2021-06-16 辽阔天空 6300
Is gut instinct always right?


James Ski, CEO & Founder, Sales Confidence | No 1 Social seller
I personal do believe in my GUT instinct and more importantly I do believe you can train your GUT.
This is how you can train your GUT for sales success
Your gut can tell you a lot about your life, but how can you apply it to improving your sales skills? Reliable gut instinct is a powerful tool in sales, but is it something you’re born with, or can you develop it? I believe you can train your gut, and what’s more, you need to. Here’s why.
Why your gut is important
Sales is a fast-moving industry. You have to think on your feet. You need to make decisions that can have powerful consequences to your income, in split-seconds.
Are these prospects worth spending time with? What product is right for them? How much should I charge them? Should I accept their counter offer? How should I best overcome this obxtion?
It would be great to be able to refer to comprehensive data when you’re making these decisions, but you don’t have the time. You need to go on gut instinct.
The better your gut instinct is, the better decisions you’ll make.
How to develop your gut
Luckily, there are several ways you can develop your gut instinct.


1 - Experience
The great South African golfer, Gary Player, memorably said. ‘The harder I practice, the luckier I get.’ Sure, he was talking about golf, but the same applies to sales. The more you put yourself into situations where you have to rely on your gut, the better your gut will become.
2 - Become better at reading people
When you’re selling, be more analytical about how you read people. Don’t just see what you want to see, or hear what you want to hear. Look for the signs. Listen to their tone of voice, not just what they say. Look at their body language. These signs help point your gut in the right direction.
3 - Be empathetic
Following on from looking for non-verbal signs, go one step further and practice putting yourself in the shoes of your prospect. Think about what you would do in their situation. Your gut can tell you whether, if you were in their position, you would buy your product.
4 - Learn from your mistakes
Making mistakes is part of gaining experience. Everyone gets things wrong, but the more mistakes you make, the better your gut will be at seeing them coming.
5 - Take chances
Your gut may point you one way, while your head points you another. The best salespeople aren’t afraid to take risks, to be creative. Trying out new ideas strengthens your gut instinct. You will become better at knowing a good idea when you see one.

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6 - Slow down
As you train your gut to instantly kick in when you need it, give it time to develop. Slow your life down so you can hear what your gut is saying to you. If you’re in a tricky sales situation, take a break. Go for a quick walk, on your own, without your phone. Reflect, and listen to the voice inside. It will point you in the right direction.
7 - Trust your gut
If your gut is trying to tell you something, there’s always a good reason behind it. If you make a decision your gut instantly knows is the wrong one, and your stomach sinks, listen to your gut. It’s your primal instinct kicking in trying to keep you safe. As you develop and gain experience, your gut will be right more often than not. Trust it.
As well-trained as your gut instinct is, your prospective clients are listening to their guts as they judge you and your company. Make sure you present a great impression. Be open, warm and honest. Don’t give their guts a reason to question you.
To a sales leader, the gut is as important as the ears and mouth. Make sure your gut is bulging, with power.


Selim Savsar, Developer/Designer and avid reader.
As Andrew pointed out, blx would probably be the ideal book to get a good idea as to how gut instinct works, and how it usually works better than reasoning.
I'll point out a few examples which, if you do plan on reading the book, would require a spoiler alx.
Example 1: The Getty Museum, who were offered a statue for sale, commissioned a group of experts to give their opinion regarding the statue's authenticity. A majority of the experts, having given it a brief look, claimed it was fake. The museum, of course, conducted their own study wherein they studied every minute detail of the statue for 14 months! They concluded that it was authentic and bought it, only to find out after a short period of time that it was in fact fake.
Example 2: A study was performed where random people were assigned to a simple game. Cards were dealt out of 4 decks (2 red, 2 blue) where the red represented highly risky losses and blue represented average wins. The subjects got a 'hunch' after 50 cards were dealt, and developed an idea after about 80 cards. The astounding result of this experiment, however, came from the fact that within 10 cards the subjects' hands began sweating when a red card was about to be dealt. The subject had learned unconsciously 5-8 times faster!
The book contains a vast amount of examples like these accompanied with theories. In a simple, understandable, yet highly entertaining manner he puts forth great arguments as to why with reasoning we are only adding more confusion as well as stereotypical and racist biases. All without even being aware that we are doing it!
I remember a review on the back of one of his books saying something like 'Malcom Gladwell is the ideal guest at a cocktail party'. Having read all of his books, I couldn't agree more.


