2021-06-18 龟兔赛跑 11886

What are the best things about your country?


Syed Imtiaz Ali, Entrepreneur (2006-present)

Syed Imtiaz Ali,企业家(2006年至今)

Canada is one of the best place for me, my family and is the world's best country. There are plenty of chances to succeed and have a great life here. Canada is unique to me because I can fulfill my dreams and build my family a better life. My decision to move to Canada was largely due to this country's opportunities and multi culture society. This is a great place to build a new career and acquire precious skills. It has a strong commitment to education, an enviable health system, and a high living standard.


In Canada education has two main obxtives: to give individuals the opportunity to develop themselves and to provide the skills they need to evolve in their best interests to society. Canada ranks among the world's leaders in public education per capita spending. Canada maintains this level of investment because healthy returns continue to be generated. Canada's educational system is comprehensively diversified and available to all, reflecting Canada's belief in the importance of education.
The best in the world is the health care system in Canada. The national health insurance program is aimed at ensuring that all Canadian residents have reasonable access to medically necessary insured services without direct fees. Canada's birth life expectancy is among the highest in the world.
Multiculturalism approach by Canada has been cited as a model for other countries. The country is often described as a mosaic of culture. Canada recognizes the potential of all Canadians through multiculturalism, encouraging them to integrate into their society and participate actively in their social, cultural, economic and political affairs. Canada's immigration policy aims to attract the world's best skilled workers. Canada therefore gives priority to qualified immigrants to receive permanent residency,I found love and a great acceptance in this country. Mostly and majority of the population are happy ,well mannered, educated and have a lot of tolerance .


Nicole Moncada, I love statistics and connections.

Nicole Moncada,我喜欢统计学和关系学。

Oh, this is a very tough one.
I do and I don't.
I was watching many people today at the grocery store, and I try not to judge, but the ones I watched weighed well in the 500 pound category.
I know what everyone is gonna say, "they can't help it" or "that could be you", or "who are you to pass judgement."
But when I see those who are impoverished yet extremely overweight, it reinforces the idea of how America/USA is a land of not only opportunity, but of excess.
Why? Imagine other countries where children are starving... And there are so many. In fact there are more starving in other countries that exist than those who are not starving but instead overweight and most reside here in my motherland, in America/USA.
In many ways I love the fact I'm privileged to be an American. But then I'm sickened at times...like when our justice system fails, or like I mentioned above about the excess we have here.
Our poor have access to food and sources that can be tapped into if they chose to. Yes it can be tough. But I was homeless briefly at one point of my life, and it wasn't hard to get back on my feet. We are privileged here in the USA.
In my fits of mania, I'll rage... I swear that I'm gonna leave the states, gonna go live somewhere in Europe... Canada.. Anywhere but here.

这是一个棘手的问题 。

Another reason I feel this way is our political process, elections, wow what a spectacle to watch.
I see politics as a huge joke. Watching two political parties acting worse than adolescents, along with all the endless cover ups, and back door kick backs and gifts given to public officials is a horrible way to navigate any government or justice system.
Also I see the United States as a bully at times. We often stick our nose in other countries business, when truly we need to fix our own screw ups. But this is my opinion, everyone has their own.
I would rather say I love my heritage, my creole and Spanish roots... My ethnicity, my Louisiana background.
Funny thing is Louisiana is the only state in America/USA that does things different than the rest of the states in USA/America, due to its strong Influence of French and Spanish and Creole history.
In most states there are counties, but in my home state we have what is called parishes instead. Parishes dictate the perimeter of the different boundaries between each city. These boundaries in other states are called counties.
My motherland has come along way... But there is so much more to do.
But when I see things that go on in places like Syria, or Cambodia I realize that there is so much worse out there. Lets not forget North Korea.
Then their is the issue of equality and racism... These things upset me as well.
I realize that so many people from other countries would cut their left arm off to get to my country the supposed "land of the free & home of the brave"
Bottom line I'm neutral. I have to be. If I think to much about it, I'll go over the edge.


Diego Feliu, Curious about the opinions of others.

