2021-06-18 翻译熊 11158
What is the simplest way to stay young?


Anastasia Bulava, Psychic I Healer I Forensic Analyst I Remote Viewer
Below is possibly the simplest and most effective method to stay young, available to every human being at any age.
Deshun Wang ( 84 y.young)
And the good news - it is not necessarily about diet, exercise, cosmetic surgeries, pills, or anything else you would need to buy. There are three most important things you can do to stay youthful inside and out:

Anastasia Bulava, 精神治疗I法证分析师I远程观察者


Ask yourself a question: How old I am feeling now?
It does not matter if you are 50 now and may look 25 on the outside. However, it is of utmost importance if you are 50 but feeling inside 25. The longer you can stay young in heart, the longer you will be psychically young too. Whenever we have a joy of life, playfulness, curiosity, fearlessness, open to meet new people, falling in love, desire to go to new places or to start new projects - everything that usually younger people are experiencing - we stay young in heart.



2. Ask yourself a second question: What do I have in plans 5–10–20–30 years from now?
You should always have a purpose for your future - a set of goals, aspirations, and plans. The program of death is initiated internally as soon as your plans have ended. On a piece of paper write down your vision of the nearest and distant future in detail and bit by bit go after your dreams and follow your plans. Keep revisiting or editing your master plan at least once a year, so it would never end and your internal youthfulness re-programming will continue.

2. 问你自己第二个问题:我在5-10-20-30年后有什么计划?

3. And, finally, examine: What kind of people are around me?
Toxic, negative people are sucking our life energy and literally killing us. Protect your life and keep your distance from anyone criticizing, bullying, and putting you down, no matter how close your relationship with them. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people, close to you in your young spirit, sharing with you similar values & views on life.

3. 最后,检查一下:我周围都是什么样的人?


Brian Fletcher
After early retirement (in my mid 40s), I just opened my 11 th gym, at 70, and signed a twenty year lease. Great confirmation . Fantastic message…right to the HEART of the matter.


Anastasia Bulava
Brian, what an inspirational story! And you look truly amazing! Wishing great success to your fitness project and everything else you do in life


Brian Fletcher
How kind.
Either we use our own creative energy, or we become a consequence (victim) of others use of theirs.


Godfrey Silas
Not only instructive -Uplifting!
Attitude plays a major role in general health. There is such a thing as being centered and remaining centered. There is also such a thing as plasticity of mind and of behavior. It involves doing your splits still; when 12 year olds are not able to.
Exposure to elements of wellness, application - repetition.


Tariq Afzal
I tell my wife/kids that I stopped aging at 38. I am and feel 38 ( my calendar age, meaningless, is 62). Every day, I get out of bed, and am on my head. I do 3–4 headstands daily (4 minutes each), swim 3–4 times per week, and long walks or run. Do not eat meat, but veggies, Chia seeds, fruit. In general, I’m a positive person and We (my wife and I) love helping poor and needy people. Buy food for homeless etc. gives a lot of satisfaction. I stay away from negative people and ignore bad news. Pray daily.
Best gift I ever got: my wife is my great friend and we enjoy each other’s company. We met at Univ of Tulsa in 1984, got married and have lived / traveled several States/Countries.

我收到过最好的礼物是: 我的妻子是我最好的朋友,我们喜欢彼此的陪伴。我们1984年在塔尔萨大学相识,结婚后在几个州/国家生活过/旅行过。

Jiemha Chow
I agreed with everything that was said. I always felt much younger than my age. People tell me I look young jut I think it’s my persona that make me seem younger. I am a very upbeat person and very free spirit. I get along with people younger than me. I don’t feel like we should look old or act old. I hope to still be able to see the world and experience new things.


Eric Krausz
I would add a little more emphasis on diet and exercise but your analysis cannot be denied. Without the proper attitude, exercise and diet are far less effective. This is great advice. I find that the more purpose I have the more energy I have. That energy keeps me mentally and physically sharp.


Rainer Pitsch
Those are uplifting stories. I turned 80 this year but feel like 60. What helps me is taking cold showers daily, going for walks, keeping my busy, doing exercises at home with weights along with my Christian beliefs.


Robert Borsody
Agree 100% with all said by Ms. Bulava. I am 83; received my 6th degree black belt in karate 13 months ago; split wood every weekend for several hours and work out pretty much every day and, most importantly , have been married to a wise and lovely woman for almost fifty years.