Robert Gillett
The sub-question you pose, as to the influence and ultimate effects of negative experiences, still has not been addressed. My answer: we often do not gain the wisdom to intuitively avoid repeating past mistakes.
In Kahneman's book, Thinking Fast and Slow, we learn that it is the memory of those experiences, shaped by subsequent influences to be either positive or negative (not the actual degree of temporary pain incurred) that drives our intuitive responses to similar situations. I think rational reflection on any recent negative experience is important to preclude poor choices, increasing our chances avoiding similar future situations. One should not make light of the hard lessons gained through life experience.


Dena Tarlin, Psych BA, formerly a certified addictions counselor. Meddler.
Wow, this is a very interesting question. I'm highly intuitive and do place a lot of value on my gut instinct, but I would say when irrational fears and anxieties are manifesting themselves in the moment, it is not true gut instinct that is operating. On the contrary, as an introvert I usually have to remove myself from a situation or question and just let it float in the background for a bit in order to hear my gut instinct talking to me.
If you think this might make it difficult for me to react spontaneously, you would be right. I hate being put on the spot, but in most situations there are tricks to gain a little leeway.
Does this mean my gut instincts are always right? I would say it does not, because one of the things we humans have the hardest time accepting is how little control we have over random events. My gut instinct might tell me to go to a party despite my general disdain for same, which might be a good decision for me based on all the information I have about that party. If I'm standing on a balcony that collapses and I'm horribly injured, it does not necessarily mean my gut decision was wrong.


Realexis Castro
Your "gut" is effectively instinct, instinct is our subconcious indicator of behavior and action, before ever knowing the feeling of being burned people fear fire, it is not that they are pyschic but their "gut" instinct is warning them to what they should be avoiding. Your instinct is adaptive in the sense that it is formed wholly by your experiences in adolescence, for example, if you lived in a neighborhood where night was a time of violence then every time you would be in the dark you would feel fear; not ecessarily true but the point is obvious. It all depends on how much information your "gut" has recieved in the early stages of life that determine whether or not it is right, it's like the immune system, the more you expose yourself to experience the stronger it becomes.


Patricio D. Abello
Well look at it this way, whenever a obxt is traveling directly to your face, do you know what triggers reflects, yep, your gut instinct, so, is it always right, well, instinct is just a signal it doesn't have a mind, so instinct can't either be right nor wrong, this is why your question is worded wrong, because in order to ask about something superficial one must asume it knows its depth right, you can't know anything about a lake if you don't know what's in it and how deep it is. Instinct intuition are signals that in combination with other nerves other perceptions in memory experience or fear will indeed help you make the all natural choice, the simplest, now I'm not gona lie, since fear is pretty much I'm every emotion us humans have its of course a good chance that fear can lead to serious mistaken decisions and consequences. Me personally I always go with my gut if not ill be insane or brain dead. So is it ALWAYS right, absolutely not, nothing is


It's not that negative formative influences yield gut feelings that are wrong. What they produce is incomplete wiring from the somatic system (the hollow organs: heart, lungs, intestines) to the brain. This leads to an overreliance on logic. To bulk up the neural highway from somatic system to brain, do Mindfulness Meditation for a half hour a day.


Georgina Rogers
No. I don't have one. I always choose the worst people in my life to trust. And all the people I disliked were the nicest people in my life.
This is on everything. My instinct is always wrong.
I was born with worst instincts.
With friends, boyfriends, everything.


