2021-03-02 jiangye111 21423
U.S. military helicopters have been spotted repeatedly flying at low altitudes of 300 meters or less between Tokyo skyscrapers, contravening aviation regulations for Japanese aircraft


(A U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter is seen flying low near the NTT Docomo Yoyogi Building in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward on Aug. 18, 2020. The approximately 270-meter-tall building, known as Docomo Tower, is about 500 meters from Shinjuku Station.)


U.S. military helicopters have been spotted repeatedly flying at low altitudes of 300 meters or less between Tokyo skyscrapers, contravening aviation regulations for Japanese aircraft, according to a Mainichi Shimbun investigation.


The investigation found at least one instance where a helicopter passed over Shinjuku Station in central Tokyo at a height of approximately 200 meters, while coming perilously close to surrounding buildings. Danger lurks in this area including the world's busiest train station used by around 3.5 million people a day.


In an investigation conducted over about half a year from July 2020, the Mainichi Shimbun confirmed helicopters belonging to U.S. forces flying at low altitudes over Shinjuku. On 12 occasions, the flights clearly contravened regulations for Japanese aircraft under Japan's Civil Aeronautics Act, which state that the minimum safety altitude for flying is more than 300 meters above the upper edge of the highest obstacle within a 600-meter radius of the aircraft in densely populated areas. There were also five occasions when U.S. military helicopters were strongly suspected to have breached aviation law standards.


The minimum safety standard specified in the Civil Aeronautics Act, which is applicable to Japanese helicopters, is based on the assumed height required for a forced landing without imposing danger on the ground in the event of an accident or mechanical failure. Japan's aviation law adopts the same standard as the International Civil Aviation Organization.


The standard has not been applied to U.S. Forces Japan due to a special provisions law based on the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA), which was implemented in 1952. However, frequent sightings of low-altitude flights by U.S. military aircraft in the capital could spark new discussion.


The SOFA stipulates a duty to respect the laws of Japan, and U.S. officials provided a de facto apology following a 2018 case where it was revealed that a fighter jet flew at an altitude below the safety standard in Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan.


Toshiyuki Kusuhara, a visiting professor at Daiichi Institute of Technology and former senior aircraft accident investigator at the Japan Transport Safety Board, said, "Low-altitude flights in urban areas require high maneuvering skills, and when mistakes such as human errors are made during flights that contravene the law, they almost always end up causing accidents. Not only do such flights endanger the lives of the crew, but also the lives of those living on the ground."

日本第一理工学院的客座教授及日本运输安全委员会的前高级飞机事故调查员Toshiyuki Kusuhara表示:“在城市地区低空飞行需要很高的机动技能,当飞行过程中出现人为失误等违法行为时,几乎总是会导致事故。这类飞行不仅会危及机组人员的生命,还会危及地面人员的生命。”

Low-altitude flights by U.S. military aircraft and noise problems have been repeatedly occurring in the southernmost prefecture of Okinawa, where roughly 70% of U.S. military-dedicated facilities are located. Meanwhile, in downtown Tokyo, issues including noise problems have been reported around the heliport of the Akasaka Press Center, a U.S. military base in the Roppongi area in the capital's Minato Ward.


The Akasaka Press Center serves as a base for transporting top officials of the U.S. government and the U.S. military to the heart of Japan's capital, from suburban locations including Yokota Air Base in western Tokyo, as well as Camp Zama, Naval Air Facility Atsugi, and Yokosuka Naval Base in Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo. The trip takes around 10 to 20 minutes one-way. The Akasaka Press Center was also used by former U.S. president Donald Trump when he visited Japan.


The military base in Roppongi has been used to this day since the Japanese government provided the property as a facility and zone for the U.S. military in 1952 following the demilitarization of the country after the end of World War II. Although the Minato Ward Office has repeatedly demanded the Japanese government to remove the military base, there has been no progress on the issue.


Since July last year, the Mainichi Shimbun has examined the flight status of U.S. military aircraft from multiple points in 200 meter-class buildings, including the observatory in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building's Main Building No. 1 in Tokyo's Shinjuku Ward, to find out how they are actually being flown.


The problematic flights over the Shinjuku Station area were confirmed 17 times during a total of 10 days, counting instances of aircraft passing by on trips to and back from their destinations. Cases where aircraft were seen departing or landing at the Akasaka Press Center, about 4 kilometers away from Shinjuku Station, are not included.


