2021-06-01 linqipei@aliyun.com 27012
Are the Japanese descended from Chinese?


Huang Kun

During the Yayoi period (弥生時代, Yayoi jidai, roughly 300 BC – 300 AD), archaeological evidence suggests that there was an influx of farmers (Yayoi people) from the Asian continent to Japan. They overwhelmed and displaced the native hunter-gatherer Jomon population of Japan. Modern Japanese are mostly descendants of the Yayoi people with only very small influence from the former Jomon hunter-gatherers

The period is named after the neighborhood of Tokyo where archaeologists first uncovered artifacts and features from that era. Distinguishing characteristics of the Yayoi period include the appearance of new Yayoi pottery styles and the start of an intensive rice agriculture in paddy fields. A hierarchical social class structure dates from this period and has its origin in China. The Yayoi culture flourished in a geographic area from southern Kyushu to northern Honshu.


During the Yayoi period, cultural features from China and Korea arrived in Japan at various times over several centuries. Chinese influence was obvious in the bronze and copper weapons, as well as irrigated paddy rice cultivation. Three major symbols of Yayoi culture are the bronze mirror, the bronze sword, and the royal seal stone.


DNA evidence lixs Yayoi to Yangtze Delta


Between 1996 and 1999, a team led by Satoshi Yamaguchi, a researcher at Japan's National Museum of Nature and Science, compared Yayoi remains found in Japan's Yamaguchi and Fukuoka prefectures with those from China's coastal Jiangsu province. The team found many similarities between the Yayoi and the Jiangsu remains. DNA tests further lixed Yayoi to Yangtze area of China.

1996年至1999年间,日本国家自然科学博物馆的研究人员山口智(Satoshi Yamaguchi)领导的一个团队,把在日本山口县和福冈县发现的绳生时代(Yayoi)的遗骸与中国沿海省份江苏省发现的遗骸进行了比较。研究小组发现弥生和江苏的遗骸有许多相似之处。DNA测试进一步将弥生时代与中国长江地区联系在一起。

DNA tests have suggested that some of the first wet-rice farmers in Japan might have migrated from the lower basin of China's Yangtze River more than 2,000 years ago. Genetic similarities have been found between human remains from the Yayoi Period discovered in southwestern Japan and the early Han Dynasty found in China's central Jiangsu Province. The people who introduced irrigation techniques to the Japanese archipelago were believed to have come to Japan either from the Korean Peninsula across the Tsushima Strait, or from northern China across the Yellow Sea.


Legend has it that China's first emperor (Qin Shi Huangdi) sent Xu Fu (Jofuku in Japanese legends) together with thousands of young boys and girls to look for the elixir of life. The Qin Emperor wanted to become an immortal and live forever. Xu's group was said to have landed in today's Kumano area in Mie prefecture of Japan. Xu then decided to stay in Shingu and not to return to Qin. The farming techniques and knowledge that Xu brought along were said to have improved the quality of life of the ancient Japanese people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tokugawa Yorinobu, the lord of Kishu, in the 15th century, laid a gravestone in Shingu to commemorate Xu. In 1994, the city of Shingu constructed a memorial park around Xu Fu’s gravestone and named it the Jofuku Memorial Park. In any case, Xu's departure from China roughly coincided with the appearance of Yayoi civilization in Japan.

15世纪时,纪州的领主德川有林信(Tokugawa Yorinobu)在新谷县立了一座墓碑纪念徐福。1994年,新谷市围绕徐福的墓碑修建了一个纪念公园,命名为五福纪念公园。无论如何,徐福开中国的时间与日本弥生(Yayoi)文明的出现时间大致吻合。

Chinese records of ancient Japan

The earliest written records about people in Japan are from Chinese sources around the Yayoi period. Wo, the pronunciation of an early Chinese name for Japan, was mentioned in 57 AD; the Na state of Wo received a golden seal from the Emperor Guangwu of the Later Han dynasty. This event was recorded in the Book of the Later Han compiled by Fan Ye in the 5th century. The seal itself was later discovered in northern Kyushu in the 18th century. Wo was also mentioned in 257AD in Wei Zhi (魏志), a section of the Records of the Three Kingdoms compiled by the 3rd-century scholar Chen Shou.
关于日本人最早的书面记录来自弥生时代前后的中国史料。“倭”是早期中国人对日本名字的发音,在公元57年被提及;倭国受到了后汉光武帝的金印。这一事件在5世纪范晔编纂的《后汉书》中有记载。这枚印章于18世纪在九州北部被发现。倭在公元257年的魏志中有被提到, 魏志是由三世纪的学者陈寿所编写三国志的一部分。

