2021-07-06 兰陵笑笑生 16567
Czechs and Slovaks get offended when they're called Eastern European but not when they're called Western European. Is that because they look down on real Eastern Europeans and worship Western Europeans?


Matt Neputin
, studied at Bachelor of Art in Psychology
What Poles think Eastern European means:
What Americans think Eastern European means:
Also it really translates into: (because Greece was once affluent)
That’s why they get offended ;-p. Because this is the association the Americans and some other non-European have. And they know it.





Berend Harmsen
To be brutally honest, many western Europeans, especially the ones who are old enough to remember the iron curtain coming down still use that same mental division.
For me, as a Dutch person born in the late sixties, the difference between east and west is still ‘the former Warschau pact countries’ and the ‘original Nato countries’.
I know the distinction is becoming less and less relevant, and justly so, but I’ll probably always will mentally have the no longer existing iron curtian in my head as the border between east and western Europe, but for people born after 1989 this will probably no longer be the case.

对我来说,作为一个出生在六十年代末的荷兰人,东西方之间的区别仍然是 "前华沙条约国 "和"原北约国"。

Lorenzo Lodi
Yes, exactly. I think the distinction East/West Europe will die out only when both these two things happen: 1) Most people who grew up during the cold-war period become a small minority (I’d include all people born before 1990; so this will happen around 2070). 2) When most countries in the former “Easter European block” will have a comparable level of wealth as Western ones. This is difficult to forecast but I think that, with any luck, it might happen already around 2050.


Rafał Adamczewski
Well, you’re right, but in fact, Central European countries are already richer than some “western” countries. Poland is richer than Greece and Portugal, and Czech Republic and Slovenia will soon surpass Spain and Italy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_(PPP)_per_capita


David Janssen
Czech Republic actually did pass Italy and Spain in GDP/capita just as you were writing this, some time last year. It's projected to stay that way too.


Kerry Mills
Yes my husband is German and is 56. He did the compulsory military service in the early 1980s. For him, even the parts of Germany that were communist are still somehow “other”, and he certainly defines Eastern Europe the same way the Americans (and Australians and British) do.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brian Collins
Yeah, I travelled around Germany for a few weeks in 2019. There is still a very noticeable difference in infrastructure between Frankfurt and Leipzig. Even the areas of Berlin that were were West Berlin are noticeably nicer and, from space, you can see the difference from the types of lightbulbs used in street lights:


Jan Kordač
When I was child, the N-word, or Gypsy was used commonly. Now, if you said something like this in public, you would be considered racist. Use the same standard in this regards. We don’t want to be called Eastern European, so just don’t do it. Easy.


Berend Harmsen
So you’re saying Eastern European is some kind of racial slur now? I sure missed the memo on that one.

所以你的意思是“东欧”这个词现在在某种程度上是一种 种族歧视了?我很确定没这回事。

Jan Kordač
No, just a slur (for that part that are not Eastern, of course).


Evangelos Lolos
For people who are old enough to remember the Cold War, Eastern Europe is shorthand for Soviet Bloc.
Given that the definition is now obsolete, I'm in favour of the more geographically accurate division, maybe with a few minor tweaks.


Khang Nhat
Name is just a way to communicate. There is little reason to change a name because someone disagrees with its literal translation.
If they stop using western/eastern europe, they will start calling the western block NATO europe, capitalist europe or whatever bizzare name they can think of.


Evangelos Lolos
Well, when a semantic shift takes place, you can keep the old term at the cost of ambiguity. For example, is half of Germany still in Eastern Europe or not?


Khang Nhat
If east germany is the survivor half. It's likely be called eastern today.
A name is just a name. The United states of America does not imply that they own the entire continent of America. It is simply a name they like to call their own country and it is meaningless to argue that they shouldnt be able to use that name unless they own the continent.
It is not to say that you are wrong. You are right, geography-wise. However, the term does not refer to geography but the ways people define the region.


Evangelos Lolos
Like I said, ambiguity. You've got geography, politics, culture, all giving different meaning to the term “East”.


Aleks Kewin
Very much NOT, name is more important. Why in the US impossible to say officially that word to the black people “n..r”, because remembering them to the slavery, and for this reason hardly insulting and provocative!
Very same, if you calling Central European countries, as “Eastern” - because remembering them to the suffering and destruction of the time they was occupied forcefuly by Eastern Europe! These countries (Poland, Czechia, Hungary, Slovakia) relating to the western european history, they culture and religion is western - and this very much different as the eastern european culture and religion (Based on Moscow and Byzant). Otherwise geographicaly also very much not true!
So: only provocators and ignorants want to using wrong names! And NAMES AREN’T JUST NAMES!

