2019-10-30 干净卫生恒河水 26582
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:听海的礁石 转载请注明出处

Japan became the first of the modern Asian countries to experience massive sustained economic growth. Japan had a lot going for it after the end of the war, it was able to rebuild with the help of the allies and go through its own modern industrial revolution. In the 1960’s japan was growing at a rate of 10% a year which for a national economy was unheard of at the time, this economic growth continued and japan was able to ride the wave of globalisation as the worlds low cost manufacturer. Japan developed a huge car industry, it was at the forefront of consumer electronics and was working meticulously to make sure that this new found wealth was being invested wisely into infrastructure like high speed rail, airports and metro systems that would make their economy even more efficient.


At its peak there was so much wealth in japan that the real estate market of Tokyo had some pretty crazy anomalies. In the late 80’s it was estimated that the imperial palace covering an area of 3.4 square kilometres in central Tokyo had a real estate land value greater than all of the real estate in California. Of course, the imperial palace was never for sale and this was based of the cost per square feet in the area but it still should give a good idea of just how much money was washing around in Japan...


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:听海的礁石 转载请注明出处

Rohan Singh
Anime became popular in the 90s. Japan''s economy stagnated in the 90s. Coincidence I think not.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Björn Lundahl
You forget that GDP per capita is in Japan larger today than in 1990. This as the population is shrinking.


Just a few points of the debt: Most Japanese debt is owned domestically by Japanese citizens and entities denominated in Yen under Japanese law, so it is an internal issue as the money is in Japan. This is different to US debt where foreign entities have a substantial stake. The debt is still manageable because Interest rates are extremely low, combined with Japan running a current account surplus means that till this day JPY on the FX markets is still viewed as a safe haven trade. and the Japanese economy is not in crisis.


Soujiro Yoshizawa
"Stagnant" is the sweating banker''s word for "stable."


Japan was a fully industrialized nation for decades before WWII, they didn''t go "through their own industrial revolution" postwar, it was just rebuilt and expanded


Douglas Ian Scott
One crumb of comfort for Japan is that most of that debt is domestically owned so it is easier for it to continuously roll it over. Having said that, that is still a type of kicking the can down the road.


first Impression
"Economies can´t grow forever"...Thanks, now please a video explaining why perpetual motion machines are not possible...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Agustin Rujana
"The central bank is there just to control inflation" -Argentinean Central Bank Hold my beer


"Land of the rising debt" with "house of the rising sun" instrumental in the background. Brilliant!


One of the insane things about Japan to me is how much they continually innovative, but how little they try to export a lot of the innovative products. I think the reason is basically no one in Japan understand outside Japan. Even companies like Sony and Panasonic seem confused as to why their products fail or succeed.


Antony Perillo
If Japan''s economy economy is slowing down that means less output in Hentai....


Tobias Lind
Would you mind doing a video over Switzerland? I find them fascinating considering they''re a country that has historically not had any natural resource or cheap labour.


President Togekiss
I think you overstate the impact of Western Foreign aid, Sure, it did help the economy of Japan rebuild, but it already was a modern industrial nation before the war (about the same level as Italy) and the continued pregress was due to the Japanese own efforts, not just western help.


Japan is still strong ok even I''m a Chinese I can''t deny the fact that Japanese is making their country better and stronger


So essentially Japan was doing so well that it started doing badly


Santtu Kähkönen
Skipping the 80s bubble economy

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Leonard Erasmus
"Now they just need a massive recession and then the economy will recover and endless growth can be achieved" - Highschool economics class


Pierrick Calvez
Japan in the 80''s:massive economic growth, world''s low cost manufacturer, consumer electronics leaders? Invested into infrastructures like high speed rails, airports and metro systems? It''s word for word what is happening in China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Blank Blank
It''s internal debt not an external debt. They wont go default becaus of that. It''s not like Greece''s case or any other country that go default because of debt. Their external debt is only around 456 Trillion Yen. That''s roughly 42.2 Billion US$. That''s really low for country that''s 3rd richest country by GDP


"Land of the rising debt" wait is isn''t a video about the USA? Hahaha


Your God Rosè
Japan is actually in a better position than the United States. Right now, people in the United States owe more in Student debt alone than Japan does entirely. Nearly $2 trillion dollars of student loans plague this economy alongside all the tariffs and economic bubbles.


Herschel Johnson
"In a world that assumes growth would continue forever." That is human folly, and we fall for it everytime.


Japan: "I miss the 90''s, it was my time, my moment"


Anyone wanting a more in-depth look should watch The princes of the Yen here on Youtube. Very insightful.


Hey Japan I''m from Argentina and I have a few Venezuelans around. I''ve heard you''re having "defation" issues. We can help you with that.


Joseph Finnegan
I desperately wish that more people would take an interest in sciences like psychology, sociology, and economics..... a proper understanding of these topics might actually yield a more properly guided and understanding society that enacts policies that make more sense in relation to these sciences


Mil e uma Receitas de Miojo
Japan''s economy is like the guy who starts running fast then he goes even faster and now start running out of air in the middle of the marathon. He still between the firsts, but the pain in his abs no longer can be ignored


M.I. Matondang
My friend is working in japan. He said most of his older co worker are single and don''t have family.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Joshua Picardal
Japan, Land of rising debt
China: “Not bad”


Roman Derkach
2:48 "japan was building the most competitive cars" *shows a russian Toyota


Faris lol
When you compared the GDP of Japan in the 1990’s and now, did you adjust the value for inflation?


Waldemar Ishibashi
Japan is no perfect country but the culture makes it more likely than others to survive, as they`ve done in the past, twice! People stay together and support each other - just check what happens after so common natural disasters and compare the situation with the USA. The crime rate is low. The job market is good at this point in time. The car-tech is great and ahead of the competitors - make sure you add the cost of the vehicle and reliability for future comparisons ;). The "economy" is stagnant as most is already build. That is the "downside" of living in a DEVELOPED country. Check the meaning of the word "developed" - it implies COMPLETED. While EU and USA have their political, social and safety issues, Japan faces an aging population problem and labour force shortage.


Ryan Sullivan
The quiet "house of the rising sun" in the background...


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