2021-03-12 翻译熊 11205

Do black mambas chase humans?


Donna Fernstrom, Professional ball python breeder from 2007 to 2014.
No, they absolutely don’t chase humans. No snakes chase humans.
However black mambas are so high-strung they’re practically hysterical the moment something makes them nervous, and they’re really not very intelligent.
As a result, these snakes are extremely prone to absolute panic. If you corner a mamba, its fight/flight reflex is triggered, and it will freak out and try to fight you to escape. This involves wildly throwing itself around and biting you like 60 times in a row, if you don’t get the blazes out of the way.
So, don’t corner a mamba. They’re not aggressive — they’re phobic of all danger. lol.
Given the clear opportunity to escape, mambas will turn and run like hell. They’re very fast - one of the fastest snakes on land.

Donna Fernstrom, 专业球蟒饲养员

If you ever stumble across a black mamba, and it turns to face you, back away very fast — you don’t want this animal to feel cornered, because it’s so easily freaked out it will overreact.
To be fair to the black mamba, there are a lot of things in Africa that eat snakes.
And they’re not very good at uating the level of danger they’re in. Or… much of anything.
Example: This black mamba has found a dead lion. What to do? I know. Try to eat it! Surely there must be a good spot to start… (Video is mischaracterized as the mamba attacking the lion, but the lion is dead, and the mamba is behaving like any snake about to swallow a dead animal — they use their venom to help digest their food. The mamba can smell that the lion is dead, and it must have eaten carrion before. It’s just too dim to realize this meal is too large, lol).


Geoff Cutler
If you are adamant about black mambas not attacking humans its time to get real. Firstly have you learned this in Africa? I have personally seen a 9ft black mamba attack a safari vehicle and strike the body of the vehicle from the side while we were travelling forward at maybe 20 mph. Three people sitting on that side of the vehicle in Botswana threw themselves across the vehicle. That mamba was not cornered at all. It was just angry. We intruded on it’s spot in the sun. It came at us from maybe 30 feet away. If a mamba is willing to attack a Toyota Land Cruiser four wheel drive it will not hesitate to attack one human.
I now live in Australia and while I have not yet experienced an Eastern brown attacking I have certainly heard many such accounts.

首先,你是在非洲学了解的这些吗? 我亲眼看到过一辆9英尺长的黑曼巴攻击一辆游猎车,从侧面攻击车的身体,当时我们正以每小时20英里的速度前进。在博茨瓦纳,坐在车那一边的三个人跳到了车的另一边。曼巴根本没有被逼到绝境,它只是生气而已。我们侵入了它在阳光下的位置,它从大约30英尺开外冲了过来。

Donna Fernstrom
I’m one of those strange people who actually BELIEVES IN SCIENCE. So when herpetologists are ALL in agreement on something, I tend to believe they’re correct until proven otherwise.


Geoff Cutler
I always thought scientists looked at evidence. Might need to tell my Namibian friends to stop worrying about mambas. I know exactly what they will say however.


Donna Fernstrom
Yes, that’s correct. That’s what I’ve been asking people for, here. Evidence. Not stories. You do realize that a story isn’t evidence?


Geoff Cutler
I was there. So was my partner. Do you realise that constitutes evidence according to the judicial system in my country? There were seven people in that vehicle including the local ranger who identified the snake although there is nothing else like that in the African bush.
I would actually not believe any scientist that categorically states no snake has ever attacked a human without provocation. I would believe most snakes avoid humans. I do believe mambas have no fear at all of anything. They will attack when annoyed. The mamba we met was in the wild. Not cornered. It came a considerable distance otherwise no one would have seen it clearly head upright well above the grass level coming flat out at us.

我当时就在那里,我的搭档也是。你知道根据我国的司法制度这是构成证据的吗? 那辆车里有七个人,包括辨认出那条蛇的当地护林员。

Jackson Christie (જેકસન ક્રિસ્ટી)
Herpetologist and a lawyer? U do good on both counts!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Donna Fernstrom
“Do you realise that constitutes evidence according to the judicial system in my country?”
In science, it constitutes nothing more than a starting point for further research. If you can’t capture the event on film to analyze it, and you can’t ever induce it to be repeated, there’s no way to verify it happened, and it simply doesn’t constitute evidence.
There’s no way of knowing where the snake was originally when it first sighted the vehicle, or whether the vehicle ‘chased’ the snake before it turned at bay. There’s absolutely no way to be sure exactly what happened, because it was a single uncontrolled incident, and no one managed to get it on film for analysis.
There are a lot of possibilities, but an anecdote isn’t scientific evidence, no matter how many times you repeat it.


