2021-06-09 wuhaowsh 9977


Whenever you cooked dinner, did the laundry, cleaned the place, made sure she had what she needed at the end of the night after a long day at work.
Then, the things you did out of the kindness of your heart became less fulfilling and more like a chore and you were more anxious about them coming home, rather than being excited.
This was a previous relationship. My wife now is a dream, where before the other was a waking nightmare.


Sorry to hear you had the same hard times.
How are you now?


So good man. I couldn't ask for a better relationship than I have with my wife now. I just needed to wake up before and realize I was in a bad relationship.
Thanks for asking, I hope you're doing well!


There were a couple of dates where she just didn’t show interest in anything that was happening. One was supposed to be a cooking date at my place. She spent most of the evening on her phone in another room, and never helped with any of the cooking. The other was a basketball game we went to. Once again she paid zero attention to the game and glued her face to her phone.
She also hid her emotional struggles from me rather than opening up to me about them.


The emotional struggle part is huge. I was open with my ex but she just kept it all inside. Eventually she told me that I apparently said something dismissive once and she didn't feel safe sharing. IOW I was the problem for not intuitively knowing what she needed to hear in the moment.


Any ideas how I can be more open with people.I like keeping my private thoughts private but sometimes that's not good


A great way is a therapist or counselor, especially if you aren't comfortable sharing feelings with someone real close to you.
But another way is just find that one person and you set the 'rules' of the talk. Whether it's just that you don't want them to give advice and to just listen or something else.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

After she got black out drunk for the umpteenth time and I realized I couldn’t handle it anymore. I packed a bag with my clothes, told her I was leaving and she crawled under her desk and wouldn’t come out.
A few months or a year later we were talking and she told me “why” she asked me to leave. I corrected her and told her I left on my own.
Her response? “Oh”
ETA I did go back a few days after that night to get the rest of my stuff. She knew I was out but apparently she had no recollection of my telling her I couldn’t handle her drunkenness any longer and I was leaving.


I left my alcoholic partner about a month ago. She still tells me she doesn’t understand how I could have left her after ‘what we had’ It honestly breaks my heart because I know she was in such a bad place, and I know how much it hurt her when I left. But I just couldn’t do it anymore. I was becoming a shell of who I was, and constant stress and anger and sadness was too much to handle. I still have so many moments where I feel so guilty about leaving though.


I’m currently in this situation. I feel terrible because if i leave there’s the “what if she hurts herself” and i dont know if i can live with that. I’m unhappy because all we do is fight and are constantly passive aggressive with each other

我现在的处境就是这样。我感觉很糟糕,因为如果我离开了, “如果她伤害了自己怎么办”,我也不知道我是否能继续忍受。我很不开心,因为我们所做的就是吵架,不断消极地攻击对方

I recently broke up with a girl who has mental health issues, and put off breaking up with her because I was scared of exacerbating things or being responsible if she hurt herself. I know 100% how you feel right now. It gets easier mate. Her reaction is not your responsibility. don't be cruel or unkind but be firm if you leave. Let someone who is close to her know your concerns and get out. Once again her reaction is not your responsibility. Don't make yourself suffer in a relationship you are not happy with out of fear for how they may react. If she is the type of person who may attempt to manipulate you, make your decision and then do not give her the opportunity to contact you with threats. That is a form of abuse.
I hope you find happiness and peace.


This is geat advice! Literally what a professional therapist told me once


Tell her the truth, “That you put your love for booze above what we had.”


When she texted me at work and said she'd wanted to leave a year before


damn, i'll never understand the thought process of sending someone a message like that. if you want to leave then leave but why choose to go out of your way to say such hurtful shit? i'm very sorry you had to experience that. best wishes.


We had an argument and he blocked me on all social media, phone, sms and email for a week. I had no way of reaching him, and my understanding was that he had broken up with me without letting me know.
A week later he called me and asked if I learned my lesson. I did - byeeee.


When her family and friends started to look awkward around me, it was almost as if they knew something but didn't want to tell me. The only person brave enough to tell me the truth was her sister, my gf was actually not interested in boys and "trying" to not be gay.
(I'm actually alright, we're still friends after breaking up. Ended up dating her sister, after she asked me out.)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When I got home from work, and I couldn’t think of a single thing to say to her. No words would come out. And I wasn’t interested in a single thing she had to say either. Sad times..a long time ago.


