2021-06-27 Kira_Yoshikage 17063

What is something most people don’t realize is a privilege?


To have people around who can and will help


This has impacted me in so many ways. I didn’t qualify for enough in student loans/government assistance because it was just assumed my parents were giving me hundreds a month in assistance, so that imaginary amount was deducted from my benefits.


IM NOT ALONE! This has hurt me soooo much, I literally got kicked out at 18 and live on my own. But because my Dad earns 170k/yr I missed most aid. Apparently he is expected to give me 20k/yr. Well fuck.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why is no one explaining this to you guys that you CAN and should have gotten it??? I feel like school financial counselors are doing a piss poor job overall.


This. At the worst point in my life, when I was trying to leave a toxic job but was going to lose my housing because of it, my brother stepped up and let me live at his place while I looked for work. A few years earlier, he'd spent his last few Euros to show up at my door with broken glasses and no money for food or transportation back home, and I took care of him for a few weeks and sent him back with some cash to tide him over, and new glasses. Now, he and I are both doing well for ourselves, but I'd never have gotten out of the hole without him.


Now a friend is going through something similar - reduced hours at work due to the pandemic, no family support because they just came out as non-binary, can't afford rent and their debit card declined on two days worth of groceries - and I felt so good about being able to send them enough money to live on for a month, without it really affecting my quality of life. They also know they can show up at my door and live in my spare room and my boss will give them a job, if they end up deciding to move to my city.


You are a good one Charlie Brown....I had a friend like that. I was down in the dumps, Girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend/room mate at the time, contract didn't get renewed on a job, scraping together about $50 a month for groceries and such after paying my bills. He "found" some gift cards to help me out, and let me crash on his couch when I needed to. Helped me through a really tough period.


A handful of years later, he was laid off from a dying industry and my company was starting to take off. I hired him and retrained him as a PM in the tech industry. But we've lost track of how many times we've come through for the other during tough times. Not that what we do what we do to look for repayment, but life has a way sometimes of keeping the karma flowing.


again.... you're one of the good ones.


I've watched this friend overcome alcoholism and depression, get treatment, deal with toxic family bullshit, and move to a new city with a lifestyle that suits them better. They just interviewed for and got offered a new job (where the interviewer recognized them from online content they've done) where they could be open about their identity at work. I'm not about to stand by and watch my friend lose all that progress over a rough patch during a pandemic.


Running water 24/7 and most of 365 days.


Stable electricity - the kind that doesn't shoot lightbulbs out of their sockets.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sane traffic patterns.


Mostly clean fresh air.


Stocked shelves in the supermarket.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Been to Nigeria and Sierra Leone and it lacks all of this.


Has water, isnt always running.


Had electric that cuts out often.


Traffic is nightmarish and no one fears death

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Air smells like well turds


Supermarkets are hit and miss.


Amazing shwarma and KFC though


Sane traffic patterns.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So true. When I visited Istanbul and Bangkok, I realized very quickly that driving lanes are optional. It’s like, you can drive here, but you don’t have to do so.


This is making me laugh so bad, because I went to Bangkok a couple of years ago and my sister and I couldn't believe how well disciplined the traffic was! 2e actually took photos of cars stopping a decent distance away from each other because we were so happy to see it. We're from India. Traffic rules are very different here.


Being able to just quit a job you don’t like

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Having two good parents


Adding to that -- a stable and safe home life. Now that I'm an adult, I realized how lucky I was to have parents who were good and loving but also prioritized a safe, stable, calm home environment. They actually thought about creating a warm safe environment, and I didn't know that was a thing you had to consciously do until I got to adulthood. They never fought in front of us, rarely lost their tempers with us, stuck to a routine and structure to where there were always hot meals, clean clothes, a clean home -- and they let us have our own space to just relax and decompress. I noticed in my teen years that certain friends always wanted to come to my house to hang out which I thought was weird because my house was kinda boring -- but now looking back I can see that they liked the safe calm atmosphere at my house and wanted to some come relax. My parents consciously chose to make our home a safe retreat from the world and I'm so grateful.


