2021-04-13 君子冲盈 12665


Matthew Garr
Heck yeah! In fact, I’ll tell you a few.
Get ready for your mind to be blown.
With science, of course.
What you actually see and what your brain tells you that you see are often different. Very different.
Vision in itself is a rather tricky thing. You see, vision is processed in the brain in a few different areas called V1, V2, V3, V4, and V5, all making up the Visual Cortex. Each one corresponds to a different way that we perceive the things that we see.
V2, for example is responsible for making sense of of the lines and edges that indicate where one obxt ends and another begins. This helps with your spatial reasoning and movement, as it can indicate where to walk on a rocky slope, the proper handhold to climb a tree, or simply how to reach for the handle to open the refrigerator.
However, V2, along with the other visual areas, can be easily tricked.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is how we process certain optical illusions.
Take a look at this image:
You see the white triangle, right?
No you don’t.
That’s because the triangle isn’t actually there.
Your brain puts together the angles cut into the circles along with the gap in the triangle with the black border to imply that there is really a triangle there.
If you look closely, you’ll see that the image where the “triangle” is is just as white as the background. This is what’s called an illusory contour.
Here’s another example:
Again, the square doesn’t exist, it’s simply white space in between the 3/4 circles.


如果你仔细观察,你会发现,"三角形 "所在的图像和背景一样是白色的,这就是所谓的虚幻轮廓。


Time for another, this time from V4, whose color-processing abilities can be tricked as well.
Take a look at this image:
It looks like the American flag, right? Kinda?
Take a long look at the tiny red square in the center. Stare at the square for about thirty seconds, then quickly look at a white background. blxing a few times might help.
That’s better, right?
If you did it right, you should be able to see the red, white, and blue American flag.
Why does this happen?
This has to do with a little something called Opponent-Process Theory.
Long story short, your color receptors (called cones) are able to process three different types of color: Red, Green, and Blue. Any other color is the result of some combination of (or lack of, in terms of white and black) these three. The color receptors that process each of these are divided into Red-Green receptors, Blue-Yellow receptors, and Black-White receptors. Opponent process theory states that if the “red” group of Red-Green receptors are being triggered (by seeing a red obxt), the “green” group of Red-Green receptors cannot be triggered at the same time.
However, when the red obxt is removed, the Red-Green receptors being triggered momentarily switch, resulting in a brief afterimage being shown (or the red, white, and blue American flag that you see after staring at the image for thirty seconds).
Fun, right?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

这和一个叫做 "对立机制理论 "的小东西有关。
简单的说,你的色彩接收器 (称为视锥细胞) 能够处理三种不同类型的颜色:红色,绿色和蓝色。
"对立机制理论 "认为,如果 "红色 "组的红绿受体被触发(看到红色物体),"绿色 "组的红绿受体不能同时被触发。
然而,当红色物体被移除时,被触发的红绿受体会瞬间切换,导致一个短暂的余像被显示出来( 盯着图像看了30秒后看到的红白蓝三色美国国旗)。
好玩吧 ?

Time for one last illusion.
This one relates to V5, or the area of the visual cortex that perceives motion and direction.
In the attached Youtube video, there should be a spinning spiral. Stare at the spiral for the duration of the video, and then look at your hand.
Trippy, huh? Your hand should be undulating in waves, as should anything else that you look at for the next few seconds.
Don’t worry, you’re not high. Well, you might be, but the video at least didn’t make you high. Actually, someone should get back to me on what that video looks like on drugs, I bet it’s fun.
I digress. Don’t do drugs, kids.
Why does such a simple moving pattern throw off your vision that badly?
Well, V5 helps you to perceive the motion and direction of obxts. It takes the available stimuli in your visual field and uses that to make assumptions about your body’s movement and the direction you’re traveling.


