2021-06-28 汤沐之邑 11320

What is the best way to learn how to draw?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Robin Slee, worked at Self-Employment
What are the most effective steps to learning Drawing? Simple answer, practice!
Longer answer: There are three steps that you need to go through in order to draw well. Number 1 is observation, number 2 is understanding and number 3 is application.
Observation - 80%+ of drawing well is observation. Learning to see the world around you with an artists eye. Dont look at a tree and say, I will draw that, then fail. Instead look at the tree in the context of the lanscape it is sitting in. Look at how the branches spread out from the center. See how many times the branches divide into smaller branches, is there a pattern? Squint your eyes and trry to decern - if you had to draw this tree using just 10 lines, which elements would you decide to show? Try to observe the angles of the branches in relation to the horizon, in relation to the trunk, in relation to each other. Does this tree lean to one side, was it wind-swept as a sappling? Or did a deer nibble the young shoots, leading to a deformity? I think you get the idea. Looking and seeing are two different things. To become an artist, regardless of medium you have to learn to observe.


Understanding - If you tried to draw a face and realised it was looking flat or disproportioned. Or you drew a mouth and it looked like an almond instead of some juicy lips. Then, it is likely you do not understand what you are drawing. Try to understand the fundamentals of form. Learn that the mouth actually sits upon a barrel like structure of bone and muscle. Learn that the mouth is controlled by dozens of muscles. Learn that the bottom lip is generally thicker and more succulent than the top lip. Learn that a smile can change the whole shape of the mouth. The same applies to any obxt whether man made or natural. form follows function, try to understand what the function is and why the forms are the way they are. Then… you can draw a frxwork in order to add your sketch to.
Application - Efficiency comes through practical application of knowledge, practical application comes from practice. The first time you draw a rabbit, it will suck! The second time it will look slightly better. By the 50th time, it will look so much better. Practice is key. But be sure you are practicing the right things. Dont spend six weeks drawing a box, instead draw a page or two of boxes, then find something that has an underlying form of a box, then draw that obxt. Later go back and draw some more boxes. The idea, is that you need to learn and practice many different aspect of drawing in order to well… draw well! But unless you apply that knowledge and learn from that experience you will not progress as fast as you possibly could.
I hope this answer helps?


Ethan Hein, Music Professor at Montclair State University and NYU
Draw a lot.
Don't be precious about materials. Don't use fancy art board You want to draw as much and as quickly as possible, without being worried about wasting expensive paper.
Draw fearlessly.
Use a pen No erasers, no correcting fluid. Fill the page completely as fast as you can. Don't sweat details. Use The Force -- let go your feelings, young Skywalker. Get it right the first time or start over. Try to push each drawing to completion, but if you're really not happy with where it's going, toss it in the recycling and move on. Also try drawing without looking at the page. Get ready to be pleasantly surprised by the result.
Draw light, not obxts.
Squint your eyes at the scene until all you can see are big blobs of light and dark. Draw those. Try to ignore boundaries of obxts; let those emerge from the natural boundaries of light and shadows.


Draw repetitively.
Get a stack of 3x5 index cards. Set up a simple still-life, a bowl of fruit or whatever, and draw it on every single index card. Do it from different angles, distances, etc. Use simple lines and don't spend more than two minutes on each one.
Draw everything.
Bowls of fruit and people are always nice, but try drawing whatever's around: rocks, tangled computer cables, a brick wall, a rumpled bedsheet, wrappers and packaging, flaking paint, a movie poster, other works of art, a comic book page, an eggbeater, the underside of a table. Imitate other artists you admire.
There's no such thing as "talent."
Everybody who draws well got there by practicing, practicing, practicing, formally or informally. The only thing that separates you from the masters is the Gladwellian ten thousand hours. Get to it, and have fun.


Andrew Brown, that one guy
Really. This is one of those skills where you need to jump in and learn by doing. Keep a pen or pencil with you and doodle when you have some free time. Try to sketch up something that interests you. Look at other pieces of art and try to recreate them. What you draw doesn't have to be good, it has to be you.
Things might not look so great at first, but stick with it. Keep your pen to the paper and you'll soon start to see visible improvements in the art you output. You'll develop your own techniques and your own style. Continue to look at art by other artists, and try to replicate them; you'll be exposed to a greater variety of genres and you can pull from each what you like, and build off what you dislike.
You can also pick up some books on how to draw. Depending on what medium you enjoy, the books will teach you shading techniques, tricks in scaling, mixing paint, perspectives, and many other things you might not consciously pay attention to in art. Some books will even have examples for you, for you to draw and learn from.
If you're ever at a loss of what to draw, here are a few brain-stimulants:


Loosely crumple up a secondary piece of paper and place it on top of your drawing sheet of paper, under a bright lamp. Trace the outline of the paper wad and remove it. Now, without erasing any of the lines just drawn, make this weird shape into a picture.
Scribble a bit on a sheet of paper. Use those lines as a guideline to make a picture. After a couple times, you'll realize the right amount of scribbling needed to make the type of pictures you're used to making.
Pick an obxt or person, and find the most prominent feature(s) in it. Now draw only those features in such a way that even without the rest of that obxt, someone can tell what the obxt is.
In general, just keep drawing, regardless of what of. You'll only get better the more you draw.


