2023-07-26 不如狗 2852
Do hearing aids really work?


Michele Westfall
Thanks for the A2A, Philip.


The average hearing person typically thinks that hearing aids (and yes, cochlear implants too) function like eyeglasses. Put one on, presto, 20/20 eyesight & 100% hearing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Unfortunately, that's not the case.


It may be 20/20 for eyesight, but it's never 100% for hearing.


What hearing people need to understand is that hearing is a BRAIN activity. Meaning that it is the *brain* that interprets the sounds and decides how to respond to this or that sound. The ear is just a "receiver," if you will. Sounds travel through the ear channel, to the brain.

健听人需要明白的是,听力是一种大脑活动。也就是说,是大脑来解释这些声音,并决定如何对这个或那个声音做出反应。如果你需要的话,耳朵只是一个“接收器”。 声音通过耳道传到大脑。

Put on a hearing aid...and sounds become louder. But it doesn't help the brain interpret these suddenly-louder-sounds. . Louder sounds are annoying...and did nothing for me, since I didn't recognize them and wasn't able to interpret or identify them.

戴上助听器...... 声音会变得更大。但它并不能帮助大脑解读这些突然间变大的声音。更大的声音很烦人……对我没有任何帮助,因为我不认识他们,也不能解释或识别他们。

That's why I stopped using hearing aids at the age of 10...and I haven't worn one since then. It's been a nice life since then. :-)


I also recommend people read Harlan Lane's book The Mask of Benevolence: Disabling the Deaf Community.

我也推荐大家读读哈兰·莱恩的书《仁慈的面具:使聋人群体致残》。[译者注:The Mask of Benevolence: Disabling the Deaf Community《仁慈的面具:使聋人群体致残》,这本书我并没有找到官方中文翻译,便根据自己理解进行了意译,仅供参考。]

Meredith Peruzzi
It depends 100% on the individual, their hearing loss, the age of onset, the type of hearing aid, the audiologist, the setting in which the person is trying to listen...sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

By way of personal anecdote, my hearing aids make one-on-one conversations in a quiet area much more accessible. I am also able to enjoy birds chirping and rain falling when it is quiet and peaceful enough to hear them. But they don't help me in bars, for example, or an auditorium, or anywhere else with bad acoustics.


Hearing aids have one great flaw: they are not the human ear. Evolution designed the human ear to acquire and filter sound naturally, and hearing aids don't do that. When one thing is amplified, everything is amplified. I find wearing my hearing aids to be very tiring, because my brain has to work harder to filter and process the sounds; without hearing aids, listening is less tiring, but of course I don't get as much. So it's a trade-off, and it's one I sometimes make, but it doesn't mean the hearing aids do or don't work - it's just they don't always work for all people in all settings.


Miranda Lopez
Hearing aids are useful in improving the speech and hearing comprehension of people who are having any kind of hearing loss which results from damage to the small sensory cells in the ear called hair cells. A hearing aid basically magnifies sound vibrations entering the ear. Hearing aid amplification depends on the level of hearing loss anyone having means greater the hearing loss more the hearing aid need to make up the difference.


Hearing aids also have any particular limits to which they can amplify the sound. If the inner ear is also damaged, then hearing aids than even the larger vibrations cannot be converted into neural signals and in that case hearing aids are not effective. Now let’s talk about the kind of hearing aids.


We have basically three types of hearing aids, BTE (Behind the ear) that are consist of a hard plastic case worn behind the ear and connected to a plastic earmold that fits inside the outer car. The second one is ITE (in the ear) which are fitted completely outside the ear and are used for mild to severe hearing loss.

我们主要有三种类型的助听器,耳背式助听器(耳挂型)它包括一个硬塑料外壳,戴在耳朵后面,并连接一个塑料耳模,适合放在外面的车里[译者注:这里outer car应该是打字错误,感觉应该是outer ear,适佩外耳。outer car车外感觉怎么也说不通]。第二种便是完全耳内式助听器(耳内式),它完全安装在耳朵外,用于轻度至重度听力损失。[译者注:这里应该是答者搞反了,验配过助听器的朋友应该知道,目前市面上耳背式(BTE)的功率要远大于完全耳内式(ITE)助听器,且完全耳内式(ITE)助听器并不是答主所说的完全安在耳外,应该是耳内才对。另外,大部分完全耳内式(ITE)助听器才是用于轻度至重度听力损失。]

And the last one is Canal aids which fit into the ear canal and are available in two styles. Hearing aids work differently depending on the technology used in it like they are either analog or digital. Now a days Digital hearing aids are in use and their converts sound waves into numeric codes same like of computer processors. Now to find out which hearing aid will be best for you will depend on the severity of your hearing loss. You should consult a professional Hearing Aids Expert near your area and they will examine your hearing loss and will recommend your hearing aids according to that.


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