2019-10-25 大司空 33775
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原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why doesn''''''''t the USA look like the largest economy in the world when I travel there? China''''''''s top cities look even more advanced than American.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:大司空 转载请注明出处
1.Geoffrey Widdison,曾在5个国家生活过,去过十一个国家。

Looking advanced, in modern times, is usually defined by mega-projects, like skyscrapers, high speed trains, and fancy looking airports.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Americans just don’t like paying for those.


Here’s the thing, skyscrapers are a perfect example. In most situations, skyscrapers just aren’t economically warranted. The payback you get on the (fairly massive) investment is generally smaller than you could get by investing in something else. Unless you have a real reason to want huge amounts of floor space in a very expensive real estate environment (which happens, but is not especially common), it makes a lot more sense to build closer to the ground. Many companies in the US build campuses a little ways away from dense city centers, rather than skyscrapers downtown. They do that because American companies tend to be relentlessly pragmatic, and the dollars flow to whatever’s most profitable.


So, why do other countries build that vast infrastructure? There are a number of reasons. Different rules and cheaper labor may make those kinds of buildings more justified elsewhere. In many cases, at least some of the money is provided or incentivized by governments, who are less concerned with economic justification. But the biggest reason, to my perception, is that the big buildings aren’t about what makes financial sense, it’s about image. A huge, distinct building is a symbol of a company’s power, and an advertisement to the whole world.


America’s kind of gotten away from that. There was a time when we did the same thing. A lot of Manhattan’s skyline was built in an earlier era in which companies competed to have taller buildings than their competitors. It was about pride and image more than about money. But we’ve more or less gotten over that.


American culture tends to value practicality. Here’s an example:


Warren Buffet,World’s third richest man, and he lives in a house that any comfortable middle-class American might live in.


Now, I don’t want to give the impression that wealthy Americans don’t actually spend money on expensive things (sometimes very expensive things), nor do I mean to suggest that conspicuous consumption doesn’t exist in the US. If an American flaunts his wealth, it’s broadly seen less as a power move than a disgusting attempt by a clueless guy to feel good about himself. We tend to laud and respect wealthy people who are publicly seen to be living simply.


When American billionaires spend lots of money, they generally do it in ways that are visible to themselves and their immediate social circle. Trying to look rich to the world at large is seen as largely gauche.

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And the same applies to companies. In some countries, a large company will try to emphasize its history of power and prominence. In America, by contrast, we love our myth of the meritocracy: the scrappy underdog fighting his way up from the bottom with sheer grit and determination. Companies are far more likely to emphasize their founders starting from nothing (especially if they started in a garage, we love companies starting in a garage). And they’ll go out of their way to seem approachable and down-to-earth. That’s why Google, despite being worth three-quarters of a trillion dollars, isn’t building massive skyscrapers. They build very nice looking but unintimidating buildings, usually tucked way in tree-lined campuses that are far more concerned with being nice and comfortable on the inside than looking triumphant and prominent on the outside.


And I’m not trying to suggest that America has it right and other countries have it wrong. Our national fixation on the appearance of modesty and humility carries its own problems. But that’s what drives us.


Looking impressive, and advanced, costs a lot of money. Americans, as a group, just aren’t interested in spending money on that. We’d rather accumulate wealth and spend it on other stuff.



2.Luke Cillessen,堪萨斯州立大学机械工程专业
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is Shanghai in China. This is the number 1 city in China, minus Hong Kong, with an Economic output per year of $471 billion dollars.This is a very beautiful city with more than 126 skyscrapers, and tipping the scale to over 24 million inhabitants. It is home to multiple large national banks, and to hundreds of businesses such as SAIC motors, PanAn, and Musical.ly. Shanghai is also one of the fastest growing cities in the world, with a nominal GDP growth of 6.9% as compared to 2016. Millions of people head to Shanghai for work and for tourism, with a massive 2,446sq miles of space to visit. Shanghai is a massive city and looks very much developed. With tons of high rise buildings and having dozens of high profile businesses and banks setting up shop in Shanghai, it’s no wonder why this is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Now onto an American place.


