2021-04-25 Kira_Yoshikage 12274

What was it like being raised in an unusual environment (like a boat travelling the world/touring with a family band) or with interesting parents (geniuses/famous/very popular)?


I grew up in a spiritual environment where my parent's were shaman's, then they explored different religions, eventually converted to one (twice) and dragged me through 3 different continents (and 3 different countries by the age of 12). Throughout my entire school years I switched through 9 different schools.


I was always really jealous of the kid's that lived in one place for their entire lives, had family in their country and a group a friends from when they were young.


I had a similar childhood, not with religion but my mum just running from her problems, I went to so many schools in so many cities. I know how you feel when you say you'd be jealous of kids with stability. Me too.


How are you doing now? Do you still see them?


Yeah i see my parent's sometimes, I'm on good terms with them now:)


I went to the same school for two consecutive years once growing up. Never another time in my life. One grade I had 3 different schools. I actually liked it, though, and I feel like it made it easier for me to settle down now, as I've been so many places and like where I am at.


We moved 20 times before I left home at 14. My best friend grew up in the same house that his brother is now raising his family in. He still knows many of the people he went to school K-12 with. I find that kinda weird. (He's my best friend because he's way better at maintaining a friendship than I am. He learned how, I didn't.)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That must have been hard:(


Haha my best friend also grew up in a stable environment, we need people like that in our lives to show us how to maintain something;)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Had a friend who spent a few years on a boat growing up. It was when he was around 10-14. It was him his parents and his sister.


He's got interesting stories but the one take away, that always comes to.mind, is that he can no longer eat bananas. At some point they prepped for a portion of there trip that was going to have them for a few months. They loaded up on banana and he had to eat 2-4 every day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

He's in his early 30s now and will not touch a banana.


Interesting. I work in, on, under and around boats. Though I don't have any problems with a banana on a boat myself, they are generally considered bad luck on boats. It's weird to me that someone would load up months worth of them on a boat.


That is actually pretty interesting, I had never heard of that before. That being said, they're not very superstitious folks so I can totally believe that they wouldn't forgo an accessible food supply just because of a superstition.


Fruits were rare when I was growing up in Ukraine so when my mom managed to trade for some it was a big deal. Usually, I’d get handed a portion of something every day or every other day as a treat. Well, this time I wasn’t being supervised and I ate a whole bunch of bananas. I got super sick from eating too many.


I’m also in my early 30s and can’t stand to even smell a banana. Instant nausea.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My dad hates watermelons cause he grew up on a watermelon farm and when you ran out of water while working, you cracked open a watermelon to stay hydrated. He won’t touch watermelon anything.


My Grandmother also doesn't eat Bananas, but for a slightly different reason.


My Grandmother was born on Sumatra, because my Great Grandfather worked there for the Dutch on a plantation. She lived her first years on Sumatra and ate Bananas fresh from the tree outside the living room for some time. Then they went back to Germany. My Grandmother learned to walk on the Ship to Germany.


Now forward some years after WW2. An aunt of my Grandmother wanted to do something nice for her and managed to get a Banana for her, having remembered the stories from Sumatra. My Grandmother didn't like the Banana. Not because she doesn't liked Bananas anymore, she just doesn't like them when they are nlt freshly picked. To this day, she doesn't eat Bananas.


Parents owned a bar and music venue. I was exposed to a wealth of art, culture, and people that most parents try to shield their children from. Pros: I am very knowledgeable about art and people, cons: my parents were too busy doing cocaine to bother parenting me much.


It’s been really, really interesting! Would not trade it, but my therapist is making good money off me.


My dad is a rockstar in a super-niche area of economics. When I was a kid, he was always being sent across the globe to work in places like Albania, Kenya, China, Mauritius- wherever the World Bank or his university decided he was needed. So it was really cool when he'd come home and bring things like camel saddles from Iran, or rugs from Kazakhstan.


The flipside of this was that we lived on a dairy farm in a very rural area. So while Dad was off jet-setting and solving the world's problems, the rest of us were getting up at 5am every day to milk the cows before breakfast, harvesting corn, and hunting deer for fresh meat.


I'm a professor now in a totally different field and I still meet people from various universities and NGOs who hear my name and IMMEDIATELY ask if I'm related to THAT Professor [NAME]. Then they're baffled that I didn't go into his same field.


"Excuse me, Miss Wave Petunias, but are you related to professor Tsunami Petunias?!"


Pretty much!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Also, when we're out together, or he visits me on the campus where I work, someone will say, "Hello, Professor Petunias!"


And we'll both respond. It's pretty cute.


