2021-12-25 UP机器人 11617
These Ancient Chinese Food Hacks Will Keep You Cool This Summer


Licheng Zhang
you can add dried jujube to 'Lü Dou Tang', which will provide a bit sweetness. what's more, you can make red bean soup(Hong Dou Tang) in the same way, and red bean soup is much more sweet.

你可以在绿豆汤中加入干枣,这样会有一点甜味。 另外,你可以用同样的方法做红豆汤 ,红豆汤更甜。

Holy crap, green tea with osthmanthus flowers is like my absolute favorite. It adds such a wonderful subtle flavor. I can just imagine all the herbaceous and fruity notes mixing so well in that drink. I'm so envious of your access to less common ingredients.

我的天啊,桂花茶是我的最爱。 它增添了微妙的味道。 我可以想象所有的草本植物和水果的味道在饮料中混合得如此之好。 我真羡慕你能弄到不常见的原料。

I find my hibiscus flowers (dried) in stores that sell bio stuff and very nature based things (in belgium) they're absolutely amazing and you can find them without other tea leaves or stuff mixed into it, pure hibiscus flowers :D

我在比利时出售生物制品和天然材料的商店找到了木槿花(干燥的),真是太棒了,你可以找到没有其他茶叶或东西混合在一起的纯木槿花: d
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yve W
man I remember my grandma who's chinese told me not to eat too much mandarins because they're "hot". but then the skin of mandarins are "cold" lol

我记得我的中国奶奶告诉我不要吃太多的橘子,因为它们是“热性”食物。 但是橘子皮是“寒性的”,哈哈

Cynthia C

“汤” technically means a light soup (so, mung ‘green’ bean soup, sour plum soup) but the concentration is totally adjustable. Also: mung-bean ice cream is also a thing (strangely very popular), but tastes *weird*.
汤是指清汤(绿豆汤,酸梅汤) ,但浓度是完全可调的,还有: 绿豆冰淇淋也是一种奇怪地非常受欢迎的东西,但味道怪异。

Foreinscorp z
Indonesia had their own version to mung bean soup too, but it was slightly different than this recipe. Probably was brought by chinese immigrants

印度尼西亚也有他们自己的版本的绿豆汤,但略有不同于这个食谱。 可能是中国移民带来的。
蕤宾 夏
Actually,in ancient China,汤Tang meant hot water.But now it ususlly refers to soup.However, you can still find it refers to original meaning in some Chinese ancient articles,old sayings or Japanese

Real Life with Maliha
We have this concept in Pakistan too!


av ley
I can not express enough of how much I appreciate ur content. From the way its edited to how informativ it is i m so glad i found ur channel a while ago. Gerade der fakt dass du aus deutschland bist und dabei noch einem international publikum ansprichst und dinge teils die du von der welt kennst macht dich und dein kanal unglaublich interresant und genial. Keep up tje amazing work and always looking forward to ur videos

我无法表达我是多么欣赏你的内容。 从它的编辑方式到信息量,我很高兴我找到了你的频道。 你来自德国,吸引着国际观众,你和你的频道非常有趣和精彩。继续你出色的工作,一直期待着你的视频。

Luis C
I think the concept you're referring to is kind of similar to "inflammation" or "anti-inflammatory" that different foods cause. Which regulates the body. Or some part of it at least. Correct me if I am wrong

我认为你提到的概念有点类似于不同的食物引起的“炎症”或“消炎” 。 它调节身体,或者至少是其中的一部分。 如果我说错了请纠正我。

Jun Meng
Drinking cold drinks in summer time is a very bad habit although it's delicious. Sorry.


Mengxiao Wen


T.Cobb’s Eats
Andong, thank you for sharing these recipes! I'll definitely need to make the Sour Plum Drink this week!

安东,谢谢你分享这些食谱! 这个星期我一定要做酸梅饮料。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You lived in shanghai? When? which school did you go to?

你在上海生活过? 什么时候? 你在哪所学校上学?

Z jaker
In the records of traditional Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum and mung beans can make people's internal organs cool.


Maleesa Phommavongsay
Love this!


