2021-06-11 不如狗 10923
How dangerous is three or four bottles of wine per night?


Mike Schneider

Depends on the size of the wine bottle. There’s a pretty big difference between 3–4 of the 80–180 mL bottles ( totaling 0.24- 0.72L ), 3–4 standard 750mL bottles ( 2.25- 3L), 3–4 magnum 1.5L bottles ( 4.5–6L ), etc. all the way upto 3–4 Melchoir 18L Bottles ( 54–72L)

这取决于酒瓶的大小。3-4个80 - 180ml瓶(总计0.24- 0.72L), 3-4个标准750mL瓶(2.25- 3L), 3-4个大瓶1.5L瓶(4.5-6L)等之间有很大的差异。最多3-4个 梅尔基奥瓶18L瓶(54-72L)

I mean that’s a range between 2 standard glasses ( or 1 party pour glass ) and over 19 gallons.


At 19 gallons, you’d be dead just from consuming that much liquid in a day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Calorie wise, you’re right around the 1800–2400 calorie mark from wine alone if you’re talking about standard size bottles and you’d be on the high end of the recommended daily fluid intake so if you’re talking 750mL or smaller, then it becomes a question of alcohol and sugar.


Wines can be non-alcoholic… but if you’re talking about an alcoholic wine you’re looking at anywhere from 5.5–23% alcohol. So at 750mL bottles, that’s 123.75 mL - 690 mL of alcohol. If you weigh over 100 lbs and you’re drinking 3 bottles of a sweet ( low alcohol wine ) then you’ll be legally drunk but you probably won’t die from the alcohol. If you are drinking 4 standard bottles of the highest alcohol wine on the market then you’d need to be over 500 lb range to not be in the possible death BAC.

葡萄酒可以不含酒精…但如果你说的是含酒精的葡萄酒,酒精含量在5.5-23%之间。所以在750mL的瓶子里,就是123.75 mL - 690ml的酒精。如果你的体重超过100磅,你喝了3瓶甜酒(低酒精酒),那么你是合法醉酒,但你可能不会死于酒精。如果你喝了4瓶市面上酒精含量最高的酒,那么你需要超过500磅的体重才能不属于可能死亡的血液酒精浓度。
(译注:BAC,血液酒精浓度(Blood alcohol concentration;BAC)为酒后驾车的标准)

Of course, if your obese enough to handle that much alcohol, your body is still going to have a hell of a time processing that much sugar.


So, if you’re a fairly large build and healthy man and drinking minibar/ airplane sized bottles of a non-alcoholic or low to average alcohol wine without any underlying medical condition than you should be fine. Anyone else…. probably not a good idea.


Charles Stuart
For one person? That is a serious alcohol problem that could lead to death quite quickly. This is not only a dangerous amount of alcohol to consume once, let alone regularly, but also an enormous amount of calories. A person consuming this much would gain massive amounts of weight, could quickly cause irreparable harm to their liver and kidneys and would never have a blood alcohol level low enough to drive legally.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Dan Herman
More information is needed.


Because if we are talking about ONE person drinking that much wine in one night on a regular basis, they need to be admitted to a treatment program. Hopefully they are still alive to be admitted.


Even if this were a couple drinking that amount in one night, on a regular basis, is cause for concern. And they should seek help for alcohol problem,


However, if this were for 4 or more people and a one time or even on a regular basis, just not every night, it sounds like a good time. Can I be included?


And, it could be seriously damaging to ones bank account.


David Cable
I do not think it is possible for one person to drink that much. They would pass out first. At my most heavy drinking, I occasionally got up to a bottle and a half over an evening. Talking to my doctor later, she told me that did damage my liver and to not do it again. I don’t think 3–4 bottles every night is possible.


Alex Duval
How dangerous is three or four bottles of wine per night?
Drinking? For one person?
Very very dangerous.
At my peak alcoholic times, I could handle that.
If I tried that now, I’d be dead in a week.


John R Leppek
A good vintner should be able to bottle many more!!
if you drink that many your possibly a borderline alcoholic

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Edgar Burlyman
That's some mighty sturdy drinkin you're doin there, stranger. I reckon ya best be cuttin back some, for yer health n'all.


Joe Smith
NEVER be a daily drinker
tis far better for your overall life and long term health if you only drink once a week at MOST

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Romie Littrell Phd
Reading for many years from many different sources, a 1/2 bottle (375 ml.) seems to be generally accepted as a reasonable amount per day.


Marcia Phelps
One bottle per night is bad enough….


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