熊可以冬眠 人为什么不行 特殊氨基酸是关键
2022-06-11 s555555555 6612

Grizzly bears spend many months in hibernation, but their muscles do not suffer from the lack of movement. In the journal “Scientific Reports”, a team led by Michael Gotthardt reports on how they manage to do this. The grizzly bears’ strategy could help prevent muscle atrophy in humans as well.

众所周知灰熊有冬眠这一习性,然而它们的肌肉却不会因为长达几个月的缺乏运动而萎缩。在Michael Gotthardt领导的研究团队的《科学报告》中,讲述了它们如何做到这一点的。灰熊的策略也可以帮助预防人类的肌肉萎缩。

A grizzly bear only knows three seasons during the year. Its time of activity starts between March and May. Around September the bear begins to eat large quantities of food. And sometime between November and January, it falls into hibernation. From a physiological point of view, this is the strangest time of all. The bear’s metabolism and heart rate drop rapidly. It excretes neither urine nor feces. The amount of nitrogen in the blood increases drastically and the bear becomes resistant to the hormone insulin.


A person could hardly survive this four-month phase in a healthy state. Afterwards, he or she would most likely have to cope with thromboses or psychological changes. Above all, the muscles would suffer from this prolonged period of disuse. Anyone who has ever had an arm or leg in a cast for a few weeks or has had to lie in bed for a long time due to an illness has probably experienced this.


Not so the grizzly bear. In the spring, the bear wakes up from hibernation, perhaps still a bit sluggish at first, but otherwise well. Many scientists have long been interested in the bear’s strategies for adapting to its three seasons.


A team led by Professor Michael Gotthardt, head of the Neuromuscular and Cardiovascular Cell Biology group at the Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC) in Berlin, has now investigated how the bear’s muscles manage to survive hibernation virtually unharmed. The scientists from Berlin, Greifswald and the United States were particularly interested in the question of which genes in the bear’s muscle cells are transcribed and converted into proteins, and what effect this has on the cells.

柏林马克斯·德布吕克分子医学中心(MDC)肌肉神经和心血管细胞生物学小组组长Michael Gotthardt教授领导的研究小组现在研究了熊的肌肉细胞如何在几乎不受伤害的冬眠中生存下来。来自柏林,格赖夫斯瓦尔德和美国的科学家对熊的肌肉细胞中的哪些基因被转录并转化为蛋白质以及对细胞有什么影响的问题特别感兴趣。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Understanding and copying the tricks of nature

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“Muscle atrophy is a real human problem that occurs in many circumstances. We are still not very good at preventing it,” says the lead author of the study, Dr. Douaa Mugahid, once a member of Gotthardt’s research group and now a postdoctoral researcher in the laboratory of Professor Marc Kirschner of the Department of Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School in Boston.

“肌肉萎缩是在许多情况下都会发生真正的人类问题。而我们仍然不能很好的去应对它,”该研究的主要作者Douaa Mugahid博士说,Douaa Mugahi博士曾经是Gotthardt教授研究小组的成员,现在是波士顿哈佛医学院系统生物学系的Marc Kirschner教授实验室的博士后研究员。

“For me, the beauty of our work was to learn how nature has perfected a way to maintain muscle functions under the difficult conditions of hibernation,” says Mugahid. “If we can better understand these strategies, we will be able to develop novel and non-intuitive methods to better prevent and treat muscle atrophy in patients.”

Mugahid说:“对我来说,我们的工作之美在于学习自然如何完善了在困难的冬眠条件下维持肌肉功能的方法。” “如果我们能更好地理解这些策略,我们将能够开发出新颖且可靠的方法来更好地预防和治疗患者的肌肉萎缩。”

To understand the bears’ tricks, the team led by Mugahid and Gotthardt examined muscle samples from grizzly bears both during and between the times of hibernation, which they had received from Washington State University. “By combining cutting-edge sequencing techniques with mass spectrometry, we wanted to determine which genes and proteins are upregulated or shut down both during and between the times of hibernation,” explains Gotthardt.

