2021-06-22 青丘国的守护者 23516
译者加注:波斯之于伊朗,好比中原之于中国,古波斯主要源头所在的省份位于伊朗南部,现代中文翻译为法尔斯省(Fars Province),是根据波斯语音译的,主要居民是波斯民族,语言是波斯语(farsi),法尔斯省是阿契美尼德王朝(波斯帝国)和萨珊波斯王朝的首都和核心所在地,源头。

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译者加注:波斯之于伊朗,好比中原之于中国,古波斯主要源头所在的省份位于伊朗南部,现代中文翻译为法尔斯省(Fars Province),是根据波斯语音译的,主要居民是波斯民族,语言是波斯语(farsi),法尔斯省是阿契美尼德王朝(波斯帝国)和萨珊波斯王朝的首都和核心所在地,源头。
Mina Parsaei, knows Persian 了解波斯。

Iranians have always refered to their native country as IRĀN since ancient times.
"In Persia first arises that light which shines itself and illuminates what is around. The principle of development begins with the history of Persia; this constitutes, therefore, the beginning of history." - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel


Persia is synoymous to Iran.
It has historically always meant the same thing and is the designation by which Iranians got internationally known for.
You probably have heard of Persian carpets, Persian miniature art, Persian cats or the Persian language.


However, actual Persia is the Pārs Province of Iran, one of the main birthplaces of Iran’s ancient civilization.

然而真正的波斯是法尔斯省,她是伊朗古代文明的发源地之一。 (译注:可能作者为了让外国人与波斯产生联想以便于理解,所以就用了 Pārs Province 这个单词,波斯省的意思,实际上这个地区现在叫法尔斯省(Fars Province),中文也是按照伊朗的音音译为法尔斯省, Pars 和Fars 分别是西方人对波斯的叫法和伊朗自己的叫法。我想最初是传到希腊的时候,口音各种跑偏了,于是就成了波斯(Pars )。)

Irān itself means Land of the Aryans in Persian and Zend (Avestan, ancient Iranic language).


Iranic ethnicities of Iran
Iran consists of 95% Iranic ethnicities, all native to the country of Iran and the Iranian Plateau.


Iranic Persians are the majority Iranic ethnicity with 61% of the total Iranian population, followed by other Iranic ethnicities such as Mazandaranis, Azaris, etc.Another native Iranic ethnicity of Iran are Azari Iranians. Genetically closest to Iranic Persians, they are the native inhabitants of the historical Atropatene region (Land of Fire) of Iran.

(译注:根据伊朗的阿塞拜疆语言学,历史学家艾哈迈德·卡斯拉维( Ahmad Kasravi ) 的研究,他根据伊朗,突厥语,阿拉伯语,希腊语历史资料得出在塞尔柱突厥人征服伊朗北部之前,阿塞拜疆就已经是伊朗土著,打破了土耳其说他们是突厥人的说法。阿塞拜疆人大多位于伊朗北部,据说阿塞拜疆之族称就是来自阿特罗帕特尼王国的国名,好比我国汉人之于汉朝。)

Non-Iranic ethnicities in Iran
Around 5% of the Iranian population is non-Iranic genetically.
Armenians, Georgians and Assyrians make up 1%, Turkmens around 2% and Arabs are a minority of only 2%.


Garshasp Farrokhpour, lives in Iran
A lot of people point out to the fact that in the Persian language we say Iran and we have never called our country Persia. Totally correct, but so do Germans, Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans,…
I often hear foreigners say. “Persia was an ancient country, it does not exist anymore!” and go on comparing it to Assyria, Babylon, Sumer,… as if Persia ceased to exist thousands of years ago.
Most of people cannot connect the two entities Iran and Persia together due to the simple fact that most of the countries never do such a thing like changing their name for no important and necessary reason. Normally, if countries or empires fall apart, the new pieces get new names e.g. Yugoslavia into Croatia, Serbia,… but not the way Persia became Iran overnight.
The same damage is being done to the Persian language by some Iranians calling it “Farsi”. When you ask why they do this, they say “…because in Persian we say Farsi and not Persian!”. This leads to confusion for a lot of foreigners as if Farsi is some sort of new language or a dialect of Arabic, etc.

Garshasp Farrokhpour 住在伊朗。
一些伊朗人称波斯的语言是法尔斯语(波斯语Farsi),这对解释波斯语也是一种误导。当你问他们为什么这么做,他们说“因为波斯人(Persian)说波斯语( 法尔斯Farsi)而不是波斯语(帕尔斯Persian)。但这会给外国人带来很多困惑,搞得好像波斯语(Farsi)是某种新语言或者阿拉伯方言。”

Pasha Damirchi, lives in Tehran, Iran
The answer is: Iran.
Iranian immigrants particularly in United States prefer to call themselves Persian and their country Persia to dissmis their connection to the Ayatollah regime that was installed in Iran after 1979 revolution. Also when you say Iran in US they automatically think of Iraq which is an Arab country. They wrongfully assume that Iran is an Arab country. Many people in US still don't know that Persia and Iran are the same thing. But in Iran since the Acheamenid Empire the people call their land Iran and themselves Iranians.
Persia/Pars is a province in Iran (modern day Fars province). Greeks mistakenly call the whole Iran as Persia. Persians on the other hand are just one of the Iranian ethnic groups. We also have Azeri, Kurd, Lur and many other Iranian ethniticies.
In 1935 Iranian government officially asked foreigners to call Iran by its native name. Since then everybody calls it Iran, the land of Aryans.