I've met so many people over the years who never had the ability to relax at home (ranging from just really active schedules where they were shuffled from activity to activity and rest and relaxation wasn't prioritized, to people who had really turbulent abusive homes) and now as adults they have a really hard time relaxing or cultivating a recharging atmosphere at home. I literally had to lay out some steps for my friend of things you can do to make your home more comfortable and relaxing because they just... didn't know how to do it.


Wow, so many responses! I appreciate everyone chiming in and to those who said they wished for a home like mine, I'm sorry you didn't get it growing up. Although I think I was privileged to have my home life, I do think everyone deserves a stable and safe home. I hope you can find a way to give yourself everything you needed as a kid now as an adult.


Many people asked what the steps were I shared with my friend. I've made a list of those and a few other thoughts I had -- keep in mind, these were my tips about creating a nurturing environment for yourself at home. I'm not a parent, so I'm in no position to dole out parenting advice, but I have added a few things my parents did that when I look back I can see were highly beneficial.


Sorry, it's going to be long but I really wanted to share as much of my perspective as I could for those who didn't get to experienced this first hand. I'm sure there are a bunch of other things I'm forgetting, but these are kinda the big differences I saw between my house and others. Please feel free to send me a message if you have more questions.


This might be obvious but I was surprised to find wasn't for some people -- decorate your home with things you actually like! Don't worry about trends or what others think is cool. If Disney makes you feel happy, make your home a Disney paradise. You deserve to find your space happy and inspiring to you. If your home is full of things you like, you'll want to be there. Also, get yourself some cozy throw blankets and nice candles. Hang curtains, even if they're not expensive. The small creature comforts although not absolutely necessary for staying alive will make your environment feel nesty and cozy.


Keep your home tidy and organized to the point that its comfy and functional, but not to the point that its another area of stress. Despite my awesome home life, my mom was extremely clean and I have ADHD and am just naturally a bit messier -- I struggled with guilt about it and beating myself up for not being able to keep up the way she did. Finally over the last few years I realized I was making things stressful for myself in my own home when I didn't need to at all. Keeping it clean and safe is important, but just do enough to make it feel cared for -- remember your home is there to serve you, not be a showroom.


Dim lights in the evenings, light candles, play peaceful music. Also great if you have kids -- my mom helped us wind down in the evenings by adjusting the atmosphere. She'd turn down a lot of the lights, start the dishwasher which kinda signified the end of the day, play some chill music, turned off TV time and we moved onto quiet activities like reading, coloring, etc. It eased us into bedtime in a way that felt natural and not like an abrupt end to the day. I've started to do this as an adult and it makes things peaceful.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Use the good stuff. Don't buy things you like and then be afraid to use them. Things are meant to be used and to serve you -- use the nice dishes, the nice soaps, the fancy pillows. You're deserving of that!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Here are some things that are helpful especially if you have kids:


5. ROUTINE! Kids seriously thrive with routine -- at the time I wasn't aware but looking back I can see how much the routine made us feel secure growing up. We woke up at the same times, ate at the same times -- I always knew there was going to be dinner at 5:30pm. Even if things got shifted sometimes, the consistency of our normal routine left me secure that I would be provided for. My mom was always there after school and if she wasn't for some reason, there was a note (pre-cell phones) letting us know exactly where she was and when she'd be back. I knew the rules and what to expect if I broke them, too. They were consistent. Not knowing what is going to happen creates a huge amount of anxiety in kids.
This is also important for you as an adult if you're re-parenting yourself. Routines are tough for me as someone with ADHD, but they're also a life saver.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

6. Sort of built off routines -- my mom had a calendar in our kitchen that had all our appointments and obligations on it. It sort of the command center. We could always check it and see what was going on that day/week/month. It also provided some security. I know things are mostly digital these days so maybe a shared Google calendar would work better. But I always liked the paper calendar hanging up in the kitchen.