Fred Slocombe
After getting my BA in Communication I question every impulse. The Zeitgeist can be attributed to nature, the owners of the mass media, church, and public school education, so considering the sources of my conditioning, I find my intuition suspicious most of the time.
Guy goes to the casino, sits at the roulette table and hear a little voice in his head tell him: "put it all on 12".
He hesitates, but the voice persists, so he does.
He wins and he has now multiplied his money.
He hears the voice again: "put it all on 6". This time he complied immediately.
Ball lands on 6.
Now he's got more money he ever had in his life.


The voice goes again: "put it all on 36". He hesitates because he's got enough to pay his mortgage in full. But the voice is relentless.
He gives in. Ball rolls and rolls.
Lands on 36.
Guy is ecstatic. He won enough money to pay for his house, his debts and retire. He gets up to go when the voice goes again: "put it all on 16!".
He waits until the last minute while the voice keeps urging him, then he stacks everything on the 16.
Now the entire casino is watching. The dealer throws the wheel, the ball rolls and rolls and then lands.
On 2.
The voice goes: "damn!"
Moral of the story: your gut instinct is not always right.


Martyn V. Halm (Security Consultant), Abused as a child, now father to two children. Pragmatic Existentialist. Author.
“Is the gut instinct always right in a relationship?”
Your instincts address survival issues, so a feeling of dread can accompany real danger. However, in relationships other issues start cropping up. Relationships require trust, respect, and commitment. If something is ‘off’ in these areas, you might feel doubts about committing yourself to another person.
These can be little things — the way your girlfriend treats a waiter; your boyfriend’s difficulty to remember things that are important to you; rough treatment of pets; arguments over nothing; disapproval of your friends — that signal issues in the love/trust/respect triangle.
Noticeable flaws are not necessarily deal breakers, unless they are the preamble to something more severe. If your girlfriend is callous towards strangers, she might become callous towards you once the romance wanes. If your boyfriend forgets that your parents are coming over and goes out with friends, that could signal a lack of respect that will only increase with familiarity. Someone kicking a dog won’t have any restraint kicking you if you misbehave.
A gut reaction can be a warning from your subconscious, but it can also just be nervous tension or your own unwillingness to give up your freedom. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to your gut. Maybe things are moving too fast and you’re not ready to commit. So don’t commit yet. Sort out your feelings first. If commitment fills you with dread, examine what set off these negative feelings. You might be imagining things. Or you might dodge a bullet.


Edward Trujillo, Co-author of a book called "The Secret War "
What I read is you are not ready. That's all your gut feeling is telling me. Since you don’t have what you feel is the “right” relationship and you don’t have the “real one”, I say hold your ground. That means stay with what you have but don’t commit. See if your love grows even further.
The other option is to drop him and look for this invisible guy, who you might find (and I said might), with a possibility of never finding him and losing your present boyfriend at the same time. Because boyfriend number one isn’t going to wait for you and will move on to another relationship more than likely. Here is believing that your knight in shining armor will appear.
A lot of women feel this way. I watch a lot of my female friends go through this. Waiting for “the one”. Mr. Right. Some think they find Mr. Right and find he is Mr. Wrong.
You remind me of the story of the dog who had a bone, a large bone that he loved. He carried that bone everywhere. Then one day he looked into a pool and seen his reflection. That dog in the pool had a bone just like his, maybe even better. He reached out to grab the bone from the other dog releasing his bone and bit at his reflection only tasting water. He didn’t have the better bone nor did he have his anymore since it sank to the bottom of the pool.


Cambreth Williams, Photographer & Writer
In my experience, YES. But, to my detriment, I ignored it in my last relationship because everything seemed perfect. It was. It was too perfect.
After 9 months it went from heaven to hell, all in the space of 24hrs. I’ve now been paying the price emotionally. Next time I will trust my gut instinct.
It can be hard to act on your gut feelings. My advice would be to stay cool and see how it plays out. If possible keep a bit of you emotionally detached and observant. Watch out for red flags and take it slow.
Good luck.


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