Pasha Damirchi 住在伊朗德黑兰

Oxān Roudbaraki
, studied at La Trobe University
we prefer “Iran” for many reason:
1- Because Iran is historically more accurate. You might think the old name of Iran is Persia but Iran was never called Persia by any local government/state/dynasty. It was always named by different variations of the word Iran. From Avestan and Old Persian Ariayana Vaejah to middle Persian/Pahlavi word Eran-Shahr, Iran Vich and modern Persian word Iran.
Persia was always a province whithin Iran but the reason Iran was called Persia in west is because Greeks used the word Persia to refer to the whole country.
Note: On 1935 the Iranian king Reza Shah did not change Iran’s name from Persia to Iran. He requested other nations to call Iran by its real name “Iran”.
2- Persia divides Iran between Persians and other Iranian people. Therefore many assume all Iranian are Persian and other ethnicities are often underrepresented. But Iran includes all Iranians.

Oxān Roudbaraki 在拉特罗贝大学学习。
(译注:伊朗国王礼萨·沙阿即礼萨·沙阿·巴列维(巴列维王朝的开创者,他将一个叛乱四起,分崩离析的伊朗重新凝聚起来功不可没,个人觉得他是现代伊朗国家的缔造者。1878年生于伊朗山区的一户贫苦人家。自幼就投身军旅,任职于沙俄在伊朗的哥萨克骑兵,并逐渐在军队中升职。之后靠着镇压革命,因功升为近卫军团长。之后在英国支持下发动政变上台,任首相兼国防大臣。1925年推翻卡扎尔王朝,建立巴列维王朝,后为了对付英法而与德国暗中结交,当时德国纳税党正将伊朗人(雅利安)奉为他们的祖先,伊朗投桃报李,两者一拍即合。结果在英美的逼迫下于1941年退位,并被驱逐出境,流亡海外,1944年7月病逝 。)

Arya Tabaie, born and raised in Iran
If this was 1935, I would have stuck to Persia, the reasoning being that people don't have to call your country what you call it. We call Greece “Yoonan” not “Hellas”, and Germany “Alman” rather than “Deutschland”.
However, now that the name Iran has been official for almost a century, switching it back would send a terrible message to non-Persian Iranians.
If I were a Kurd or a Baluch for example, I'd certainly be much more comfortable being a part of an Iran than a Persia. Because in an anthropological sense, they are Iranian. But they are certainly not Persian. Persia proper is only a few provinces of Iran, most prominently Fars (literally meaning Persia). The reason that say, Greeks called the whole country Persia was that the ruling elite and the dominant culture were Persian.
Imagine how a Midwesterner would feel if the US was suddenly to be called New England or the West Coast

Arya Tabaie 在伊朗出生和长大。
例如,如果我是库尔德人或者俾路支人,我当然更愿意自己是伊朗人而不是成为波斯人的一部分。因为从人类学的意义上来说,他们都是伊朗人(雅利安人),但他们肯定不是波斯人。波斯本身只是几个省份能代表,其中最能代表的当属法尔斯(Fars ),字面意思就是波斯的意思。

Max Carr, Senior Engineer
Definitely Iran.
Iran has several ethnicities such as Kurds, Azerbaijanis, Turkmens, persians, Arabs, etc. The country doesn't belong to one ethnicy. Persia gives the impression that everybody living in the country is persian and speaks farsi which is incorrect. Besides, I've witnessed in numerous occasions that my friends called the country “persia” to foreigners, but immediately got a response from the foreigners saying “you mean Iran?“. I'm an Iranian Azerbaijani, but most of the time I call myself an Iranian and the country Iran.

Max Carr 高级工程师

Mehran Hakimian, Iranian
I prefer Iran, it is the name of this country since ancient times and the only way we refer and referred to it.
On the other hand, I would have prefered it if we had stayed internationally with the term "Persia". Persís (Περσίς) is the name of Iran in reference to the Pars region, used by the Greeks since about 2500 years. It became the international name, thus our exonym. Nowadays, lots of foreigners do not see a connection between Iran and Persia. And if, then they often think that Iran is the successor of Persia or that we changed our name, which is not the case. In 1935 Reza Shah just asked the international community to call Iran by its native name.
Imagine if Japan would demand to solely be called “Nippon”. Or if India would ask to be called “Bharat”, China as “Zhongguo”, Greece as “Hellas”, Finland as “Suomi”. I guess you see what I mean.


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