordinary people that worked, died, and served under the great leaders and conquerors.
Cyrillic alphabets was introduced when the majority was illiterate and an obsolete Uyghur scxt with sets of special rules and exceptions isn’t generally suitable for the progress the People's Party tried to make in a short time follow by rapid industrialization.
While tribal structure is an important part of the Mongolian heritage it also is a hierechy dictated by the feudal ruling class, Tajis, Wangs and Khans.


Steven Burton
You skipped the part were Mongolia had China under its rule.


Anand Nyamdavaa
well the question was about independence


Katakam Manas Teja, Top Writer 2017 , 2018
I come from a country that suffered a herculean colonial exploitation which lasted for about 1.7 Centuries;
India , the Jewel of the Crown of imperial Britain.
Now when we look back into history, India had always been the Global Powerhouse of the World and had a lion’s share of the World GDP for most of the history.
The share of the Indian GDP in the world was about 25% when the British set foot on the shores of India in 1700s


And half way through their administration [ or say maladministration] , the GDP share was halved, i.e. around 12.5 %
And when they finally left , the share of the Indian GDP fell into a bottomless pit- an abysmal 4%
So while the British consolidated their position as a Global Superpower, they left India in complete tatters.
Share of world GDP throughout history by Dave Drabble - Infogram
Now, let us look at the loss of human lives during the famines caused due to the benevolent British Administration.


A staggering 50 Million Indians perished while the British minted money, mined and shipped away the Indian resources in between 1770–1942.
Timeline of major famines in India during British rule - Wikipedia
Now, I hope it is understood why National Independence is important .


Hridith Sudev (ഹൃദിത് സുദേവ് ), A dedicated lover of history for twelve years
As an Indian I am saddened to refer to my country as ‘India’, an English name derived from Indus River which in turn comes Arabic Hindus, which is a poor translation of the river’s actual indigenous name Sindhu.
Despite having 22 official scheduled languages and around 1,550 dialects, I have to name my Motherland in a foreigner’s language BECAUSE We were not independent for a solid 200 years. This is what colonialism does. No matter who or how good, the colonizer is, it destroys the individuality of the colonized peoples.
That is why National Independence is so important.
To preserve the integral sense of who you truly are.

作为一个印度人,我真的不想称呼自己的国家为“India”,这个英文名源自“Indus River”(印度河),而Indus又源于阿拉伯语的“Hindus”,而这个翻译是很差劲的,因为这条河流的固有名字是Sindhu。

Orlando Barrios, works at Miskatonic University
Why is national independence so important?
Because, in the end, people (you & your fellow nationals) prefer to be screwed by your own than be screwed by foreign forces that want to impose their own rules on you and steal your wealth.
Of course, that doesn’t mean ‘your own’ won’t steal your wealth, too… :)


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