2021-01-30 涛声依旧啊 16222

The story of Lament of the Highborne


Originally thought to be a lament to the Fall of Quel'Thalas, or possibly the Troll Wars, Lament of the Highborne is a tribute to both these events and more. The original song may have actually been in Darnassian, but given the similarities between it and Thalassian, this is probably a moot point. The original version is a Kaldorei song lamenting the losses during the War of the Ancients — a tribute to the members of the Kaldorei Resistance who fought against, and died by the claws of, the Burning Legion. Some 2,800 years ago, the words were altered (though the melody remained the same) to reflect the similar losses and courage found in the Troll Wars. The song (possibly modified slightly) rose to popularity in recent years, after the Fall of Quel'Thalas, again to honor the fallen of Quel'Thalas and those who persevered. Hence, the song is a dirge, not for just the high elves, but for all elves; Kaldorei, quel'dorei, and sin'dorei alike.

《上层精灵的挽歌》最初被认为是对奎尔萨拉斯(Quel'Thalas)陷落的挽歌,或者可能是巨魔战争的挽歌,而《上层精灵的挽歌》是对这些事件以及更多其它事件的致敬。最初的歌曲可能实际上是达纳苏斯语(非常古老的暗夜精灵语言),但考虑到它与萨拉斯语(血精灵和上层精灵的主要语言)之间的相似性,这可能是一个有争议的问题。最初的版本是一首卡多雷歌曲,为上古战争中的损失而哀恸——这是一首献给卡多雷抵抗组织成员的歌曲,他们曾与燃烧军团作战,最终死于燃烧军团的爪牙手中。大约2800年前,歌词被修改了(尽管旋律保持不变),以反映在巨魔战争中类似的损失和勇气。这首歌(可能稍作修改)近年来流行起来,在奎尔萨拉斯陷落之后,再次纪念奎尔萨拉斯陷落和那些坚持下来的人。因此,这首歌是一首挽歌,这首歌不仅是为上层精灵唱的,也是为所有精灵唱的:Kaldorei(暗夜精灵), Quel'dorei(上层精灵)和Sin'dorei(血精灵)都一样。


The story of Invincible


Invincible was born to the mare Brightmane on the Balnir Farmstead in Tirisfal Glades, in the winter of the year Stormwind fell. Prince Arthas, then nine years old, was present when he was born, and was given the horse by the Balnir family, who bred horses used by the royal family. The horse had a white coat, different from the usual Balnir stock, which normally had gray coats. Arthas had considered naming the horse "Snowfall" or "Starlight", but in the informal tradition of Lordaeron knights and nobles naming their steeds after a quality (Uther's was "Steadfast", King Terenas' "Courageous"), he named the colt "Invincible".


Ten years later in winter, before Arthas was inducted into the Knights of the Silver Hand, Arthas and Invincible were caught in a sudden blizzard while en route to Balnir Farmstead. When Arthas came to a jump that Invincible regularly made, the horse lost its footing on the ice, propelling the young prince and his mount into rough terrain. Arthas blacked out for mere moments, but his steed was laying in the bloody snow with two broken front legs. Too far from help and unable to heal the wounded horse, Arthas forced himself to drive his sword through the beast's heart in order to relieve his pain. After the storm tapered off, Jorum and Jarim Balnir found the young prince curled up next to his once majestic mount. Stricken by a mix of guilt and pride, Arthas didn't tell anyone that it was a completely unnecessary jump that lead to the accident. He was buried on the grounds of the Balnir Farmstead at Arthas' request. Invincible's death was one of the events that inspired Arthas to become a paladin.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After the fall of Lordaeron years later, Arthas - now a death knight - ran directly from Lordaeron after murdering his father, to the Balnir Farmstead where Invincible was buried. With the power of Frostmourne, Arthas resurrected the horse as his undead steed. Now fully living up to his name, Invincible could become a spectre and disappear, to be resummoned by Arthas at any time.


During the Scourge's siege on the Sunwell, Anasterian Sunstrider confronted Arthas in single combat, severing Invincible's forelegs with his runeblade, [Felo'melorn], to dismount him. Witnessing Invincible's injuries brought on a surge of memories and sent Arthas into a rage, during which he shattered Felo'melorn and struck down Anasterian. This time, however, Arthas was able to necromantically repair the injuries. It is likely that Invincible served as his master's steed, even after Arthas became the new Lich King, though Sindragosa has also been referred to as his mount.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This has still got to be one of the most haunting and melancholy pieces of music I've ever heard.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ben Zeng
Plus the lore


i'm crying with this song :')

我为这首歌而哭泣。 :')

Mahorias Ice
Loot necklace, right click to start the quest..
Go back to Sylvanas, turn in the quest. And listen.... Unexpected reward!


