2021-06-18 辽阔天空 9509

What is the best way to stay fit?


Sean Kernan
I'd just gotten home from work.
My head hurt. I had the energy of an anemic slug.
My arms were sore from a previous workout. The only thing I wanted in the world was to lie on the couch, eat popcorn, and take a nap.
But I still went to the gym.
90% of staying in shape is saying no to other things.


Abhishek Shukla, improving fitness each day
These are the things which I do to keep myself fit.
I wake up at 5 AM.
Drink two glasses of lukewarm water with lemon upon waking up.
I eat a banana 30 minutes prior to gym.
I spend 1 to 1.5 hours in gym depending upon the body part which I am training that day.
I drink whey protein shake with banana within 20 minutes of post workout.
I prepare breakfast and evening snack and take bath.
I take oats with apple and nuts in breakfast.
I take protein cake after 2 hours of breakfast which I prepare in the morning.
I eat lunch which mostly consists of 2 to 3 chapatis, kidney beans/chickpeas/green vegetables with salad and curd after 3 hours.
I eat a chapati with peanut butter after 2 hours.
I eat an apple with green tea and 5 egg whites after 3 hours.
After 3 hours I eat my dinner which consists of 2 chapatis, 2 egg whites, lentils and salad.
I drink warm milk with turmeric 30 minutes prior to sleep.
It requires a lot of effort to stay in shape but determination, consistently, a good diet and workout is the key.
Be patient the results will speak for themselves.


Ankita Srivastava, Clinical Dietitian Student (2019-present)
Replace 90% of your beverages with water for plain lemon water :- Cut down on others as much as possible and whenever possible. Fruit smoothie, juices and loaded nutella chocolate shakes are full of sugar which you can’t even see.
Deep fried food is not really the culprit but the kind of oil that the food is cooked in :- if you do have cravings to eat certain type of food always make it at home, this way you know what goes into your plate and you will be aware. Don’t practice this more than once a month or may be two.
Never refrain yourself from eating something when it’s the only thing you can think about :- Eating a bite or two of your favourite dessert is not the end of the world. Eat the damn cake and move on with your life.
Mental health is greater than physical health :- You have to win it in your mind before your biology manifests it. Which brings me to my next point.
Sleep above and beyond anything else :- If it’s my elder sisters wedding and time is past 12 Am you will find me snuggled in a bed and not at the wedding. I never never never compromise on sleep it’s non negotiable. No birthday parties no night outs. Only sleeping :)
Move, move and move :- For every 30 minutes that you spend sitting stand for 2–3 minutes. Instead of asking for tea from maid , stand up walk and get the tea. Little movements count.


Rebecca Hallie, Construction Project Estimator (2012-present)
This answer is going to appeal to my fellow ultra-lazy, low-motivation people.
Those who die inside when we hear “go to the gym 5 days a week.”
Scale back your portions. Cutting calories doesn’t have to mean eating kale salad all day or skipping meals. When you’re making your plate, start by taking maybe two-thirds or half of what you would normally take. Fill up more on lower calorie foods, like vegetables or fruit, and scale back on heavier starches and pasta. Practice eating until you’re satisfied, not until you’re groaning in pain and unbuttoning your jeans under the table.
Water, water, and more water. Swap any beverage with water whenever possible, especially carbonated drinks and alcohol. You won’t lose weight pounding back sodas and beers every day, but you might while drinking water. Water too boring by itself? Squeeze some fruit juice in there.
Walk. Walking feels like no effort, but it can do wonders for trimming down stubborn fat. If you have a desk job, get up and walk around as much as you possibly can. Take a quick walk around the block on your lunch break, or right after dinner. Leave yourself extra time to walk to the train station instead of taking the bus there. Take the stairs instead of the escalator. Park far away from the store entrance. Restaurant within a few blocks of home? Ditch the car and walk!
Keep diet and exercise goals realistic. Start small. Don’t shock your body into a rigorous exercise routine you’re not used to, or a near-starvation diet out of desperation. You’re more likely to just get frustrated and give up entirely. Work your way up to where you want to be. If taking an hour bike ride once a week is where you want to start, that’s okay. If you want to start your diet by only drinking soda once a week instead of every day, that’s okay, too. Success little by little is much more likely to keep you motivated than pushing yourself too hard.


