2021-12-28 龟兔赛跑 6822
What is one thing about your culture that you despise and would want to put an end to?


Priyam Nayak, Writer at Freelance

Priyam Nayak,自由撰稿人

Force feeding.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am a Bengali married into a Punjabi family and the kind of love harboured by both these communities for food is no secret. Any festival or any cause for celebration triggers a flurry of activities in the kitchen. Multiple course meals are the norm irrespective of whether it is your grandfather’s birthday or a Diwali lunch at your home which shows the expansiveness of your social circle.


At such gatherings, all the guests are expected to have a bit of everything. By everything, I mean five varieties of appetizers, an ’n’ course meal where ’n’ can be comparable to the number of times you have changed your mobile phones in life. This is culminated with at least three types of dessert. So far so good - one serving is generally manageable unless you have a very small appetite.


The problem starts when the host tries to force a second helping of all the dishes down your throat. Your veto powers cease to exist because refusing to binge is considered an affront to the host’s culinary skills. The moment you fend off that lethal ladle-full of greasy butter chicken which is oily enough to fill up an Aramco oil storage tank, you have managed to join the queue of those in your host’s bad books. Most of the times, you will have to gulp down everything that is being served on your plate as a testimony to the ‘athithi devo bhava’ culture in India. The other problematic part of this culture is that the host does not back off even after you have expressed your digestive inability. They will keep on parroting ‘thoda aur’ (little bit more) or ‘ek piece se kuch nai hota (one piece won’t harm you), till your conviction to say no has died down because you don’t want to come across as rude.

当主人试图强迫你吃下第二份菜时,问题就开始了。你没有否决权,因为拒绝是对主人的烹饪技巧的侮辱。当你抵挡住装满油腻的黄油鸡肉的致命勺子时,你已经成功地加入了主人黑名单的行列。大多数时候,你将不得不吞下你盘子里的所有东西,以此来证明印度的“阿提提提德沃巴瓦”文化。这种文化的另一个问题是,即使在你表达了你的有限的消化能力之后,主人也不会退缩。他们会不断地重复“thoda aur”(多一点)或“ek piece se kuch nai hota”(一块不会伤害你),直到你拒绝的信念消失,因为你不想被认为是粗鲁无礼。

This practice of force feeding guests is annoying and a blatant infringement of someone’s choices. If guests want an extra helping, they can pamper themselves without the host having to prod them every few minutes. Not to mention, the complimentary uneasiness that ravages your digestive system for the next few hours.


Demetri Braille, studies Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Honors (2020)

Demetri Braille,计算机科学荣誉理学学士(2020)

One thing I despise about my culture is the amount of money that goes into our weddings.


In my culture, both sides usually have a wedding each. One for each side of the family, but both are similar in concept. Have a huge hall decorated, have a stage, plenty of food and guests, music and loads of ‘rituals’. This can be said for a lot of cultures.

在我的文化中,双方都举办一次婚礼。但两者在概念上是相似的。在很多地区文化中都有这种体现。一个装饰巨大的大厅中有一个舞台,不断放着音乐和进行大量的“仪式” 且有提供充足的食物和客人。

Religion wise, as well as legally, I only need one ceremony to confirm the marriage and it takes less than half a day. There can be light refreshments afterwards and not a lot of people has to come. Maybe ten, if you’re being rebellious to society and culture. But that’s all that’s needed.


Do I want a wedding? No, I do not. I have never wanted a wedding. It is a waste of money that can be used for the potential honeymoon and also the home that we would be living in together; I have strict parents who have strict rules on dating and this makes it hard to even have a relationship. Everything points to weddings/marriage, but we need money for this, don’t we?


It is very contradicting. “You need a wedding to tell everyone that you are married!” Nonsense. We have social media for that. I do not see the point in weddings and even more so at how much a wedding of my culture can cost. I would like a party, if that’s alright. For me and my significant other, we have discussed and agreed that marriage for us is just a certificate (as we do not wish to have children at all) and living together and starting our life together without fear of going on dates, or the lack of fun and adventure just because of strict rules.


It sucks. It totally does. Why have strict parents who won’t let you date freely, but have them deny marriage even though it is the most religiously accepted way of having a significant other?


I would like to put an end to weddings! Or, at least, not make it compulsory to have big weddings, and just have a party with minimal people in it, a private celebration. Money is not worthy to acquire and collect, just for a day’s event! It is not fair to us as a couple, who want to be financially stable and enjoy our money for ourselves, not for people who will judge us and our choices.


Miles Negrete, Read a lot of useless books

Miles Negrete, 读了很多无用的书
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It''s actually a culture I used to be a part of, and it''s less something existing that I despise and more along the terms of a change I want to stop.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The change I want to stop is the military moving away from physical punishments to paper working.


See, when I first started, I got a taste of this: if I screwed up I would be punished with extra tasks like digging fighting holes or carrying heavy obxts or extra physical training or being forced to clean my room until 3 am. The idea was it would be better to sweat the training and learn the lesson now and not in theater. Another part was that the pain, unless it was a permanent injury, would fade with time.


While I was in they moved away from such punishments and started documenting deficiencies. The problem is that unlike physical punishments is that paperwork will follow you. If you screw up on something, and are paperworked for it, and you go to a meritorious board a month later, you might lose that board for a one time mistake. Or you might be denied a B bullet such as Embassy Duty for being caught drinking underage. So you will get Marines who will either spend the entirety of their enlistments skating under the radar, terrified that they might face lasting repurcussions for simple mistakes, or they try and hide mistakes until they blow up and cause actual harm. And if your are an NCO and don''t want to paperwork them, you can get in trouble for not taking proper action or for hazing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Imagine that you are a young Lance Corporal and you and your buddies decide to drink underage. Rather than drinking in the barracks, where you run the risk of your Cpl finding you and punishing you for drinking underage, you go to a friend''s house who lives in town with his wife. Well, they get into a fight and the cops are called and you are all busted for drinking underage. Now, instead of a Cpl yelling at you for being careless and shoving you into a barracks room, you are facing charges and possibly a 6105, which is preventing you from reenlisting.


