2021-05-18 地平线123 15669


Rehan M S
The Panda (I assume you are referring to the Giant Panda(Ailuropoda melanoleuca), and not the arboreal mammal, the Red Panda) cannot be kept as a pet, primarily for the very simple reason that it is an endagered species. Ironic as it may sound, the Giant Panda is also, incidentally the mascot of the World Wildlife Fund. According a 2008 analysis, there are about 2500 pandas still remaining [Lü, Z, Wang, D. & Garshelis, D.L. (IUCN SSC Bear Specialist Group) 2008. Ailuropoda melanoleuca].
Although classified as a carnivore, the giant panda's diet consists mostly (upto 99%) of bamboo, which explains why it is generally found in the western regions of China, which are/were known for their bamboo forests. A typical panda eats anywhere between 26 to 84 pounds of bamboo everyday, soo unless you own a bamboo forest of your own, you might find it extremely expensive to feed a Panda. Also, Pandas may appear very friendly and adorable, but mind you, a closer look at their claws might change your mind.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Moreover, Pandas generally like to live in solitary confinement. This is pretty much the reason why you will never find a group, or a herd of pandas ever. They don't like company from their own crowd, so would they like you? If I were you, I'd reckon they wouldn't!!


Linda Braddy
No, pandas would not make good pets. Although Pandas in captivity do become accustomed to being fussed over, their personalities are very solitary except when breeding. If they choose to exhibit annoyance they may swipe with one paw.


Although the red panda is small, at about 24 inches and 20 lbs, it is immensely powerful and capable of doing great damage to tender human tissues with a single swipe of the paw. Imagine what a 200-300 lb giant panda could do! In addition, pandas have one of the most powerful bite capacities of all mammals, which is why they can eat bamboo for 18 hours a day, consuming vast quantities and defecating almost constantly as a result.


They have been known to hunt rodents and birds, and to eat carrion; so they are omnivores - just like a brown or black bear. They have also been known to attack humans who were silly enough to try to get too close. The damage they do on these rare occasions is shocking. In spite of their cuddly good looks, pandas are bears in every sense of the word. While TV shows like Grizzly Adams may make you think that bears could be wonderful pets, the reality is that due to their wild nature even captive and socialized bears can and will kill people. And - even if they weren't dangerous... have you ever smelled them?? I live in Colorado (USA) and hike in the Rocky Mountains. Occasionally I've hiked into an area where a bear has been. The odor of their feces is - gag - awful!

我们已经了解到它们还会捕食啮齿类动物和鸟类,甚至还会吃腐肉 ,它们和黑熊和棕熊一样都属于杂食动物。而且它们还会攻击那些试图接近它们的愚蠢的人类。这种情况比较罕见,但一旦发生,造成的破坏是极其惊人的。虽然外表很可爱,但无论从哪个角度看熊猫都是熊。《灰熊亚当斯》这样的电视节目可能会让你认为熊是很不错的宠物,但事实是,由于它们体内存在的天生的野性,即使是经过圈养和社会化的熊也会杀人。。而且即使它们并不危险……但你闻过它们的气味吗?我住在美国科罗拉多州,曾在落基山脉徒步旅行。我曾经徒步进入熊出没过的地方。它们的粪便的气味让人作呕,非常难闻!

Jay Wacker
Originally Answered: Can I own a panda?
I think that the Chinese government owns all pandas. The ones you see in zoos are leased for finite terms and the Chinese government retains all ownership of offspring from those pandas.
If this is correct, there are only 2 ways to own a panda. The first is to buy off the black market. The second is to steal some genetic material and discover how to clone pandas. I'd recommend the second path. It'd require 20 years of research, but it'd be f'ing awesome!


lora Ding
panda is under state protection in China. Most pandas are captive, and there are only fewer than 2000 pandas living in the wild. If you see them, you are supposed to contact the nature reserves instead of taking them home (if possible). Best way to protect pandas for non-professionals is to leave them alone, no disturbing nor anything..
Recently, a wild giant panda was spotted in Sichuan province. Staff suspected that it got lost or it was trying to forage for food. Here is the video Wild giant panda caught on camera in southwest China, it’s illegal to keep panda to yourself though. Due to habitat loss and fragmentation, wild pandas are actually in danger


Frances Aronson
All pandas, with very few exceptions, technically belong to China and are frequently used as political "ambassadors" from China to countries with whom they would like friendly relations. Zoos "rent" them by paying a fee to China for the privilege of exhibiting them and any cubs born while at the zoos must "return" to China to participate in the breeding program.


The exceptions are descendants of pandas that were "gifted" to countries between 1957 and 1982--the only surviving descendants are in Mexico and Japan. It is only in the last few years that China has begun to gift them outright to a few friendly countries. Current gift pandas live in Singapore and China may gift pandas to Jaifa.
Because they "belong" to governments, there can be no private ownership. They are enormously expensive to house and feed, as they have specific climate and dietary requirements.


Frances Voteary
You don't keep giant pandas as pets. They are wild animals.
But that aside, giant pandas are an endangered species that only thrive in proper care that is provided by qualified zoos. They have the means to keep feeding them; roughly a couple hundred pounds of food daily.


Holly Nelson
Illegal in most jurisdictions. Critically endangered. Expensive to keep, and so difficult to breed that it's almost like a space program. A LARGE HEAVY MAMMAL, about 250 lbs. They defecate up to 40 times a day. Effectively the sole property of China, no matter where you got it...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Courtney Murray
Giant Pandas are wild animals, are an endangered species, and are owned by the People's Republic of China, so it is not legally possible to keep them as pets.
Pandas also require a limitless supply of bamboo, so you would have to be made of money or own a bamboo forest. Also, despite the fact that they look cuddly and cute, pandas are extremely dangerous and capable of killing a human.


Deanna Tratensek
They aren't pets. End of story.
Pandas are bears. While they look cute and cuddly, they are still bears. The only reason you see so many in captivity is because they are endangered and conservationists are trying to keep them from extinction.


Lorri Robinson
No. The possession of pandas is tightly regulated by the Chinese government. They may be loaned to reputable zoos for breeding programs, but they are never permanent -- they return to China when called for.


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