2021-05-25 兰陵笑笑生 15952


Atanas Arnaudov
, Student of archeology and a big history nerd
Men are stronger and faster than women. Also more prone to violence.
Lastly men are expendable. If a society loses 50% of men between 14 and 40 it still has a future. Serbia is a good example for that - it lost 55% of its males during WW1. Now imagine that happening to half the women in childbearing age. Your cause is lost, your nation is gone, your tribe will go extinct. Not to mention the effects of thousands of young men without wives.
Something like this is bound to happen.


Lewis Campbell
True except one point, that men are more prone to violence, I suggest you look at your history, women are just as prone to violence, just less successful with direct confrontational aspects of violence…poison is still violence…


Mark McKenna
A couple corrections.
Men are, on average, physically stronger and faster than women, but the deviation overpowers the mean. Lots of women are stronger and faster than lots of men. So this isn’t decisive.
Men have more testosterone and are therefore more prone to aggression. This isn’t exactly the same as violence (emotional hostility, coercive rape, murder in cold blood are all forms of violence). But as far as being likely to be a soldier goes, you’re probably right on this point.
Lastly, you’re definitely right about dispensability. Personally, I suspect this is the (evolutionary) reason why men are more aggressive.


Jassi Sikand
It’s also important than in particularly strong armies today, those armies consist of predominantly men for much the same reasons (in fact that’s what’s brought up every time the draft sign-up for women is considered)


Argus Rainsworth
Did men of Serbia practice polygamy after WW1? If not, your example is not valid. The ratio of 2:1 has the pretty much the same effects as the ratio 1:2 (men - women) if people are monogamous. Returning to your assumption of polygamy: even if half of women died, the society would STILL go on - of course, much slower, at least in the beginning, but it’s not set to dissapear. There is also the option of having more children than before to compensate for the handicap, etc.


Abhinav Krishnan
First of all, slow societal development is precisely what he mentions in his answer as an adverse effect of women going to war.
Secondly, you can’t really predict when a war might start. Even if you could, a bunch of babies to feed during the war isn’t going to help anything.


Argus Rainsworth
When I mentioned the slow development I was returning again to his hypothesis (assumption of polygamy). I edited now for clarity. If people don’t practice polygamy or don’t CONSISTENTLY have kids outside the monogamous marriage (which people usually try to avoid because of social / moral constraints), then the development has pretty much the same speed, regardless of which sex is numerically predominant. I also find the phrasing “men are disposable/expendable” offensive and disrespectful, and, of course, untrue.


Abhinav Krishnan
Makes sense now. From a biological standpoint, however, it is true that males tend to live shorter lives than females.


Argus Rainsworth
Men do tend to live shorter, for a variety of reasons. But what exactly has that to do with them supposedly being more “expendable”?


Stephen Ede
Been more prone to pointless violence doesn’t actually make a better soldier. The readyness to violence you talk about means they are also more likely to get in leathal fights with their own people. Not a great attribute for a soldier.
PS. In acient times a country/tribe that lost 1/2 it’s men was likely a dead country anyway.

PS. 在古代,一个国家/部落如果失去了1/2的人,那么它很可能是一个等死的国家。

Sachin Patil
I think the logic of the answer can be found in - why humans kill the male animals for food while female ones are kept for breeding.


Tommy Leung
Who knows, there's always that 5% chance the aforementioned society becomes an Amazonian one.


Frank Banholzer
Armies were a political thing, and women were not allowed in politics


Atanas Arnaudov
Women wielded an extraordinary amount of power in any society that practices arranged marriages. A society like the Ancient Greeks and Romans for example or the entire Medi world. Alliances are determined by familial ties and those were controlled by women.
Otherwise female soldiers are certainly not unheard of in neither of those periods.


Wow. Never thought in this way. Not sure if this is right (morally speaking) but, you certainly making me think about this (why mostly males are involved in wars and not women) in a different way now.


Jake Parker
I cannot believe how offensive this is to woman, woman and men are the same.


Paul Bejdyk
According to law, they are equals. According to biology, they are not. Each gender has some qualities that other lacks. You don’t like it? Go argue with mother evolution.


Gareth Adamson
No! That is anti-feminist. Women and men are the same except where women are better.


Oscar Sanchez
Wrong. Male and female biology are not the same.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jake Parker
Ok, males are just as capable as become pregnant as woman with hormones and treatment.


Paul Bejdyk
No, they don’t. A natural woman and natural men are not biological equals. It’s not just about hormons and estrogen.
Treatment which would basicly turn them into weird freaks of nature. No, thanks.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jake Parker
I cannot believe how insensitive that was.