This *city* even though it is not an official city, has a GDP of over $500 billion dollars a year GDP 2017, is home to just around 3 million people and is considered the tip of the spear for human innovation. This little area is around 20 square miles in total and is the location of choice for many high profile businesses such as Apple, Google, Facebook, Wells Fargo, Visa, Chevron, AMD, HP, and Tesla just to name a few. Any guesses on where this place is? Well this little place is known as Silicon Valley, which is the majority of the San Francisco Bay Area. This might beg questions such as,


Why aren’t there high rise buildings?


Why do so few people live here?


How can a place with 12% of the population and less than 1% the area of Shanghai produce nearly $30 billion dollars worth of economic output more?

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Well, looks can be very very deceiving. The notion that a place must have high rise buildings or a large population in order to be considered “developed” is a false idea and where this idea is struck down very quickly when you compare two of the greatest places on earth. You must look at the inner workings of each city, and just because you can put on a good show, doesn’t necessarily translate over into a large GDP or economic output.


We associate “developed” with things that look straight out of a sci-fi movie. With tall buildings, lights, and vastness. In order to tell how developed places are, we must look to the HDI scale or Human Development Index. Currently, America has an HDI of 0.924 while China has an HDI of 0.758.

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I am living in New York right now. Moved into the city less than a month ago. So, take it for what it is worth. Before I moved here New York was my dream city in the USA. I lived in San Antonio and have been to Dallas nad Houston several times.


But as soon as I landed in JFK I lost all my enthusiasm. Roads aren''''''''t good and there is trash every where (not on the level of some parts of India but it is extreme to what I have seen in the south). I am from India, I moved for my education into USA two and half years ago. Indian cities are by no means modern. There are newer parts of the cities that look way better than some cities USA but it''''''''s limited to certain modern purposefully redeveloped parts. But I didn''''''''t like how cities operate in USA. You can''''''''t go anywhere without a car. I lived in a small town with less than 20000 people and you need to walk 2 to 3 miles to go get some groceries. Public transportation is worst when compared to other less developed countries. Intercity public transport is almost invisible outside northeast and few parts. You can''''''''t use airplanes everywhere.


But it is how they build their cities, around the car. And they have less people to build the cities for. Except for northeast, rest of the country is very sparsely populated. So, you don''''''''t find the dense infrastructure like in India or China. So, it is very easy to conclude newly built Chinese cities are more modern, but I don''''''''t think people want to live in this city long term. I don''''''''t want to be in NYC for more than a year. If I get a chance I want to move into a less chaotic place.


In a single sentence, Chinese cities are more dense and newer than American or European counterparts.


PS. I''''''''m not saying India is comparable to China, so Chinese keyboard warriors please don''''''''t shit on me in the replies. I get hatred that is almost uncalled for from the Chinese netizens when ever I give my opinion. God knows why.


4.Alex Piascik
There are many examples outside of China as well. This is the Moscow International Business Center, their new central business district:


Beautiful, isn’t it? But does it paint an accurate picture of the Russian economy as a whole? Let’s look at some numbers.


Nominal G.D.P. of the Moscow Metropolitan area is around $250 billion, roughly $20,000 per person. If you adjust for purchasing power, Moscow’s GDP per person shoots up to over $50,000, due to the steep decline of the ruble’s nominal value relative to the dollar recently. This is a high number and indicates a first-world level of economic output.


That doesn’t mean, however, that all of Russia is at this level.


It is still below the per capita G.D.P. of the United States (~$62,000) and far below most large American cities, including:


· New York ($85,000 per capita; $1.7 trillion total)


· Seattle ($92,000)


· San Francisco ($106,000)

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· San Jose ($138,000)


· Chicago ($72,000)


· Atlanta ($67,000)


In Detroit, the city that has more scorn heaped on it than any other, it is just under the national average ($61,000). All those pictures of urban blight taken within the city of Detroit do not necessarily indicate the wealth being produced throughout the Detroit metro area. Go outside of the city limits & you’ll find many nice suburbs, office parks, and shopping centers.


Russia’s total nominal G.D.P. is around $1.5 Trillion, less than 8% of the U.S. ($20.4 trillion, nominal). Purchasing power increases this figure to around $4 trillion. In Russia, the ruble retains much of its’ buying power, but because its’ exchange value is low, imports have become much more expensive. Most Russians today are doing O.K., but they don’t have the buying power of the average American, which derives from the astounding amount that the American economy produces each year, part of which goes back to employees in the form of salaries & benefits.