为了了解熊的策略,由Mugahid和Gotthardt领导的团队在数个连续的冬天里检查了灰熊的肌肉样本,这是他们从华盛顿州立大学收到的。 Gotthardt解释道:“通过将先进的测序技术与质谱分析法相结合,我们希望确定在冬眠期间以哪些基因和蛋白质被上调或关闭。”

“This task proved to be tricky – because neither the full genome nor the proteome, i.e., the totality of all proteins of the grizzly bear, were known,” says the MDC scientist. In a further step, he and his team compared the findings with observations of humans, mice and nematode worms.


As the researchers reported in the journal “Scientific Reports”, they found proteins in their experiments that strongly influence a bear’s amino acid metabolism during hibernation. As a result, its muscle cells contain higher amounts of certain non-essential amino acids (NEAAs).


“In experiments with isolated muscle cells of humans and mice that exhibit muscle atrophy, cell growth could also be stimulated by NEAAs,” says Gotthardt, adding that “it is known, however, from earlier clinical studies that the administration of amino acids in the form of pills or powders is not enough to prevent muscle atrophy in elderly or bedridden people.”


“Obviously, it is important for the muscle to produce these amino acids itself – otherwise the amino acids might not reach the places where they are needed,” speculates the MDC scientist. A therapeutic starting point, he says, could be the attempt to induce the human muscle to produce NEAAs itself by activating corresponding metabolic pathways with suitable agents during longer rest periods.


Tissue samples from bedridden patients
In order to find out which signaling pathways need to be activated in the muscle, Gotthardt and his team compared the activity of genes in grizzly bears, humans and mice. The required data came from elderly or bedridden patients and from mice suffering from muscle atrophy – for example, as a result of reduced movement after the application of a plaster cast. “We wanted to find out which genes are regulated differently between animals that hibernate and those that do not,” explains Gotthardt.

为了找出哪些信号通路需要在肌肉中激活,Gotthardt和他的团队比较了灰熊,人类和小鼠中基因的活性。所需数据来自老年患者或卧床不起的患者以及患有肌肉萎缩症的小鼠,例如打了石膏之后活动减少的病患。 Gotthardt解释说:“我们想找出相比于那些不冬眠的动物,冬眠动物的基因有哪些受到了调控。”

However, the scientists came across a whole series of such genes. To narrow down the possible candidates that could prove to be a starting point for muscle atrophy therapy, the team subsequently carried out experiments with nematode worms. “In worms, individual genes can be deactivated relatively easily and one can quickly see what effects this has on muscle growth,” explains Gotthardt.

但是,科学家们遇到了一系列这样的基因。为了缩小可能被证明是肌肉萎缩治疗起点的候选对象范围,研究小组随后进行了线虫蠕虫实验。 Gotthardt解释说:“在蠕虫中,单个基因可以相对轻松地失活,并且可以迅速看到其对肌肉生长的影响。”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A gene for circadian rhythms
With the help of these experiments, his team has now found a handful of genes whose influence they hope to further investigate in future experiments with mice. These include the genes Pdk4 and Serpinf1, which are involved in glucose and amino acid metabolism, and the gene Rora, which contributes to the development of circadian rhythms. “We will now examine the effects of deactivating these genes,” says Gotthardt. “After all, they are only suitable as therapeutic targets if there are either limited side effects or none at all.”

在这些实验的帮助下,他的团队现在已经发现了一些基因,他们希望通过这些基因的影响来进一步研究小鼠。其中包括参与葡萄糖和氨基酸代谢的基因Pdk4和Serpinf1,以及有助于昼夜节律发展的基因Rora。 Gotthardt说:“我们现在将研究使这些基因失活的作用。” “毕竟,只有在副作用有限或根本没有副作用的情况下,它们才适合作为靶向治疗。”

I wonder if this might be able to give us a way to defeat muscle atrophy for coma patients and anyone working in space for long duration''s of time.


The article mentions that attempts to take supplements hasn''t helped bedridden patients and that a key difference is the bears make/deliver the amino acids themselves to the spots that need it.


