2021-04-28 kepter 7976

What should everyone know about first aid?


Robert Frantz
Prepare yourself for the shortest First Aid course in history.


First aid has an ancient history and the military in all its various forms had a massive influence. That’s why this antique first aid kit of mine is painted olive drab.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1.First aid is the provision of care to the ill and injured to preserve life until definitive medical care can be delivered. So, when it gets right down to it all of first aid is dealing with the immediate emergency. If you are present at an actual medical emergency first send someone to call for definitive help. Call 911! You with your 5 minute first aid course are a very temporary measure.


Ensure your own safety. I have a few horrific stories concerning a well meaning rescuer being hit by a car in the side of the road trying to deliver care. I even know a physician who lost a leg after being struck by a drunk driver while trying to help someone. Think four times… no, five times, before getting out of your car at a car wreck. Never go into the water to save a drowning person. If the shooting is still going on make sure you are under cover. You cannot help anyone if you are killed. Likewise, becoming a second casualty makes the saving of both of you twice as hard.


2.Airway. Most people who die quickly do so for lack of a patent airway. If the patient is chemically impaired and breathing turn them on their side so secretions can flow from their mouth. Likewise for people who just suffered a seizure. There is NO NEED to pry a seizure victims’ mouth open with a spoon or your fingers. Wait until the seizure passes and turn them on their side. Don’t get your finger bitten off. Refer to point 1 above!


3.Breathing. If the patient is not breathing refer to point 2 above. Many times it is because their airway is occluded with their tongue. Thrusting their jaw forward with gentle pressure is typically enough to open them again. If the airway is occluded due to choking you will need to remove the foreign material using the Heimlich maneuver or removing it from their mouth if you can see it. Don’t get your finger bitten off. Did I mention that?


Circulation. You have to know where to check a pulse and I recommend the carotid artery because it’s right where you will be checking the airway anyway at neck. No pulse? It’s CPR time. If there is an AED…. Retrieve it. Read the instructions and hopefully a “shock” will be indicated. They are already technically dead so you cannot hurt them. Do what you have to do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Disability. Bleeding is controlled by direct pressure. If it’s oozing a little pressure will do. If it’s spurting? More pressure will be required. Use anything clean and preferably cloth-like to put over open wounds and apply enough pressure to stop the bleeding. Forget tourniquets. I’ve never had to use one even with amputations. If a limb really hurts… it may be broken. Try to immobilize it any way feasible.

残疾。直接按压止血。如果血只渗出一点点,轻轻按一下就可以了。如果血直接喷出来了,需要使劲按压。使用任何干净的东西,最好是布状的东西放在伤口上,并使劲按压阻止出血。忘记止血带吧,即使在截肢手术中,我也从未使用过它。如果你感觉四肢真的很疼... 那有可能已经断掉了。尽量用任何可行的方法固定住它。

Comfort. If all else fails… be nice. Reassurance is the best medicine of all. There is a LOT of fear involved in these events. Check your own pulse. Be calm. That is the very best and most rare thing in any emergency.


Immanuel Coco-Bassey
Now some knowledge of first aid could mean the difference between life and death because you’re sole aim, is to make the situation better and not to make it worse.


I’ll drop a few basic first aid tips you could live by.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The three P’s:

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?Prevent life.


?Prevent further injury.


?Promote recovery.


Pretty simple you may think, but when someone gets injured you might panic and forget to do what is necessary to make better the situation. The three P’s remind you of the basics; do what you can to save the person’s life, do what you can to keep them from sustaining further injuries and lastly do what you can to make them feel better and recover.

你可能认为这很简单,但是当有人受伤时,你可能会惊慌失措,忘记做必要的事情来使情况变得更好。这三P原则提醒你一些基本的东西: 尽你所能挽救病人的生命,尽你所能防止他们继续受到伤害,最后尽你所能让他们感觉更好,恢复健康。

2. Check the Scene For Danger

2. 检查现场是否有危险

Before you provide help to an injured person, check your surrounding for impending danger, you don’t want to get yourself hurt in the process. The truth is if you get hurt whilst trying to be the superhero, who’s going to save you and the person you were about to save. For example, you want to save a guy who got knocked down on a busy highway, you had better check for oncoming vehicles lest you get knocked down by one.