In a nutshell, what this means is that Russia has a clean, modern, wealthy capital city, a few other cities that are doing OK (such as St. Petersburg) and large amounts of poverty comparable to Latin American countries like Bolivia, Brazil or Guatamala.


In addition to the sheer quantity of goods that America produces, the things we produce are, in general, higher up the “value-added chain” than the goods coming out of Russia & China. These include such products as: new cancer treatments; stealth fighter jets; global e-commerce giants like Amazon and startups like Uber; movies & TV Shows that have a worldwide audience (Disney & Netflix). These sorts of activities create more value than, for example, manufacturing products designed elsewhere, which accounts for roughly 20% of the Chinese economy. China is shifting towards being an economy driven by consumption, like the U.S., but the average Chinese is still far behind the average American in their purchasing power.


This doesn’t mean that China doesn’t have internet companies; they do, including giants such as AliBaba & TenCent, and they are at the forefront of a number of technologies such as mobile payments. It doesn’t mean that Russia doesn’t build fighter jets; they do, through companies such as Sukhoi & MiG. It just means that the U.S. has more companies at the forefront of such industries. It also means that companies producing high value-added goods make up a greater percentage of the economy in the U.S. than in Russia or China. For example, it’s been estimated that China makes around $8.46 for every iPhone that’s assembled there, while $283 in gross profits on each sale goes straight to Apple.


You can guess how much each of the workers assembling those phones are earning (hint: not much). By offloading much of our drudge work to these countries, we’ve made it possible to concentrate more effort on things that create greater value. For the Chinese, it’s allowed millions of them to move away from subsistence farming to the cities. In time, China will have more companies at the forefront of industry, and offload their drudge work to countries such as Burma & Vietnam, helping them lift their standard of living.


You can easily post a screen grab from the worst neighborhood in Chicago or L.A. or Detroit, or the beautiful skyscrapers in Shanghai and Moscow, and claim that they represent the “real America” or the “real China” or the “real Russia”. But this is false. You can even go to these places yourself and come to the conclusion that America is doomed, or that China will conquer the world. But this is not a given.


Images often lie & conceal. And as any good propagandist will tell you, they can be manipulated to serve political ends.


There’s a term that’s often used in economics: the “Potemkin Village”. Legend has it that when Russian Empress Catherine II toured the Crimea in the late 18th century, her lover, Grigory Potemkin, had a fake village built along the Dnieper River. When Catherine passed by, she was impressed by the new, bright, freshly painted buildings, leading her to believe that her subjects were prosperous & happy. As soon as she’d gone, Grigory had the construction disassembled, moved downstream, and set up again in a different configuration for when the Empress passed by that section of the river.


How much of those glitzy skylines are real are how much are Potemkin Villages meant to influence the opinion of the outside world? I doubt anyone really knows.


Best to remember the wise words of Obi-Wan Kenobi: “Your eyes can deceive you, don’t trust them.”


5.Joshua A. Riefman
Because looks can be deceiving, and in this case they are.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In my opinion, the premise of the question is correct; American and other western cities look far behind their seemingly advanced Chinese counterparts. But it’s also wrong in assuming that they are genuinely “more advanced”.


What they are is they are new. One only needs to look at the transformation of Shanghai to see exactly how new most skylines in China are.


New things, and more specifically expensive new things—like most skyscrapers in China—look modern and new, and expensive. Most of China has been constructed in the last half century, most of the United States in the last three centuries, and the construction of European cities has been going on for thousands of years—London was founded by the Romans, after all.

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European cities also don’t have the high rise style of America or China, they prefer their stone over glass and concrete; all in all makes for a much older looking city (personally I actually prefer how European cities look, but that’s opinion).


Shanghai is a beacon of Chinese progress in the previous decades, with its beautiful and extravagant skyscrapers it is a city which—compared to most in Europe or the rest of the western world—appears to be decades or a century in the future. Shanghai has the world’s highest population for a city, at a staggering 24,183,300 people residing inside.


Shanghai’s economy however, is less impressive with a GDP of $446 billion; giving it a GDP per capita of $19,450. Despite Shanghai’s opulent high rises and skyscrapers, it’s GDP per capita (2nd highest in the whole of China) is only about half of the GDP per capita of the United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany (all around $44–39,000) and less than a third of the United States ($59,000).