Paul Bejdyk
I couldn’t care less.


Alex Manole
, History enthusiast
Well, actually acknowledging that women are weaker physically than men doesn’t make you a sexist, lol, and this is the main reason why soldiers were predominantly men.
I don’t know why Spencer had the need to attack Alex Mann in this answer Spencer McDaniel's answer to In ancient times, why were soldiers predominantly men? Is there a biological reason for this? assuming that Alex has internalized misogyny because he states some facts.
In defense of any ancient or not so ancient warrior women out there, most probably the few examples were a result of extreme conditions, like a shortage of male soldiers. Now women in army rely also on their guns.
While women can be excellent archers or snipers, war implies also close combat and clearly women have a disadvantage.
For example let’s take the insanity concerning today’s women’s sports and the fact that they allow transwomen who went through puberty as boys to compete.
Also if they are any SJWs or false feminists whining here, please go and enroll in the army and stfu.


Alex Manole
Waiting for the comments saying how sexist I am. :>


Hari K Prasad
Harsh reality for some. Truth and evolution are sexist, to begin with.
This recent study also desls with the feminization of US combat units:
Women Don’t Belong in Combat Units | Manhattan Institute

妇女不属于战斗部队 -- 曼哈顿研究所

Alex Manole
I will read it later, but you are forgetting that women can be now excellent snippers.


Hari K Prasad
Anyone can rise above their population average through training and hard work. In the end, when specific biological limitations are imposed, every living being can do some things better than others. A dog is built to run, a monkey is built to climb trees. Men have testosterone which bulks up their muscle mass. So, where serious physical strength and endurance are called for, men stand out — under identical lifestyle and training. Sniper and remote bombing through digital surveillance are not as physically demanding, as say, ground combat with heavy gear.


Alex Manole
Yes, I don’t deny that.
I read a bit from your article you posted. Yeah, I don’t know… I don’t like either the idea of lowering the difficulty too much of the physical tests required to enroll in the army but I don’t agree with the lady commentator to ban women from the army (I hope I understood well), because as she stated two women from 3 dozens participating in the tests managed to pass them. So, just for those two women I wouldn’t ban women in the army. That is not right. Also I don’t understand Trump administration banning trans people from the army… doesn’t make sense. Also, she rants that men can’t control themselves and have sex with their female colleagues, thus hindering the discipline of the army. Yeah, ok, but they were all kicked out.


Hannah Drude
Being in a body that doesn’t match your mental gender causes anxiety. Transitioning causes anxiety and requires medical operations that don’t mesh with army service. Anxiety is a reason to block someone from joining the army, regardless of gender. After all, the army is physically and mentally trying. It’s probably not a good environment for trans people.


Daniel Jensen
I don't know about 'sexist’, but it IS kind of dissapointing looking for contrary opinions on a topic and seeing someone mostly just slinging mud and shouting “come at me li-bruh-ls".

我不知道什么是 "性别歧视",但在一个话题上寻找相反的意见时,看到有人大部分时间都在泼脏水,并大喊 "来找我对线啊,li-bruh-ls(意义类似于白左)",这确实有点令人失望。

Ákos Németh
You should know, that archers means very strong people. The warbows required more physical strength than a spear. So the fantasy trope, that bow=weakling and female weapon is not true. the skeleton of longbowmen in english armies showed distinct specialties, suggesting having strength nearing human limitations:
Huge chest and abnormally long left arm to have the necessary muscles required to operate a human powered rapid-shooting sniper rifle.
Very few women can develop similar physique.


Alex Manole
Yes, indeed, I fell into that trap, but got enlighten in the comment section. I also assumed that short range bows wouldn’t require a stupid amount of strength, but found out that even the Scythian bows weren’t that small as depicted in art.


Jeff Dray
English longbowmen started to train at a very early age in order to develop the muscle mass required. If women or girls had followed the same regime they too would have. Our local longbow club has members of both genders, these days they probably won't use the same draw weights as their medi counterparts but 80lbs isn't unusual. One of the girls has worked up to a 120 lb draw weight.