Once it’s safe you can then advance to rescue the injured person.


3. Treating Cuts and Scrapes

3. 治疗割伤和擦伤
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Blood is an integral part of our bodies, so when someone is bleeding, your top most priority should be how to stop the bleeding. Try and find a bandage or clean cloth and then:


? Apply gentle pressure 20–30 minutes


? Clean the wound by gently running clean water over it. Don’t use soap on an open wound.


? Apply antibiotics to the wound like Neosporin.

在伤口上使用抗生素如 Neosporin。

? Cover the wound with bandage.


If someone has a nosebleed, he/she lean forward with a cloth pressed against the nostrils until the blood flow stops.


The human body is usually good at patching up small cuts and scrapes but deeper cuts will require medical attention.


? Apply pressure.


? Don’t apply any ointment. Cover the wound with loose cloth to avoid contaminants infecting the wound.


? Seek medical attention immediately.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

4. Treating Sprains

4. 治疗扭伤

Sprains usually not very serious injuries and will most likely heal on their own. Still there are steps you can take to ease the swelling. The swelling is caused by blood flow to the hurt area. You can reduce the swelling by applying ice because ice restricts the blood vessels from excess blood flow.


? Keep the injure limb elevated.


? Wrap the ice in a cloth or put it in a plastic bag and then apply to the area.


5. Treating Heat Exhaustion

5. 治疗中暑

Heat exhaustion is a result of prolonged exposure to high temperatures especially when the person is handling strenuous work or hasn’t had enough water. The symptoms include:

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

? Heavy sweating Dizziness Weak pulse Muscle cramps Nausea Headaches


To treat someone with heat exhaustion you should:


? Get the person to a covered area out of the sun.


? If there are no covered places, keep the person covered with any material that covers the sun.


? Give the person water and keep him/her hydrated.


? Keep cool cloth on their forehead to lower the body temperature.


6. Treating Hypothermia

6. 治疗体温过低

Hypothermia is caused by exposure to cold temperatures. It begins to occur when your body temperature drops below 95 degrees Fahrenheit.




? Shivering Slurred speech and mumbling Weak pulse Weak coordination cold skin Loss of consciousness




Be very gentle with the person, don’t rub their body and don’t move their body jarringly as this could trigger a cardiac arrest


? Move the person out of the cold and remove any wet clothing.


? Cover the person with blankets and use heat packs (please don’t apply heat directly to the skin as this may cause serious skin damage resulting in more harm than good)


? Let then drink warm fluids


7. Treating Burns

7. 治疗烧伤

Before you commence treatment on any kind of burn, you must first know the kinda burns that you’re treating as there are different types of burns. They are four actually and they are:


? First degree burn: Only the outer layer skin is burnt. The skin is swollen and red and looks similar to a sunburn.

一度烧伤: 只有外层皮肤被烧伤。皮肤红肿,看起来像是晒伤。

? Second degree burn: Some of the inner layer of the skin is burnt. Look for blistering skin. Thus usually is a vey painful burn.

二度烧伤: 部分皮肤内层被烧伤,皮肤起水泡。这通常是一种非常痛苦的烧伤。

? Third degree burn: all of the inner skin is burnt. The wound is whitish or blackened color. Some third degree burns could be deep and painless because the nerve endings have been destroyed.

三度烧伤: 皮肤内部全部烧伤。伤口颜色发白或变黑。一些三级烧伤可能是深度和无痛的,因为神经末梢已经被破坏。

? Fourth degree burns: This kinda burn has penetrated all tissues up to tendons and the bones.

四度烧伤: 这种烧伤已经渗透到了包括肌腱和骨头在内的所有组织。

Also there are two kinds of burn severities which are minor burns and major burns.