Srishti Stempert, PhD student Oncology
Thanks for the A2A.
My focus on fitness started as a self-preservation tactic. The past few years have been extremely stressful for me for a variety of reasons. At my lowest, I lost the will to interact with anyone or do anything.
Hitting the gym for me, was the one thing that saved me. It started as a goal that I set for myself so that I would be forced to have some human interaction and get out of my room.
Today, I am proud to say that I focus on my fitness much more than I have ever had. It makes me feel extremely healthy, inside and outside. I do not have much time to spare in my day so it’s a pretty simple fitness routine:
I aim to work out at least 3 times a week. At the gym, I avoid cardio and focus on weight training as I love the rush that I get as I gradually go higher on the weight. I am not a PRO by any standards. Just a lean girl who barely has any muscles. However, I do take pride in lifting/pushing the weights I do and I view it as a competition with myself. I have been weight training regularly for only a couple of weeks but I love the lifestyle.
See the encircled text here? I have chicken legs so I was mightly pleased that just after capturing this moment, I switched to 170 pounds! This weight might or might not be impressive to you but it is all about seeing the upward curve on your growth chart, no matter where you start at.
2) I walk everywhere I can. Now I would not recommend this if one was in Beijing or Delhi as the air will do more harm than good. However, here in the states, I try to incorporate at least 20 minutes of walking into my everyday schedule. I do not take out time for this especially, but just opt to walk instead of, let’s say take a shuttle, for short distances.
3) Water. Drink like a fish. I drink a lot of water. I like water. I enjoy the taste (or lack thereof). Sounds stupid I know but water is one of my favorite drink. It just makes me feel hydrated and happy.
4) I drink herbal tea every night (decaff). Every night before going to bed, I have a cup of hot herbal tea. First, it makes me feel as if I am cleansing my digestive tract, Secondly, it helps me with getting sounder sleep.


5)Coming to SLEEP, I can and do frequently get sleep issues as my mind goes into over-thinking mode, robbing me of a peaceful, sleepy state. I actively try to improve my sleep schedule by point (4) and by having an essential oil diffuser in my room.
6) Diet. I pride myself on all the HIGH PROTEIN, LOW-FAT VEGETARIAN recipes that I have picked up over time. It’s always a conscious decision to maximize my protein intake in every meal I have. I do not prefer to eat deep-fried food or items with too much cheese or cream etc.
I often Instagram my meal-prep.
This is a high protein, low fat, General Tso’s Chickpea made with chickpeas and veggies in a soy sauce base:
My simple but amazing oil diffuser. My favorite essential oil to aid in sleeping is lavender.
7) No intentional inhalation of poison. DO NOT SMOKE. Do a favor to your lungs and kick the cigarette. It has literally no health benefit and is proven to damage health. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL LIKE A FISH. A glass or two of wine with dinner is fine, even healthy! Or that occasional, couple of drinks, as you let your hair down. But please have mercy on your liver and your health and do not drown your sorrows in heavy drinking!
8) I avoid sugar. Thankfully I do not have much of a sweet tooth. If I eat anything too sugary, my body feels dirty from inside. I do like having a piece of chocolate or two during work as work can get hectic, making you skip or have delayed meals.
Lastly, I just try to block out negative thoughts or stress triggers as much as I can via meditation. Fitness is both physical and mental and both inter-play and depend on each other. I can be quick to react to stress triggers but I cool down fast and slip into the Zen mode. Taking a step back and looking at your problems with a broader perspective can help calm down nerves.
Hope this was useful.
God Bless!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ethan James, studies B.A. Journalism (2024)
Do you know what happens to a Belgian guy when he stops exercising and eating healthily?
The same thing that happens to everyone else.
Fitness is a dying art in much of the Western World. And that’s a problem. It shouldn’t be socially acceptable to be anything more than a touch overweight.
Unless you have a medically diagnosed condition, stress-eat thanks to trauma or had a shitty dietary upbringing that’s damaged you for life, then I think there’s no excuse for obesity.
‘Fatphobia’ is a term that shouldn’t exist[1] . Aside from being the butt of a few cruel jokes, you’re not discriminated against in the world. Thankfully, most of the time, there’s a cure for being fat. It’s called fitness.
Fitness is attained by a combination of Calorie burning Maintaining a healthy, balanced caloric intake
Here’s my advice on attaining that simply.
Make The Best Of Idle Time
Whenever I play multiplayer video games (usually first person shooters), there’s always this 90-second gap in between rounds. I used to spend that time waiting idly, eating snacks and texting on my phone. No need to change my loadout because my loadout is perfect.
But then I realised I could be making better use of that time.
So now, when I play video games, I lay my sit-up mat down on my bedroom floor and do sit-ups for the entire 90 seconds between games. It’s little things like these that can help you get a bit fitter. Non-gaming examples include Spontaneously dropping to the ground and doing 20 push-ups several times throughout your day. I will literally do this in the middle of class and will continue to do so despite the dirty looks.