Louis Stanley
The issue is that unprovoked depends upon the vantage point. The location of both parties and the direction both the snake and the group or the vehicle were headed in are vital factors, and provocation does not always mean what people imagine it means. As I mentioned previously, having a viable path of escape from any potential danger or obstacle, especially an unobstructed path from their current location to their dens or burrows, is crucial to black mambas’ security, and they are prone to going haywire when such security is compromised, deliberately or otherwise.


Such behavior is not merely common among certain species of snakes. Animals far more intelligent and with significantly more complex lifestyles, such as the African Bush Elephant, exhibit such behavior when, for instance, something gets between a mother and her calf, whether it be a potential predator, such as a hyena or wild dog, another herd animal, or just a hapless traveler or tourist. In the case of elephants, a mother’s mental security is dependent on her being able to reach her calf immediately in the event of the onset of danger, and when the two are blocked off from one another, whatever is causing the obstruction is viewed as party to that potential danger, and is attacked regardless of intention on the part of whatever is in the way, which the elephant is of course, incapable of determining.


Even many animals with a chronic reputation for attacking humans, such as tigers, more often than not make an effort to avoid them whenever possible. Many attacks are either in self-defense in the wake of territorial encroachment, or from elderly individuals too weak to take down their normal prey. Considering how many [unprovoked] tigers’ deaths humans have been responsible for over the past century (tens of thousands), is it any surprise that so many animals have been mentally conditioned to react with tension at best and alarm at worst during sudden or unexpected encounters with humans?


Not to imply that such chance encounters are necessarily the fault of the people involved, or that the human lives lost in such situations are inconsequential, and it’s doubtful that was Donna’s intention, either. However, any accurate assessment of the circumstances requires a precise understanding of the exact location, destination, and situation of all parties involved. Unless it can be ascertained whether, for instance, there was a burrow nearby that the snake was using, or how close by it was when the vehicle’s engine fired up (snakes are extremely sensitive to vibration), there is no way to know for certain whether factors that would typically trigger a surge of epinephrine in a snake were not present. It would not be rational to judge such an attack as unprovoked from the limited standpoint of one group of people and hold a snake accountable for what might have been pure instinctive reaction any more than it would be to call the people involved foolish for lack of expertise regarding potential triggers for violent and aggressive behavior of snakes.


These points are being made out of concern for both human and animal life, and for the sake emphasizing the cruciality of obxtive analysis. I do take the loss of human life in incidents such as these seriously, but even in the case of animals where encounters such as the one you describe are frequent, it is still possible to exaggerate their threat on some level. Fostering such a tense disposition among people without having and uating all of the important information regarding what provokes them in general is liable to incite preemptive reactions and increase the number of injuries and deaths that occur. Making such a point is far from an implication that people should not worry about them.


Sean Bloodworth
Are you 100% on that statement that no snakes chase humans? I would be glad to take you in the swamp and show you a cotton mouth aggressively head in my direction… Did I miss something? I am not a snake guy but I have lived here in the Great Dismal Swamp for many years.


Donna Fernstrom
I am ONE HUNDRED PERCENT on that statement yes. Cottonmouths will not ‘head aggressively in your direction.’ They will flee toward a hiding hole or the water when disturbed. If you’re in the way, that means they come toward you, because they don’t see well. But they’re not interested in biting you, and I promise they’ll just keep going past, lol.


Jim Miller
These guys are right on the cotton mouth. They is no doubt when you see that white mouth open and hear that hiss while it's coming at you it most certainly is attacking. I've seen it many times. I've beaten them out of my boat more than once. I AM a scientist and my profs highly respected those snakes. I live and work in the swamp where the rattler is respected but the cottonmouth is feared.


Sergio Diniz, Animals researcher on spare hours
Yes, it very unique to this species, other snakes normally runs from humans when they can. At least, this is part of the myths say.
However, they have gained too much undeserved reputation (see Myths, facts and more about the Black Mamba...):
Do they chase humans? No
Are they faster than humans? Yes, very, and this is scary.
Do they run from us? Depends, they prefer not have contact with us, but will not run if provoked, they are more willing to attack then.
Do they have a mortal bite? Yes, for sure.
The black mamba has quite a reputation. It is one of the world’s deadliest snakes. It is the fastest land snake in the world, and “the longest species of venomous snake in Africa and the second longest in the world,” said Sara Viernum, a herpetologist based in Madison, Wisconsin. This snake’s potential danger has been the subject of many African myths and it has been blamed for thousands of human deaths.

Sergio Diniz 业余时间做动物研究

科普:黑曼巴名声在外。它是世界上最致命的蛇之一。威斯康星州麦迪逊市的爬行动物学家萨拉·维恩纳姆(Sara Viernum)说,它是世界上速度最快的陆地蛇,也是“非洲最长的毒蛇品种,世界第二长的毒蛇。这种蛇的潜在危险一直是许多非洲神话的主题,它被认为是数千人死亡的罪魁祸首。”

Innocent Masengo
I am from Africa. The myths and urban legends about the mamba are many. One such is that it coils and “flies”, and whichever creature the mamba flies over dies instantly because of the venom. Apparently the venom gets to the victims through radiation.


