2021-12-26 rumor四起 9314
Why do Europeans seem to think they are so much better than America?


Mark Fortner, works at Aspen Biosciences
Well, let’s see:
No one goes bankrupt from a cancer diagnosis there. Everyone has access to healthcare.
The quality of the educational systems aren’t tied to where you live. You can get an outstanding education pretty much anywhere. In Germany, you can get a PhD without taking out student loans — higher education is either low-cost or free. Which means that your potential as a human being is greater. Admittedly, people come here looking for the Great American dream, the ability to achieve more than your parents and grandparents. But that’s difficult to do without getting into debt, and without the proper qualifications, it’s very difficult to get the job you want, and to fulfill the dreams that you have. Educational debt also means delaying or foregoing purchasing that first house, and/or delaying having kids. Since so much of our economy is tied to home ownership, that has real repercussions. And delaying or not having children, means that we have a falling birth rate, and that we could end up like Japan, having a society whose birth rate has fallen below the replacement rate. You have an aging population that can’t be supported.
Which brings me to child care. Without quality, low-cost child care it’s difficult (if not impossible) for people to look for work, seek advancement, have fulfilling careers. Even if you have a great job, most jobs do not provide child care, and do not provide paid time off when you have a child. Without that early bonding, the family structure is strained. You have greater incidences of child neglect, divorce, emotional and psychological problems and crime. And if you don’t have the support you need to raise your family, you may decide not to have one (which brings me back to my earlier point). You just don’t see those kinds of problems to the same extent we see them in the US.

在欧洲人们不会 因为得了癌症就破产。大家都有医保。
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

For whatever reason, we can’t seem to invest in infrastructure. Which means we have aging highways that are falling apart and crammed with cars. Passenger trains that compete with freight for the same rail lines, resulting in delays. In Europe, it’s much easier to get around without a car. In the US, the further West you go, the less infrastructure you have. Which means you sit for hours in your car commuting, rather than sitting in a train or a bus, getting your workday started by answering emails, reading and generally stressing out less.


Rudi Pan
I’ve never heard Europeans say that they are better than Americans. What I do hear them say is that they have it better than Americans; more rights, more freedom, better living standard, better food, better education, better roads, etc.


Lea Sing, lives in Germany
upxed Sep 14
First, I want to say that I don’t in no way want to generalize Americans. I know not all of them are delusional or uneducated. I am going to answer from a German point of view, since you can’t generalize all of Europe either.
So why do Europeans (in general) think they are better than America?
Americans don’t have a proper healthcare system. In most European countries, you can actually allow yourself to get sick without getting broke within a couple of months.
Americans don’t have a good education system. I am from Germany, and I have to admit, we also have a really shitty education system, but it is nothing compared to the American one. You know something went wrong when a university student almost failed her class because her professor thought Australia was a continent, not a country (Professor Didn’t Think Australia Was A Country, Almost Failed Student Who Pushed Back).
The US gun laws are a joke. It is ridiculous that it is possible for any civilian to buy a gun or even a rifle at wallmart. No tests to determine if the person might be mentally unstable, no license, nothing. Children are getting shot at school, and what does the US government do? Sending “prayers” to the survivors.


A good-for-nothing political system. What do Americans expect from a two-party system with one party being a shitfest of far-right neo-nazis? Both parties do shit for the average citizen and lie their ways into office. Americans have no choice. They can’t vote for the good option, just the less bad one. Meanwhile, most European nations have multiple parties to choose from, with very different interests. Sure, there are also parties on the extreme left or right, but atleast these aren’t the only options to choose from.
Americans pretend they are the best country in the world. Yes, this is a reason why Europeans think they are better. Despite all the obvious things the US is worse, if not even one of the worst at, they still claim they are superior to anyone else. This just makes Americans a huge laughing stock for Europeans.
Last, but not least, it was Americans who elected Trump as their president. After the presidential election of 2016, you can’t really blame anyone anymore for saying they are better than the USA.


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