When I realized she didn’t associate happy things with me anymore. She stopped joking, playing, laughing, and it began to feel like the relationship was already over.


When I found a sperm filled condom floating in the toilet when I got home from being away for a few days.


I have a question; you don't have to answer. I sometimes wonder if when people cheat their partner knew it was likely or possible. Did you think that would/could happen or might happen? Also what did you do after that?


Depending on your intuition and recognition, and prior trauma you notice the red flags while they're happening. It's obvious to anyone looking in but you still trust this person so you typically work hard to rationalize it but its there. Oh they're just stressed or have stuff going on or are busy or their work schedule changed. But they stopped bringing their toothbrush, don't say good morning, stopped being affectionate, aren't texting you much but they're clearly occupied texting someone else, etc.
Eventually when you find out, whether they disappear in shame or admit it out of guilt or whatever you hate them but you also hate yourself for not trusting your gut again. It shatters your view of them, worse it shatters yourself. You still trusted them until you didn't. My ex disgusts the fuck out of me but I never in a million years thought she'd do it until the last few months where she got shady af. I still can't believe it but it's nothing I have control of.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When we'd been together for 3 1/2 years and engaged, yet she still refused to get serious about moving out of her mom's apartment.
In hindsight, her mom raised her to be co-dependent. Her dad abandoned and denied her as a baby, and this was her mom's way of compensating. I was her first serious relationship and her mom did whatever she could to come between us, even going so far as to invite her dad to our engagement party behind our back; which ruined the evening. The only excuse her mom had was "I didn't think he'd actually show up."
My ex is now approaching her mid-30s and still hasn't lived anywhere but her mom's apartment.


She started acting really distant and cold. Kept saying work had her all stressed out. Then I found out she was hanging out with her ex. Moved all my shit out the next day. She tried guilt tripping me saying I don't trust her and all that while she was still hanging out with her ex. Then lied to me about being pregnant to guilt me even further. Blocked her on everything after that.


When she was so absent from our relationship that she didn’t know I’d been struggling with an eating disorder and depression for months.


She had to quarantine for two weeks after a summer where we couldn’t do the things we normally enjoyed and when she came back there was no effort to reconnect. It felt like the motivation on her side was just gone and she didn’t want to continue anymore after 4 years together. It sucked, but I’ve definitely grown from the experience and have a new level of self respect for myself. At no point should you have to ask someone for their love and affection, and once you realize that it’ll help your self-esteem tremendously. I know my own self worth and It’s degrading/unattractive to you, and your ex, to continue a friendship with them when you want more.


We started fighting about pointless little shit. I brushed it off and tried to be more understanding, as best I could. She started being more distant, so I thought she needed space and gave her plenty.
Eventually she took me aside and said she wanted to break up because she felt we were codependent on eachother and a bunch of other nonsense. Tbh, I never felt codependent but I think she felt that way And by me giving her space it just made her feel worse and more distant. I wanted so badly to be her rock, but I couldn't force her to be open about her emotions with me. I guess she just didnt feel comfortable opening up to me, perhaps it was my fault after all.. I still have a lot to learn in relationships


Ex and I got into an argument on a Friday. Wanted to surprise her and apologize to her on Saturday morning. Snuck into her house around 7am and saw another dude laying next to her. When I confronted her she put her head under her pillow and refused to talk to me for like 5 mins.
I'll never forget her response to me asking "why?"
She said "I didn't cheat on you. I was just cold"
Apparently it wasn't the first time he was 'keeping her warm'.
4 years later and I'm in the best relationship of my life.
We've watched eachother grow and complete independent goals and we are slowly
planning lots of stuff out for the future. She's a wonderful woman and everyday I am blessed.
I know how rough it can be. Sometimes feeling pain is better than feeling nothing at all.