Diego Feliu,很好奇其他人的看法。

I live in Panama and if I had to chose one main thing to be the best thing about my country, I would nominate the fact that Panama is almost natural disaster proof.
- The isthmus is located right between tectonic plates in such a way that earthquakes, especially strong ones are few far between. Most of the one that do occur are influenced by earthquakes in Costa Rica close to our western border, and while a few are known to happen in the western highlands, the infrastructural damage tends to be small. In our capital city, however, our last relatively strong recorded earthquake was in 1881 and the only stronger one we have dealt with in the capital region (not even 7.0 in the richter scale) was in 1621. So, yeah, ever since the capital city area of Panama started being occupied by the spanish all the way to the present we only had to endure two relatively strong earthquakes and they were no less than 260 years apart.
- We only have 3 main volcanoes in the isthmus, none of them active. In fact the last time one of them erupted was even before the European colonization of our isthmus, nearly 800 years ago.

地峡正好位于构造板块之间,因此几乎没有地震,尤其是强震。 大部分地震都是受靠近我们西部边境的哥斯达黎加的影响,虽然西部高地发生过少数几次地震,但基础设施损坏程度往往很小。在我们的首都,上一次记录到的相对强烈的地震还是发生在 1881 年,我们在首都地区出现过的唯一一次强烈地震(甚至不到 7.0 级)是在 1621 年。所以,从首都巴拿马市区被西班牙人占领开始,到现在我们只经历了两次比较强烈的地震,它们相隔不少于260年。

- Land tornadoes are almost impossible to form over here and when they do form they usually disipate quickly.
- When tsunamis are affecting parts of the Americas that face the Pacific ocean, proportionately, we are spared much of the potential damage as the wave looses a lot of power by the time it reaches our coasts because of the sort of inverse S shape of our isthmus among other things.
- The weather is not warm enough to give you heatstrokes with ease, nor is it cold enough anytime of the year to make you die because of cold.
- The only thing thing that tends to bother us at least once a year is flooding during the heaviest part of the rainy season but that is also related to human trash preventing the sewers from doing their job properly. Some speculate if we had the public water disposal system equivalent to does of 1st world countries and people wouldn't throw trash so far and wide flooding would only be an issue in extraordinary circumstances. But alas that isn't the case, hence why I said we are only almost natural disaster proof.
Hope you like my answer!

当海啸影响面向太平洋的美洲部分地区时,我们也不会受到很大的潜在损害,因为海浪在到达我们的海岸时已经失去了很多能量,除其他的原因外,还因为我们的地峡呈倒 S 形 。

Just Dan, Traveled widely across Northern Africa, Europe, North America and South America

Just Dan,曾游历过北非,欧洲,北美和南美

Quite a bit. There are things about it that I am critical of (and it’s not even the president or Congress). The things I’m critical of are the stuff the states should be doing much, much better:
Taking a good hard look at their education systems and comparing them to the rest of the world and figuring out ways to improve the standards.
Addressing the decaying infrastructure in cities (side note, most really are trying to do that, and it’s hard; far harder than most people can grasp given the constraints in their constitutions).
The US used to have the world’s gold standard for civil infrastructure & wasn’t too shabby in public education. From 1945–1975, the US had its shit together.It did that because of a bunch of reasons: from the “War on Drugs” to shifting demographics to trends in technology. The US really was the best.
One of the things people don’t get is that we’ve really over-powered the federal government. States were always supposed to pick up the maintenance on these things (schools, utilities, highways, roads) that funded largely through the surfeit distributed by the federal government from about 1945–65. The US dumped all this money into those things knowing that at some point they’d stop and that the general maintenance (including repairs and replacement) would come through the states because the federal government would never have the tax revenue to do so beyond a certain point in time. Duh! Seems logical. But states drew up these byzantine laws that made it impossible for them to raise revenue to manage the very infrastructure that the nation needs to, well, keep existing!

