2021-06-25 翻译熊 57046

​Did Ancient China have a noble military class? Europe had knights, Japan had samurai. Did China have a specific title for warriors of noble background? Did said warriors live by a code like knights and samurai?


Zack Lu, former Financial Analysis Software Sales
Ancient China did have a “noble military class” like knights and samurai. The difference is that this class was already in decline by the time Romulus & Remus were founding Rome.
This is what a Chinese “knights” looked like: Bronze Age chariot riders. This military elite class had already been destroyed by armies of crossbows and pikes by the start of the Warring States Period (475 BC).
What you’re describing as “noble military class” is feudalism. Feudalism is an inevitable step in civilizational development. Nearly every successful civilization has undergone it at one point or another. This was true for European knights as well as Japanese samurai. This is how the process worked step by step in Europe and the Near East:
Step 1: Tribal societies form (the Neolithic)
Step 2: Tribes coalesce into kingdoms and empires (Classical Antiquity in the West, the Bronze Age in the Near East)
Step 3: Central authority collapses, Western Rome falls, Eastern Rome shrinks, the Caliphates lose power, (usually due to geographical overextension) and regional warlords take over both in Europe and the Near East (the Medi period).
Step 4: Kingdoms begin to reform, expand, and evolve into modern Westphalian nation states.

Zack Lu, 前财务分析软件销售


Japan underwent a very similar process. The Yamato Court actually wielded real central authority for a few centuries before their geographic overreach into the Kanto region of Japan (modern day Tokyo) gave rise to a military junta, and then the breakdown of central authority. This was the time of the samurai. And it wouldn’t come to an end until the Meiji Restoration.


China just ended its feudal period much earlier, by about 2,000 years. This was what happened in China:
Step 1: Tribal societies along the Yellow River form (early Bronze Age)
Step 2: The Shang and Zhou Dynasties expand China too far (late Bronze Age)
Step 3: Central authority erodes during the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the early Spring and Autumn period ushers in Chinese feudalism (8th Century BC).
Step 4: Certain feudal states prove more efficient at warfare than others. They raise huge crossbow & pike infantry armies that destroy the chariot-riding aristocracy (similar to what would happen in Europe 2,000 years later with the introduction of gunpowder). Feudalism gives way to more and more centralized states. Nobles still retain power at court, but they no longer participate in battle. A man on a chariot, no matter how noble in blood, is still going to die to a crossbow bolt to the face.
Step 5: The Qin Kingdom manages to reunify China by conquest (221 BC), and China puts feudalism in the rearview mirror forever, both economically and militaristically. Effectively, the Qin and Han Dynasties would achieve a level of centralized, meritocratic bureaucracy that Europeans would not achieve until the 18th Century.


The Imperial Examination system was unique to ancient China. It produced a corps of professional bureaucrats whose authority and power were bound to the imperial court. The Court would routinely rotate these bureaucrats from province to province to prevent them from forming a hereditary military class. The modern PRC uses this same system.
Ancient Rome is often compared to Han Dynasty China, but this is a poor comparison since the Romans never managed to institute a meritocratic bureaucracy. The Romans ran their empire by military junta (Roman Emperors were military dictators) and aristocratic (Senatorial class) administration. For the first 3 centuries of its history, the Roman Empire couldn’t even collect taxes on its own. It had to contract the work out to private “tax farmers”, a practice that was inefficient, and unpopular.


The Emperor Diocletian was the first Roman Emperor to collect taxes directly from the populace rather than contracting out the work to third parties.
In 287 AD, the Roman Empire finally started collecting its own taxes under the system of Capitatio-Iugatio - Wikipedia. For the first time, imperial bureaucrats (mostly freedmen, former slaves) were sent out to assess the value of land holdings and determine their taxable income. This system was never terribly efficient due to a lack of professional bureaucrats. The efficiency problem was further exacerbated by the fact that taxes were paid in kind, rather than in gold or silver. This made the system even more complex and unwieldy. Later Emperors went back to tax farming or collecting direct taxes in gold.
In fact, Rome’s perennial inability to collect taxes ultimately doomed the Western Empire. The Emperors were always strapped for cash, even just to pay their own field armies of a 30 to 50 thousand men. They ended up giving away land to Germanic tribesmen in exchange for military service because they couldn’t afford to pay the mercenaries/foederati in hard currency.
Centuries later, the Byzantines were forced to accept a pseudo-feudal system of “themes” which were essentially non-hereditary feudal fiefs. Soldiers were tied directly to small plots of land, just like Medi feudal armies. Pay was collected and distributed locally. Only a small elite imperial army was retained through central funding, the tagmata. Despite their reputation for “byzantine bureaucracy” the Byzantines didn’t have that much of a bureaucracy when compared to their contemporaries in China.


