2021-05-30 地平线123 22515


Michael Gailey
I’m an American who lived in Vietnam for 12 years. I was married to a Vietnamese woman and adopted three Vietnamese daughters. I dare say, I have seen much more of Vietnam and participated in Vietnamese culture much more than the average Westerner. Since the question is, “What do you NOT like in Vietnam” the answer must be negative, but to balance the comments, I must say that there is much more to like in Vietnam than dislike. I love Vietnam. But here is a list of a few things that I don’t like:

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The language is difficult to learn. It’s mostly beautiful to listen to and the accent of Vietnamese people speaking English is pleasant to the ear. But, speaking it, at least for a mature adult is a sore challenge. It’s a tonal language; slight changes in pronunciation change word meanings. I learned to say a few essential words and phrases, but I’m thankful that the locals are usually eager to help and make effort to communicate with me.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’ve always disliked seeing telephone poles and overhead electrical wires, preferring them to be unseen. In Vietnam, aesthetic public wiring is not a major concern. In recent years, there have been major efforts to straighten up the tangle of wires that hang on every street.


I’m not going to complain much about the traffic. For the first few months, driving a motorcycle through the busy streets seemed a foolhardy, life-threatening undertaking — a real white-knuckle experience. But I found that once I got used to the flow of it, it’s fun. The city driving is usually limited to around 40 km/h (25 mph), so it’s not too harrowing. I’ve logged around 50,000 km on my motorbike without an accident and it’s kind of sporty.


Pollution of every kind is a problem in the major cities. The air quality is generally not great. Many people wear masks to filter out the dirt so they’re not breathing so much of it.


It’s noisy. Honking horns in traffic seems to be a source of national pride. Somehow you’re supposed to discern from the cacophony horns blowing all around you that one is specifically directed at you because you’re in the way of someone who is in a hurry and insists on running a red light. Most of the honking is not in signal of anger — it’s mostly just to cheerily say, “Hey, I’m here, be careful!”


If the question was, “What do you love about Vietnam?” my answer would be a lot longer as I find the food, hospitality, scenic beauty, culture, and general friendliness and openness of most people simply delightful.


Văn Hiếu Võ
Apart from the inconvenient things everyone else mentioned about living in a 3rd-world communist country, I, as a native, has a lot to complain about the general attitude of Vietnamese, which is very much emblematic of a 3rd-world mindset. People here love freeloading when it comes to intellectual property, the law on this is pretty much a joke. Piracy, copyright infringement and trademark infringement is laughably commonplace.

除了大家抱怨的在第三世界生活的诸多不便之外,我作为越南本地人,对越南人的态度也有很多要吐槽的地方。越南人喜欢白嫖知识产权,这里有关知识产权的法律简直就是笑话。剽窃,侵犯著作权,侵犯 商标权都是司空见惯的

They also love short-termed profit over long-term sustainability, that’s why there’s so many horror stories about the lack of quality control especially when it comes to foods and drinks. Every time I pass by a diner or shop with signs that say “We make clean things”, I just wish to leave this country as soon as possible. And keep in mind that your typical communist enthusiast will tell you about how capitalists only chase profit and neglect the environment and well-being of people, unironically, with a straight face.


I also hate that people eat dogs and cats that are MOSTLY stolen pets. I’ve had murder fantasies ever since I heard that girl in my neighborhood desperately chasing after the poachers who took her dog. I lost my dog to those mofo. My neighborhood’s lost so many dogs. I felt so satisfied when I heard that village beat dog poachers to death, because I genuinely wish death on any piece of garbage that keeps eating dogs and cats and/or fueling this degenerate market. If you like dog meat and cat meat so much, get your own damn dogs and cats! Don’t steal from others!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kenneth Lim
I dislike Vietnam because they did two things morally wrong:
when they were fighting for independent, China gave them supports in many ways especially when China was very poor and weak. I was told that the Chinese were short of foods supply domestically but the Chinese Government continued to send foods and logistics to the Vietnamese army in the fight for independent. After they won the fight, they turned their heads against China. For whatever reasons, I think morally it’s unthinkable.


During the war against USA, they were bombed heavily and many were killed with a lot of suffering. Some areas were found with Chemical war evident and many innocent people were affected. For selfish reason, the present Government wants to collaborate with USA now to go against China and quietly instigated Taiwan to fight against China, what a dirty tactic that is unthinkable in International relation.


Torben Retboll
I have visited Vietnam two times. Both visits started in Hanoi. My answer is based on my personal experience.
The thing that irritates me the most in Vietnam is the traffic!
When I have to cross the road, it is so difficult! Each time I wonder if I am going to make it alive to the other side!


Even when you want to cross the road where there is a traffic light, it is still difficult and dangerous, because the drivers of cars and motorbikes do not always respect the traffic light!


People on motorbikes are worse than drivers in the cars. People on motorbikes will not slow down for anyone or anything. They will never stop!
What they do is they will alter their course: they will veer a bit to the left or a bit to the right, but they simply refuse to stop!
Every driver of a motorbike or a car respects only himself or herself. No regard for pedestrians!
This is the worst thing about Vietnam that irritates me the most!
If drivers were to respect pedestrians, it would be so much nicer to visit Vietnam.


If any Vietnamese person reads this answer, please think about this and please be kind to pedestrians.
People on foot are also a kind of people. We deserve as much respect as the person on a motorbike or in a car.


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