Or imagine you are a female getting to an infantry unit. Even the mere threat of an accusation of sexual harassment can end a career, so your NCOs keep you at arms length. Any deficiency is documented, so when it comes time for pro/cons to be awarded by your platoon Sgt, you get bellow average because the NCOs simply can''t take the risk of correcting you unofficially.


It''s a terrible way of doing things. I understand changing it to provide more accountability for NCOs because there were times when Marines were permanently injured during these punishments. But slinging too far in the other direction is just going to cause more problems than it solves.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Norman Lowe, Business Development Director

Norman Lowe,业务发展总监

The self hate and lack of national confidence we have keenly developed since the end of WWII.


we are deficient without ‘diversity’ and cannot possibly manage to rule ourselves properly - despite centuries of history showing the exact opposite.


We have retreated to shallow lives of crass consumerism - or think the answers to our ills lie in utopian fantasies of even more State control. We don’t see the family as the building block of society anymore either.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another thing I despise is the amount of people who have achieved nothing but who feel qualified to lecture and pressure (via getting the State to bully on their behalf) others they disagree with.

我鄙视的另一件事是,很多人一无所成,却觉得自己有资格 (通过让政府代表他们去欺凌)去教训和施压与他们不同意见的人。

Alejandro Bruce
How society automatically assumes the man to be the perpetrator of any sort-of altercation with a woman.


Attitudes like these have prevented men from talking about abuse, and in fact straight-up discourage them from doing so for fear of ridicule.


I can not tell you how many times I’ve had people tell me I did something to deserve it when I tried to talk about being bullied by girls.


And let me tell you: this stuff would never be tolerated for a second if you said these things to a girl.


This mindset has led to horribly-abusive environments where literally the only choice for the victim is to put up with the abuse, since he’s gonna be the one sent to jail for the crime, the police won’t believe him or take action, or even if they do, she’ll get the prison equivalent to a slap on the wrist.


You should empower women to do good. Not to do whatever they want because they know they can get away with it.


Neha Gupta, Teacher

Neha Gupta,老师

Indian parents are way too involved in their kid''s lives. They don''t take off the leash ever and it''s really annoying. Yes…you brought someone into this world but once they are grown…give them the freedom to live their own life. Many parents don''t give their kids enough exposure so these poor grown ups don''t know how to survive on their own even in their 40s which is fckd up. As a parent, it''s not your duty to solve your kid’s each and every problem but to let them face the problem so they can attempt to solve it on their own.


Rae Piste, In progress Computer Science & Arithmetic

Rae Piste,计算机科学与算术进展

I''m half Sri Lankan and half Puerto Rican but I was born in America and I''m American……..but when people ask me where I''m from I tell them “I''m half South Asian and half Hispanic”…….and then they ask me if I''m Chinese or if I''m Mexican….but what I hate the most is when they ask if I''m “ghetto” because I''m Hispanic or is I''m “smart and get good grades and shit” because I''m Asian……pls stop with the stereotypes guys…..I am smart but I still want people to stop assuming I know everything because I''m South Asian…..or that I “deal the good shit cheap” because I''m Hispanic…….

我有一半斯里兰卡血统,一半波多黎各血统,但我出生在美国,我是美国人。但当人们问我来自哪里时,我告诉他们“我有一半南亚血统,一半西班牙血统”。然后他们问我是中国人还是墨西哥人。但我最讨厌的是,当他们问我是不是来自“贫民区”,因为我是西班牙人或者 因为我是亚洲人,所以我“聪明、成绩好”。请停止这些刻板想象。我很聪明但我还是希望人们不要以为我是南亚人就什么都知道。或者因为我是西班牙人,就被认为是“廉价处理的东西”

Dale Garland, Retail Sales, Commission & Straight, Asst. St. Mng (1975-present)

Dale Garland,零售,零售,佣金和直营,助理St.Mng(1975年至今)

How free and loose the U.S. is about sex. It’s created several diseases, unwanted pregnancies, split relationships, an entitlement attitude, etc. If we all concentrated more on loving the soul, the mind, the personality, etc., then we may not have as many divorces and all of the other things I’ve mentioned.


Hollywood and society, in general, peddle it out like an addictive candy and we just eat it up and get fat on it. But we live in a free society under God’s free will, so we have the choice to screw up our lives, and frequently do so, for a moment of temporary pleasure instead of a longer-lasting love. If only we used the…BIG head more often.


Mahinthan So (மகி), I love history and geography

Mahinthan So (மகி), 喜欢历史和地理

While it’s common for every one we Tamils have many steps above others in-term of addiction to ethnicity and Language.


Many Tamils think Tamil is the oldest language and oldest culture in the world. They seldom try to learn from other cultures.


While Tamils is one of the oldest culture and living language that doesn’t mean we are superior to every one else.


Ruqqy Shah, Telemarketing Executive

Ruqqy Shah,电话营销主管

The dowry system, the thing that the girl''s family has to make all the expenses on wedding and the groom''s family only takes. Greediest. And one mistake and she''s sent back to her home, though the groom can have a girlfriend as a side satisfaction.


I wish I could put an end to the fact that a woman cannot propose a man.


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