非常不对,名字很重要。为什么在美国不可能对黑人正式说"n...r "这个词,因为这会让他们想起奴隶制,因此,这几乎是一种侮辱和挑衅。

Khang Nhat
We don't really care how a word comes into existence, we call that group of people eastern europe because the listeners would understand exactly what we're talking about. That word serves its purpose.
You can suggest another name to replace it (the same way black americans ask people to call them black/African American), but that distinction never goes away.


Aleks Kewin
Of course we can call you and your type of asians also same insultative way. And of course if you want to insulting others also you can do it - but in long term this will never lead noowhere, because skiping the basic element of the communication, which is the “respect” - so with time, if the “cold war generation” died out, nobody will use wrong names, because not interested with the conflict of a whole region!
Central Europe now predimantely used term across Europe and the world, contrary to the 30 years ago used wrong terms. Your evil imagination, that something “never goes away” ridiculous, because the history showing this exactly opposite!
Countries positions 1000 years long not changing through 40 years, the 40 year is just a flashlight short time in the historical perspective.
You can be proud for yourself, to be a part of a slowly instinct minority!


Khang Nhat
There used to be a time that all Asians are called Chinese. We keep correcting them and now we are called “Asian". If a distinction is needed, the word that describe it might change, but the distinction never goes away.
Let's be real, “Eastern Europe" is the synonym of the “poorer half of Europe". The distinct exists because of your economy, not culture or geography.


Aleks Kewin
The funniest that this isn’t true also - I must repeat again: this fake name only using by those, who left themselves in the past! The “poorer” distinction also very much false: meanwhile all V4 countries overthrowed economocaly Portugal and Greece, and Czechia overthrowed Italy too! All the four countries in the best way, that within marginal time will be ahead of all 4 southern-european countries, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain! Btw. do you think Portugal (or soon Italy) belonging to Eastern Europe? Then used this name for them too!
Once again: the false names does nothing with the actual facts, but showing way more to the mindset and the backwardness of the person, who using them. This simply sticky, if someone don’t know take differency otherway, just based on long overdued stereotypes! Sticky and pity….

最有趣的是,即使是这一点也不是真的--我必须再次重申:这个假名字只被那些把自己留在过去的人使用! "更穷"的指向性也是非常错误的:因为此时,所有V4国家都超越了葡萄牙和希腊的经济状况,捷克也超越了意大利!所有这四个国家都以最好的方式,在有限的时间内,领先于所有四个南欧国家,葡萄牙、意大利、希腊、西班牙! 你认为葡萄牙(或很快地,意大利)属于东欧吗?那就把这个名字也用在他们身上吧!

Luke Eckstein
The name Eastern Europe itself isn’t bad, it is how it is used or why it is used. If the term ‘Eastern Europe’ was purely used in reference to geography then it would be fine. However, it is not. You can currently be further east and counted as being in Western Europe. That is just plain wrong and means that we are not equating the term properly. The term itself doesn’t necessarily need to change, but how it is used does. It is fine to use the N word in some countries because the term was always used for what the term literally means. In North America that is not the case. In such a location you can almost always guarantee that a guy with Neo-Nazi tattoos isn’t using the N word to refer to his black suitcase. If you don’t need a term to describe the formal countries part of the Austrian Empire or you don’t need a term to differentiate Catholic from Orthodox Europe then no, you don’t need a term to differentiate former Soviet block states from other states either. People may think they do because they believe certain stereotypes are true, pervasive, and justify such a term, but they are wrong to begin with. Having terms to describe stereotypes is never good, weather that word is ‘Eastern Europe’ or superheferanfrass.

东欧这个名字本身并没有什么坏的含义,关键是它的使用方式或使用原因。如果"东欧"这个词纯粹是指地理,那么它就很好。然而,事实并非如此。目前,这个词被用在远离东方,甚至被算作是在西欧的地方。这完全是错误的,意味着我们没有正确地等同于这个术语。这个词本身不一定需要改变,但它的使用方式需要改变。在一些国家使用"N "开头的词是可以的,因为这个词一直被用于该词的字面意思。但在北美,情况并非如此。在这样的地方,你几乎总是可以保证一个有新纳粹纹身的人用那个N开头的词不是用来指他的黑色行李箱。如果你不需要一个术语来描述前奥地利帝国地区的国家,或者你不需要一个术语来区分天主教和东正教的欧洲,那么不,你也不需要一个术语来区分前苏联地区国家和其他国家。人们可能认为他们需要,因为他们认为某些刻板印象是真实的、普遍的,并证明了这样一个术语的合理性,但他们一开始就错了。用术语来描述刻板印象从来都不是好事,不管这个词是"东欧"还是"superheferanfrass"。

Alex Galkin
Oh yeah, obsolete, as if all those differences just magically disappeared. Germany still spends tons of money to upxe the eastern part. Anyway the biggest difference is always in mentality.