Remrov Casey Vormer, autistic self-taught photorealistic pencil artist
Practise a lot. Draw many different things. I'm an artist myself and I make very photorealistic pencil drawings. What I always do (well I don't really do it, it goes automatically because I have autism), I see details, I don't see the whole pictures I only see details, shadows, lights and shapes. This is what I draw. I don't try to draw a cat, a dog, a house or a person, I draw details. And all those details together eventually form the cat, or dog or anything else. So when you look at something you want to draw, don't look at the whole picture but at the details that form this picture.
It would be hard to improve on the previous answers so I will be brief. Here are two principles I learned that helped me greatly as it pertained to realistic drawing:
There are no lines
Everything is a shape
What appears to be a line is actually just two shapes side by side.
When you begin to see the world this way, your drawing will improve immensely. And of course... practice.


Matthew Beer, sketchaholic turned digital artist
We all do, watch other artists process on youtube, lots of speed drawing videos there. Once again, don't be afraid to suck. Don't try hard at the start, its less discouraging to fail if you don't put in effort. The less effort at the start, the better.
First off, refer to this question for inspiration: Can you post the difference between your first and your latest sketch, being a self-taught artist?
Start by sketching loosely and wildly shapes that you see. take a note pad of cheap paper and just draw all kinds of shapes in your room, quickly and without caring.
Do this for like 20 minutes a day. Until you are getting bored then switch to interesting obxts that you like, dogs, cats, people, dragons, whatever. Draw them, loosely, pay attention to symmetry and spacing and shadows. Where is the light coming from? imagine light as a bucket of paint being thrown at your obxt in a straight beam.


Start tracing your crap speed drawings that you know are crap, or simply start redrawing them from scratch but more careful now. Pay attention to what parts of the drawing you don't like from last time and make it better this time. Eventually you will get those things right the first time around because you remember. You build muscle memory for those shapes and curves and lines.
Draw from photographs instead of real life, then pick your favorite cartoon art style and start drawing from that, copy them, learn them as cartoons often exaggerated shapes which help you understand them better.
Then start looking at anatomy books, learn shading techniques, look at other peoples sketches of plants and animals. Practice Practice Practice.
Look up speed on youtube. Find artists you like and see if they post tutorials for their style. Simply DRAW ALOT


All the other artists that have answered are correct… Practice.
Lots of Practice.
Don’t worry if the first works are not what you expect or want… and especially don’t worry about other people’s views… just carry on practicing.
Draw whatever you fancy. Anything is on the cards.
If you are stuck for ideas, pop around to your local art museum and have a look at the drawings. Have a look at drawings from artists you like (from the internet if not at the museum).
Take photos of things (from a few angles) and draw from your photo’s. These are your photographs - so already have your artistic interpretation. Photo’s also help you with changes in light, especially when trying to draw over a period of time with different light levels reflected off the obxts you are trying to draw. It also helps if you take the photo’s in black and white, or change them to black and white in a photo editing application. When starting to draw, colour can sometimes make it difficult to interpret the necessary amount of shading required.
It’s also worth mentioning that lots of superb drawings are straight from the mind, with few, or no, physical obxts to draw from. Have a look at M.C. Escher.. nifty and complex drawings. But… before Escher could create his fantastic drawings, he still had to practice so he could learn how to draw the people and obxts that form parts of his drawings.


On a practical side, there are different tools you can use to draw.
Coloured pens/pencils, charcoal sticks, clickable designer pencils with different types of lead, and the standard pencil ranging in hardness from high H numbers down to high B numbers.
Pencils are rated on the hardness of their lead, the grey bit in the middle. A hard pencil lead, say H2, provides a light grey, a soft pencil, say B2, provides a dark grey. The average pencil type is a HB. You can also change the shade (dark/light) by pressing down harder (dark) or lighter pressure (light). You can buy lots of different hardness of pencil, but I generally have H2, HB, B2, B4… (I like shadows…)
You can draw on anything, from toilet roll to cardboard to cave walls… we used to do that a lot… must be in our blood! But usually drawing on some medium ‘weight’ paper will do the trick. Basically whatever texture, colour or type of paper (or other medium) that you like… but a thicker paper will ensure you don’t accidentally stick your pencil through it (we get frustrated sometimes…) and when you’re at the point you wish to sell your drawings, thicker paper sells better than flimsy (depending on the artist… if Picasso drew on bog roll… it would still be worth a fortune…).
If you’re not too sure what paper to buy, have a look in your local art supplier (usually staffed with artists… full of helpful ideas) and buy a standard drawing pad in the size you want to draw (A5 -double postcard size, A4 - standard letter size, A3 double letter size etc.). Or buy from the internet... but you don’t get to feel the paper before you buy.
Drawing is sometimes frustrating, sometimes feels like a chore… but at the point you get to that ONE drawing… wow oh wow you are on top of the moon gazing down on a work of art…. and YOU did it!!!
Drawing is truly, really, absolutely worthwhile… do it and be prepare to amaze yourself. You are amazing if you do it!