Lady Fibonacci
@Mahorias Ice
You mean getting to see Lady Sylvanas preform her lament?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sumin Shizzles
@Lady Fibonacci


Lady Fibonacci
@Sumin Shizzles
she sings to us again after we complete the Silverpine Forest quest lines. I just did it a few weeks ago and was very happy to hear it again while I followed her down the road lol


Sumin Shizzles
@Mahorias Ice
After years of playing ally i rolled an undead warlock. I did all quests in order. Picked this necklace up and turned it in. WoW. I was mesmerized. afterwards i just sat there and thought waht the fuck just happened. I am a 50 year old male and have seen a lot in life but that was one of those special moments. Too bad wow is crap now. I quit BoA. So, bye wow. It was fun while it lasted. Gonna play this again cos it was nice and brough back memories.

在玩了多年的联盟阵营后,我又玩了一个亡灵术士,我按顺序完成了所有的任务。把这个项链捡起来并交了上去,哇!我被迷住了,之后我就坐在那里想着刚才tmd发生了什么。我是一个50岁的大男人,在生活中经历了很多,但那是那些特殊的时刻之一。太糟糕了,现在的《魔兽世界》是垃圾,我放弃了“争霸艾泽拉斯(Battle for Azeroth),所以,再见了,《魔兽世界》,以前一直玩的时候很有趣儿。我想再放一遍这首歌,因为它很好听,勾起了我的回忆。

Chris Faulkner
@Sumin Shizzles
There's always WotLK Private servers... :)

总有巫妖王之怒(WotLK)的私服…… :)

Sumin Shizzles
@Chris Faulkner
It was on a private server that i experienced this.


i love when you sing world of warcraft music and there is that cool bearded man


Alexandre de freitas
that cool bearded man xD he is the one that composed the music


João Eduardo
One of the best quest rewards in all of WoW history.
This song and the performance are stunning but... for me, there is nothing like "Invincible".


Ramon Peixoto
@João Eduardo
For me there is nothing like "Nightsong".


Dingo Ate Baby
Voice of an angel....


I listen to this every day at work, Jillian's voice is getting me so calm..


Not A Smith
Fun fact Sylvanas actually sings the first line of this song when she mind controls someone in Heroes of the Storm.


Cat 52
This is such a beautiful song, and it's so sad.


Afallon Imaging
@Cat 52
The song is beautiful And i love it but it makes me so sad there is nothing good in it's just a cry of despair.


Afallon Imaging
@Cat 52
the name of the song is literally the cry of the highborn


THE most memorable questing moment i ever experienced in WOW. Best quest ever made with such an awesome and unexpected ending.
When she sings "Shindo fallar na" that means, "(We have) failed, enemies are breaking through", other than that the translation is spot on.
The reason i think this song is so tragic is because i think it is some of the last things Sylvanas heard before she died. The song describes in a very gruesome and vague way what happened at the time of her death. The battlements where she fought her last battle against the scourge were overrun and she could hear the terrible screams of her fellow quel'dorei as they were being cut down by relentless waves of unending undead horrors.
I can imagine the terrified high elf soldiers fighting during their last stand and yelling "By the light of the Sun, we have failed! The enemy has broken through!", the horror of seeing your comrades die all around you and the rivers of blood on the battlefield as the high elves kept falling back to another bulwark.
These words are the last things that she heard on the battlefield before she faded out...
"Shindo sin'dorei" - (We have) failed, children of blood
That is the the verse she added later on when she made up the song, that IS her personal lament because in her mind she failed to defend her beloved homeland and stop the undead. She also blames herself and her inadequecies as a troop commander because she failed to save the soldiers under her command.
A true heartwrenching story about the last moments of the high elves in their battle against the Scourge.

当她唱“Shindo fallar na”时,意思是“(我们)失败了,敌人正在突破”,除此之外其他的翻译都是棒极了。
“Shindo sin'dorei”-(我们)失败了,血之子民(血精灵)

"Shindu Fallah Na" is one of her lines in Warcraft 3 when Arthas finally breaks through Sylvanas's defences.

《魔兽争霸3》中当阿尔萨斯最终突破了希尔瓦娜斯的防线,她的一句台词是“Shindu Fallah Na”。

Indeed, it really is a song about fall of elves as the Scourge devours their ancient homeland.
When i played WC3 back in the day, i didn't gave it much thought and the game doesn't exactly allows you to properly feel the gravity of Arthas's actions against elves.
But later materials do a wonderful work of establishing of just how much Scourge and Arthas scarred the world beyond repair, how the High Elves will probably never recover from it.


Perhaps it what makes sylvanas an even better character since she really did fall deep


Vincent Lopata
I can't see Arthas as a vilain. I always feel sad for him. What a terrible fate.


Hans Nyström Pastor
@Vincent Lopata
it wa a hero,a man whith the will to fight the worst of the worst. You are right, what a terrible fate.