别担心,你并没有嗑药,好吧,你可能嗨高了, 但至少不是视频让你嗨高的,其实,应该有人给我回话,说说这视频像不想吸毒之后的样子,我打赌会很有趣。

Have you ever been sitting in a train car, and then all of a sudden the train next to you starts to move forward? Did you feel as if you were going backwards? That’s your fifth visual area playing a trick on you.
Without being able to see any background for a frx of reference, your brain assumes that since the other train is moving in one direction, you must be moving in the other direction.
The same works for this spiral pattern. As your brain gets used to the spiral pattern, it sets that as its frx of reference. The “motion” that you see in the spiral is interpreted by your brain as a resting state, and when you look at something that isn’t spiraling (i.e. your hand), your brain tries to trick you into thinking that the obxt is actually moving, because that’s what it’s grown used to.
With time, your brain realizes that your hand isn’t actually spiraling, and your vision returns to normal. The brain is cool, man.
Welp, now you know that your brain tricks you on a regular basis, and what you’re seeing may not actually exist. fun :)

这个螺旋图案也是如此,当你的大脑习惯了螺旋图案,就会将其设定为参考框架,你在螺旋中看到的 "运动 "被你的大脑解释为一种静止状态,当你看一个不是螺旋形的东西(即你的手)时,你的大脑试图欺骗你,让你认为这个物体实际上是在移动的,因为这是它已经习惯的。
现在你知道你的大脑经常欺骗你,而你看到的东西可能并不实际存在,有意思吧。 : )

Alfred Hand
I'm not sure if I can say that this is the creepiest psychological hack of all time, but it's certainly quite disturbing, on deep levels.So once I was in a taxi in Singapore. And, as I usually do, I chatted with the driver. I don't mind talking during my trips; rather I enjoy it. There is something very interesting and intriguing about talking to a stranger.
The conversation started with simple topics, like weather, traffic, Trump (yes, you've heard that; Trump's name appears in normal conversation in Singapore). After the usual, somehow the conversation turned to girlfriends and wives. I didn't plan it, but there we come.

有一次,我在新加坡的出租车上, 像往常一样,我和司机聊了起来,我并不介意在旅途中聊天,相反,我很享受这种感觉,和一个陌生人聊天,有一种非常有趣和耐人寻味的感觉。
我们的聊天从简单的话题开始,比如天气、交通、特朗普( 是的,你没听错,特朗普的名字出现在了新加坡的正常聊天中),和往常一样,不知怎么的话题转向了女朋友和妻子,这不是我计划中的话题,但我们还是聊了起来。

I think I was the one who mentioned that sometimes my girlfriend and I could not agree on what things we would do during the week or on the weekend. Things like what to do or what to eat and blah blah blah. He expressed the same sentiment, he replied that he and his wife did not reach an agreement either, and that his wife did not comply with his wishes. I go on to say that his wife was always opposed to him drinking and getting drunk with his friends and that he doesn't allow it. I mentally built an argument to make, I thought that it was no big deal that my girlfriend and I didn't do everything together, and that it was part of a normal and healthy relationship.
But before she could express it, he concluded her complaint with a "but" that had an air of triumph. It seemed that he had found a solution.


That's what I expected to hear; so I decided to keep quiet, and I said something like "go on, you left me on 'but' ...".
So here is his solution ........ He would first find a best friend, emphasis on 'best', someone who would follow his plan without question. Once he found that friend, he would tell his wife that he has planned to meet with a friend (best friend) to discuss a business idea. The reason for the meeting could be anything that is safe and without further details; basically any reason that was not seen by the majority as shady or wrong. Then as soon as he mentioned this to his wife, she would insist on wanting to get together. Predicting that, he would plan the meeting with the best friend at a simple coffee shop or at a food fair. Once in place, they would continue the discussion for hours. That's right, nothing would happen that day. After a few days the driver would again arrange a meeting with the best friend; the reason could be the same or a new one. The wife would again offer to go to the meeting; and the nightly procedure would be exactly the same as last time. The driver would continue to organize meetings until the wife gave up and said: "Go today without me, your talks bore me."

这是我期望听到的,于是我决定保持沉默,我说了一句 " 你继续说,我想听听你这个‘但是’......"。
他的解决方案是这样的,他首先会找到一个最好的朋友,他特别强调是 "最好的"—— 一个会毫不怀疑地按照他的计划行事的人。
几天后,这位司机会再次安排与最好的朋友见面,理由可能是相同的,也可能是新的,他的妻子会再次提出去参与,晚上的程序和上次完全一样,司机会继续组织会面,直到妻子放弃,说 "今天我就不去了,你们谈的东西都让我厌烦了。"

And that would be the sign you've been waiting for. Now, he would be free to get drunk with his friends and basically have his wife's permission (in his opinion) to do so.
I listened to the driver with my mouth open and I nodded my approval. Part of me was astonished at his long con; but the rest of me was a little disturbed. He was clearly playing a psychological prank on the wife.
Go to my profile to visit my blog for reading some more useful and informative article.