Early Chinese historians described Wo as a land of hundreds of scattered tribal communities rather than the unified land with a 700-year tradition as laid out in the 8th-century work Nihon Shoki, a partly mythical, partly historical account of Japan which dates the foundation of the country at 660 BC. Archaeological evidence also suggests that frequent conflicts between settlements or statelets broke out in the period. Many excavated settlements were moated or built at the tops of hills suggesting that they were built to protect. Headless human skeletons discovered in Yoshinogari site showing violent clashes are regarded as typical examples of finds from the period.

早期的中国历史学家将倭国合描述为一个由数百个分散的部落社区组成的土地,而不是像8世纪的著作《日本书纪》(Nihon Shoki)中描述的那样,是一块有着700年传统的统一土地。《日本书纪》是一部关于日本的部分神话、部分历史的著作,将日本的建国日期定在公元前660年。考古证据也表明,在这一时期,定居点或小国之间经常发生冲突。许多挖掘出来的定居点有护城河或建在山顶,这表明它们的建造是为了防护。在吉志府遗址发现的显示暴力冲突的无头人骨被认为是那个时期发现的典型例子。

Third-century Chinese sources also reported that the Japanese people lived on raw fish, vegetables, and rice served on bamboo and wooden trays, clapped their hands in worship (something still done in Shinto shrines today), and built earthen-grave mounds. They also maintained vassal-master relations, collected taxes, had provincial granaries and markets, and observed mourning. Society was characterized by violent struggles.

In Wei Zhi, it first mentioned Yamataikoku (邪馬台国) and sharmaness Queen Himiko (卑弥呼), and chronicled a tributary relationship between Himiko and the Cao Wei Kingdom (220–265AD) during the Three Kingdom period. It recorded that the Yayoi people chose her as ruler following decades of civil war. Early Japanese histories do not mention Himiko, but historians associate her with legendary figures such as Empress Consort Jingu, who was regent (200–269AD) in roughly the same era as Himiko. Scholarly debates over the identity of Himiko and the location of her domain, Yamatai, have raged since the late Edo period, with opinions divided between northern Kyushu or traditional Yamato province in present-day Kinki.
在魏志中,它首先提到Yamataikoku(邪馬台国)和sharmaness女王Himiko(卑弥呼),并记录了Himiko和曹魏王国之间的关系(公元220 - 265),三国时期。据记载,弥生人民在经历了几十年的内战后选择她作为统治者。早期日本历史没有提及Himiko,但历史学家将她与传奇人物联系在一起,比如与Himiko大致同一时代的摄政王(公元200 - 269年)神宫皇后。从江户时代晚期开始,学者们就对Himiko的身份和她的领地Yamatai(邪馬台)的位置展开了激烈的争论,在九州北部和传统的大和省(现在的近畿)之间存在分歧。
The Wei Zhi also mentioned that Chinese envoys sent by Cao Wei Kingdom to Japan recorded that the Wajin (倭人) of Japan claimed to be descendants of Taibo of Wu, prompting some scholars to suggest that the Yamato people and the Yamato Dynasty may be descendants of the Wu and possibly Taibo. Taibo of Wu was a historic figure of the Wu Kingdom located in the Yangtze area of China.
魏志也提到,曹魏王国派出的中国特使记载说Wajin(倭人)是 吴国泰伯的后裔。这促使一些学者认为, 邪馬台人和邪馬台王朝可能吴国甚至泰伯的后裔。泰伯是位于中国长江流域的吴国历史人物。
Historically, Taibo was the eldest son of King Tai of Zhou. When King of Zhou wished to make his youngest son the crown prince, Taibo and another brother left and traveled southeast to settle in present-day Jiangsu province. There, Taibo and his followers set up the State of Wu. Taibo's grand nephew, King Wu of Zhou would later overthrow the Shang Dynasty and started the Zhou Dynasty. Taibo is also customarily known as the ancestor of all Chinese with the surname Wu (吳).