My dad is fairly well known in the programming world, but it never really resonated with us. He would work crazy hours to develop new programs, yet still find time to be an incredible dad. I remember he used to eat espresso beans plain because he felt that they worked better than drinking espresso. Whenever he would have a new app or idea done, he would have us demo it on video as the “typical user”.


I only recently realized what a big deal he was when I was working in DC and there was a big tech conference he was speaking at. He invited me to the cocktail reception afterwards and every single person wanted to talk to him, it was insane. The biggest take away for me was what an incredible dad he was- not sacrificing his family for work he obviously loved and excelled at.


The eating coffee beans bit is so funny


I used to get the chocolate covered espresso beans from Trader Joes and they were awesome, but man, you can easily hit your caffeine LD50 with those.

我以前很喜欢从Trader Joe's(译注:美国的连锁食品零售超市)买那种包在巧克力里的咖啡豆,吃起来很棒,但是真的,你吃这种东西很容易吃到咖啡因的半数致死量的。

Those are delicious. He always went straight for the plain beans though


I tried this when I was 10. Coffee bean from the grocery store, ate them in the car on the highway and sprayed the entire side of the car with black when I realized how bad they tasted compared to the caramel mocha scent.


The roasting process is what partially starts to breakdown caffeine. Darker roasts have less caffeine but more flavor, so unprocessed beans would provide the biggest kick.


So I googled what LD50 means because I had no idea. Apparently there is a lethal dose of caffeine. What would the limit be when eating choco covered espresso beans? This concerns me because I remember eating so many of them as a young teen and feeling sick. A handful? A whole bag? How much when it comes to someone that can eat a lot?


A ton. Caffeine is about ~1% by weight for roasted coffee beans (this varies based on roast profile, of course).


1 tablespoon of beans = 8 grams.

1汤匙的咖啡豆 = 8克。

So eating an entire tablespoon of coffee beans would give you a dose of caffeine of about 80 mg; 2/3 of a cup of regularly brewed coffee.


To OD you would need something like ~160mg/kg of caffeine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Let’s assume you’re a portly fellow at 220lbs, that means you would need 200 tablespoons of raw beans within a 4-6 hour period to OD.


Buddy this is absolutely fantastic but I've never eaten chocolate covered espresso beans with a tablespoon. Is 200 tablespoons like a bag of trader joe's choco beans?


He sounds like an awesome guy

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a programmer and new parent.... what was your dad's schedule like? How did he make time for family while still working crazy hours? What did your mom do?


Asking because I want to be present for my child as much as I can while still doing cool stuff.


This is kinda dark but I have a very famous father among the opera/classical music/theatre people, yet he was emotionally abusive. It's so surreal having everyone think this is the greatest man they've ever met while behind closed doors my mother and i were in a living hell.


When my mother eventually spoke up about the abuse to her so called friends, everyone chastised her for being a "lying bitch" and trying to stain this amazing man's name. When I spoke up about it, these people would tell me I was a horrible ungrateful child or would go to hell for hating my wonderful father. In short, a myriad of other things happened: my mom divorced, we tried escaping him, the court gave the asshole joint custody, his mother (my grandmother) came into the picture and was exactly like him but 100x worse + physically abusive, she tried drowning me one day, threatened to strangle me and my dog,.... etc.


All while people told me they envied my perfect life with such an amazing and talented family, hoping i would continue their legacy in the fine arts as an opera singer... Hell no!


Eventually mom and i escaped to another country for two years and we've never seen them since.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I grew up in rural Alaska and my parents were dog mushers for about 20 years. We had maybe 30-40 dogs at the peak when i was 12 years old and they all had to be trained every other day. It was my job and my brother's job to feed them all and scoop poop.


It was fun but a lot of hard work. Dad treated all the dogs himself, worming them, sewing them up if they got hurt, etc. We had this old diesel truck with a massive "building on the back that you could walk inside that had dozens of cubbies in the walls for transporting the dogs to races and to get vaccines. 2008 hit and my parents had to give most of them away to other mushers to make ends meet and that was the end of that. I miss those dogs sometimes.


Did you have a favorite? What’s training like? I bet you have so many cute puppy memories I’m jealous.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah we had this really handsome, big dog named Elvis. He was the best, just really gentle and smart. Magnum was a good dog too, he had pure silver fur and looked like a wolf. Dad always said he might have had some wolf blood in him.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My dad also made dog sleds because he was a construction worker in the summer and good with his hands. Loads of people bought sleds from us in the valley. Well, we ran the dogs on the trails maybe 25miles on a short day or go on 100 mile trips up to the brooks mountain range for multiple days. We ran 10 dogs per team, sometimes 12 for the long distances. The puppies were started at maybe 8 months old in the summer running the quad. Smart dogs we trained to be leaders that would respond to voice commands: Lets go!, Haw(left i think it was?), Gee(right), and woah to stop. Dogs that were strong and didn't stop were hooked right in front of the sled.