7. Here's a big one: let your kids (and yourself for that matter) have a safe space to express all emotions. One of the biggest things I've noticed among friends who grew up to hate their home life was that they were punished for normal emotions. We were allowed to get mad, sad, whatever. There was a line of respect you didn't cross, but just having emotions in and of themselves wasn't seen as disrespectful or something to be punished. When I was a little twat teenager, my mom and I would fight and I'd storm off to my room and they let me. They'd give me time to cool off and then my dad would come CALMLY talk to me about it. If I had done something that crossed a boundary, like insult them or say something disrespectful, I had to apologize for that but not for experiencing emotions. A child won't grow up to learn emotional regulation if you don't let them experience any emotions.


8. We had rules about how we could treat each other and one of them was that name calling wasn't allowed in our house. You can get angry with people and call them out on their behavior, but when you cross a line into character accusations, you've entered into a nonproductive, damaging territory. In hindsight, I understand that this is the basic idea of nonviolent communication where you're addressing a person's behavior (which is changeable) and its impact on you, not attacking their fundamental character.


9. Prioritizing mental wellbeing and rest. My mom was light years ahead on this one. She let us have "mental health days" back before the term "mental health" was even in the general discourse. If we woke up one day and just weren't feeling it, she'd let us take a day off school. I remember telling a teacher that I'd been absent because I needed a mental health day and she had a look of utter disbelief and confusion. I was confused -- like don't you ever just feel mentally tired? I stopped mentioning it because people got downright angry at the idea that someone might need to electively take a day off a few times a year. Thankfully the mindset on this is changing. Everyone gets burnt out sometimes or just can't emotionally or mentally deal with shit -- even kids! Being allowed to take time when I needed it was really validating and helped me learn how to regulate myself and listen to my own internal cues.


10. This one is simple: We got to decorate our rooms. My mom was a great decorator and our house was always very nice looking -- but she let us do what we wanted to our rooms. She understood that having a space that reflects you and what you like makes you feel good.


11. Food/ the kitchen was never off limits (in general, it was OUR house, not my parents house that I got to live in so the idea of anything being off limits is so strange to me.) I know this might not be easy for people with tight budgets, but if possible, maybe have a food basket or drawer that is designated for anytime snacking so food anxiety isn't an issue.


12. I always knew my parents were in my corner. I knew I could call them when I needed help even if I'd done something bad. I knew I could trust them to have my best interests in mind, and I knew that when push came to shove, I had them backing me up. I had so many friends who couldn't trust their parents to treat them respectfully or with any sort of grace, and so they became excellent liars. I never lied to my parents because there was no reason to -- not that they let me do everything I wanted, but because I knew they'd be reasonable and fair and hear me out. Knowing you've got support is probably the most fundamental act of stability I can think of.


I had a few girls from school that would follow me home and invite themselves into my house, I was friendly with them so it was alright but I later realised it's because my house didn't have any smoke, alcohol, violence, shouting or screaming children. Some of them were so unfortunate that I ended up just giving them some of my stuff because I didn't want/need it and they did.


My parents have their moments and can be very annoying, but there's always been food in the house, electricity, clean running water and a lockable bedroom/bathroom door. My friends that didn't have that really struggled, but I didn't quite see it as a kid/teenager.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I relate to a lot of what you said. It sounds like you grew up with a lot of stability.


I also grew up in a quiet, peaceful home and neighborhood as well.


Looking back now, I wonder if I am a calm person because of that since a child's environment has such a huge impact on them.


We live in a very fast-paced and constant-stimulation world.


In my area right now (moved to a bustling city) I see a lot of kids having anxiety and hyperactivity. I wonder if there is a correlation.


Hell, having one.


Yep I can attest to this. I have one shitty parent and one great parent. I’d probably be on the streets somewhere if I had no guidance from my one good parent.




Not being in pain

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One of the worst parts of chronic illness is knowing that this is how things are always going to be, that it only gets worse from here.




Which is shocking given that education in the US is often seen as worse than a full-time job. Your busiest and most miserable times are high school and college.


Definitely agree. I’ve traveled to 3rd world countries and some kids would do anything to get an opportunity to gain an education and improve their life because usually that’s the only way compared to here where there are other opportunities.


Libraries! I think a lot of people who have access to a public library don’t appreciate how much of a privilege that is.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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