2021-02-27 龟兔赛跑 6554

How are you living life?


Kiran Hirani, lives in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
I wrote this two days back.
I don't know what is going on? I don't know what will happen! I cannot recall what happened and I am afraid what might happen.
Life is uncertain. It changes its questions everyday but we try to solve them using the same answers.
I find world a strange place to live in.
A place where everyone wants to be heard, no one wants to listen.
A place where everyone is lonely, yet no one connects deeply.
A place so beautiful yet perceived as ugly.
A place which lives in virtuality but demands reality.
A place where everyone expects respect yet they are unlikely to give up on their ego.
A place where they won't tolerate if you are different yet tell you are unique.
A place well equipped with gadgets yet people are uncomfortable.
Well, I am just trying to understand everything.


Jamie Scoverski, I worked 25 years as an industrial electrician.
My most important points focus on what I don't do: put myself in a comparative position relative to others, and do away with regrets. I find it so sad on here and elsewhere whenever I read a question someone asks where they beat themselves up by comparing themselves, their value as a human and lives to others. The fact is we're not all the same, and we all react to the world the way we do in our own unique way.
Personally I never wanted a glittering life full of friends, tons of dates, endless travel, unlimited experiences, etc. It shocks me how people can react to you whenever you state that you don't want to live their type of life, like there's something wrong with you. I'm more than content with having very few friends and acquaintences. I'm content with being single and not dating a great deal. I'm content with controlling my life and what I like, and not doing what others expect of me.
I basically try to appreciate what I have and not beat myself up over what others have. I don't let fear control my life, but I also focus on attaining what I want to accomplish. One thing I don't do anymore is take on challenges that I'm not really into, giving me the time and opportunity to focus on the goals I consider important.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Gopal Sinha, former Civil Engineer
A simple life. I have believed in some basic principles and tried to follow them as far as practicable, like--
1. Plain living and high thinking,
2. Cut your coat, according to your cloth,
3. Honesty is the best policy,
4. A stich in time, saves nine,
5. It is never too late to mend,
6. Where there is a will, there is a way,
7. God helps those, who help themselves,
8. As you sow, so you reap,
9. Try and fail, but never fail to try,
10. Work is worship....etc.
I am not a saint or a preacher and have had my share of pains and pleasure, success and failures, good or evil etc., but I have found these sayings very practical and helpful so far.

1. 生活要朴素,情操要高尚。
2. 量体裁衣。
3. 诚实是最好的品质。
4. 小洞不补,大洞吃苦。
5. 亡羊补牢,为时未晚。
6. 有志者,事竟成。
7. 天助自助者。
8. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。
9. 尝试可能会失败,但绝对不要放弃尝试。
10. 要尊敬工作等。

James Gilbert, Feels like free climbing Mt. Everest and falling off forever
To put it brief and to the point, I don't live life. I haven't even lived one single day of my life. I exist. There is nothing else. I have no goals, desires, plans, hobbies, skills, inspiration, talents, aspiration, or interests. I just wake up. Why? I don't know. I have never known. I will never know.


Kat Mitchell, lives in Maine
The best I can, on my own terms. I honestly don’t care how others judge my life, because you only live once, and I don’t want to live a life full of regrets. If people say that my life is less than ideal, well fuck em. The things this world values, I don’t, and if they want to live their lives to please others, that’s on them. You can keep your mortgage, and your PTA meetings, and your high powered job in the corporate world, I would rather live a life free of all that Bullshit.


Maneesha Rally, Self Employed
We are living this life to find happiness.
All our actions are ultimately targetted in searching for our happiness. We look for happiness in buying new things, travelling or in making new friends.
The problem is that these sources of happiness don’t provide us happiness for long. New things become old, for travel we need fitness that doesn’t last forever and friends have to also part ways with time.
Whatever gives us happiness has an expiry date. Even our own body deteriorates with time.
So is true happiness an illusion?
If happiness is an illusion then why do we yearn for it?
Is there a secret which when unfolded would make us feel happy and thus complete?
It's no secret. It's something which is a part of our being. It's LOVE. When we feel loved or when we love someone then we feel complete and that gives us happiness.
We look for this in our family, our friends and in a partner. But again they would leave us, either due to destiny or after some time. If nothing else then death would take them away from us.
Again our search for that eternal and everlasting love that could give us happiness seems illusionary.