We had puppies maybe every 3 years. It always happened when one of the males got loose and broke into what my dad called the "bitch" pen. He'd have his way and a few months later the new litter was born.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I grew up in an Ivy League college town, which both my parents worked for as history professors. I always took it for granted until I went to college and then I realized how well they had set me up for the world. They were constantly asking to read my work and I think that greatly improved my writing skills and soft skills, like taking and giving helpful feedback. I feel like I just approach the world with a very inquisitive mindset and I think I have them to thank for that.


When I was 14, my parents sold our house, cars, and 90% of our belongings and we moved onto a boat. Unfortunately, there were some big repairs that needed to be done on the boat and we had more and more problems with it, so when I was 15, they sold the boat and we traveled by plane/train/cars around the world to 24 different countries for about 8 months. We came home when I was 16 and I started my senior year of high school and things have been normal ever since.


I wouldn't trade my experience for anything, but traveling all the time can be very isolating. I was away from all of my friends for three of my teenage years, and my friend group had pretty much split apart by the time I had gotten back. It was also hard to come home to my small town in the Midwest USA after having traveled the world and having nobody to share my experience with. Everything, in a sense, had been just like I left it. It was disorienting.


Something people ask me about all the time is "What about school?" I've been homeschooled since first grade, so school wasn't really an issue or any big change for me while we were traveling. I did an online math program, studied French out of a book, and kept a travel journal... and those were the only three "school" things I did during my junior year, lol.


One long-lasting effect I've had from the trip is that I am now pretty minimalistic. Living out of a backpack for 8 months teaches you how much you really can live without. I don't own very many items now, although I have allowed myself to start hoarding books again. That's my one splurge.


My parents are the first born in their family and each one has 12 siblings. They eloped in the late 70's to the US and had me less than a year after they arrived. They met a guy who knew a guy from their home town and they became good friends. This guy owned apartment buildings and so they were lucky enough to get set up with a giant 3 bedroom apartment. Little by little each of their siblings migrated over and stayed with them. By the time I was ~5ish I was living in this apartment being raised by about 10-15of my aunts and uncles, all kids and teenagers. some had their own place some stayed with us, but all came and went all day long as this was the biggest spot and central to everyone.


It was an amazing experience. The house was always full of laughter, and never boring. The oldest at that time were my parents at about 24 years old. everyone else were young enough to play all day with me, but old enough to make sure I didn't go down a wrong path in life. I discovered the world as they were discovering it. They were amazed by the slightest things because their little town didn't have the "modern tech" and luxuries that existed in Downtown Los Angeles in the 80's. So for example when they would come in and explode in enthusiastic energy about how they just rode an elevator, I would feel the excitement and want to go see this magical room. that moves. I learned to appreciate simplicity and have a fascination with how things work, because of this. They also helped each other succeed by sharing resources and connections to jobs, housing, etc. Little by little they each became successful in their own way. They all own their own homes now and often remind me of how I was a shared kid since at some point or another they each raised me. I love them all and am thankful for the experience.


I don't know if being raised in a military family counts but I moved around the US (and part of England) from the time I was born until age 12, never staying in one place for more than two years at a time. I'll tell you this much: it sucks basically always being the new kid but that had its unspoken advantages. I got really, REALLY good at getting to know people where I went. To this day one of my personality quirks is that I can get to know practically anybody quickly because that's just how the chips fell when I was younger.


Same, moved every two years until I graduated high school. It really does get easy to meet and know new people, but for me I never really learned how to make lasting friendships. You kinda move away and move on. I always wondered what it was like for kids who grew up in the same house, same bedroom, same friends and whatnot their whole life.


Wasn’t me but met a family that had spent close to a decade touring the world on a 30-something foot sailboat. (I didn’t/don’t know them well, I was their guest for Thanksgiving weekend almost 20 years ago, they were family friends with the girl I was dating at the time).


They’d had a kid underway and lived on the boat for the next 7-ish years. I met them a couple years later when the kid was around 10. My biggest impression was this dude’s insane sense of balance. They had a jungle gym/swing set deal in their backyard, and the kid really enjoyed walking along the top crossbar of the swing set while people were swinging (making the already narrow bar sway back and forth).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I hope that didn’t fade over time; I’d like to imagine he’s out there somewhere walking tightropes for fun.