If these ancient records are true, Himiko and Taibo may be related then.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nicolas Murakami
Great answer. The strange thing is, if the Yayoi people brought with them so many cultural artifacts, why didn't they also bring language and writing system?


Jorge Lin
By that time the writing system wasn’t so widely spread in common people, meanwhile writing system is evolving, the north China dialects speaks the Numbers 1,2,3~10 of very similar pronunciation even today. dialects change and evolve but their is trace to be found.

那时书写系统还没有在普通人中广泛传播,同时书写系统也在进化,中国北方方言讲的数字1、2、3~10的发音甚至在今天都非常相似。 方言在变化和发展中,但它们的踪迹是可以找到的。

Paul Irving
Language is the problem, not writing. We know that the Japanese scxts (all three of them) are derived from Chinese characters, but the Japanese language is unrelated to Chinese. Completely different structure & basic vocabulary.


Jake Darmawan
interesting yes but we can't be sure. but genetic are very close anyway and practice,etc language are the hardest to trace than obxt and Dna


William Tait MacDonald
The answer to this question is, “It is complicated”.


Take a look at this image.


This is a map that tracks population groups by y-DNA. Notice how the Japanese population group seems to be made up mostly of blue and yellow, with a bit of pink and a thin slice of another colour? That shows that while we can’t be 100% sure that Japanese people are Chinese, or Korea, well, there is good evidence that they’re genetically related to the people of South-East Asia (China and Korea being closest).


Connect this to the historical fact that towards the end of the last ice-age there was a land bridge between Korea and Japan, and it seems fairly obvious that present-day Japanese people received a DNA infusion from South-East Asia, probably via Korea.


However there is also a large chunk of dusty-yellow DNA (D-type), which you’ll see is prent in modern-day Tibet.

然而,还有一大块灰黄色的DNA (d型),这种DNA在现代西藏很普遍。

Yamamoto Kaoru
Please be careful with this type of DNA maps. Japanese rightist wing loves to use it in a fraudulent way in order to persuade people as to the Japanese ethnic group is unique as a sort of the original race only in the Japanese Archipelago. It is a fraud. You have to look for at the same time Japanese women's mitochondrial analyzes type which shows that Japanese and Korean women are from the same origin. And also, concerning the famous JOMON people, which you often think of them as Indigenous people of the Japanese Archipelago, but in fact JOMON are also originally from the Chinese continent.

请小心处理这类DNA图谱。日本右翼喜欢用它来欺骗人们,让人们相信日本民族是日本群岛独有的一种原始民族。这是一个骗局。你必须同时寻找日本女性的线粒体分析类型这表明日本和韩国女性来自同一起源。还有著名的绳纹人,你们可能会认为他们是日本群岛的原住民, 但事实上绳纹人也是来自中国大陆。

William Tait MacDonald
I think that perhaps you need to re-read my answer, this time more carefully, and when you’re not tired at 2 in the morning.
I do mention that the Jomon people come from the area currently called China (and also point out just how problematic that term is).
As for labelling scientific data as a “fraud” just because it has been misused by right-wing groups in the past, that is an extremely problematic position. I point out in my answer that this data is complex and doesn’t mean what most people think it does, and in no way do I misrepresent what it is or is not.
To suggest that I refrain from using that data simply because it has been misused by others in the past is extremely problematic. In effect you’re suggesting that any time someone misinterprets data the truthful data is “tainted” and cannot be used. I find that a ridiculous position. The data is still truthful, while the interpretation is not.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Petro Adûnâi Tymoshenko
“Japanese rightist wing loves to use it in a fraudulent way in order to persuade people as to the Japanese ethnic group is unique as a sort of the original race only in the Japanese Archipelago.”
Are you not Japanese then? What’s wrong about asserting one’s uniqueness? What’s wrong with right-wingers? Are you anti-right? I’m not getting it.


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