There has to be an answer.
From where did mystics and saints get happiness such that even the tortures given to them by the society did not make them hate anyone? They became a personification of love.
They went inside themselves to find it. They all meditated and experienced love.
How they learnt to contemplate and meditate so that they felt the bliss?
They all had a master who guided them and lead them on the way of self-realisation leading to the realization of the eternal power which is another name of love.
A life spent in pursuit of that master who could make us feel loved and could help us attain everlasting happiness would be a life well spent.
Some people feel that there is no need of master. We could find our happiness on our own.
My answer would be that even if we start searching by reading scxtures or listening to discources, then also it's a welcome step.
Those people are better than the people who even don't know why they are living this life?
Atleast they have started the search for their true and everlasting happiness.


Ritesh Kumar Mishra, Keen to share philosophic topics
Let's talk about simple things from the perspective of an ordinary state of mind. If we can live our life to it's fullest then yes, we can jump into a path which is unknown and our destiny.
1、We live because there are people who love us, and people we love back.
2、We live because we want to find out things, and learn, and become able to do things that we would like to do.
3、We live because others want us to.
4、We want them to live along with us.
5、We live because we have hope,
6、We live because we want to see what happens next.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bala Shivani, I'm a Spiritual Seeker
1. Why is the sun living its life - To spread shine.
2. Why is a flower living its life - To blossom and spread the fragrance
3. Why is a Honeybee living its life - To prepare honey
Well if you carefully observe anything in nature exists to contribute its own existence, not to serve a purpose rather for what it is. The sun never thinks to prepare honey and honeybee never thinks about why it is living its life.
Nature is extremely intelligent than what you think it is. It has already inherited certain traits in you which are leading you to ask this question.
You are asking this question probably nature is letting you inquire about this!
Don’t stop and look for an answer. Seek it!
Why are we living this life? May be to seek an answer to this question. You are living this life to create and contribute your own answer for the above question asked :)

1、 为什么太阳要努力的生活——为了散发光芒。
2、 为什么一朵花要努力的生活——为了绽放并散发香气。
3、 为什么蜜蜂要努力的生活——为了准备蜂蜜。

Tony Villari, Lead Chaplain at Garden Park Medical Center (2015-present)
I think that to answer this question accurately we must first answer the timeless question, “Why are we?” Once we can determine why we are here we can then begin to answer what our purpose is. We all have our own answer as to what our individual or societal purpose is, but we still have not answered the question which has occupied philosophers down through the ages - “Why?”
Personally, my spirituality has me answering the question you ask this way: Why are we here, for those spiritual of us, is because God, or the ultimate power in the universe, placed us here, supposedly to manage and have dominion over this planet while we live. Now, to your question, what we are supposed to do is learn all we can from this life so we can be good stewards of our planet, as we were tasked. More importantly, though, is to learn all we can so we are better prepared for what our next life, and the lives that follow, challenges us with.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Else Byskov
The purpose for all humans right now is to grow in humaneness, to be of service, to help others and to evolve in morals.
We come from the animal kingdom and have now evolved into humans. Once we were ferocious warriors (and some still are) but as we live life after life we reap a lot of suffering from what we have sown preciously. When we reap suffering we develop our humanitarianism and ability to feel compassion.
For each life we live, we move one step further to becoming real human beings who cannot steal, lie, brag, maim, hurt and kill. In this way we unlearn our more primitive traits and become more and more all-loving and less and less egoistic.
That is the purpose of life at the stage we are at right now.


Nishant Moghe, former Assistant Manager at EagleBurgmann
we are just a very small part of a very huge process going on from ages. and i.e EVOLUTION.
the only purpose of any living creature on this planet is to survive and continue our bloodline.
even animals do it. the only difference we have is we got "brains".
So we do it in a more organised way. We earn ,we build homes,we aspire to gain power in society ,all this just that our bloodline has a better chance of surviving.
Rest joy of life,love,sadness everything is creation of mind and nothing else,all temporary stuff.


Perumal Sankar, HMD., LONDON Homeopathy & Spirituality
For freedom and liberation from the body identity. To know that we are living forever.
This is the purpose of our living this is my idea and I try for this till the end. Whether I succeed or not I am not interested but definitely try .


Namrta Maggo, lives in New Delhi
I believe we are living for the acceptance of others so that we can accept ourselves. Look at all the action through out our life we study so hard so that we can get good jobs so that we can earn more so that we can afford that fancy house so that we can impress other and from that we feel good such a vicious circle. I believe it's a irony of life we need to life for ourselves but tends to live for others


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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