波音737 MAX飞机爆炸事故调查,最新文件显示曾有员工对飞机安全隐患表示担忧,但管理层置之不理
2019-12-28 磨刀不误砍柴工 20705
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:磨刀不误砍柴工 转载请注明出处

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Boeing Co documents under review by a U.S. congressional panel appear to point to a "very disturbing" picture of commentary from the planemaker''s employees over the grounded 737 MAX aircraft, a congressional aide said on Tuesday.


The documents were submitted to the House of Representatives transportation infrastructure committee and the Federal Aviation Administration on Monday, the same day Boeing announced the firing of chief executive Dennis Muilenburg amid a crisis over the handling of the aftermath of two fatal crashes.


The best-selling 737 MAX has been grounded since March. The crashes in Indonesia and Ethiopia within five months killed 346 people.

最畅销的737 MAX自3月以来一直停飞,在5个月内发生的印尼和埃塞俄比亚空难造成346人死亡。

"Similar to other records previously disclosed by Boeing, the records appear to point to a very disturbing picture of both concerns expressed by Boeing employees about the company’s commitment to safety and efforts by some employees" to make sure Boeing’s production plans were not disrupted, said the aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


In October, Boeing turned over 2016 messages to the FAA between Forkner and another pilot that said he might have unintentionally misled the U.S. regulator and raised questions about the performance of a key safety system during testing.


Boeing had earlier turned over the documents to the Justice Department, which has an active criminal investigation underway into matters related to the 737 MAX plane.

波音公司早些时候已经将这些文件交给了司法部,司法部正在对与波音737 MAX飞机有关的事件进行积极的刑事调查。

Boeing is struggling to mend relations with U.S. and international regulators it needs to win over to get the jet back in the air.
Boeing shares, which have dropped more than 20% over the past nine months, closed down 1.3% to $333 on Tuesday.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:磨刀不误砍柴工 转载请注明出处

The issue is Boeing brought in a bunch of people from GE, and their number one goal is cost reduction.
You can''t run an airplane manufacture like this, because you simply CAN NOT have planes crashing. It has to be done perfect. It isn''t an option.
This is what happens when you put profits first, instead of safety and doing things the right way.
The engineers kept trying to tell management, but if you spoke up, your job and livelihood was on the line.
Boeing is going to cancel the max aircraft, they will just want all of this to go away. Engineers take impeccable notes. Engineers do not want to be scapegoats, so they cover themselves. These engineers will have notes with all the communications, emails, memos, meetings etc... of exactly what they said, concerns, questions, to who, the response etc.... everything.
This is going to cost Boeing 100X compared to if they just did things right to begin with.


This never would have happened under the old Boeing that was run by intelligent business people who deferred to the engineering culture that made Boeing one of the best companies ever when it came to design, innovation and safety.
When the engineers were forced out, is when Boeing began to decline. Not a coincidence.


The crashes are what we need to expect when we put "bean counters" more concerned with profit than a good product and safety in charge of a company that revolves around engineering.


Were they concerned about the MCAS system that seems to be at the center of the 2 crashes, or are they concerned about other things, we may not have discovered yet?

在这两起事故的中他们是担心的重点似乎是MCAS系统,或者他们关心其他事情,还是我们可能还有什么还没有被发现?(译者注:机动控制增强系统(MCAS)是737 Max 8上的一个自动安全装置,用于防止飞机进入失速或失去升力。这是通过飞机尾部的水平稳定器来实现的,它是由飞机的飞行控制计算机来激活的。)

Boeing''s troubles start several years ago when the started cutting the company up and moving it to several other states, This was a cost saver and more money for high level employ''s and stock holders! Boeing says it was a cost saver but in reality it was not! Boeing has created this problem,let them sweat it out on their own!


Once the bean counters get involved its all down hill from there. Saw it at several companies I worked for. They could turn gold to lead.


737 max is 100% DEAD PERMANENTLY. Low mounted engine design means that NOTHING can be done to ever fix it, even with software upgrades it cannot be 100% trusted to be safe all the time, I will NEVER ride in one

737 MAX百分之百的永久死亡。低挂载引擎的设计意味着没有什么办法能把它修好,即使有软件升级也不能百分之百地保证它的安全性,我永远不会乘坐

Again a company that pays "bonuses" for the numbers it wants. Everyone looks the other way to get the bonus they want. Every employee only concerned with their "numbers". No one looking at overall picture of safety or long term success of company. Firing one executive who will walk away with a huge pension and has another position lined up with a Boeing vendor does not fix the problem. I''m not flying on one of these planes ever!


Companies do not change procedure for just one model. So FAA must investigate any upgrades to Boeing planes (all models) made in the last ten years or so.


The Maverick
737 Max has already 2 strikes against it. Boeing needs to prove that it won''t happen ever again. The margin of error is 0. It will take months if not years to convince government and companies to trust it again. Otherwise another incident will render this model doomed.

波音737 Max已经有两架撞毁了。波音需要证明这种情况不会再发生,误差范围为0。要说服政府和企业再次信任它,即使不是几年,也需要几个月的时间。否则,另一件事故将使这种模式走向灭亡。

No corporation can be trusted to self inspect, self regulate. Profits before people is the corporate way.


Boeing should have stayed put in Seattle before breaking up and moving the company all over the country. Never had any of these problems in all the decades the company was in one place.


As someone working in the aviation industry and someone with friends in different engine or cabin companies, let me just say that the average person does not want to find out the way costs are kept down and the materials used and corners cut. There is mountains of paperwork only to satisfy FAA rules but when it comes to pushing the product out of the door, a lot of “bandages” are used just to meet deadlines. It’s not to say that you’re flying in death traps but I can tell you that Gulfstream and Bombardier have THE MOST STRICT acceptance criteria.


"David Calhoun, 62, a former General Electric executive" Is that the same GE that made those commercials with youthy college graduates spouting off about how they would make machines talk to each other and "change the world?" Sure looks like they got the Max talking to the Hindenburg.


No matter how wrong management is, when you correct them they try to eliminate you instead of the problem.


David Calhoun, 62, a former General Electric executive taking over as CEO. That''s not encouraging. GE, the only surviving member of the original DJIA 12 is in a slow process of liquidation.

通用电气前高管、现年62岁的卡尔霍恩接任首席执行官。这是令人沮丧的,通用电气是原DJIA 12(道琼斯工业平均指数)中唯一幸存的成员,目前正处于缓慢的清算过程中。

Do your research
Odd how this comes out on Christmas Eve.
Maybe a new medical plan to bone the US medical consumer (used to be called citizens) should be passed tonight too.
This is going to be a blood bath for boeing. I fear disregard for "consumer" safety from major corps is hardly isolated case.


Oh, so that part is disturbing... in contrast to the hundreds of passengers, women and children, that went screaming down into the earth and died when they smashed into the earth at a few hundred miles per hour with their flesh and bones splashing all over the inside of the Boeing product? That part wasn''t disturbing? How about when Boeing decided to let the software weenies over-ride the pilot and put the plane into a nose dive, which ultimately killed everyone on board the plane? Was that part disturbing? How about the fact that the guy in charge of all this will be sent on his merry way with millions of dollars, while he ruined one of Americas best companies? Was that disturbing?


LA Republican
Boeing needs to get back to the old days that made them great - that being the engineers and first line employees are number one, not HR, not upper management.
Pay the people who actually do the work, loyalties for experienced long term employees.

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