Sergio Diniz
Hahahaha. They are almost a mythical creature!


Mike Reddy
It is not a mythical, that when they bite you, you can die within a very short space of time.


Terry Richards II
I know I have a bunch of them on my land in Kajiado south in Kenya but haven't encountered one. That is the one snake that actually terrifies me.


William Lebotschy
Much more concerned about a puff adder. You don't always see them, wereas a mamba normally rears up on the open, and gives one a chance to back off. Mambas are normally , only aggressive when feeling threatened, and do give dry bites as well, if one is lucky. If bitten and venom released, one normally has 2 hours to be put onto a ventilator, for life support. One then just stays sedated until the venom is flushed from the system , in a couple if days. This only applies to lethal bites to the leg of body. If bitten in the head, one gas less time. Be aware the serum, sometimes kill the patient as well. I live in an area that has a high population of these snakes, and lost a Labrador cross dog , due to been bitten by one. Took her about 2 hours to die.


Mike Reddy
I live in KZN, South Africa, and have encountered black and green mambas on many occasions. In the days of my ignorance I used to shoot and kill them. But I don’t anymore. I leave them alone or I call in a snake catcher, who catches them and releases them in Mamba valley.
Mambas do not run. They have no legs (Lol). They do slide at top speed. Do they chase people? Yes, but they rarely do. Only if it is hot and irritated and you intrude into its territory.
I was a little boy when I saw a mamba with its head reared pursue a guy cutting trees in the bushes next to our school. He ran screaming. The snake could have eventually got him, but I think it was scaring him off.
They are generally frightened of humans and will try to avoid us, but on rare occasions they can turn aggressive.


Sergio Diniz
I congratulate you on learning not to kill them anymore.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Peter Walker
It's better to have a resident snake. I had a resident Red Belly Black snake when I lived on a small farm.
It became pretty relaxed. How relaxed? Climbing a mesh fence to get to a level that had it watching me at my head level. When I realised I was being watched and turned we were head to head at under a foot.
It's a venous snake but not lethal. Snakes bite for 2 reasons. They want to eat you. You frighten them and escape is not an option. You are too big to eat. Once it learns you are no threat snakes are no longer a hazard


Andrew Munn
For many snakes rats are part of their diet. No snakes, can mean lots of rats.


Martin J. Pattison
We get rats in our garden. Next door’s cat and dog are not doing their job properly. Perhaps I should go out and collect some gopher snakes.


Andrew Munn
When I worked in the jungle in Papua New Guinea we used electronics and telemetry a lot. We had a problem with rats chewing telemetry cables. Someone explained that this was because the presence of human activity meant that the snakes had been scared away.
Snakes kill and eat rats.


Martin J. Pattison
The place where the rats come is where my daughter keeps her rabbits. We have cables there for the sprinkler system that keep getting gnawed - I had assumed that it was the rabbits, but maybe the rats are doing it.
Collecting the snakes would be difficult. For a few weeks last year, I saw one just about every day, but then they went into hiding. Even if I did catch some, they would probably slither away before eating any rats.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Steven Rusling
There’s a lot of nonsense written about the speed of mambas. I have chased black mambas on pretty ideal terrain for snakes, short scrubby grass on thin soils or on laterite, giving plenty of purchase. They are fast for snakes. You may have to break into a jog to keep up for short distances, otherwise a fast walk (maybe 5 mph?). I have never seen one do 12 mph, an often claimed top speed, though I can’t say it is not possible. In any case a fit person should be able to outpace the snake should he or she need to. That need is moot because contrary to myth I have never been chased by any snake, the reverse being invariably the case. I have surprised snakes, many of which will let you know in no uncertain terms where they are, audibly or visually (be rearing and displaying). Simply backing away avoids any further confrontation 100% of the time.
The best way to be bitten by a snake is to stand on it or stick your hand into where it is hiding/sheltering. Where I grew up most bites were to the foot, below the ankle, which is the height at which snakes typically strike at their prey. A lot of people walk around barefoot in many parts of the world. Secondly people get bitten on the hand or forearm, when they stick their hand into a woodpile or similar, in which a snake is holed up.


K. Colin
A friend of mine was chased by a rattlesnake after she accidentally stepped on it. She picked up her 2 smalll children and had to run as fast as she could. It chased her all the way down the trail. She spoke with the ranger afterward, and they were welll aware of the fact that rattlesnakes have been known to do this.


Quora User
NNNightmares forever !


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