New York City is widely known as the financial capital of the world and is the largest—and most impressive American city. With a population of 8,622,698 with an astounding economy of $1.55 trillion, New York City is the 2nd largest city by economy in the world (behind only Tokyo which has close to five times it’s population) and the largest by population in the western world.


New York City, with a fraction of the population rivals South Korea and Canada in economic size, and has a GDP nearly four times that of Shanghai with a third of the population. All in all that results in a GDP per capita of $179,758 or nearly $200,000; nearly four times the American average and close to ten times that of China (~$18,000–$16,000).

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New York City is just one of dozens of western cities that prove that just because they don’t look as rich, modern, or new as Chinese cities, doesn’t mean that they don’t punch in an entirely different economic class. Not a single Chinese city strikes above a trillion in GDP—or gets close to it—despite how impressive they look.


Paris is a city mostly void of high rises of the likes of Shanghai and Beijing, yet has a population density of 21,000/km or 54,000/sq mi. Far much denser in population than either Shanghai or New York City. Paris is also 5th in the world in terms of its economy, with a GDP 688$ billion.


That means that with a population of a tenth of Shanghai’s, Paris has a larger economy, GDP per capita and population density than that of it’s Chinese rival; despite looking—literally—centuries older.


Paris may lack the aforementioned skyscrapers, and New York City may lack the opulence and modernity, but the numbers don’t lie; only appearances do.



6.Murray Godfrey,美国历史学教授,退伍军人

People saying the U.S. spends its money more efficiently just makes me laugh.


The U.S. “invested" $5.6 Trillion in its post 9/11 wars. That''''''''s just on the wars as of 2018. The veteran health care will cost us trillions more for decades.


To quote Carl Sagan who, when asked about the cost of space exploration, would point to defense spending figures and say, “You could have bought a lot for that.”

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It''''''''s true that U.S. taxpayers have little tolerance for public projects these days. They''''''''re too busy putting $3.6 Trillion a year into the pockets of health insurance companies for an inefficient, mercenary health care system that doesn''''''''t even come close to covering everyone.


I would gladly pay some taxes toward a rail project or something, but 20% of my paycheck is deducted for healthcare, so now I''''''''m not so enthusiastic.


7.Nikki Berwal
It’s all about doing the right at the right time.

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Ever heard of small European country called Luxembourg? When I show you how this country looks like, you won’t really believe it being a high income country.

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Well it surely is picturesque but not something you’d expect for a Large economy? Right?


Well guess what? This is one of the highest earning countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita.

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Now according the World Bank reports, USA and Luxembourg, both fall into High income UN members (1987).


In 19th century, the U.S. grew into a huge, integrated, industrialized economy that made up around one-fifth of the world economy. As a result, the U.S. GDP per capita converged on and eventually surpassed that of the UK, as well as other nations that it previously trailed economically. The economy maintained high wages, attracting immigrants by the millions from all over the world.


In the early 1800s, the United States was largely agricultural with more than 80 percent of the population in farming. Most of the manufacturing centered on the first stages of transformation of raw materials with lumber and saw mills, textiles and boots and shoes leading the way.


At the beginning of the twentieth century new innovations and improvements in existing innovations opened the door for improvements in the standard of living among American consumers. Many firms grew large by taking advantage of economies of scale and better communication to run nationwide operations. Concentration in these industries raised fears of monopoly that would drive prices higher and output lower, but many of these firms were cutting costs so fast that trends were towards lower price and more output in these industries. Lots of workers shared the success of these large firms, which typically offered the highest wages in the world. During the world wars of the twentieth century, the United States fared better than the rest of the combatants because none of the First World War and relatively little of the Second World War was fought on American territory (and none on the then 48 states). After that, the American economy phased rather slowly. The U.S. economy grew by an average of 3.8% from 1946 to 1973, while real median household income surged 74% (or 2.1% a year). In mere 150 years, Unites States became this from ^that^.


Well, this came with advancements and major improvements with infrastructure. USA did not play upon generic European looks, they rather took things to higher level, literally. Skyscrapers weren’t really a thing before USA paved the way with a 10 story Home insurance building building in Chicago (completed in 1885). They later began using concrete and steel reinforcements instead of hard bricks realizing that skyscrapers would need to have twice thinker walls if they wanted to go higher than 15–20 floors.