人们不明白的一点是,我们已经超过了联邦政府的权力。 各州总该对这些方面(学校、公用事业、高速公路、道路)进行维护,这些方面的资金主要来自联邦政府在 1945-65 年左右分配的过剩资金。 美国把所有这些钱都倾注到这些东西上,因为他们知道在某一时刻这些东西会不需要开销,而一般的维护(包括修理和更换)将由各州进行,因为在某一时刻之后的所有维护,联邦政府都不会再有税收收入。似乎合乎逻辑。但是各州制定了这些拜占庭式的法律,使他们无法筹集收入来管理国家需要的基础设施,嗯,那就只要保证有这些东西就好了!
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A thing happened on the way to this end-goal. States passed insane budget controls (thinking that would make them more efficient/better), which meant that they just kept kicking the can to the US federal government. This has steadily increased the power and thus significance of the federal government. It has subsequently made the battle for who owns Congress and the White House so important that it’s now all we care about.
I believe in federalism. It means that YES, some states will have different laws that others don’t like. That’s precisely how federal democracies work. It’s not a bug in the system but a feature in how it’s supposed to work. It means those states will have battles of ideas and processes that shift people between them and when one begins to lose, it will be forced to change how it operates. That is what we are supposed to be doing.
Now, the battle for the presidency is existential. Mandates —at the stroke of an executive order, for which Congress never voted— are handed to universities to act a certain way. Bureaucrats in DC get to make rules for the entire country because that’s what they’re empowered to do. Most of this stuff should be the states, not the federal government. It’s what we get wrong, sadly, and I’m hoping we’ll get right soon enough.
Despite all that, it’s easy to love the US. I’ve seen much of the rest of the world. Been to South America, Central America, Western Europe and North/West Africa. I’ve seen the great and the bad. The US gets way too much hate from people who can’t be obxtive. But internally, Americans are frequently worse, with delusional beliefs about the innate greatness of the US, conspiracy nonsense, science denial and polarized politics. It’s a wonder we can make it work (and for the most part, we sort of do).


Saranya Ravichandran, FP&A Manager

Saranya Ravichandran, 财务计划和分析经理

There is something that probably was my least favorite thing about India, while I was living there. But, I have a contrasting opinion now.
You know how they say, “travelling gives you a different perspective on life?” - that’s what happened with me. When I was in India, I always thought this whole idea about society, living as a community, forming a closed circle was a disadvantage. You know, back in India, if your son or daughter gets married, you will have to invite almost 50–100 people to the wedding.
People here always get surprised when they hear this number. The guest list is quite flexible, I would say. The guest list is not so strict, that you have to do so many calculations to squeeze in your guests within a count of 50 or 100. I mean, for my sister’s wedding, they called almost everyone in our neighborhood, our vegetable vendors, our grocery shop Anna and so many people.
And, I used to always think, “why do you need so many people? why do you need to build up your community? why do you have to let your neighbors into your personal space (although our neighbors have always been like family to me)? why can’t you just live alone peacefully?” and so many questions.


But, ever since I moved here, I think that’s one of the things I have missed so much. I met my friend’s Aunt who is French and at 80+ years, she was living alone in her house. She was so happy to see us, showing her whole house, made dinner for us and talking for hours and hours together. She was as happy as a kid, just to have some company.
Few weeks ago, I met a friend’s friend’s family friend. Yes, you read it right. She got in touch with me and asked me if we can meet. She was living in this big house alone. She was so happy to have company, made dinner and talked for hours together.
I see so many old people eating alone in restaurants. It breaks my heart every time. Now, I am not saying, in India, old people don’t live alone. But, most times, they live with their kids. Here, kids live independently after 18 or 19 and then, they have a life of their own. It’s really weird for parents to live with their kids during their old age.
Last week when I was in Berlin for a business trip, they were discussing about one of my teammates, who has twin babies. He was saying how difficult it is to find a nanny and especially, to make one stay. They asked me how it is in India. I said, “my mom or my husband’s (if I get married) mom will be there”. They asked me, what if I give birth here, in Paris. I was like, “I will bring one of them here”. They were so surprised about my confidence and asked me if our parents will be okay with it, if they will have the time, etc., I was like, “of course they will. My mom at least, she says that’s what she is living for. She is waiting to do it and she says it’s her responsibility”.