Harry Shou
Crab is really really really cold. I just had 2 crabs for dinner, I'm having diarrhea now >_<

螃蟹真的真的真的是寒性的。 我刚吃了两只螃蟹,现在拉肚子了。

nonie nandya
Hey andong, i love your vids! Btw, about mungbean.. Since i live in s.e.a, this particular bean are so cheap but important : essentials because of its nutrition. Its a must food for an expectant mother, good for fight againts malnutrition, plus..the baby will born with beautiful thick hair.

嘿,安东,我喜欢你的视频! 顺便说说绿豆,因为我住在东南亚,这种豆子很便宜但很重要: 是必需品,因为它的营养。 对于准妈妈来说,这是必不可少的食物,有助于对抗营养不良,另外,宝宝出生时会有一头浓密的秀发。

Try to cook it with coconut palm sugar (if u have it) and coconut milk. Yummy porridge for afternoon, or... Like My mom did : she used to make it as ice (ice cream substitutes) in plastic bag, as a treat for us, children with sweet tooth. Actually there are big ice cream company make this particular ice cream. And mung bean tea in carton packs too.

试着用椰子棕榈糖(如果你有的话)和椰奶来烹饪。 下午的美味粥,或者... ... 就像我妈妈做的那样: 她过去常把它装在塑料袋里做成冰淇淋的替代品,作为我们这些喜欢吃甜食的孩子们的美食。 实际上,有一家大型冰淇淋公司专门生产这种特殊的冰淇淋。 还有盒装绿豆茶。

I guess the concept you're talking about is if the food/drinks makes you "shang/qu huo"?

我猜你说的概念是,是否食物或饮料让你“上 / 去火” ?

Myno Kade
I live in Vietnam and we do follow that hot and cold concept. The "hot" foods do cause canker sore in your mouth, pimple and acne, at least that is my experience.

我生活在越南,我们确实遵循这个寒热的概念。 “热性的”食物确实会引起口腔溃疡,粉刺和痤疮,至少这是我的经验。

Puvendran Pillay
Where do i find a Chinese herb and spice store in Berlin?


Customised Chinese cleaver! The dream! Also suanmeitang is delicious and now I have to make it.


It would be immensely helpful if you would add the Chinese signs for the ingredients. I have a decent Chinese supermarket in my area, but unless I show him the correct signs, we almost never find the correct ingredients.

如果你能在配料上加上中文标识,那将非常有帮助的。 我家附近有一家不错的中国超市,但除非我给他看正确的标识,否则我们几乎找不到正确的原料。

For the Suan Mei Tang, did you source everything in a Asian supermarket, or the dried fruits elsewhere online, or in a German store? Would love to here where you can buy such stuff (online) in Germany. Thanks in advance!

对于酸梅汤的食材,你是在亚洲超市,其他地方的网上还是德国商店购买的所有干果? 想在德国这里(网上)买到这样的东西。 提前感谢!

qingtian xiang
When I was a child I didn’t like to eat Lü dou Tang so much. But now in Berlin I really badly miss it. : (

当我还是个孩子的时候,我不太喜欢绿豆汤。 但是现在在柏林,我真的很想念。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think hot food is foods that can caused you to have inflammation of some sort/increase your body heat if you eat it too much and cool foods don't; at least that's how I understand it. It's true to me though, like if I eat Lychee, rambutan, lengkeng too much, I usually will got inflammation in my throat.

我认为热性食物会导致某种炎症,如果你吃得太多会增加你的体温,而凉性食物不会,至少我是这么理解的。 这对我来说是真的,就像如果我吃荔枝,红毛丹太多,我通常会喉咙发炎。

Chrysanthemum is said to have an effect of calming you down and make you more relax; by being relax and calm, the heat won't bother us too much. Mung beans have a lot of nutrients needed by body to support our body in excessive heat temperature.

据说菊花能使你凉下来,使你更加放松; 通过放松和平静,炎热不会对我们造成太大的困扰。 绿豆含有人体所需的大量营养物质,以支持我们在过热温度中的身体。

I love learning about faraway cultures. I've been making a native American drink, I think from Ecuador, called refresco de avena. It's oats, cardamom pods, lime zest and turbinado sugar steeped at room temp for an hour and strained. It's delicious with a squirt of lime juice.

