2021-03-12 阿煌看什么 14386

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Subhojit Pradhan Keen observer of everything.
Let’s consider human intelligence for a moment. Perhaps the best way to assess it comes in the form of the IQ test. While not quite a perfect barometer of intelligence, the test offers a pretty reliable and standardised way of testing and summarising how clever someone is.
Now how a person with incredible IQ can do something that can harm the human race.
The average person has an IQ of around 95-105. The average serial killer, according to The Serial Killer Information Center, has an IQ of 94.5. Slightly below the lower side of average. The stats prove that serial murderers are generally slightly less intelligent than the average member of society.
But there are some exceptional cases where High IQ minds end up being dangerous and most wanted criminals for commiting serious crimes.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Cunning, sophisticated, elegant, fiercely intelligent… There are certain personality traits and characteristics which spring to mind when you consider the archetypal serial killer. Of course, it doesn’t actually take a superior mind to kill another human being. Hollywood, however, begs to differ. The flair, artistry and reasoning behind the actions of the big screen serial murderers seen in the likes of Se7en and The Silence of the Lambs suggest that slaughter is an intellectual pursuit. Not so.
When rich kids Nathan Leopold and Richard Loeb kidnapped a local boy - 14 year-old Bobby Franks - in Chicago in 1924, they didn't have much of a motive. At least not a traditional one, anyway. When they bludgeoned him to death and dumped his corpse it wasn't for financial gain or revenge. It was merely to see if they could get away with it. Leopold and Loeb were arrogant thrillseekers who later became the basis for the Patricia Highsmith book and Alfred Hitchcock film Strangers on a Train. Both were smart, but it was Leopold who devised the fiendish plan. He was, unequivocally, a genius. Strangely enough, though? Their plan was terribly conceived and executed and the pair were rather quickly apprehended by police.

狡猾、老练、优雅、极其聪明... 当你考虑到典型的连环杀手时,你的脑海中会浮现一些特定的人格特征和性格特征。当然,杀死另一个人并不需要超强的头脑。然而,好莱坞不这么认为。电影《七宗罪》和《沉默的羔羊的连环杀人犯行为背后的天赋、艺术性和逻辑性表明,屠杀是一种智力追求。并非如此。
内森 · 利奥波德,智商:210

Technically classified more as a ‘domestic terrorist’ than a serial killer, The Unabomber is still worthy of note here. After all, he did kill people. And he does have a fierce intelligence. The former professor of mathematics-turned-murderous-anarchist had a prodigious intellect and an IQ higher than that of Albert Einstein’s.
The married couple behind ‘The Sex Slave Murders’, Gerald and Charlene Gallego, were not - as you can imagine - very nice people. After kidnapping, raping, torturing and murdering 10 young women during their reign of terror, Charlene received a lesser sentence in exchange for testifying against her husband. It was a smart move.

严格来说,与其说他是一个连环杀手,不如说他更像是一个“国内恐怖分子”,这个炸弹客仍然值得注意。毕竟,他确实杀人了。而且他确实有很强的智商。这位从前的数学教授变成了凶残的无政府主义者,他拥有惊人的智力和高于阿尔伯特 · 爱因斯坦的智商。

The killer of Giovanni Versace - amongst others - Andrew Cunahan was an oddly unknown character before the TV anthology series American Crime Story made him their focus for their second series, The Assassination of Giovanni Versace. Anyone who’s seen the show will know what a sly, manipulative and devious sociopath Cunahan was. And a smart one too.
He was big, he was strong, he was savage. He was also polite, friendly and a model prisoner. Edmund Kemper was many things, not least of all an enigma. He was also an extremely bright man.
Few of us would use the word ‘genius’ when describing Jeffrey Dahmer, but maybe we should. The Milwaukee Cannibal is one of history’s most disturbed and infamous serial killers. But he was also, according to his IQ tests, damned clever too.

很少有人会用“天才”这个词来形容杰弗里 · 达默,但也许我们应该这么说。杰弗里·达默是历史上最疯狂和最臭名昭著的连环杀手之一。但是,根据他的智商测试,他也非常聪明。

You don’t become a doctor without being smart (the average doctor scores around 120 on IQ tests - much higher than the average person). Nor do you very nearly get away with killing almost 250 people. Yet while his IQ suggests that Harold Shipman was a genius, his actions suggest he was a cold and heartless psychopath.
So the above cases prove how dangerous a high IQ person can become if uses his knowledge in a evil manner.
Source- Google ,wiki
Thank you