Evangelos Lolos
Lol, East Germany is no longer a client state of Soviet Russia, so I'd dare say “obsolete” is an accurate descxtion!


Ani Lav
Also it is very important to note that before the Eastern Bloc ever existed, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was always thought of as Central European Kingdom. These countries are nowadays mostly Austria, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, & also surrounding areas as Croatia, Serbia, etc. Today, thanks to that specific period of time in modern history, where the Iron Curtain existed, everybody keeps calling those countries Eastern European (except Austria, they speak German). Which is mindblowing how such a short political divison can change the perception of the people on geography and politics. From my perspective, my nation was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so my nation was located in Central Europe. Then it was in the Eastern Bloc for a while and after the fall of the Iron Curtain - one would have guessed the same nation would go back to being Central European again (if theres no west-east division anymore), but nah. Frozen in the Eastern Bloc forever in some people’s minds. I personally think the people who still consider the former Iron Curtain as a decision making point in European geography and politics is obsessed with that particular time period, or I imagine their history or geography teachers were obsessed with that period of time. Otherwise, I cannot imagine it in any other way


Evangelos Lolos
You must separate culture from politics and geography, as they can all result in conflicting definitions.
I'd rather use the cardinal directions just for geography to avoid misunderstandings.


Tolga Dur
You can safely assume that most Germans (and probably most Western Europeans in general) largely agree with Americans definition. You only need to further divide the western part into north, south and west.
Not only that, the UN definition largely agrees with it also. The division between eastern and western european is mostly cultural not geographical. Really, the only people on earth that don't think that Poland, Czech Republic etc. are in eastern europe are eastern europeans themselves.


Henrey Bradley
Agreed, it's a cultural term, which also happens to coincide loosely with geography in Europe.
Hence why Australia is located in south-east Asia, but no one doubts their a Western country

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Eugene Frolov
Can you cite the UN definition?
For me as a Russian, it is mind boggling to list any country except Russia, Ukraine and Belarus as Eastern European. We're thousands of kilometers apart from the Czechs, we're culturally different from the Poles and we're nothing like messy Balkans.
The Czechs, Hungarians, Poles, even Slovaks share more history with Germans than with Russia. The only thing we have in common is recent communist history and mentality in some respects.


Andreas Buehler
The defintion I’ve always heard here in Switzerland was that there’s an Eastern Europe and a Western Europe and what separates them is where the Iron Curtain used to be, with the Balkans falling on the east side.


Eugene Frolov
Yeah right, the cold war thinking. Since Switzerland was neither NATO nor Warsaw Pact, I suppose the Swiss were Central Europe (together with Finns).


Andreas Buehler
Honestly, no. We never used the term “Central”. There was Eastern and Western Europe, and Western Europe also vaguely had a North (Scandinavia) and a South (Italy and Spain), but there was no central Europe.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Stefan Hennings
Being in NATO or not had no impact on the iron curtain line. It’s not a “Nato = western” definition, it’s a “in Europe and not within the curtain = western” definition. The Warsaw pact is only indirectly involved in the definition by it being the cause of the iron curtain with its members being inside it.


Emily Montgomery
I grew up in England, Germany, Ireland and Spain. It’s not just Americans. Anything east of Germany has been shorthand for Eastern Europe. There wasn’t a central Europe. The east was cut off from us. We knew ZERO about people to the east. My parents had traveled all over the world and saw a lot places, but Eastern Europe was a gaping hole in our knowledge, at least in my formative years.
That knowledge base didn’t naturally improve and that perspective has significantly changed in the 21st Century. Most of what was Western Europe still see Europe in terms of an east/west divide. I don’t think it’s an us vs them mentality anymore. I think that died out in the 90’s as limited information came out. But the divide in how Europe is categorized hasn’t largely changed. A lot of Western Europeans can’t tell the difference between old Eastern European countries.


Peter D'Agata
But countries like Slovenia and Czechia are very prosperous and on the level of Western European countries. Plus, many countries formerly behind the Iron Curtain are doing well and will be extremely developed soon.
The bottom two images are wrong anyway because Turkey was an American ally and part of NATO. One of the first implementations of Truman’s containment policy post-WW2 was aid to Turkey.


Martin Vratny
I’m not surprised they are pissed about it.
Czechoslovakia was one of the richest nations before WW2. And even now, as far as I know, it is doing much better than the actual East Europe.
It’s no West, but… They are in the middle. In more way than one.


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