Escape The Black Cube of Saturn Matrix
@Vincent Lopata
Art has was never seen as a villain, the Lich king was (aka nerzhul)


Solid Shepard
@Vincent Lopata
he fought till the very end. always kept jainas pendant close to his heart....and held back the true might of the scourge. too bad it was too late to save him.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tliltocatl Albopilosa
@Vincent Lopata
Try looking at him from the perspective of Sylvanas Windrunner, that might help. :P

试着从希尔瓦娜斯·风行者(Sylvanas Windrunner)的角度来看他,这可能会有所帮助. :P

biggs hoverwelder
@Tliltocatl Albopilosa
you mean the genocidal traitorous high elf who now slays innocents and raises them into undeath to serve her?, that sylvanas?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tliltocatl Albopilosa
​@biggs hoverwelder
Yup, that's the one! But she's not on trial here. This is about Arthas, who from the perspective of Sylvanas is a genocidal traitorous human who slays innocents and raises them into undeath to serve *him*. Regardless of what Sylvanas is currently up to, it doesn't change the fact that Arthas marched into her homeland and killed 90% of her people, including her, and raised her as a banshee. He kept her body locked up in an iron coffin so he could torture her for as long as possible. He was a real bastard. Hence my comment.


Mega Man Zero Remastered Tracks
The song already has a very sad tone to it and it usually makes me tear up a bit.
But then they show the Icecrown citadel raid and all the memories came back from that time.
All that effort to stop the madness that had overtaken Arthas. I didn't raid to get ridiculous upgrades, I raided to see the end to Arthas' story.
Wrath was probably the best time I've every played in WoW. I made so many lasting friends whom I play with even still to this day.
Goodnight Crown Prince.


Robin Svensson
Arthas was a man of good intentions. He swore he would stop at nothing to protect his people, the people of Lordaeron was all that was on his mind.
He saw the plague first hand, and what it did to his people, and vowed to put an end to it. He started by killing Kel'Thuzad, but of course that didn't help really.
He saw his people turning in mere moments from alive and well to hungering undead, turning on their own loved ones. That took a toll on the young prince.
When he reached Stratholme and found the plague had been spread, he did what he did for his people. He purged Stratholme, sacrificing the few in an attempt to save the many.
But by doing this he disconnected himself from the Light. Not necessarily by choice, but he did what he felt was the only option.
The Light abandoned Arthas, setting him further down his path of darkness, taken not by choice but by a will to save his people.
By taking up Frostmourne, in order to save his people, he completed the journey towards Darkness, blinded by his desperate desire to save his people and his kingdom.
In my eyes, Arthas was never a villain. Merely a Hero blinded by his desire to do good and tricked by the forces of Darkness.
Arthas' story is truly a sad one.


@Robin Svensson
To be honest I have always feel bad for Arthas, he is basically the best example of a chaotic good hero


@Robin Svensson
lol he literally tried to kill everyone on azeroth and make them into his undead slaves. are you actually serious?


Péter Szabadkay
I have to admit, this does bring a tear to my eyes. I started playing WoW in TBC, but Wrath was the peak of my gaming carrier. I was a poor student, I had a super cheap salvaged comp. It could barely run Wow at minimum render distance. Yet this was the source of my sweetest memories. Working my way through the raids and bosses to Arthas, and finally defeating him felt amazing. Especially that I played through Warcraft 3! Now I have a strong rig, better and more beautiful games, but the feeling is just not the same.
An Karanir Thanagor!

我不得不承认,这确实让我热泪盈眶。我开始玩《魔兽世界》是在《燃烧远征(The Burning Crusade)》,但《巫妖王之怒WLK》是游戏运营商的巅峰之作。我是一个穷学生,我有一个超级便宜的组装电脑,它几乎不能在最小渲染距离下运行《魔兽世界》,然而,这却是我最美好的回忆的来源。我通过突袭和多个boss去找阿尔萨斯,最终打败了他,这感觉太棒了。尤其是我玩魔兽争霸3的时候!现在我有了一个强大的装备,更好更漂亮的游戏,但是找不到当年的感觉了。
An Karanir Thanagor!(Long live the king!吾王万岁!)

Kyle P.
"My son, the day you were born, the very forests of lordaeron whispered the name... Arthas."
"My child, I watched with pride, as you grew into a weapon... of righteousness. Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom, and strength; and I know you will show restraint with exercising your great power. But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to an end, you shall be king."

“孩子, 我骄傲地看着你一天天长大,成为……正义的化身。你要记住,我们一直都是以智慧与力量统治这个国家,我也相信你会谨慎地使用自己强大的力量。但真正的胜利,孩子——是鼓舞你的子民心中的斗志。我告诉你这些,总有一天, 我的生命将抵达终点,而你,将加冕为王。”

Murat Kaya
@Kyle P.
i see only darkness father...


@Kyle P.
Haven't played in 8 years, but i remember those lines. Coupled with the excellent performance in the video here, I nearly cried. Blizzard were masters at their craft.


Acton Don
@Kyle P.
these very lines from father reveled Arthas' fate already at the beginning, " Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom, and strength; and I know you will show restraint with exercising your great power" when the boy forgot old man's lessons, he strayed away into forever darkness and lost there forever


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 6