2023-08-18 翻译熊 10844

What would the USA do if China send a mission to the moon, then knock over the USA flag and replace it with Chinese flag?


Chen Haicun, lived in The United States of America (1995-2013)
'We (Chinese) found this flag on the moon and think it might be yours (American). We brought it back in case you still want it.'
--Then we hand the Americans their flag carefully wrapped and cased.
I am pretty sure the astronauts we sent to moon are educated adults, people. They are not going to act like kids knocking over other kids' sand castle, so please quite trying to think like a kid.
'BTW, Would you like to see a picture where we planted our Chinese flag? Its where you left yours.'


Josh Franks
Haha, I love this idea,
" hey guys... Is this yours? It's nice... You forgot it.
Also we swept up the footprints for you, tidied up a bit for the next country"


Wilhelm Hisinger
Does anyone even have landing technology that's that accurate enough to get In close enough proximity? The expense wouldn't be worth it unless they accidently land right there.


Chen Haicun
it isn't worth it.
it's worth much to find a suitable place to land versus spending billions just trying to troll another country.


Darrel Dent
The Chinese wouldn't need to knock it over. In fact, they'd probably have a hard time finding it. From the footage taken when the Lunar Module blasted off from the surface, we likely knocked it over ourselves. Even if we didn't, it was made of nylon, which is easily bleached and deteriorated by sunlight. So, in the constant unfiltered sunlight of Tranquility Base, it would probably be unrecognizable as a flag.


Alex Grof
LOL! OK, it would be messing with a site that has cultural value for all mankind, not just the US but it would be the ultimate one-upmanship!
Where was that US flag made anyway? I heard quite a few US flags are made in China...


Javier Blanco·
They will just copy it give it to the US and keep the original. They are very good at copying.


Chen Haicun
You kids these days.


Chase Morello
I have lived in america for all my life and I know for a fact if china just says “Screw it” and kicks down our flag to replace it I know for a fact we would spend millions of dollars just to fly back up and put it back up.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

James Kennedy
I suppose we'd have to stop there on the way to Mars & replace it - and also to knock their flag down...
Don't they know that the moon is ours and they'd be trespassing?


Chloe Thorne
I think any of the flags the U.S. left on the moon would be completely bleached white from the sun by now. In that case they don't need to supplant it, merely paint over it. :)


Mark Hui
Houston, we have a problem.


C Stuart Hardwick, Award-Winning Scifi Author, Analog regular
Complain to the UN, stamp it's feet, and get on with life. I trust that China would not do such a think.
At any rate, those flags were orginary nylon from a hardward store in Clearlake. If they haven't completely disitegrated due to radiation, they are most likely bleached completely white.


Michelle Rose, BA English cum laude, 2015. Portland State University.
You’re implying that China would do that, record the act, and then transmit the recording to international news stations. (Otherwise, how would we know that they had done so?) You’re implying that the Chinese would deliberately commit a provocative political gesture, a public statement that says the Moon now belongs to China only and up yours, America!
You don’t know much about world politics, do you? Do you seriously believe that the Chinese government would commit such a reckless, rash act? Do you really believe that they would want to dare us to go to war over the Moon? Seriously? Do you really believe that a Chinese astronaut would be full of so much anger, arrogance, and blind obedience to ideology that he would knock over another country’s flag and replace it with his own? My, you must not think very highly of highly-trained, professional scientists and pilots, do you?
I wonder if you really think that those astronauts would be ordered to do that by their premiere or by their Party Leader. China may be trying to increase its land area—by building artificial islands and attempting to annex territory—but it is certainly not going to risk a full-scale war over our only satellite—a war almost guaranteed to go nuclear. China likes making money these days—Chairman Mao is spinning in his grave—and despite your fears of radicals controlling policy—just like here in the States—they aren’t that stupid. It’s a pointless gesture and one that implies a huge amount of arrogance. I’ve seen some saber-rattling and some careful strategic actions on the part of the military and the government, but no indications of anything quite that stupid.
upxe: I’ve been informed that Chairman Mao is not technically “buried” and therefore cannot be “spinning in his grave.” Very well, then: he’s spinning in his display case, very slowly, invisible to the naked eye. (Hint: it was a metaphor, not an identification of a real event. Literalism will bite you in the ass, eventually)

你不太了解世界政治,不是吗?你真的相信中国会做出如此鲁莽、鲁莽的举动吗?你真的相信他们有勇气让我们双方在月球上开战吗?你认真? 你真的相信一个中国宇航员会充满愤怒、傲慢和对意识形态的盲目服从,他会拔掉另一个国家的国旗,用他自己的国旗代替吗?天哪,你一定很轻视训练有素的专业科学家和飞行员吧?

很赞 7