Paul Bethel
I can add a little to that. I am almost 40 years old but you can't tell the difference between me and my 21 year old buddy at work. I picked him to be my best buddy because he is a man of his words. Most times we go out and 19-year-old girls cant tell that I am almost double his age and, I keep it like that. I have been to a bunch of places in the world and people who are my age remove at least 12 years when they attempt to guess my age. The genes may account for it a little but I am positive af, I see good in everything,I never allow stress to get to me. I don't exercise all the time but I try to stay healthy, My young buddy loves to drive, I prefer to ride a bicycle.He eats ribs and drinks alcohol, I drink water and eat fish. Ultimately, it's how you feel at heart. We have a 52-year old man at work whom I find it hard to keep up with whenever we go out. He has the strength of a 20-year-old. As one of the comments read, as long as you don't “die” mentally, you will remain young forever.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Justin Rogers
Thanks for number 3. I was looking for the perfect reason to quit my job. That place is literally soul sucking. If you've never had the great (mis)fortune of having to work in a place with unbridled toxicity, you haven't lived! It's something else.


Malik Omar
ive seen people at age 25 telling me they feeling old i was like in my brain "oh my god you will not live long" because if you always telling yourself im too old for this for that,trust me you will get old will quick and there is no way back after that


Anastasia Bulava
Unfortunately, most of us underestimate the power of our own words and self-programming for the future. Thank you for sharing, Malik!


Selman Kelmendi
The first question really helped me uate my thoughts.
I am 23, feeling like an old man on the verge of dying. Yes I have definite problems!


Joe Aguiano
Genetics, environment and lifestyle contributes to the aging process.
im 55 and I still pass for being mid 30s, specially if I shave. My mother is the same, she’s in her 80s and looks like in her early 60s.
Our secret, stop worrying about nothing, stay away from negative people. Just live your live and be happy


June Orta, Jr, Retired Educator, IT Person
Hopefully you are young already because that is the best time to start your attempts at staying young. I plan to make a list of all that I did in my youth and still do to keep my youthful appearance as long as possible. Since my younger days, I have been obsessed with time and aging. Even today, that obsession has manifested itself into having over 30 working clocks in my home. I’ve been alive for over 56 years and although to many, 56 is still young, I see many around me my age suffering the ravages of time. I take to heart the statement I read on my derma roller, “Looking your age is optional.” The following list is more of a lifestyle so it may not be a simple task for many and many things on the list are easier said than done.

June Orta, Jr退休的教育从业者,IT人士

I learned at a very young age that the sun ages you. I avoid the sun as much as possible. When I mow the lawn, I am dressed like a little old lady, actually, I have been told I look like an Arab. I remember in my teens a time when my Mom was driving and I was a passenger casually flexing my arm up and over my head to keep it out of the sun. My Mom made a comment like what are you doing? I said something like, “Keeping it out of the sun so that it will stay young.”
Wear ear plugs when using a lawn mower or you are at any place that is loud like concerts, dance halls, and even at home when using a vacuum cleaner! Keep your ears young as well by taking good care of them. I carry ear plugs where ever I go. You never know when it is going to get loud.
Wear sunscreen every day…at least on your face. I do and I am now reaping the benefits of all those minutes spent applying the sunscreen in my 20’s through now. I’ve also been very modest and have never worn shorts nor walked around bare chested, not even on those rare times I went to the beach. I believe the human body is all interconnected so when there is sun damage somewhere, like in this case perhaps my hands or arms that are not generally covered and are exposed to the sun more than other parts of my body, the rest of the body sends its resources to help heal and repair. Since most of my body has been protected from the sun, there are enough resources to help heal those parts of my body that are “hurt” or damaged throughout the day.
Do not smoke and do not be around people who smoke. This does not need an explanation. I just feel badly for those who are addicted to nicotine and who knows what other chemicals are in those cigarettes and the like.
Avoid OTC drugs. I believe those types of drugs cause DNA damage which in turn leads to premature aging. I read somewhere that aspirin was lixed to DNA damage. I can not confirm this, but sometimes what you believe is stronger medicine.