The aircraft are all believed to be the U.S. Army's Black Hawk helicopters, and the majority of them came from the direction of Kanagawa Prefecture, south of Tokyo, where there are numerous U.S. military bases. Although the main duties of Black Hawk helicopters in Japan are the transportation of personnel and training with the Japanese Self-Defense Forces, they also join combat in battlefields including that involving shooting and launching missiles.


Of the 17 low-altitude flights observed, helicopters in 12 flights flew at an altitude lower than the height of the NTT Docomo Yoyogi Building, known as Docomo Tower, which stands at roughly 270 meters. There were also six cases with helicopters flying at around the same height as the metropolitan government building's observatory, standing at 202 meters. Aircraft passed by almost directly above Shinjuku Station eight times, and another case was observed where a helicopter nearly brushed against a commercial building connected to the station at a height of approximately 170 meters.


The remaining five instances saw helicopters fly just above Docomo Tower, among other routes, and it is highly possible the aircraft flew at heights below Japan's safety standards.


U.S. Forces Japan explained in an interview that "U.S. Forces in Japan adhere to bilateral agreements (between the United States and Japan)" and that "all flights conducted by U.S. Forces are either mission-essential or for training and readiness requirements." They commented, "Weather, wind speed/direction, or other factors may affect an aircraft's approach, altitude, speed, descent, etc. as all options are considered when determining the safest possible flight protocol within our bilateral agreements," and emphasized that "at no time will a military flight be authorized for sight-seeing or leisure purposes."


Meanwhile, the Status of U.S. Forces Agreement Division of Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said, "If this is true, we'd like to check the situation with U.S. forces."


Certainly the impression one gets from the media and from talking to Japanese people is that the US military in Japan acts like a bunch of hooligans without many visible repercussions.


Japan is more sensitive to disrespectful behaviour. They also like rules to be followed. It's not really too much to be asked for.


Especially in an area with such high population density.
Savety is also a factor here...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Safety is an issue, but I think noise abatement is also part of the rule system. Either way, there are reasons for rules to exist and typically you'd do well to follow them. Especially if you're a guest. And I hope nobody thinks the US has some sort of right to do as they please just because of WW2. If they tried shit like that in Germany, they'd have a major problem with the authorities there, too.


Are you sure? I can't really remember the last time the US suffered any serious ripercussion for their bully ways. They basically do whatever they want EVERYWHERE, without facing any blowback. Everywhere in the world where there is an American military base, the rape cases and occasional killing is the rule not the exception, and nothing ever happened. Speaking of Germany, a few years ago they found out US were spying on them big time, what happened? Merkel said she was sad because they were spying on their friends :'( and that was the end of it. Now if any other country is found responsible for anything even just remotely similar, sanctions are being applied, politicians shouting etc. But not for Uncle Sam, he can touch your kids, he can fuck your wife, he can kill your dog, and all you can do is a sad face.


Brazil sought measures against US spying and our President was ousted in a year, followed by the arrest of former president Lula on bogus charges.


The US military isn't a guest in Japan, they're a occupying army. Yes, in writing, they're a protective force (and I'm sure they have some protective effect in E and SE Asia) but in practice, the sense that they're an occupying army is felt both from how the military personnel conducts itself off-base and how the locals see them.


Honestly, Japan is pretty scared America won't come to their aid if war with China breaks out. Just saw a video on YouTube by vice news where they ask Japanese about isis and current geopolitics. Nobody trust Americans resolve to get into another war.

老实说,日本非常害怕万一与中国爆发战争,美国不会来援助他们。刚刚在YouTube上看了一个vice news的视频,他们问日本人关于ISIS和当前地缘政治的问题。结果发现没有日本人相信美国人会敢于再次卷入战争。

I visited Yokosuka near Tokyo a few years back. It has a big US military population. When I walked past a Japanese graveyard I noticed there was someone patrolling it. I was told it was because of incidents of Americans knocking over headstones in a drunken stupor. Hard to comprehend something so disrespectful especially when you look at how Japanese people act.


Man, when you send somebody maybe not that smart into a foreign country where people speak language they don't understand at all and basically only thing you do is getting shouted at by your sarge and drinking in bars, yeah I am sure you will do a lot of shitty things. I myself had a kinda bad experience with a US navy guy in Fukuoka, but it is a deep problem and let me tell you, smashing headstones isn't the worst thing that US servicemen do in Japan. Just read about the rape cases or when they dropped a helicopter on school, their behaviour hasn't been historically the best and it is a source of some resentment in Japan.


