2021-04-29 kepter 15219

What does it mean when your ex boyfriend unblocks you?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shan Thoughts
I am assuming that you have been doing no contact with your ex and he/she has unblocked you.




How do you know that your ex has unblocked you?


Has your ex contacted you after being unblocked ?


Now, the question you must be wondering why? It's funny how human beings are because we always want what we can't have. Your ex unblocked you because they are wondering what have you been up too. As human beings, we always want to know what is our significant other is doing right now. They might be wondering are we doing well or feeling terrible after the break up. Most people would immediately try to contact our ex and try to rekindle the past( reminder: please don't do it). When they unblock you, it doesn't mean they want to get back to you. Worst case scenario they have moved on and your presence doesn't effect them emotionally. That's the worst feeling of having an ex being indifferent and having no feelings towards you.

现在,你一定想知道我为什么问这样的问题?人类之所以如此有趣,是因为我们总是想要我们得不到的东西。你的前任重新关注了你,因为他们也想知道你在做什么。作为人类,我们总是想知道我们的另一半现在在做什么。他们可能想知道我们分手后现在过的很槽糕还是很快乐。大多数人会立刻联系我们的前任,试图重燃旧情(提醒: 请不要这样做)。当他们重新关注了你,这并不意味着他们想回到你身边。最糟糕的情况是,他们已经释怀了,而你的出现并没有在情感上影响他们。最糟糕的结果就是前任对你漠不关心,对你没有感觉。

What you should do?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Changing your mindset - look at it this way, they have finally broke some wall barrier and it shouldn't affect you in any way. Have a mindset of having a whatsoever attitude and don't give a damn. This is important because they can block you again and you will go through a roller coaster of emotions again.


Going no contact - maintain no contact with your ex until they reach out to you via personal message/ direct message. If you broke up with your ex, do the honor of reaching out to them in a calmly manner. If they like/ comment your social media. It doesn't mean anything and you shouldn't react to it.


If they reached out to you - do not bring up any issues of the break up from the past. Treat your ex like you are meeting a new person for the very first time. Keep the conversation short, light , with some humor and make plans to meet up with your ex. Try to make her smile and bring he/she emotional state like how you meet before. That's was the main reasons why they had fallen in love with you. Hope this helped you.


Matthew DeMarco
It's simple. Your ex wants you to see them and deep down they want you to reach out to them even if they don't really want you back. It's about their ego.


Its a game of cat and mouse and only you can decide if you want to play there game. If I were you, I would take my power back and take this opportunity to block THEM instead.


This would send a clear message to your ex that you want nothing to do with them and they'll be like. “OMG, they blocked me!”

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Xunny Lee
He blocked me from the day that we broke up and from then on I started doing the no contact thing. The reason why we broke up is because he told me that he doesnt want his parents to get mad at him for dating a single mom he told me he loved me but had to choose his parents wish to not date a single mom- ( he was dating single mon too prior to me)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Steve Claridge
My ex blocked me 3 or 4 times a day sometimes. Over nothing. Proper immature weirdo


Steve Claridge
If u want nothing to do with her…block everywhere. Spam her emails.

如果你不想和她有任何关系... 在所有社交媒体上拉黑你的前任,给她发垃圾邮件。

I'm guessing like me and most men we hate rejection and even if u dont want a relationship- u still want her to contact and chase u a bit. Makes u feel good eh?


Nova Aspel
It's a bit funny to me, how many people see blocking/unblocking on social media as some kind of a Statement?. It's intended as a feature, that helps you to take care of your mental health or privacy. There was one time, when I blocked one of my best friends when our relationship become mutually toxic. More to protect her, then myself, to be honest. And also save me from temptation to message her and to say something so dark I would regret it for the rest of my life. I unblocked her, when I felt I could speak to her normally without lashing out. Or to see her picture at all without feeling hurt. We are very good friends now, just not as close as before.


You can say for sure, that you ex doesn't have hard feelings for you anymore. Or, at least is trying to move on from the negative feelings he had about you contacting him.


I don't generally block people on social media, save for random feed I don't desire. So having someone in my blacklist at all is a constant reminder of conflict I had, how hurt I felt and how I hurt people back. Unblocking someone = letting go of this hurt. It doesn't automatically means, your relationships with someone is going to be the same again.


I would probably message a person who unblocked me, if I wanted something to say, but wouldn't hope for much. If there's nothing particular to say, I'd wait and see what he will do next.


It sounds to me, like you probably would want to get back together, and that's understandable. But you really need to think it over. If the break up was his fault, are you ready to forgive? If it was yours, are you ready, if he never truly forgives you and would still blame you all over the course? If it was nobody's fault, why the blocking even happened? Is one of you an impulsive person? Sadly, still loving someone doesn't mean it would be healthy to be together.