? Minor burns: first degree to mild second degree burns.

轻度烧伤: 一度至轻微二度烧伤。

?Major Burns: moderate second degree burns to fourth degree burns.

重度烧伤: 中度二级烧伤至四度烧伤。

Minor burns don’t need extensive treatment but you should:


? Run cool water over the affected part (don’t use icy or very cold water).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

? Don’t break the blisters.


?Apply moisturizer over the area like aloe Vera (or just apply petroleum jelly like Vaseline).

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

? Take the burned person out of sunlight .


? Have the person take ibuprofen or acetaminophen for pain relief.


Major burns are no joke,that they require immediate medical assistance. To aid someone with a major burn:


? Do not apply ointments


? Cover wound with loose cloth to avoid contaminants from infecting it.


8. Allergic Reactions

8. 过敏反应

An allergic reaction is a result of your being hypersensitive to a foreign substance like bee stings, certain foods and drug ingredients. Anaphylaxis is a life threatening allergic reaction that could be triggered by any of those allergens.


The best way to treating an allergic reaction is to use an EpiPen( an EpiPen or epinephrine autoinjector is an ergonomic needle that is used to inject epinephrine (adrenaline) into someone suffering from a serious allergic reaction. The epinephrine suppresses the effect of the allergies.

治疗过敏反应的最好方法是使用肾上腺素笔 (肾上腺素或肾上腺素自动注射器是一种人体工程学的针头,用于向患有严重过敏反应的人注射肾上腺素。肾上腺素能抑制过敏反应。

If someone has an allergy:


? Keep the person calm(reassure them that everything is going to be okay to help them relax and trust you too. Reassuring goes a long way in keeping them calm and stable knowing their life actually is in safe hands). Ask them if they use an EpiPen and have one on them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

? Have the person lie down and keep their feet elevated 12 inches.


? Make sure the person’s clothing is loose to aid breathing.


? Avoid giving them food, drink or medicine.


? If appropriate use an EpiPen. Learn how to inject an EpiPen in someone having an allergy.

如果适当的话,使用肾上腺素笔 EpiPen。学习如何给过敏症患者注射 EpiPen。

? Wait 5–15 after using an EpiPen. If the allergic reaction isn’t subdued, you may be requiredto administer a second dose.

使用 EpiPen 后等待5-15分钟。如果过敏反应没有减轻,你可能需要注射第二剂。

9. Treating Fractures

9. 治疗骨折
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

? Don’t try to straighten a fractured limb


? Use a splint or padding to stabilize the area.


? Apply a cold pack to the area. Don’t apply it directly to the skin, wrap it in a cloth or out it in a plastic.


? Give the person an anti-inflammatory drug like ibuprofen.


10. Performing CPR

10. 心肺复苏术

CPR means Cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR is used to restore breathing and circulation in an unresponsive person. If done correctly, CPR can save lives, that is why an intensive training is needed before you can perform CPR on anybody.


The First Aid Kit

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You sure can’t perform any first aid without having your first aid kit.


Your kit should include:


? Antibacterial wipes


? Painkillers


? Gauze pads


? Sunscreen

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? Medical gloves


? Medical instrument kit

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? Sling


? Burn gel

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? Antibiotic ointment


? Antiseptic wipes


? First Aid instructions


? Tourniquet


Hope I was able to help.


Rachel Leon
This is what I learned:


1. Survey the Scene

1. 观察现场:

Make sure you’re not running into danger and adding to the victim list.


2. Put on Gloves - Gently Tap or Shake the Victim “Hey - Are you okay?”

2. 戴上手套——轻轻地拍打或摇晃受害者问一下:“嘿——你还好吗?”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

: This might seem stupid, but just make sure the victim isn’t sleeping, and now you know if the victim is conscious or not. If unconscious, tell someone nearby to call 911. If conscious, uate the situation and call 911 if necessary. If unsure, call 911.