Josip Almasi
Huh. The question got one thing wrong, and the answer picked up on it: knights were not a class.
Here’s how European feudalism used to work: firstborn son inherits everything, others go to army or church. As simple as that, possibly oversimplified, but let’s keep it simple.
So even when knights became obsolete, noblemen sons became e.g. hussar. You can track this tradition all the way to WWII, e.g. half of German generals are named von this or von that (Austrian ones lost ‘von’ after WWI, and it’s not as easy to spot the heritage in other nations and languages).
Anyway, back to medi classes - noblemen, military and clerics were essentially the same class! Not just any soldier and priest of course, but high ranking ones. They were brothers, often literally.
But then again, neither clergy nor military were classes as such. Especially not clergy, as they bred no children. Class is something you’re born into.
(that’s not to say that the answer is wrong about ‘noble soldier class’ of Japan and China)

哈,这个问题搞错了一件事,而答案也印证了这一点: 骑士不是一个阶级。

Roman Huczok
Ah, but was there a name for them when they existed?
PS: knight and samurai both come from words meaning approximately ‘servant’, and initially emerged from the armed retainers of feudal lords. I suppose a Chinese equivalent might also have been derived from a word meaning servant, even if it was in the Zhou Dynasty

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jesuan Wu

They did not have a specific term. But as recorded in a famous Chinese call to arms from 209 BC, “Are Kings, Dukes, Generals and Ministers born?”, the term 王候将相, or Kings, Dukes, Generals and Ministers, was used by the rebels, and is still used by Chinese today, to refer to the aristocratic class in general.

Roman Huczok
Mm, I suppose the flaw ultimately lies with the question, in that neither knights nor samurai are understood…
Knights and samurai absolutely could be noble, but that only became in any way the norm when both classes were on their last dying legs. Ultimately these were armed retainers protecting the nobility, more than they were nobles themselves. The original questioner also greatly misunderstands both chivalry and bushido.

I suppose it's possible that China simply never a had knights/samurai equivalent, even when it was feudal. The usual explanation for that would be the 諸葛弩 though, which dates from the warring states period. There was at least an opportunity for something like knights/samurai to emerge, but perhaps the word used has been lost to time.
EDIT: Nope, they were called 賓客/食客/門客. And would you know they disappeared right around the time feudalism did. 賓客 are exactly equivalent to knights and samurai, hell I might even make an answer of my own pointing this out.

Jesuan Wu

Oh yeah, that would be 食客 for sure, but they didn’t own lands, just salary, I guess.

Roman Huczok
Eh, most knights didn’t own land either, and for most of their history most samurai certainly didn’t


Tianren Tan
Spartan was the Qin of western civilization. If it won instead of Athens, who knows what Europe would look like


Zack Lu
Are you being sarcastic… sorry, I can sometimes miss obvious sarcasm.
I ask, because it’s a well known fact that Sparta won the war against Athens.
Also, Sparta is nothing like the Qin, the two cultures have nothing in common. Sparta was city state where every male citizen fought as a professional soldier from adolescence. It was also a republic.
Furthermore, Sparta’s model relied entirely on slave labor (Helots) for economic subsistence, which is how they were able to sustain an entire professional army of citizen soldiers.
The Qin army consisted mainly of levied peasants who were not professionals. And the Qin economy was not based on slave labor.


Tianren Tan
The similarity was overall militaristic nature of both empires, not about detailed specific.
For the record, Sparta’s government is not quite Republic either. It was a mix of several types: Spartan Constitution - Wikipedia
I also didn’t make it clear. By “won” I mean tried to physically occupy Athens and unify the entire Greek world, much like Macedonians did later. But perhaps Sparta don’t have the strength to do so unlike Qin dynasty.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lanathil Lanafel
The fouding of Rome is placed in the 8th century BC. Even if feudalism ended in China with the unification of China under Qin in 221 BC as you said, that still wouldn't mean that the Chinese left behind Feudalism when “Romulus and Remus were fouding Rome" as you put it. It's a nice exaggeration I suppose, for people who want to feel superior to westerners. But that's all it is, with no basis in real history.
When Rome was founded the Zhou dinasty were entering their final period of decline and becoming little more than symbolic Kings, while feudalism was really just beginning to take place in Ancient China.