blueginko, i draw humans a lot.
Draw as much as you can. Draw from life, draw from pictures, draw from your favorite show, draw in the cafe, in line, during school, after tests, just draw draw draw.
getting a teacher is not required, to be honest. You can find millions of tutorials online on deviantart, artstation, tumblr, pinterest, etc. etc. if you're short on cash or just don't have the time to get a teacher, just draw on your own! Art, and by extension drawing, is something that takes a lot of time to hone and get better at. It's like learning to play the piano.
Additionally, practicing the correct way is the best way to get better at art. Perfect practice makes perfect. Try not to focus on details when drawing. Get the general shape and feel of whatever you're trying to draw down first. That's a super huge hole that a lot of beginners love falling into. You love drawing eyes, and spend hours on one eye only to find out that the rest of the face is mediocre at best. Also, be confident in your strokes. It's okay if they aren't completely accurate, but make as many bold, quick, confident strokes as you can when drawing.
And, definitely look at the old masters. Examples: Alphonse Mucha, Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Van Gough, Monet, Gustav Klimt, Titian, Botticelli, Norman Rockwell, the list goes on and on. Try to capture the feel and composition of their pieces. Copying is okay, as long as you don't try to pass the work you copied off as your own. There are millions of reference pictures you can find on any art site (deviantart in particular is rather famous, but i'll also recommend to you a tumblr blog: Art References)
Take individual parts from different things and study them. Look at hands, feet, arms, legs, parts of a car, parts of a robot, etc. etc.
Also, realize that your stuff is NOT gonna look great 100 percent of the time. That's part of the journey. Realizing that your drawings aren't great is the first step to improving. Also, understand that not every art piece has to be a priceless artifact. Know when to throw away the things you used to love and move on to continue improving.
Just keep trying your best, and draw as much as you can! Fill up 1000 sketchbooks. And when you're done with that, fill up another 9000.

还有,一定要看看那些古老的大师们。例如:阿方斯·穆夏、达·芬奇、伦勃朗、凡·高夫、莫奈、古斯塔夫·克里姆特、提香、波提切利、诺曼·洛克威尔,还有很多。尝试捕捉他们作品的感觉和构图。复制是可以的,只要你不试图以为你复制的作品就是自己的。你可以在任何艺术网站上找到数以百万计的参考图片(deviantart尤其有名,但我也会向你推荐一个tumblr博客:art References)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chris Dewar-English, Software developer
Check out "The Elements of Drawing" by John Ruskin. It's an old book but it is a classic. You will enjoy the style of writing just as much as the straightforward exercises.
Also Kimon Nicolaides',"The Natural Way To Draw" is worth a look.
And of course the Betty Edwards book always deserves a mention. Probably the best place to start if you haven't got much confidence or doubt your own abilities.
It shouldn't be a surprise to find all three authors tackle the subject from different perspectives which means you can pick one which suits your own needs and expectations.


John Holdway, works at John Holdway Studio (1997-present)
Yes of course it is possible to learn to draw! I see a lot of good resources here and you can find many more all over the internet. Your question suggests three ideas I think are important.
I think your question suggests that is drawing an inborn skill. Drawing is not inborn although some people are extremely interested in drawing. They work at it a lot so it seems like it is easier.
Michelangelo said,"If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn't seem so wonderful at all."
I guess in a way it is easier because it is easier to work at something that you are interested in doing. But you don't start good you start with the interest.
Another thing your question suggests is the problem of being too self critical. It can be paralyzing. But it is a blessing. Perhaps you think you are not good as you would like. This is a good thing. You have something to shoot for. You have a goal. You have taste. You have a vision. Now you can get to work.
The last point I want to make is that drawing is a record of your own vision. Everyone sees differently things with their own mind. We are not cameras. It may be a useful exercise to try drawing like a camera. But in the end we have to express what we see with our unique vision. Put that idea first then do what you need to make that happen.
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