在我听来,你们可能想复合,这是可以理解的。但你真的需要好好考虑一下。如果分手是他的错,你准备好原谅他了吗?如果是你的,你准备好了吗? 如果他从来没有真正原谅你,并且在整个过程中仍然责怪你呢?如果你们两人都没有错,他又为什么拉黑你呢?你们中有人是冲动的吗?可悲的是,仍然爱着一个人并不意味着在一起就是健康的。

Dhiraj Kumar
May be your ex misses you.


May be your ex wants to come back in your life.


May be……….

可能是... ..。



There may be many reasons, but do you want your ex back in your life.


First think about the reasons which made your ex to block you.


After that, did you move on in your life?


If the answer is yes.


Then, congratulations.


If the answer is no.


Try to move on.


According to my experience, a person who truly loves you, cannot block you.


If that person blocks you, it clearly shows that he/ she does have something more important than you in their life.


More important in the sense, it may be another person, family, fear of society or any other responsibility or interest.


Why did my ex unblock me?


There are many reasons.


Your ex, may had love relationship with another person and that person dumped your ex. So, now your ex wants to come back to your life. Do you want such a person?


Your ex, had some family commitments before, he/she has fulfilled it. Your ex has finished top priority works, now your ex feels let me go back to my poor lover. Do you want such a person?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Your ex, wants to hurt you more by making you feel jealous. How does your ex can do that? He/she can do that by showing his present status, which may hurt you. Do you want that to happen?

你的前任,想要通过让你嫉妒来伤害你。你的前任是怎么做到的?他/她可以通过显示自己的现状来做到这一点,这可能会伤害到你。 你希望这种事情发生吗?

Now your existence doesn't matter to him/her at all. Do you want him/her?


Your ex is unhappy with his/her life. So, he/she is in search of happiness. Do you want such a person?


You may be the last option for your ex. Do you want that person?


Reasons are many, but most unlikely if you think that your ex may have realised your love and he/ she wants to come back to your life. I think it will never be the case. Live your life to the fullest. Best wishes to you. Thank you for reading the answer.


Kanwal Murtaza
no not at all I will never let my ex come again cause I have moved on and i am happy without him he was selfish he have unblocked me but I will never let him back in my life


Afroz Shaikh
Why do you really care after a long time? If you still care then probably you still have feelings for your ex.


Anyways let me answer your questions.


Ex may be checking the people she\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\he has blocked and was wondering I think you have served your punishment and you're harmless, so they have might thought of releasing you out of the jail.


They may want you to contact them. ( Don't do this).


They've completely moved on and you don't hurt them anymore by looking at your profile, they don't feel any pain or attachments.


No matters what is the condition now but I'd like to tell you to move on, you don't need to be here looking why they're playing unblocked and blocked games.


Time for you to move on and enjoy what's ahead of you.


Afroz Shaikh
Just love yourself, there is nothing better than self-care and self love. Take care of yourself and let this person go.


Afroz Shaikh
Stop looking up and wondering what point made them unblock you, just walk away or concentrate on your life, I am sure you must have met so many beautiful people on your way to 2 years journey. Good luck.


Dan Williams
Because he/she still has interest in you.


When ex's act like this, they don't enjoy the idea of you moving on. They want to know that you're still available, which makes them sleep better at night.


Whether it makes them feel less lonely (if they're still single) or they're curious to know if they still have a chance with you, or both, is up for debate however.

这是否会让他们感觉不那么孤独(如果他们还是单身的话) ,或者他们很好奇是否还有机会和你在一起,或者两者都有,这些都还有待商榷。

My ex did this…she would randomly unblock me on social media after I ended things with her and make comments directed towards me (like she was testing the waters to see if I would react) through a mutual friend's social media account.

我的前女友就这样做了... ... 当我和她分手后,她会在社交媒体上随机解除我的屏蔽,并通过一个共同朋友的社交媒体账户直接向我发表评论(就像她在试水,看我是否会有反应)。

Once I saw this occur, I instantly blocked her. It seems childish on my part, but when I block someone and cut them off completely, that's it…I'm done communicating. I don't want to see what she's doing with her life, nor do I care enough to want to know.

当我看到这一切发生的时候,我立刻屏蔽了她。这对我来说似乎很幼稚,但是当我屏蔽了一个人并且完全与他们隔绝时,就是这样... ... 我不再和他们交流了。我不想看到她在做什么,我也不想知道她在做什么。

Also, I don't want to give her the idea that I'm open to communicating.


My advice is to cut off communication with this person. It's a game you don't want to play.