1. 我很小的时候就知道太阳会让人衰老。我尽量避免晒太阳。当我修剪草坪时,我穿得像个小老太太,实际上,有人告诉我看起来像阿拉伯人。我记得在我十几岁的时候,有一次我妈妈在开车,作为一名乘客,我随意地弯曲我的手臂,越过我的头,以避免阳光照射。我妈说你在干什么?我说的大概是:“远离阳光,这样就会保持年轻。”
2. 使用割草机时戴上耳塞,或者你在任何像音乐会、舞厅这样吵闹的地方,甚至在家里使用吸尘器时也要戴上耳塞!好好照顾你的耳朵,让它们保持年轻。我无论走到哪里都带着耳塞。你永远不知道什么时候会很吵。
3. 每天都要涂防晒霜,至少在脸上。我确实是这样做的,而且从20多岁到现在,我一直在享受涂抹防晒霜所带来的好处。我也一直很端庄,从来没有穿短裤,也没有光着胸走来走去,甚至在我难得去海滩的时候也没有。我相信人的身体是相互联系的,所以当身体的某些部位受到阳光伤害时,比如我的手或胳膊通常没有被覆盖,比身体其他部位更容易暴露在阳光下,身体的其他部分输送资源来帮助愈合和修复。因为我身体的大部分都受到了保护,所以有足够的资源来帮助治愈那些在一天中受到“伤害”或损害的身体部位。
4. 不要吸烟,不要和吸烟的人在一起。这并不需要解释。我只为那些对尼古丁上瘾的人感到难过,谁知道那些香烟里还有什么其他的化学物质。
5. 避开OTC(非处方类)药物。我认为这类药物会导致DNA损伤进而导致过早衰老。我在哪儿读到阿司匹林会导致DNA损伤。我不能证实这一点,但有时你的认知比药物更明显。

Get plenty of sleep. I sleep between 6 to 8 hours a day. It is during this time that the body heals and repairs itself. Also, make sure you practice sleeping so that your face does not crease on your pillow or bed mattress. I like to sleep on my back to avoid creasing my face while asleep. I sleep on a couch or prop pillows on either side of me to keep from sleeping on my stomach.
Avoid stress. Only you know the what stresses you in your life. If you can do something about it, do something. If you can not do something about it, why worry about it. I read somewhere that if money can fix it, don’t worry about it.
Keep you home clean, neat and tidy. When you come home from work, you should come home to recharge your body and mind. Keeping a home nice, neat, orderly, and clean is not only a type of physical exercise in and of itself, it also helps clear your mind up since the world or your place of work can be a stressful place because of the disorder and chaos caused in part by people. I don’t know about you, but it is nice to come home to a clean, neat and orderly home.
Do not run; instead walk or walk fast. I read somewhere, funny how I say this often. When you gain knowledge, it becomes yours for as long as you can remember it, but I don’t want to take credit for saying something. I only wish I could give credit where credit is due. Anyway, I read somewhere that the human body was not “made’ for running. Running stresses out your insides, your skin, joints, etc. So, I avoid running. I do exercise, do not get me wrong, it is the running I avoid.
Eat only enough to stay alive and healthy. I recall a time when my principal at the time took a few of us teachers out to eat. Everyone ordered a huge plate of Mexican food except me…I think I may have ordered just one bean chalupa and water. He asked me if I was not feeling well or words to that effect. I told him no, that I liked to eat only enough to stay alive and healthy. He said to me, not me. I like to eat like it’s a feast or party at every meal. I guess I have been eating about 40% to 50% less calories all these years compared to that of my friends and family. This might explain why I have only gained 8 pounds since I graduated high school. I like, the saying that says, “Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.”

6. 保证充足的睡眠。我每天睡6到8个小时。正是在这段时间里,身体会自我疗愈和修复。另外,确保你练习睡觉,这样你的脸不会在枕头或床垫上起皱。我喜欢平躺着睡觉,以免在睡觉时把脸弄皱。我睡在沙发上或者两边的枕头上,这样就不会趴着睡了。
7. 避免压力。只有你自己知道你生活中的压力。如果你能做点什么,那就做点什么。如果你对此无能为力,为什么还要担心呢?我在哪儿读到过,如果钱能解决问题,那就别担心。
8. 让你的家保持干净、整洁。当你下班回家,你应该回家给你的身体和精神充电。保持一个家的整洁、有序和干净不仅是一种体育锻炼本身,它也有助于整理里的思绪,因为世界或你的工作场所可能是一个有压力的地方,因为混乱和混乱部分是由人造成的。我不知道你是怎么想的,但回到一个干净、整洁、有秩序的家感觉真的很好。
9. 不要跑,而是走路或快走。我在哪儿读到过,特别有趣,我也经常这么说。当你获得知识时,只要你能记住它,它就会是你的,但我不想因为说了什么而受到赞扬。我只希望我能在该表扬的时候给予表扬。不管怎么说,我在哪里读到过,人的身体不是“生来”适合跑步的。跑步会给你的内脏、皮肤、关节等带来压力。所以,我避免跑步。我做运动,不要误会我的意思,我避免的是跑步。
10. 只吃足够维持生命和健康的食物。我记得有一次,我的校长带我们几个老师出去吃饭。每个人都点了一大盘墨西哥菜,除了我……我想我可能只点了一份墨西哥卷饼和水。他问我是否感觉不舒服,或者说类似的话。我告诉他不,我只喜欢吃足够维持生命和健康的食物。。我想这些年来我摄入的卡路里比我的朋友和家人少40%到50%。这也许可以解释为什么我高中毕业后只增重了8磅。我喜欢这句谚语:“没有什么比瘦的感觉更美味了。”