我喜欢学习远方的文化。 我一直在做一种美国本土的饮料,我想是来自厄瓜多尔,叫做 refresco de avena。 燕麦,豆蔻荚,柠檬皮和砂糖在室温下浸泡一个小时,过滤。 加上一点酸橙汁很美味。

What about coconut ?


changjiang ma

Even the Chinese army serve ludoutang(绿豆汤)every meal during the summer,well guys don‘t tell trump about this.

I'll stick to ice cream.


Samiksa Love
Persians also have this hot and cold idea :) Thank you for your awesome videos Brother Andong! <3

波斯人也有这种寒热的概念 :) 谢谢你的精彩视频,安东兄弟!

Luyao Hou
Add some lily bulbs into the lü dou tang can probably cool yourself even more


Sean Hunter
omg i love Suan mei tang. so delicious


Harsh Raj
India also has the same concept about heat of food items. From what I get, it is about how the food reacts when inside stomach. Fruits like Mango are considered cold when raw and considered hot when ripe....foods with laxative effects are more likely to be considered hot and vice versa...

印度对食品也有同样的概念。 在我看来,这是关于食物在胃里是如何反应的。 像芒果这样的水果在生的时候被认为是寒性的,成熟的时候被认为是热性... ... 有泻药作用的食物更有可能被认为是热性,反之亦然。

Carl Johnson
In my college . My friend argue about cooking . And I ask him what happening . And he just ignore my question and said to people around . This what he said : See ? He it's Asia and he is Chineses . Every Chinese know how to Cook . They born to cook . Don't ask me Why I don't know how to cook except making Sandwich .

在我的大学里, 我的朋友为烹饪争论不休。 我问他发生了什么事。 他无视我的问题,对周围的人说, 这就是他所说的: 看到了吗? 他是亚洲人,他是中国人。 每个中国人都知道如何烹饪。 他们天生就是做饭的料。 别问我为什么,我除了做三明治之外不会做饭。

And that it's what he said . After few weeks and I still don't know what happened . And they forgot what happen that time . Just like there it's nothing happen .

他就是这么说的。 过了几个星期,我仍然不知道发生了什么。 他们忘记了那次,就像什么都没发生一样。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So many chinees cousine. Maybe some russian meals? Если не ты, то я сделаю свой канал. Лайк

这么多中国菜, 来点俄罗斯菜怎么样?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Popo Fan
what? you have your custom made knife???!!!! can I borrow it to kill and cook the people I hate?
Bowman C.Basically the standard for hot and cold is when you eat too much of something, are you more likely to get “cold feeling in the intestines that result in watery bowel movement.” Or “burning sensation in your throat and nose with inflammation.”

基本上,衡量寒热的标准是,当你吃太多东西时,你是否更有可能“肠道感觉冷,从而导致腹泻” 或者“喉咙和鼻子有烧灼感,伴有炎症。”

R Chiong
I've actually never heard it called Lü Dou Tang,


o Nova
2:34 he said to add vinegar, to keep the green of the beans. I know that the green in plants often comes from chlorophyll in the chloroplasts. In that there's complexation of a Mg ion, so adding H+ (acids, would disrupt it ?)

他说要加点醋,让绿豆保持绿色。 我知道植物中的绿色通常来自叶绿体中的叶绿素。 因为有镁离子的络合作用,所以加入 h + (酸,会破坏它?)

gouji Berry is super hot thing, i can't handle it in hot summer,it makes my throat uncomfortable.


Shan Lian
in the Mung bean porridge, they usually put in some bits of white gourd candy with sugar pickled mandarin peel Julienne(in green and red to make it more appealing)


Pickles Sour
in Cantonese we call it yeet-hay which kinda translates to hot-air meaning certain foods such as fried foods can cause "yeet-hay" so to counter balance that we consume foods that are less oily or fried. a popular drink in my family would be to brew some goji berries, jujube, and dried logan. A drop of honey or rock sugar to sweeten if desired.

在广东话中,我们把它叫做上火,某些食物,比如油炸食品,会导致“ 上火” ,这样我们就可以摄入油腻或油炸程度较低的食物来平衡。 我们家最受欢迎的饮料就是泡枸杞,红枣,还有龙眼干。一滴蜂蜜或冰糖,如果需要的话,可以使其变甜。

Chinese people believe in a lot of foods have healing properties. My mom believes that the drink can help with tiredness.

