2022-10-30 君子冲盈 11009

Steve Melnick, Professional Questioner, Amateur Answerer
Ghana. (Ghana?)
Is it a 'minor' country? I think so - 82d in area, 40th in population, 70th in GDP.

加纳。( 加纳? )
它是一个“小国家”吗? 我想是的——面积排第82,人口排第40,GDP排第70。

Now some process of elimination. The current or rising powers are going to ensure that no one in their corner of the globe gets too out of hand and will smother any baby-superpowers in their crib, so that eliminates any nation in the Americas (US and Brazil), Europe (EU and Russia), or most of Asia (India, China). The Middle East is now under extensive scrutiny by the world powers and beset by vicious rivalries, so you're not likely to see any superpowers germinating there. We need to look to Africa. Sub-Saharan - anything North Africa will draw the attention of Europe.


So, Ghana. It has an ambitious plan to modernize their economy in the next few decades. It has reasonably large oil reserves (est. 5B barrels), so it can literally fuel its own expansion. By African standards, the government is stable and corruption is low, which helps a lot too. The military is tiny, but let's assume that part of the economic modernization is a big push into weapons manufacturing.
To achieve superpower status, Ghana will need:*
To follow through on its plan to become a modern, developed economy
Invest substantially in its military

那么,加纳就能算上一个了,加纳有一个雄心勃勃的计划,要在未来几十年实现经济现代化,加纳拥有相当大的石油储量(约50亿桶) ,因此可以为自身的扩张提供燃料。

Take over a few of its small, unstable neighbors, either through invasion or amicable annexation
Cultivate relations with a major power (probably China) - get diplomatic cover and technology in exchange for cheap resources
First major opponent: Nigeria. Capture Nigeria - Ghana declares itself the Pan African Republic.
Accept others into this new Pan African Republic
Bring stability to the constituent states of the PAR, by brutal force if necessary. Also, invest heavily in local infrastructure and social services - roads, schools, hospitals, power plants, plumbing. The people of other nations will start clamoring to join the PAR.

与一个大国 ( 可能是中国 ) 建立关系——用廉价的资源换取外交掩护和技术
第一个主要对手: 尼日利亚

Continue expanding the military rapidly throughout
Play the various world powers off each other to ensure the rest of the world leaves you alone. Encourage Russian adventurism, Indian-Pakistani rivalry, Middle Eastern instability. Make the Chinese solely dependent on PAR resources. Export millions of emigrants to a Europe whose population is steadily shrinking and desperate for low-wage workers. Hope the US continues to disregard anything that happens in Africa.
Annex South Africa through internal disruption and invasion. After South Africa falls, any hold-outs in sub-Saharan Africa should fall in line quickly.


Acquire nuclear weapons, detonate one in the Sahara for effect.
Any next steps would probably lead to a super-regional war, or possibly world war. If the PAR can acquire a significant portion of the Middle East, or subjugate the tired old man that Europe has become, then Ghana will have become a superpower.
* Author note - never thought I'd write that sentence.

* 作者注:没想到我会写出这篇东西。。

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