To be fair, US military does this everywhere.


Hmmm, New Zealand told them to not send any nuclear powered or armed vessels and they refused to visit for 30 years :)
Unfortunately this caused a decline into chaos and autocracy but I’m told the US is getting better

嗯,新西兰告诉他们不要派遣任何核动力或武装船只,并且他们30年都拒绝访问 :)

It's not. It's going to get a lot worse now. Apparently their (edit - Was a Texas Court, Not Supreme Court) just ruled that it was unconstitutional to have a rent moratorium. How they managed to get that out of a document that says By the People, Of the People, For the People, is beyond me.
For many folks, this is going to end in destitution, and we all remember how they handled COVID and Texas, if it's anywhere like the response to those, it's going to be havoc.
There could be millions homeless. There are already estimates about that place the number of unemployed people in multiple tens of millions, and their systems for welfare are screwed.
Even just claiming at the start of COVID was a fucking nightmare, and people were just roundly rejected.
Meanwhile, infrastructure has been at D+ since 2013, stock market is pumped with public funds to the tune of Trillions, they have a 27 trillion dollar debt, and 70+ percent of their GDP is uated on the profits of companies and corporations, who pay very little tax to the government, and keep much of those funds offshore.
Meanwhile, pick any system and see how broken it is. It's almost as if they were designed with planned obscelescence.
It doesn't bode well.


I have a friend stationed in Japan. He got blind drunk one night, desecrated a Japanese flag, may have assaulted an officer, and was arrested for his behavior. Not sure what kind of discipline he faced but nothing too harsh obviously because he’s still there!


This happens a lot in foreign countries especially places like Japan where is the culture is extremely different from the states. Americans that never really experienced diversity growing up don’t know how to act. They get scared and offended and overreact. It’s a shame, Japan is an amazing place to be stationed, so much to experience. But is also one of the strictest over seas bases. There is a curfew for all military personnel.


The fact of the matter is the military gets tons of idiots. I know it's not always but most of them are 18-25 year olds high on adrenaline. They are still immature, first time away from home with millions of dollars in equipment and unfortunately it is dangerous shit.


Had two buddies stationed at sperate naval bases in Japan. From my understanding (not sure if this is "normal" at foreign bases) the locals absolutely hated them. Man bars strictly forbade US military from entering among other sad stories of Americans being drunk and destructive.
It's not really a wonder why some people view our country the way they do when all they see is our "most disciplined" folk act like the very stereotypical loud, stupid Muricans


Was stationed in Sasebo Japan while I was in the navy. US military over there is exactly what you described. Before I left the admiral in charge of operations over there had to set insanely hard restrictions for off work sailers because there were so many alcohol related incidents with Japanese locals. Assaults, breaking and entering, theft, vehicle theft, rape/sexual assault, you name it and it happened. It’s a wonder Japan hasn’t demanded the removal of all US armed forces.


The US military acts like drunken hooligans in every port of call and base around the globe

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is a well deserved reputation. I lived in Japan for a number of years in high school and we would routinely see American military acting like jackasses, getting waay too drunk and generally pissing everyone off at the bar/club.
Not all, but many won't even leave base during their deployment. I mean, you go to another country across the globe and can't even be bothered to learn about it or understand the culture. I did go to international school with 2 military kids (brothers). Their family lived off base and their dad made them go to Japanese school for a year so they would be fluent.


In Nagoya I've seen US planes train low altitude air refueling directly over the city centre. I was thinking of the Ramstein desaster but my Japanese friends thought this were normal.


Been to Japan twice for 3 week stints and I’ve found the American Military personnel there very reserved, calm and behaved. Found that shocking but makes sense considering discipline and self control is pretty important in the military


military is generally not covered under civil regulations. e.g. military flights in the USA do not occur under FAA authority.
same is true in japan. im sure a japanese military jet could easily fly between skyscrapers in tokyo if needed. flying for wartime purposes is not covered under civilian authority in most countries.


US military basically owns Japanese airspace, in fact even passenger aircraft routes need to be reviewed by the US... One of the reasons why there were so few flights from the rebuilt Haneda airport was due to the “aerial” proximity to many air force bases...


Has there ever been an effort in modern times for Japan to ask the US military to leave? It seems like there are some fairly consistent stories about the US military stationed there acting like dicks.


Okinawa has been asking them to leave for decades.


As an American I wish they would get the heck out of there and stop pushing unwanted military American bull crap on everybody.


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