My dad was a known genius within the agricultural cotton industry. He is very mechanically smart and has helped made processing cotton faster and more efficient for places all around the world. Yet very few people knew that he was a 9th grade dropout who never set foot in a college.


I think probably the biggest thing I deal with is other people's expectations just because of who my father is. People seem to expect a lot out me and it gets overwhelming at times because it sometimes makes me feel like everyone will always see me as my father and not just for me. People expect me to get into the same industry and carry on what he made. People expect me to always be formal and perfect. People expect me to be my dad.


I think what makes people's expectations so difficult to deal with sometimes is the fact that my dad's expectations are just the opposite. He doesn't want me to get into the industry just out of obligation. He wants me to succeed in what I'm passionate about. He doesn't want me to break over trying to be perfect. If anything, he'd rather me own my fuck-ups and learn from it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful that my father is all for me forging my own path than taking the one he already made. However I'll admit that dealing with these conflicting expectations growing up really creates confusion.


The cotton industry just isn't for me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My parents built a 53 foot schooner when I was a kid, and during my freshman year of high school (1991) we sailed through the South Pacific from Southern California. We spent 6 months in Tonga for hurricane season, and there were only 3 other kids who spoke English (another sailboat, but smaller). We learned a lot about how to survive on tropical islands because we did lots of fishing, building small fires, learning about the wildlife, fishing, free-diving. We were homeschooled and my dad even had to reattach some of my braces on my teeth at one point. We were privileged in that we had a fair amount of money. My parents also built a catamaran when they got married and sailed around the world as very young adults in 1970. We left Tonga too early after hurricane season and got caught in a cyclone, and were tossed on 20 foot waves for 2 days before my parents managed to break us free and we limped back to Tonga with a broken bowsprit, ripped sails, and some snapped rigging. I was not much help because I was violently seasick, and my siblings are 3 and 6 years younger than me. They went back when they were in their 60's and my brother was on his own small boat with his wife. I've also owned three sailboats at this point that I've fixed up. I almost feel like being out there is more natural than dealing with real society (even though I have a very real professional job).


I grew up constantly between Fiji, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand and Australia.


Early on in Fiji my brother and I developed our own language due to too many language influences and could only speak fluently to one another. Had to undergo speech therapy as our language missed quite a few common sounds.


Ive had all sorts of crazy experiences, sneaking a baby pig into a hotel bathroom, being bitten by a tree kangaroo, airplane crash as a baby (overshot the runway), sister opening the door of an unpressurised 8 seater plane midflight, volcanic eruption that very nearly took our whole family on my sisters 12th birthday, shooting arrows, riding loose in the back of utes and being taken off by the ladies or running of with the kids at every village we stopped in at.


For many people I wouldve been one of the first little white boys they'd ever seen, i remember the cheerful waves and locking myself in the car so nobody else could pinch my cheeks.


As we grew older ipods and stuff became more common, they were taken off us at the start of every holiday a practice we despised at the time but I appreciate somewhat now.


We fostered animals in our spare time so we've had hundreds of puppies and kittens, a few goats, multiple batches of chickens and ducks, pigs, parrots, possums and crows.


Being the eldest son I was the first white man to ever receive part of a dowry in a bride price ceremony, a full grown pig and 500 kina, I used my share to buy Call of Duty: World at War when I got home.


It distanced me from the other kids in primary school they'd come back with all sorts of stories, I was jealous of the kids that stayed home and all got to hang out together during the holidays. Some kids would have big multiple family getaways, they still do tbh.


I know I was lucky to live in these awesome places but It felt a little distancing, however now many of us from the same primary school are still all friends, a few have even visited our house in Papua New Guinea and in 2019 I brought two friends to Fiji with my family.


Covid 19 is genuinely the longest stint Ive ever spent in Australia


Seriously underrated comment. You must be a hell of an interesting guy to talk to at parties


Honestly some people refuse to believe a lot of it, I shot my brothers best mate in the leg with one of the arrows I mentioned. I was messing around and meant to shoot the tree between us but it glanced off into his leg, only a flesh wound luckily.


I do sometimes feel like im steering the conversation a bit too much so I tend to be quiet lest it come off as showboating


Oh we staged a robbery to scare my sister and her first boyfriend, had all the locals with arrows tips with these nuts so they wouldnt hurt anyone and dragged a tree to block the road, good fun times. My brother and I hid in the trees since a whiteboy wouldve given it awayv


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