They paved the way for infrastructure because they had enough resources and were developing at the time where Europe already was years ahead by over-all living standards. They marked themselves as a new world power by the beginning of the 20th century.


By late 20th century, Americans started to fear Japan for it’s rise as the tech hub of the world, but it never emerged to compete with USA but encountered a great recession by the beginning of the 21st century.


Believe is or not, China is doing the same thing.


By 2005, the domestic private sector first exceeded 50% of GDP in 2005 and has further expanded since. Also in 2005, China was able to surpass Japan as the largest economy in Asia.


China is used today’s perks in order to become a world power, it’s using the best infrastructure, best available technology in order to strengthen its roots. Also, China is not the only one to do so, and USA has already established itself since then. It has lived to be the ‘Cool kid’ in the class and now that title has to go to China for a few years.

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There’s a trend,Europe “started”,America “took over”,Asia will “rise”,Africa will “emerge”.



8.Miles Negrete,读了很多没用的书

Because your perspective is wrong.


These new cities (and they are new, around 20 years old) aren''''''''t really better than their US counterparts, despite what others are telling you. For starters, the average living space even compated to NY is tiny. Yes, these buildings look pretty, but inside you find that everything is really, really small. Elevators will fit only 2 or 3 people, hallways will fit maybe 2 people, and the ceilings are very low.

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The reason that the Chinese government invested so much into public transportation isn''''''''t because of pollution, or at least, not entirely: it''''''''s because its citizens really can''''''''t afford cars and because they are so packed in that there is just no room for cars. So they have to invest in public transpo because that''''''''s the only option they have.


9.Gary Hoover
I think there are some reasonable answers here and a lot of silly ones.


As noted, adjusted for Purchasing Power Parity, the Chinese economy in total is already bigger than the US. If you don’t adjust for the cost of living, the US economy is bigger, but China will at some point also become number one.


Any measure of GDP is the number of people multiplied by per capita production. China has three times the number of people as the US. Ambitious people, investment in education, and new factories and infrastructure all serve to relatively rapidly increase the productivity of the Chinese. It is harder to increase from the already high levels in the US.


None of this has anything to do with the appearance of cities or architecture.In market economies like the US, construction of tall buildings is strictly a matter of land value, unless legally restricted, as in Washington and Paris. I think New York City likely still has more skyscrapers than any city in the world.


Both countries have many wealthy people. China’s rural areas still have a great many poor people. The US has a huge middle class. China has less middle class history, but their middle class is growing rapidly.


Societies put different emphases on different things. The wealth of the American people is in their land and houses. Home and land ownership are set up very differently in China.

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Having been to 45 countries, my observation is that many (not all) Chinese put more emphasis on autos and status goods like Rolex and Gucci, perhaps because they went without for so many years. While Americans vary greatly, large numbers of rich people are happy with a Toyota or Honda. Each of us has our own priorities. I drive a Kia Soul with 102,000 miles on it, but own 57,000 books. Others use all their disposable income to travel the nation or the world.


10.John Murphy
It is the largest economy in the world. It is likely to remain so. It is also the most productive economy. US GDP per capita is about $62,000. Chinese GDP per capita is about $8,800 - about 1/7 of the US. Put another way, the US is, on average, about 7 times as efficient at turning resources into useful goods and services.


As for the buildings. What do you expect? They were all constructed starting in the last 30 years or so, using US designs (mainly). It would be very strange if the newest building in Shanghai looked like the Empire State Building, which was the wonder of its age when it was completed in 1931.


11.Daniel Finn
There are many reasons, but it is not only China that looks more advanced it is numerous places. America is literally falling apart. The most authoritative report of the country’s infrastructure gave the country’s crumbling roads, bridges, dams, schools and other essential underpinnings an overall D. Not a single element of America’s frxwork received an A grade. Now that is certainly very concerning, and the amount of funding to repair everything is ridiculous, honestly the USA simply cannot afford to do it! Just to keep the Infrastructure at acceptable standards (currently they are not) the USA would require an additional 3 trillion each year…


So when the USA isn''''''''t even able to maintain the simply infrastructure of course the appearance isn''''''''t going to be "advanced"..