这就是你一直在等待的信号,现在,他可以自由地和朋友们喝酒,并且基本上得到了他妻子的允许 ( 在他看来 )。

Amrita Mukhopadhyay
Hey there!
Just wanna start by telling you, that this has been foolproof for me, ever since I got to know of it. However, when I taught my friends about it, it took them a while before they could actually take advantage of this trick??. I guess it's all about the practice.
So the trick is, when you know the other person is hiding something, or they aren't completely answering your questions (and giving irrelevant answers) ; ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS ——
Look at them straight into their eyes (with confidence) and don't blx.
Keep looking into their eyes till they feel chills down their spines (hahahah kidding )… Smile if it helps you stay confident, and also because it helps them think, you already know it all ;)
Basically, enough for them to spill out the secrets to you.
This also works when you aren't satisfied with an answer and you want a more radical explaination. If you keep looking at them, the other person's conscience will tell them, that you aren't satisfied, and then they will speak up, to satisfy your will unknowingly.
This trick can be used against your friends, colleagues, or even someone you just met.
Just make sure you don't creep them out with your look ??. (Then they would probably stop talking to you ??)
I would suggest you to start with someone you already know, and then when you have the confidence, try it on someone you barely know.
Trust me, this is the best way, to effortlessly get information out from the other person! ;)
Enjoyy conspiring !

继续看着他们的眼睛,直到他们感到脊背发凉 ( 哈哈哈,开个玩笑 ) ...... 然后微笑,它能帮助你保持自信,也因为它能让他们认为,你已经知道了一切。:)
只要确保你的样子不会让他们感到毛骨悚然就可以了 ( 然后他们可能会停止和你说话 )。

Don’t try this at night. Scary content ahead.
Being a child who was always fantasized by mirrors, my fantasy took me to this trick.
Sit in front of a mirror in a dimly lit room. Set a timer for 10 minutes. Use a timer instead of checking the time. Focus on mirror. After few minutes, you will see that your face starts distorting. Your mouth may stretch to one side, your forehead might meld into your cheeks and your eyebrows may droop to your chin. And there is a monster standing in the mirror.
I’ve tried it once and I freaked out.
You can skip it if you are not interested in the science behind this.
This effect is called Troxler effect. As per this effect, the peripheral fading is the result of visual neurons adapting to unimportant stimuli. As you stare yourself in a mirror, peripheral areas of your face begin fusing or dissolving like obxts. The longer you stare at the mirror, the more likely you are to start seeing things that aren’t there.
This even explains the reason of the famous Bloody Mary ritual.
Give it a try, who knows what you might see.

这解释了著名的 "血腥玛丽 "仪式。

Calliope Hu
Last year I saw a true story, the protagonist of the story was a college student from a domestic university. At an academic conference, she met the doctor of anthropology from Harvard University who came to give a lecture.
That doctor is 14 years older than her, he is knowledgeable, talented, and academically accomplished. And because of the family atmosphere, she has always had academic worship.
After a period of communication, the girl passively fell into love with this doctor.
But after the two interacted, she gradually fell into the other's mind control and emotional violence.
Her family, friends, schoolwork, school and even cognition are all rubbish in the eyes of the other party, stupid and naive. All her ideas or theories will be mocked by the other party as wrong. The other party told her that fortunately, this prestigious Ph.D. could save her and make her grow and become better.
In the brainwashing and control of the other party, she blindly obeyed, was obxtified, sexually assaulted, cold violence and even physical violence. It was only a long time later that the other party was sexually harassing many college female students and professors at the same time.
There is a term in psychology called "gaslighting"-the manipulator instills false and one-sided information to the victims, making them doubt their cognition, memory and mental state, thus completely losing themselves and blindly obeying the other party.
After reading this article, a colleague discovered that her ex-boyfriend was such a person. Step by step, she broke down, gave up herself, and felt that everything was her own mistake. Fortunately, she fled.
Share with everyone, I hope everyone can take a closer look and understand "Mind Control" to avoid falling into this step.
If you are caught in it, I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible and escape the control of the other party.