Dameon Wittacker
The key difference between then in now is a very very important one we overlook every day.
We have more calories today then we could ever need. Even our poor can be extemely overweight. We are awash in calories.
But in ancient times, food was not easy to get, especially in abundance. Being on a huge calorific surplus for years in order to support the growth of muscle tissue would not have been easy, especially for women who have to work twice as hard or more to achieve the same muscle gains as men, simply due to biology.
The first couple months of starvation level calorie intake, their bodies would go catabolic and break down muscle tissue in order to maintain operation and reduce calorie expenditure.
It's nice to say now that a female who trains can beat a man physically. Not always they are still at a massive disadvantage in almost every single way, even if they are the same size and weight, but you add in the calories and the game changes completely.


Oskari Koivunen
No, it does not change.
If females could somehow gain same physical performance as males with sufficient calories, we would not have females and males in separate groups in sports.
Reality is that regardless of calories, females are weaker than males of similar exercise. Yes, exercising females (not speaking of top athletes) might outperform couch potato males, but once couch potato gets up and starts jogging etc, he will catch that female soon.
Top female athletes are on par again, roughly, with middlish level male athletes of same category (eg. Olympic level).
That is just fact of life.


Yordan Tachev
In some cultures it was common for women to participate in combat. Especially in nomadic tribes. But for more settled communities women usually were busy with other activities. Division of labor and all. When Ancient Greeks first encountered female warriors from steppe tribes in Asia Minor they were so weirded out by this oddity that they ended up mythifying them. Nowadays they are more commonly known as the Amazons.


Alex Manole
There is a discussion in the comments here or in other answers that actually Scythian bows (Steppe warriors would also these bows) needed 100 pound force. It is possible that extreme conditions would force nomad women to defens themselves also.


Yara Priest
The Amazons are fake feminist nonsense. Much of the stories surrounding women fighting in wars in some cultures in old times were fabricated by early feminists, feminists of the early 1900s. It’s all nonsense.


Yordan Tachev
Stories of Amazons appear first in the Iliad by Homer in the 8th century BC. So, not sure what you are getting at.


Isaac Clark
You have a point, but the fact is that most phases of combat are not about hand-to-hand fighting anymore. There is still some of that, of course, but modern warfare values things like, who can take the most g’s in a turn in a jet, who can more quickly determine the location of the enemy based on limited information, who can make snap judgments based on limited information, or who is the best drone pilot.
I don’t think men or women have a demonstrated advantage in a large number of the things required for modern combat. To the extent that combat is about who can throw a grenade the furthest or who can fight the must bulk dude, yes, men have an advantage. But that is not mostly what combat is about anymore.


Alex Manole
The question is a bout ancient times.
Even so, in modern land combat, you still have to carry for example heavy equipment, or have to climb stuff or move as fast as possible.


Rita Maria Bargash
Nothing sexist here, just the plain truth.


Alex Manole
I do like Alex’ posts and seeing him being called misogynistic that is just f*ked up. Plus in the Ottoman Empire for example the Janissary were from slave boys from around the empire and they weren’t even allowed to have a family. Egyptians employed likewise Nubian mercenaries so not to kill many of their own in wars. Likewise Alexander the great employed Thracians in the army from the conquered Thrace. Doesn’t seam like a privilege to me, but a burden of the conquered societies to give up their boys to fight other’s wars.


Alex Mann
, M.A History & Latin, Ohio University (2016)
I mean I hate to make it like this but isn’t it obvious?
Men are larger, faster, stronger, and more aggressive than women biologically. Take the average male vs the average female and it is clear who would win in a fight.
It’s why male and female tennis players rarely play one another and why we have different professional leagues for every sport.
Serena and Venus Williams are both world-class athletes at the top of their game. At their peak in 1998 while ranked number 1 they had boasted that no male ranked outside of the top 200 could beat them.
Number 203 ranked German player Karsten Braasch stepped up and beat Serena 6–1 and then Venus 6–2. Karsten would say after the matched that
They wouldn't have had a chance against anyone inside the top 500 because today I played like someone ranked 600th to keep it fun
The US Women’s national soccer team was routed 5–2 in their scrimmage against the Dallas 15 and under boys club.
Now, this is not meant to put down these terrific female athletes but instead to make a point. Women are capable of amazing feats of athletics and certainly, the US Women's National Soccer team is ranked as one of the best women’s soccer teams on earth.
But the reality remains that men are heavier and stronger than women and in any physical competition men will almost always win.
War is very physical and when you get past all the fancy tactics and strategic ideas it comes down to 2 people trying to overpower and brutally kill the other.
This fight scene from the Netflix movie “The King” shows what I mean. In battle, everyone has armor and helmets and just slashing someone with a sword is almost never effective. In almost always ends up being a violent brawl and the average woman is going to lose this brawl 10 times out of 10.


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