Sometimes you gotta run before you walk. When I say that, I mean it literally. Higher-intensity is more important than frequency when it comes to exercise and fitness, so amp up the intensity whenever you can, even if it’s only a little bit.
Stay on your feet. Always be moving when you can. I know desk jobs suck in that regard, but do whatever you can to keep the blood pumping. Take the stairs. Walk to work. Pick up your drycleaning instead of getting your assistant to.
Every Calorie Counts
I assume I’m talking to an adult audience when I write this. And adult metabolisms suck. When you’re a kid, you can eat whatever you want. Won’t gain an ounce. But as an adult, if you even so much as look at a donut, your love handles stick with you for a week.
So exert some self-control. If you’re gonna treat yourself, don’t over-indulge. Don’t think a salad solves everything. Stop putting three sugars in your coffee.
Every unhealthy thing you eat is another few hours of lugging you down energy and fitness-wise. Limit it.
Eat Slowly - Chew Frequently[2]
My source explains it in much detail, but here’s a brief rundown of why chewing and eating slowly can do so much for your body
Helps everything digest faster, leading to quicker metabolism
People who eat slowly tend to eat less, as the brain has more time to tell the body when it’s actually full. This is key to helping you maintain a healthy diet and body weight


This next quote
Food is complex and contains many types of molecules including proteins. Proteins are critical because they are broken down into amino acids, and amino acids are the building blocks for growth and development. They are vital for healthy life as we cannot create or store amino acids in our body. If we do not chew our food properly it creates a barrier to the digestion of proteins and ultimately to the digestion of amino acids.[3]
Something something amino acids something something growth and development. Basically, chewing is good.
Soft Drinks Bad?
I should really start taking my own advice here. I still drink soft drinks. But then again, my metabolism can afford to.
Rebecca Hallie said it very well in her answer, but to paraphrase what she said…
Water good. Soda bad. Alcohol bad.
And those are certainly very, very wise words. Don’t drink sugary drinks, man.
Just Do It, Man
Most of the advice I’ve given in this answer so far seems to have been aimed at people who don’t want to actually work out work out. Do what you want, but high-intensity exercise is the key. Apart from diet.
My true advice?
Eat better.
Sleep well.
Get a gym membership.
Stop making excuses
Work out until you can’t breathe, then keep going
Trust me.


Rafael Eliassen
Diet is the key. Eat well to look good and actually be good from the inside.
If you end up eating more, burn those extra calories through the workout.
Make your mind a peaceful place. Without peace of mind, you can’t stay fit.
Don’t either binge eat or starve yourself. Maintain a balance.
Add effective supplements to your diet like protein, multivitamins, etc.
Spread awareness of the benefits of living a healthy life. Help others to stay fit.
Develop a strong will power. It will help a lot in staying focused.
20 minutes of daily walk will keep your body away from various diseases.
List the benefits of a fit lifestyle. It will give a huge mental boost.
Practice yoga. Along with a fit body, it also contributes to a successful life.


I can't tell you about others but here is what I have been doing for last 4-5 years. In order to achieve fitness, you first need to define your goals and then work accordingly. Obviously, I have some fat and I am nowhere close to a model type physique but that has never been my goal. For an average person like me, who is 31 year old and have been busy finishing his PhD for last 4 years, I think I am doing okay in terms of achieving my personal fitness goals.
Here are some of my habits:
Food: For breakfast, I eat two whole eggs fried in very little salted butter, wrapped in a tortilla and a glass of milk. For lunch, I eat cooked beans with rice for 3 days and chicken/mutton with rice for 4 days. For dinner I eat green veggies and fruits. Veggies could be in salad form or cooked depending on my mood. On Friday, generally I eat dinner outside.
Workout: I run 3-4 miles every evening 5 days a week. For the remaining two days, i do pull ups, push ups and squats and sometimes deadlifts.
Sleep: This is an area where I have been trying to improve myself. My target is 8 hours but it is difficult to achieve during a PhD. I usually end up getting 6.5 to 7 hours of sleep every night.
Remember, you first need to set your fitness goals. The goals should be defined on the basis of how much money and time you are willing to spend and your ultimate obxtive with your newly carved physique. For normal working class people I think the goal should be to achieve a level of fitness that would allow them to have a healthy and disease free life. Mine is the same and I am glad with my progress so far towards achieving this goal.
Thanks for reading!


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