Agastya Singh
On this day in 1969, members of Charles Manson’s cult killed five people in movie director Roman Polanski’s Beverly Hills, California, home, including Polanski’s pregnant wife, actress Sharon Tate. The savage crimes shocked the nation and turned Charles Manson into a criminal icon.
But what did people see in Manson and how did he manage to manipulate and control people so successfully and with such terrible consequences? The key to Manson’s control, as with all cult leaders, was to ensure that followers not only saw him as an all-powerful, messiah-like figure but that followers see themselves as members of a superior elite that has the answer to the world’s problems – even if that means killing the rest of the world along the way.
He brainwashed people using these psychological tricks
Separating you and replacing the family unit. People with weak family ties are more prone to loneliness. Clever psychopaths exploit these vulnerabilities. They provide alternate families.
Lingo to disguise what was actually happening. Marketing uses enrolment instead of sales but it is in reality, selling.
Question is discouraged which threatens the authority. Critical thinking is actively discouraged.
He rewarded obedience. It again discourages critical thinking.
Fake reciprocity. Manson always exaggerated what he would do for his followers which pressures the followers to stay obedient as well. Manson used to often say, “ I would die for you !”

1969年的这一天,查尔斯 · 曼森邪教成员在电影导演罗曼 · 波兰斯基位于加州比佛利山庄的家中杀害了5人,其中包括波兰斯基怀孕的妻子、女演员莎伦 · 塔特,这一野蛮的罪行震惊了全国,并使得查尔斯 · 曼森成为罪犯们的偶像。
· 把你分开,取代了家庭单位,家庭关系薄弱的人更容易产生孤独感,聪明的心理变态者会利用这些弱点,他们提供了替代家庭。
· 使用隐语来掩饰实际发生的事情,比如营销就用“注册”替代,但实际上就是销售。
· 不鼓励质疑,这威胁到了权威,批判性思维被主动阻止。
· 他奖励顺服从,这又一次阻碍了批判性思维。
· 虚假的互惠,曼森总是夸大他会为追随者做什么,这就迫使追随者保持顺从,曼森经常说:"我愿意为你而死!"

Randy Anderson
One I find fascinating is of sight deprivation, texture and how your brain struggles to connect dots to put a picture together from memory.
Blindfold person, hopefully no trust issues arise.
Have an apple and potato (somewhat has similar textures and mouthfeel of a crunch)
Without letting person know hold the apple up for them to take a bite and set a baseline memory. Even tell them it is an apple for assurance.
Repeat the third step once or twice more.
Switch the potato out for the apple from which to bite.
Most of the time people cannot tell a difference even though they taste nothing alike. They still think they are biting from an apple not the potato. Until sight is restored the brain is tricked, even with taste your brain will keep it simple, keep it stupid logic of solving a problem and ignore it and jump to a conclusion.
I’ve seen this trick work time and again even with an onion thrown into rotation. Just lets us know how are brains work to assimilate the world around when one or more sensory perceptions are taken away.

1. 蒙上眼睛(希望不会出现信任问题)
2. 吃个苹果和土豆(有点有类似的质感、口感)
3. 在不让受试者知道的情况下,举着苹果让他们咬一口(设定一个基准记忆)。
4. 告诉他们这是一个苹果(予以信任)
5. 重复第3个步骤一次或两次。
6. 把苹果换成土豆

Lenore Scholz
I suppose it is not much creepy to the person performing the psychological trick, but it is to the person you are performing it on. Apparently this works on anyone you perform it on.
So basically, when you're talking to someone or they're looking directly at you, if you stare at the spot on their forehead that is slightly above and between their eyes they will immediately become immensely disturbed and uncomfortable.
Unknowingly, I myself have done this a few times when talking to people. (Probably due to my difficulty of looking at people in their eyes. Anyone else do this?) I now wonder if in those moments they had felt disturbed.
Of course, there doesn't seem to be any reason that we should do this, or at least one that I can think up. It's all the same to me though. Because eitherway it’s strange and interesting.

我自己在与人交谈时不知不觉中也做过几次这样的事情。(可能是由于我很难看清别人的眼睛,还有人会这样吗?) ,我现在在想,在那些时刻,他们是否有感到不安。

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