Sounds like something we''ll need to build our medical monitoring equipment around, if we can identify these things it will result in easier recovery for coma/paralysis victims and space travelers.


Even if we could, are we able to deliver it to localised areas? I thought that one of the difficulty of medicinal administration is delivery to certain areas.


It is a difficult problem, but it''s also a problem a lot of people are working on. Targeted delivery of drugs is a big deal for new cancer therapies.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I wonder if nanotechnology will solve that. If a tiny robot with a capsule of medicin can localize itself in the body and release it when needed that could do the trick.


I think we’d be more likely to see some form of tech that can essentially work you out while immobile. If nanotech does become possible I feel it would almost be better for them to go make small tears in the muscles forcing the body to repair itself in the same way working out affects the body.


They tried this for awhile with CPM (continuous passive movement) machines to prevent the massive muscle atrophy that occurs during recovery from an ACL surgery. It did little to alleviate swelling or reduce atrophy.
Maybe nano can offer a better alternative.


The amount of progress being made in the medicle field is stunning.


Clearly the correct answer is to start sending bears into space.


If we can figure out a way to do it for all the cells... Hypersleep and or immortality, maybe?


Immortality is a stretch. It''ll prevent muscle atrophy, but cells replication process is flawed and gets worse over time. It''s theorized that this is a major contributor to why we age,I believe. Our bodies can''t keep up


Manufactured replacement parts would work for organs. Bones would be harder and skin would be very difficult to fully replace, but making tailormade parts with your own DNA code and enough telomeres to add 100 years to their life expectancy sounds possible in the next 30-50 years. Replacing brains however that''ll take much longer unless we''re supplementing with computer hardware

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yep, it''s likely unsustainable for a population of 7 billion or at least it will be at first, but our kids or grandkids might not have to die from the normal aging process ever again and that''s a cool concept to me. What kinda laws and regulations will pop up around it? Will people rush to save up tens of millions of dollars to have these surgeries and retire for half their lifetime with a young body? What sort of philanthropic or passion projects will be possible for people who don''t need to work for a living because it''s viable to save up for a body replacement? Or will they save up to have the surgery and go back to work to save up for the next one? Will we stop at traditional organs or move on to mechanical parts? The great thing is that if we don''t implode as a species, the options are neigh endless and it all starts this century. Sorry if this seems too SciFi for thus point in time, but we will live to see all of these things come to fruition and that''s exciting to me

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Depending on your current age, yes some people alive today could see a form of this at some point.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There are already drugs ready to go to clinical trial which can reverse the aging process - to a degree. The ones they''re getting ready to test don''t actually rebuild telomeres, but they could add decades to a person''s life. A lot of people under age 65 right now could theoretically stay ahead of the curve as new developments occur.
As for what you do when humans have functional immortality (i.e. aren''t indestructible but don''t get sick or grow old) that''s pretty simple: childbirth must be regulated. Only when slow attrition whittles down the population to a certain point, or we''re ready to embark on a colonization effort, do you allow people to reproduce at will for a while. Probably best to have the kids all at once over a twenty or thirty year span and then stop, instead of a steady trickle being born all the time. That way children always have a sizable peer group to grow up with.
Personally, I think the world would benefit tremendously from everyone having a personal stake in the long-term future. Shortsighted thinking and decision making is killing us!


Telomeres are not the whole story. All forms of cancer in humans involve telomere expansion because it allows cells to evade senescence, an anti-tumour mechanism. There are other ways we age as well, like accumulation of mutations, ROS, mitochondrial dysfunction, etc. also adding 100 years to our life expectancy within the next 30-50 years sounds quite optimistic. We can’t even make worms live twice as long and they have about 1000 cells and don’t really have organs the way we do... once we figure this stuff out in worms, flies, and mice, MAYBE we can begin to create therapies in humans. But we can’t even solve aging in simple organisms at the moment, and we don’t even know what even causes ageing either, so there’s a lot to consider when coming up with a timeline.


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