These type of things are going to be more common.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The following are 11 deeply alarming facts about America’s crumbling infrastructure…


#1 According to the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, nearly 56,000 bridges in the United States are currently “structurally deficient”. What makes that number even more chilling is the fact that vehicles cross those bridges a total of 185 million times a day.


#2 More than one out of every four bridges in the United States is more than 50 years old and “have never had major reconstruction work”.

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#3 America does not have a single airport that is considered to be in the top 25 in the world.


#4 The average age of America’s dams is now 52 years.


#5 Not too long ago, the American Society of Civil Engineers gave the condition of America’s dams a “D” grade.


#6 Overall, the American Society of Civil Engineers said that the condition of America’s infrastructure as a whole only gets a “D+” grade.


#7 Congestion on our highways costs Americans approximately 101 billion dollars a year in wasted fuel and time.


#8 According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, over two-thirds of our roads are “in dire need of repair or upgrades”.

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#9 In order to completely fix all of our roads and bridges, it would take approximately 808 billion dollars.


#10 Federal spending on infrastructure has decreased by 9 percent over the past decade.


#11 According to Bloomberg, it is being projected “that by 2025, shortfalls in infrastructure investment will subtract as much as $3.9 trillion from U.S. gross domestic product.”



12.Larry Park,前国际贸易部长
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The USA is very POOR country now, they don’t have money to keep government open/function, no money to repaire and rebuild outdated infrastructures, no money to build new airports and bridges, no money to build high speed trains, no money to take care of so many homeless who live on the streets, no money to secure borders , no money to dispatch more police to curb crimes , you name it ……. , The USA could be a very rich country with its resources and wealth where every citizen should have house, car, bank deposit, free college education, universal medicare but something have been going wrong and nobody can or want to correct it. The country is ruled by stupid leaders and bunch of congressmen who are older than your grandpapa and did not understand modern tech, didn’t know how to manage the country and did not do their jobs. The money have been spent at wrong places with wrong purpose , all those has made the USA going downhill.


13.Alexander Rose
Because those cities in China were specifically built for “face" to create a misleading image, because “face” is very important in Chinese culture.


Big flashy gaudy high rise cities that are new and that can be quickly built don''''''''t mean anything. and they have nothing to do with the economy, just like it doesn''''''''t matter how many billionaires with flashy cars a country has if everyone else is poor.


It doesn''t matter if China has big flashy cities because the GDP per capita is lower than the US even if you don''t include millionaires and billionaires.


people in the poorest parts of the US are still better off than people in the poorest parts of China, and homeless people in the US are still better off than homeless people in China, and that''''''''s why China has negative net immigration, and the highest rate if illegal immigration to the US is from Eastern Asia, and especially China, and not fron Mexico or Latin America.



14.Max Roberts,美国公民。我读了很多历史书。
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China’s older cities have received a lot of modernization since 1980.


Since 1980, China has built modern cities from scratch, like Shenzhen for one.


Since 1980, China has developed a lot of property for which there was no demand. Empty buildings and houses abound.


Chinese cities often look a lot more advanced than US cities. But you will find the older cities that got spruced up have little parking space and choked roads. Shenzhen was planned and built from scratch so it has broad avenues and manageable parking elsewhere. Generally Chinese take public transport.


15.Alex Ross
I’ve never been to China, but let me ask a question.


Is it realistic for an average Chinese citizen to be able to take a two week vacation, jump in their car and drive to any domestic city they choose, spend a week there and drive home?


Or, how about this? Is it realistic for an average Chinese citizen to be able to spend a few months getting their pilot certification, then rent an airplane and fly themself to any of those destinations?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Could they pick any address in the country, ship a package and have it arrive in a day or two?


With the infrastructure in the United States, anyone can do this. And anyone could afford to do this, if they want to.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And although the idea of high speed trains sounds really cool, it’s just — really not a need. Just about any area has an airport nearby that can accommodate commercial aircraft. Or you can hop in your car, jump on an interstate and go.


How is this all possible? 4 million miles of interstate highways, state roads, city roads, rural roads and over 5000 airports with paved runways (that’s an average of 100 airports per state, with paved runways). And fuel availability pretty much everywhere.


As you could imagine, this all requires quite a bit to build and maintain. Do you want a few cool looking cities? Or the ability to affordably travel anywhere you choose, any time you choose?


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