Zack Lu
“The fouding of Rome is placed in the 9th century BC.”
The fact that 8 people upvoted this without bothering to check the basic facts is disappointing. The traditional founding of Rome happened in 753 BC. That’s not the 9th century BC.
And yes, I am aware that archeological findings in the Seven Hills have found evidence of human settlement dating back to the late Bronze Age, but we’re talking about Romulus here.
Also, feudalism was ended centuries before the Qin finished their final conquests. By the start of the Warring States period (5th Century BC) , the old feudal class was already on its last legs, at least as a dedicated fighting class. I made this point clear.
This destruction was gradual, the result of hundreds of battles between the hundreds of feudal states in the centuries of the late Zhou Dynasty.

“罗马的建立是在公元前9世纪。 “(原文如此)

Manqing Li
Your last statement is self-conflicting. The feudalism in ancient China reached its peak in Zhou Dynasty and started to fade away during the Spring and Autumn period. It met its final end by the foundation of Qin dynasty. So the author definitely exagerated when he said China already left feudalism behind when “Romulus and Remus were fouding Rome”. More accurately, China already started to leave feudalism behind when “Romulus and Remus were fouding Rome”.


Lanathil Lanafel
I feel the Chinese people who are answering me must be either confused about Feudalism, or about China’s Ancient period. Feudalism is literally the cornerstone of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period. To be completely frank, I -know- Feudalism didn’t end with the establishment of the Qin Dinasty, since dukedoms were still important during the Han, the Three Kingdoms Period and the following Jin. It was the Tang that annihilated Feudalism and established the system of Generals. I was merely going with what the OP said; I will say it again, I -don’t- agree with the OP, I was merely saying that even IF what he said were true, Romulus and Remus still founded Rome in the 9th century BC and Qin united China in 221 BC.
Lastly, I want to emphasize that the Zhou Dynasty was literally a dynasty whereby the ruler visited the courts of his vassals in order to maintain personal relationships with them, one of ruler and vassal. It was only after the Rong managed to conquer Zhou’s capital because their vassals refused to aid Zhou with troops that the Zhou’s REAL power declined, in 771 BC. - remaining a nominal king of its vassals. You will notice that vassals were intrumental in the decline of the Zhou, and that after 771 BC vassals became the focus of politics in China, in the Spring and Autumn Period, where the vassals, none of which were “kings” but still nominally vassals, dealt amongst themselves, recognising each other as nobles. A king with strong vassals which own their own lands and deal with each other, diplomatically establishing marriage ties, is literally within the definition of feudalism.


John Lee
The op defined it as having “military or warrior class", you are defining it mainly as economic system which has land given by monarchs or ruler, I'm siding more with you on this, but from quick Google fuedalism seems to be more of a euro centric concept.
This is oxford definition.
“the dominant social system in medi Europe, in which the nobility held lands from the Crown in exchange for military service, and vassals were in turn tenants of the nobles, while the peasants (villeins or serfs) were obliged to live on their lord's land and give him homage, labour, and a share of the produce, notionally in exchange for military protection."
When taken to mean the above, does it still apply to those dynasties you mentioned, doesn't seem like it? Like did the king or nobles own every single piece of land and tenants had to be a vassal and worship him or be homeless? I don't think so but I could be wrong. Like I'm pretty sure there were landlords/land/home owners who weren't nobles, and just merchants or whatever.
So while there were many similarities with euro feudalism, euro one was complete social system and was the backbone of society, while Chinese society did have some similarities, it wasn't the law of the land and dictate everything. Or did it, just like euro fuedalism?

如果用在你提到的那些朝代还适用吗,看起来不,不是吗? 就像国王或贵族拥有每一块土地,佃户必须成为附庸并崇拜他否则将无家可归? 我不这么认为,但我也可能是错的。就像我非常确定有地主——土地/房屋的主人,他们不是贵族,只是商人或其他什么。

Zack Lu
The question is about noble warrior elites. So obviously I focused on the martial, not economic definition of feudalism.
Economic feudalism is also a murky term. It could even be argued that someone like Bezos or Zuck Zuck is feudal lord today.


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