Avoid sugar. There is so much science out there on the harm sugar causes the human body. I took this to heart in my youth and gave up sodas when I was 19 years old. There is nothing better for you than being in a low insulin state. When you taken in a lot of sugar or a lot of food that turns into sugar quickly, that is not good for you. There are so many foods out on the supermarket shelves that are so full of sugar that we are literally eating ourselves to early aging.
Eat plenty of fiber. Stay clean on the inside as well. You really need to clean out the inside of the body. Plenty of fiber does it for me too. I understand toxins build up as the waste builds up. So, there is nothing better than plenty of fiber to keep you healthy…especially for me since I do not eat too much food throughout the day.
Exercise and Stretch. I mentioned this earlier but I think it needs a place all to itself. Do not go overboard with cardio. Too much cardio causes you to age. Oxygen ages your insides, in other words, “rusts” you from the inside out, similar to a sliced apple left out on the counter. There is too much science involved and I don’t want to get into the science part of free radicals and the like so suffice it to say, go easy on the cardio.
Take your vitamin. Because I am a light eater, I guess I can call myself this, I take a multivitamin about 3 to 4 times a week.
Avoid processed foods. If you find it down the grocery isle, it is probably a processed food. I try to eat as much raw food as possible.

12. 多吃纤维,体内也要保持干净。你真的需要清理身体。大量的纤维对我也有帮助。我知道废物越多,毒素就越多。所以,没有什么比充足的纤维更能让你保持健康了。尤其是对我来说,因为我一整天没有吃太多的食物。
13. 运动和伸展。我之前提到过,但我认为它需要一个属于自己的地方。不要做过度的有氧运动。过多的有氧运动会让你变老。氧气会老化你的内脏,换句话说,它会让你从里到外“生锈”,就像放在柜台上的切片苹果一样。这其中涉及了太多的科学知识,我不想涉及自由基之类的科学知识。我只想说,少做有氧运动
14. 维生素。因为我是一个饮食清淡的人,我想我可以这样称呼我自己,我每周大约服用3到4次复合维生素。
15. 避免加工食品。如果你在杂货店找到它,它可能是加工食品。我尽量多吃粗食。

I avoid meat. I eat very little meat. There is something about meat that I think deserves respect. When I look at my teeth, I see teeth that look a lot like cow’s teeth and not like dog or cat teeth. Cows do not eat meat so maybe I should not either. :)
Take care of your finances. Live as debt free as possible. How does this help you stay young? You will have less stress in your life when you are doing well financially.
Avoid fast food restaurants. There is no need to go into detail about all the chemicals and sugars found in fast foods…not to mention the so called “meats”. Just do well and avoid these places and the foods they serve as much as possible.
No alcohol and very little to no caffeine. For as long as I can remember, I’ve called alcohol a poison.
Moisturize your skin. Drink plenty of water and keep that skin moist with your favorite facial cream. The late Dick Clark said, “Moisturize, moisturize” decades ago and I took it to heart.
Avoid using too many chemicals around your home. If your house is clean, then you probably will not have a roach problem. So I refuse to get my home sprayed with insect killing chemicals.

17. 照顾好你的财务。尽可能过没有债务的生活。这如何帮助你保持年轻?当你的财务状况良好时,你的生活压力就会减少。
18. 远离快餐店。没有必要详细说明快餐中所含的所有化学物质和糖,更不用说所谓的“肉类”了。尽量避免这些地方和它们提供的食物。
19. 拒绝酒精,基本拒绝咖啡因。从我记事起,我就把酒精称为毒药。
20. 滋润你的皮肤。喝大量的水,用你喜欢的面霜保持皮肤湿润。已故的迪克·克拉克(Dick Clark)几十年前就说过:“保湿,保湿”,我牢记在心。
21. 避免在家里使用太多的化学物质。如果你的房子是干净的,那么你可能不会有蟑螂的问题。所以我拒绝在家里喷洒杀虫剂。

很赞 3