上周我在柏林出差时,他们正在讨论我的一个队友,他有双胞胎宝宝。 他说起找到一个保姆是多么困难,尤其是要留在家里。 他们问我在印度怎么样。 我说,“我妈妈或我丈夫(如果我结婚)的妈妈会在那里”。 他们问我,如果我在巴黎生孩子会怎样。 我当时想,“我会把其中一个带到这里来”。 他们对我的自信感到非常惊讶,并问我父母是否同意,她们是否有时间等等,我说,“她们当然会同意。 至少我妈妈会,她说这就是她活着的目的。 她正等着去做,她说这是她的责任。”

They were so surprised. I told them it’s very normal in India for the grandparents to take care of their grand kids.
Even at work, people have a very strong line between professional life and personal life. Back in Chennai, my colleagues used to hangout at my place after work or me at their place, during weekends. We used to go out for dinners, movies and clubs together. Here it’s absurd to meet your colleague after work.
But, back in India, everyone becomes part of family. Friends are like family, neighbors are like family, colleagues are like family.
Now, both these behaviors are very cultural and have their own pros and cons. But, it is one of my favorite things about home and I miss it way too much.
Until, I experienced this, I didn’t understand the value of it, the value of having a community. But now I do. I could only see the faults in it earlier, but now I am able to appreciate it.
I have realized things in the last 10 months, that I have not in the last 25 years of my life. I am thankful for all these experiences and when I am back home, I will appreciate it more than ever!


Tefo Mohapi, How different we are

Tefo Mohapi,我们是多么的不同

Well this country is very different to the rest of other African countries and the whole world itself, one thing one should know of and that makes me very proud. Just like Trevor Noah the comedian said, "when the rest of the world goes that way, South Africa goes this way".
Mine workers invented a language called "Fanakalok", I don`t know what that means but I know is the language created for different people to interact with one another back then when people only knew their mother tongue language, it combines all the languages in SA and other countries. Now everyone uses it either in a gangster or normal way and we call it "Tsotsi-taal". And our national anthem is sung in 4 different languages.
We have Indians (who are different from other countries Indians and very good in Tsotsi-taal), Asians, Blacks, Whites, Coloureds and Other/Unspecified.
Everywhere mostly in weekends you`ll see or smell braai. From homes to public parks, from schools to companies, from couples to friends, from small birthdays to big bashes/parties.
"Quite possibly the most versatile snack on the planet! Loved by everyone, stored well it will last forever and only the best biltong is found in South Africa. OK the Americans have Jerky, but if you have ever tried that you know it doesn’t even come close" Someone quoted in better words.
"Let’s all take a moment to appreciate a dish that consists of a hollowed out loaf of bread that’s stuffed with mouth-watering curry. We feel that descxtion says it all — dinner, sorted!", South African quoted with better words.

要知道,这个国家与其他非洲国家和整个世界都很不一样,这让我非常自豪。就像喜剧演员特雷弗·诺亚(Trevor Noah)说的那样,“世界往哪个方向走,南非就往这个方向走。”
矿工发明了一种叫“Fanakalok”的语言,我不知道这是什么意思,但我知道这是在人们都只知道自己的母语的时候,为不同的人相互交流而创造的语言,它结合了南非和其他国家的所有语言。现在每个人都在用这个词,不管是黑帮的还是普通人,我们叫它" tsotsii -taal"。我们的国歌是用四种语言唱的。
我们有印度人(与其他国家的印度人不同,在tsotsii -taal语方面很厉害)、亚洲人、黑人、白人、有色人种和其他/未指定的人。

A prominent landmark overlooking the city of Cape Town, this is one of the country’s most photographed attractions. It’s breathtaking to look at from below or on top. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is definitely something to be proud of.
Our country bred a man who was not only responsible for changing the history of our own country, but of the world as well. Nothing says proudly South African more than the memory of this iconic hero.
South Africa was part of an exclusive group of countries which had developed nuclear weapons, which included the United States, Russia, China, and Israel. South Africa also became the first country to voluntarily dismantled all of its nuclear weapons, and cancel its nuclear programme.
Vodacom first launched cellular services in 1994, and three months after launch it became the fastest-growing mobile operator in the world. In 1996, Vodacom became the first network to introduce prepaid mobile services using an “Intelligent Network” platform. The operator also invented cellular antenna technology which reduces “noisy” emissions from cellular base stations.
There are still many more things to mention but let me leave it here.....


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