中国人相信很多食物都有治病的功效。 我妈妈认为这种饮料可以缓解疲劳。

theuglykwan The uglykwan
It might slightly help with tiredness because jujubes nourish the blood.


Pickles Sour
@theuglykwan Ah yeah! that's what it was. I had told my mom about me feeling nauseous at times, eye lid would twitch, and sometimes see stars.

啊,耶! 就是这样。 我告诉妈妈我有时觉得恶心,眼皮会抽搐,有时还会看到星星

milan philip
We here in Kuwait we gonna reach 68° c


Jerry Wan
Hey bro., you are really great. I want to know you live in China before. You do that is hundred percent Chinese style.

嘿,兄弟,你真的很棒。 我知道你以前住在中国。 你的做法是百分之百的中国风格。

Aï Sonck

where is 莲子?and 百合?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Zoe Cui
You need to stop revealing our ancient Chinese secrets, like eating watermelon in Summer......

你不能再泄露我们古老的中国秘密了,比如夏天吃西瓜... ..

Vladimir Chung
Here is an other receipe of Lu Dou Tang, same ingredients as yours, in addition some common rue and kelp (sea tangle). 200g of Mungbean, 2of common rue, 80g of kelp.

这是绿豆汤的另一个做法,和你的一样,还加一些常见的芸香和海带。 200克绿豆,2克芸香,80克海带。

Prepare: Wash mungbeans and put it in water about 1hour to soften the bean. Clean the common rue. If you use dry kelp, put it into water and wait for soften. When kelp is softened ,take it out and slice it like bang bang noodles.

准备: 洗净绿豆,放入水中约1小时,软化绿豆。 清洁芸香。 如果你使用干海带,把它放入水中软化。 海带软化后,取出切丝,就像面条一样。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cook: Heat 2L water to boil than put these ingredients into boil water. Then the same process as your Lu Dou Tang.

烹饪: 将2升水加热至沸腾,然后将这些材料放入沸水中。 就像你做绿豆汤一样的过程。

My Name Is Andong
Sounds like some Guangdong style lü dou tang! Very interested about the kelp :)

听起来像是广东风味的绿豆汤! 对海带非常感兴趣:)

Vladimir Chung
@My Name Is Andong yes ,it is Cantonese style


I've never heard of common rue before, what is it called in Chinese?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vladimir Chung

@theuglykwan some people call it “芸香”, but in Guangdong we call it “臭草”
有人叫它“芸香” ,但在广东我们叫它“臭草”

Ben Louis
Some Chinese drink beer to cool down. Simple

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jnc Chang
Awesome!!! I need to replay the sour plum tea, cuz I had no idea how complex it is to make this. So shrimp, crab, watermelon needs alot of water to survive. Ergo, cooling. Things in trees and need alot of sun are hot??? (Maybe??? I don't have it all down myself.) Ginger is warming.

太棒了! 我需要重播酸梅茶视频,因为我不知道做这个有多复杂。 虾,蟹,西瓜需要大量的水才能生存,因此是凉性的。 树上的东西需要很多阳光是热性的? (也许是吧? 我自己没有全部记录下来。) 生姜让人变暖。

Matthew Chen
As a Chinese, I really enjoy your video. I hope you will do more videos about Chinese food. However, I want to know about your family background. Are you Ethnic German from the former Soviet unx? I know several ethnic Germans from the former Soviet unx that uses the law of return program to move to Germany.

作为一个中国人,我真的很喜欢你的视频。 我希望你们能制作更多关于中国食物的视频。 不过,我想知道你的家庭背景。 你是来自前苏联的德裔吗? 我认识几个来自前苏联的德国人,他们利用回归法案移居德国。

Regina Ye
I am Chinese and can confirm these are real summer recipes my mom would make.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Minh Nguyen
We also have this concept in my country. However, for us, watermelon is 'hot', even though it tastes 'cool'

我们国家也有这个概念。 然而,对我们来说,西瓜是“热性的” ,即使它尝起来是“凉的”。
.....酸梅汤的秘方都搞来了~~~~我的天~~~~ .

很赞 0