Linda Fries BAS Accounting, Rochester Institute of Technology (2008)
as deadly as anyone with a normal IQ can become, only the one with high intelligence may not be detected as easily; they have a better mind, they probably remember more what sort of forensic evidence NOT to leave ….. and of course, since we in America have about 50 different shows on television every day to teach us how to kill others and avoid detection (yay, forensic files and Nancy Grace, lol), both the highly intelligent and the supremely stupid in our country are taught a hundred different ways a day to kill each other ……
“there is a fine line between genius and insanity.”
Lines tend to be very thin lines, and easily crossed …….. most true geniuses tend to teeter on the genius side one day, the insanity side of the line the next - sort of a seesaw effect …… or maybe it is just that they are so brilliant that others around them not quite so smart simply think they are insane, that is the stupid person’s copout and excuse as to why the highly intelligent can do so much more and better than they - the one with the genius IQ must be insane ……. when more often it is those of “normal IQ” and an over extended sense of personal entitlement that kill …….

【回答】英国罗彻斯特理工学院 会计学学士(2008年)
和任何智商正常的人一样致命,但只有智商高的人可能不那么容易被发现;他们有更好的头脑,他们可能会记住更多不能留下的法医证据... 当然,由于我们美国每天有大约50个不同的电视节目教我们如何杀人和避免被发现(没错,《法医档案》和 《格蕾丝》哈哈),我们国家的高智商和极度愚蠢的人每天都被灌输了一百种不同的方式来杀死彼此...
界线往往是非常细的线,很容易交叉... 大多数真正的天才,有一天会站在天才这边,有一天会站在疯子这边摇摇晃晃,就像跷跷板一样... 或者也许只是因为他们太聪明了,周围的其他人不那么聪明,简单地认为他们是疯子,这就是愚蠢的人的理由和借口,为什么高智商的人可以做得比他们更多更好,天才智商的人一定是疯子... 更常见的是那些“正常的智商”和过度个人权利意识的人犯下谋杀...

A thirty-three year old man with a measured IQ of 146 admitted to killing over 900 people in a spree of murder over his life. He admitted to this on 4chan and gave details that lead to over thirty cases of undetermined deaths being found across seven states in America from arson attacks to home invasions where the killer slept with the corpses, ate from the fridge … he even provided photos.
He claimed that he could barely contain the self-constraint necessary for civilized life without purging once in a while.
To prove who he was someone requested that he solve at least two of his problems, thirteen in total each solvable in a reasonably short amount of time but diabolically difficult. He solved four of them in ways the designers had not thought of with such speed and elegance that no one saw his abilities as anything short of miraculous.

一名智商146的33岁男子承认,他一生中疯狂杀害了900多人。他在4chan网站上承认了,并提供了一些细节,这些细节导致在美国7个州发现了超过三十起未确定的死亡案件,从纵火案到入室抢劫案,凶手和尸体睡在一起,吃冰箱里的东西... 他甚至还提供了一些受害者的照片。

He also proved that he was also the one who posted the fake candy recipe that created chlorine gas instead killing 13 people and who posted the credit card number of a wanted murderer.
He also posted the lix to a game for which everyone who completed it got delivered two large supreme pizzas, a pack of smart water. There were fifteen people. The game had GPS coordinates where there are clay tablets to be found with cuneiform written, that’s where we hit a dead end.

他还发布了一个游戏的链接,每个完成游戏的人都会得到两个大份的超级披萨,一瓶smart water。有十五个人完成了。这个游戏有GPS坐标,在那里可以找到写有楔形文字的泥板,这就是我们走进死胡同的地方。

Jerker Claesson
There is no way in hell he has killed over 900 people without getting caught… People lie on the internet and 4chan is off the charts when it comes to liars IMO.

【回复】他绝对不可能杀了900多个人而不被抓到... 人们在网上撒谎,在我看来,4chan是骗子中的拔尖者。

A friend of mine has fully invaded the privacy of others having access to all cameras in their home, bank accounts, phone etc which he monitors as a sociological experiment. He read Barbusse.
He has made bombs that have brought down concrete structures using shaved aluminium and coal. He stole a guy’s car and burnt it in an abandoned car lot using naphtha.
When we went out on a boat he showed me an ocean current where a body could be dropped and swept to the eastern hemisphere. He showed me that cyanide can be spilled on someone by accident at a party or a central heating system could be rigged to pour out cyanide gas. He showed me how all guns were legal if modified trivially (he owns a disassembled desert eagle) . He has also buried money ($ 600,000) in a drum while hiking. He showed me how to phrase my sentences so that one could not be convicted...
Technology has improved and now people like him are the new heisters and gangsters of the world, taking what they want and doing as they please.


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