Miyah Woods
They either want to see how you’re coping without them or if you’re not coping well at all. Or they want you to see how well they are doing cus they’re over you. They want you to get jealous again because at the beginning of a breakup both people get jealous and are trying to move on but of course you still miss eachother. You miss the memories you shared together. The other reason they may have unblocked you is for your reaction. They know that if you message them saying “why’ve you unblocked me it means you have been on their profile recently or tried messaging them and realised that they’ve unblocked you. This indicates you’re still obsessing over them and by messaging them it gives them a reaction implying you aren’t over them and you miss them.


Overall, my belief is that they are either wankers that want to rub it in your face that they’re doing well without you and make you jealous. Or they’re regretting the end of your relationship and trying to get your attention by making you jealous or feel bad for the decision you made I end the relationship.


Either way, stay strong, move on and enjoy your life without that waste of space.


Lisa Heyworth
Because he cares. If you totally got over the person, you don’t give a damn on his facebook account. And he’s interested in your life and in how’s it going without him.

因为他在乎。如果你完全忘记了这个人,你就不会在乎他的 facebook 账户。他对你的生活很感兴趣,想知道没有他的生活会怎样。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think he feels a bit guilty for the breakup or for being so immature. Now, after weeks, the emotions abated and he can see the clear picture. I don’t mean he necessarily wants the relationship back. But definitely thinks of straightening things up and staying friends.


Now it’s you turn to consider. But, if I were you, I’d just ease his heart and let him go without any friendship stuff. Leave the past in the past.


Just My Word
I know for me personally, I recently unblocked my ex after we broke up about six months ago, because not only did I move on in the best way possible but I know for certain, her image wouldn’t trigger me if I saw her again. Plus I'm not interested by any means to get back with her. It was simply a matter of me feeling it was the right time to do it and I did, without looking back or considering to reach out to her.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Phil Roberts
My ex ran dumped me for a very rich man (actually married him!) I knew about him when we were together constantly questioning her about him, she insisted he was just a ‘family friend’ & had no feelings for him. When she married him (only a month after leaving me!) I sent a lot of abusive messages to her so she blocked me, that was almost 3 years ago, I recently discovered she unblocked me….now if she was so much ‘in love’ with him why would she bother about me? when I see photos of them together on her FB she never looks happy, I compare the photos with when she was with me & she ALWAYS looked happy & laughing, I think she married him purely for money (body language doesn’t lie!) & now she’s having second thoughts hence unblocking me.

我的前女友为了一个非常有钱的男人甩了我(事实上是嫁给了他!)我知道他,当我们在一起的时候,不断地问她关于他的事情,她坚持说他只是一个‘家庭朋友’,对他没有感觉。当她嫁给他的时候(离开我才一个月!),我给她发了很多辱骂性的短信,所以她屏蔽了我。大约3年前,我最近发现她解除了我的屏蔽... ... 如果她真的那么爱他,为什么还要为我操心呢?。当我在她的脸书上看到他们在一起的照片时,她看起来从来都不快乐,我把照片和她和我在一起时的照片进行比较,在我和她的照片上,她总是看起来快乐,我认为她嫁给他纯粹是为了钱(肢体语言不会说谎!)(现在她改变主意,解除了对我的屏蔽)。

Jake Ando
Maybe this will give you an insight


I unblocked an ex because:-


keeping her blocked means I still care. I don’t.


I don’t care if she is checking my online status anymore. It means nothing.


the more you try and guess the more you will drive yourself crazy. If you have anything to say to him, say it - expect him to be a little hostile at first. Keep calm and be polite & respectful.


if you want him back he may not make it easy for you. Depending on why it ended and if you did anything that really hurt him. Dig deep, you know what it is. It starts there.


hope this helps.


Patrick Boada
In some cases simply because they regret doing it, a lot of times they just do it because of the rush fellings, anger and more (there are many reasons), but after that they just realized how immature they were or they regret doing it because they miss something as seeing your pictures or things like that. People are used to regret those kind of decisions because they know they did something they didn't think carefully.


They could also do it because they don't “care” but that just stupid since if they don't care anymore they would just leave it there without any changes.


Rohit Vashist


Not necessarily to get back with you.But to see if you have moved on or what.


She/he had blocked you which means the separation waznt very friendly.


Unblocking you is their curiosity to check if you still put status regarding your past and write those poems . (To feel the upper hand)


Or just a very feeble chance . They want you back ,not necessarily in romantic way but as a friend because u just cant dexe and ignore a person when u know he or she is there.


Ego may stop them to make contact with you and maybe they are hoping that u wld take the first step.


I hope this make sense.


Kathy Lynch
Who cares? This is your ex. They are your ex for a reason. Why are you checking if they have blocked, unblocked, friended, unfriended, tweeted or whatever?


This person is your ex.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The time you've taken to write this question here is already more time than you should spend on your ex.


Why give them that which is the most precious thing we have? Time.

为什么要给他们我们拥有的最宝贵的东西? 时间。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don't do it. Move on or you're gonna miss something worthy of your time.


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