: 这可能看起来很愚蠢,这样可以确保受害者是不是在睡觉,继而确定受害者是否有意识。如果不省人事,告诉附近的人拨打911。如果意识清醒,评估情况,必要时拨打911。如果不确定,打911

3. Check for Pulse and Breathing

3. 检查脉搏和呼吸

Put your finger on their neck to feel for a pulse, and watch/listen for breathing.


If you are not a doctor or trained in anyway, you can help someone, but you are not obligated. If you call 911, and there is no one helping the victim, the dispatcher might ask you to do some of these things until EMS arrives. I focused on life-threatening conditions, meaning if the victim is not breathing or does not have a pulse, every second counts to save their life. The severe bleeding is life-threatening as well, but if the victim doesn’t have a pulse or is not breathing, by stopping the bleeding the victim will still not survive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just remember, whenever in doubt, call 911. They are trained professionals and know a lot more life-saving techniques. Always give way to someone who has more training then you.


Souradeep Chakraborty
Breathing difficulties
If someone stops breathing, see if the person replies if talked to or touched on the shoulder.If not, call for help – and immediately begin first aid.Place the person on his or her back on the floor.Tilt the head, so that the chin is pointing upwards. Do this by placing the fingertips under the jawbone, then lift gently while pressing down softly on the person's forehead. This is done to make sure the tongue is not blocking the throat.Keep holding the head in this way while checking for breathing. Look if the chest is rising and falling, or place your ear next to their mouth to listen for breathing and feel breath on your cheek. Only check for 10 seconds.If there's normal breathing, hold the head as described above until help arrives. If there's no breathing or gasping breaths, start basic life support.


With all types of bleeding, it's important to stop the flow of blood as quickly as possible.


Small cuts Small cuts in the veins stop bleeding and clot within a few minutes. The area should then be washed, and a plaster placed gently on top.Deeper cuts Deeper cuts in the veins produce dark blood that seeps out slowly and steadily. It can be stopped by gentle pressure on the wound with a sterile or clean cloth, followed by the application of a clean or sterile bandage.Often, these wounds need sewing or gluing, and almost all need a careful clean, so medical treatment will be necessary after first aid.


Nosebleeds occur when one of the small blood vessels in the mucous membranes of the nose bursts.To limit the bleeding:


pinch the nostrils shut with the index and middle finger for 10 minutes. This way, the vein is compressed, which is often enough to stem the flow


while the nostrils are shut, the person must breathe through their mouth

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

if the bleeding continues, it's important to contact a doctor.


Choking happens when the passage through the windpipe is blocked. This usually occurs when food that hasn't been thoroughly chewed gets stuck.If someone looks like they're choking, ask them if they're able to talk.A person who is genuinely choking can usually only communicate with hand movements, and may place their hand against their throat. In such a case they will definitely need help, so summon assistance for them.Provided the person is conscious and talking, you should not interfere. Encourage them to cough. However, be prepared to do so, if the obstruction appears to become complete or markedly worse.If the person is conscious, but struggling to breath, stand behind them and lean their head slightly forward.Using a flat palm, strike them forcefully between the shoulder blades, in the hope they will cough up (and out) the item causing choking. Repeat up to five times.


First aid for burns The first thing to do is to limit the extent of the damage, and prevent the burn from becoming worse.


Taking care that you do not put yourself at risk from the cause of the burns, move the person away from the danger area. Smother flames with a blanket or douse the person with water but beware of electricity or caustic chemicals.


Remove clothing or jewellery from the burned area but don’t try to peel back any clothing that is stuck to the skin.


The burnt area must be cooled by being placed under tepid running water. The water should not be unpleasantly cold.


Keep the damaged area under running water for at least one hour, or longer if the pain has not stopped. Up to four hours of this treatment can be beneficial. However, in severe burns it is more important to get the person to hospital for treatment, so don’t let this delay calling the ambulance.


Meanwhile keep the person warm a lot of heat can be lost from large burns so put a blanket or clothing around the non-injured areas.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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