We had been living together for years and had been engaged for the last year. We had always been bad at conflict resolution, our fights would spiral out of control and then our resolution period after would always be about the fight, never the actual problem that caused it.
Her style of arguing had always been inflammatory. Lots of yelling and name calling. Eventually this turned into insults and finally just straight abuse. Telling me I should kill myself, stomping from room to room for an hour screaming about how worthless I was while slamming doors. Throwing things, breaking things, and putting holes in walls. It came to a point where I didn't have to do anything to set her off, it could be something as little as she can't find the shoes she wants and now I'm fucking useless and should kill myself because I don't know what shoes she should wear.
I got low but kept trying because we had been together for so long and there were some really great qualities to her but when she got angry it was like dealing with another person. I would come home from work and breathe a sigh of relief when she wasn't there and would tense up instantly when I heard her pull in.
Finally, one day I told her I was so low from all the fighting and screaming that I went to bed some nights wishing I wouldn't wake up in the morning. It took her less than 8 hours to throw that in my face. She got upset about something innocuous and looked me dead in the eye and said "I do hope you die in your sleep tonight." It was like something just broke inside me and from that point I knew it was over. I broke off our engagement a little over a week later.

最后,有一天,我告诉她我因为所有的争吵和尖叫感到情绪很低落,以至于有几个晚上睡觉的时候,我希望自己不要在早上醒来。不到八个小时,她就跟我说,她因为一些无关痛痒的事情而心烦意乱,然后死死地盯着我的眼睛说:“我真希望你今晚在睡梦中死去。” 从那一刻起,就好像我内心有什么东西崩溃了,我知道一切都结束了。一个多星期后,我解除了我们的婚约。

My girlfriend at the time and I went to an all night nightclub 10pm-6am kind of place. After only half hour or so she suddenly decided she wanted to go home. I wasn't ready to leave as we'd only just got there but before we got into an argument one of our mutual guy friends offered to take her home as he wasn't feeling the vibe. (Not unusual for him he often left places when he "wasn't feeling the vibe")
Sounds good! I gave her the keys to our flat as she had left hers and said I'd see her later. Proceeded to have a great night with friends, didn't hear from my girlfriend but she was with a friend so I wasn't too worried. As I'm heading back home I drop her a message letting her know I'm on my way back and.
No reply.
I call her once I'm outside.
No reply.
I bang on the door, calling out for her.
No reply.


I start freaking out so I call the friend who took her back home asking if anything happened, making sure she's ok.
No reply.
I know this friend still lived with his parents and I had their house number so I give them a call, at 6:30am, on a Sunday. They were not pleased! Though I explained the situation that I'm just trying to find out if my girlfriend is ok and what happened to her.
Friends parents say they'll go wake up friend to ask him. A few moments later they come back saying that girlfriend is fine and stayed the night with friend however I might want to have a conversation with girlfriend and put her on the phone.
It was weird, at that exact moment I knew she'd used the night out as an excuse to hook up with friend, I'm guessing she intended to go back to our flat before I got home but didn't get that far. But at the same time I didn't care, I'd realised that I don't want to be with her anymore and this was just the final straw in a haystack of problems.
Before she said anything I very bluntly asked her for the flat keys as I gave them to her earlier on in the night and when she said she lost them I just hung up. I couldn't be bothered to deal with her nonsense. I knew the relationship was over and I was 100% done with her.


I live with her and sister. For an entire year, she was unemployed and her sister was underemployed and only had enough to pay for her own medical insurance. I worked 70-90 hours a week to cover the communal bills. It didn’t bother me until about 5 months after they both got decent paying jobs, she told me that “she couldn’t trust me to put others before myself”. At this point, I’m just waiting for the lease to run out…

我和她还有她的姐姐住在一起。整整一年,她都处于失业状态,而她的姐姐则处于半失业状态,只能支付自己的医疗保险。我每周工作70到90个小时来支付公共账单。直到5个月后,他们都找到了一份薪水不错的工作,我才意识到这一点。她告诉我,“她不相信我会先考虑别人再考虑自己。” 此时此刻,我只是在等待租约到期…

99% of the time when we were together it was just doing what she wanted, but I really did enjoy being around her so I didn't think much of it.
When she went away for two weeks I realised that I didn't even miss her. In fact I was enjoying the time alone much more. That's when I knew it was time to rethink the relationship because seeing her was turning into an actual chore and felt like a routine.
Reflecting back on it, I guess you could say she was just an extremely boring person as outside of work she spent all her time on the couch watching TV shows or playing mobile games. Suggesting that we actually do something together as a couple was always met with a no.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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