2021-07-14 辽阔天空 5897

How do top students study?


Denise Eng, Biochemistry BSc King's College Ldn, Biomedical Sci MRes Imperial College Ldn
I am not a top student.
Yet at exam time at uni, my classmates would always be the ones asking me last minute questions regarding the topics. So I’d like to say that I had a measure of command of a topic, at least at university.
I must say that I really struggled to complete my studies (Both Bachelors and Masters) due to depression. That has coloured my experience and possibly why I did not do as well as I had. In secondary school and junior college (high school) I was not a top student. I was in one of the elite schools in Singapore. No matter how smart you are, a scholar will always do better. When you are at the top, it is immensely difficult to stay there (bottom of top 5% is still top 5%… but they make you feel terrible for being at the “bottom”).
Also, when you are in high school and university, you are a different person as you have matured. Don’t beat yourself up too hard for not being able to do more or be at the top. It’s not worth it and doesn’t define you. I’m not the smartest but carry two degrees from two of the best universities in the world.
Lots of people have written about attending classes and so on. So I’ll focus more on other things.
Study smart, not hard. There are strategies to employ to do as well as you can even if you are not at the top. Choose what suits you instead of copying all of these.
Know yourself and your study skills. Are you a visual/aural person? Do you learn best by writing? Talking? Singing? Do you feel your brain works best when you are walking outside? Do you like to draw? There is plenty of evidence that handwritten notes are better than typewritten notes for remembering a topic. But if your writing sucks, then.. My point is, find what works for you. Pro tip: even if you remember best by writing. Don’t copy the whole textbook. It’s an admirable endeavour but I have seen my classmates do it and wonder why they didn’t do well.


Note-taking is a precious, precious skill. Once you hit on something that works for you - you’ve hit the jackpot. This skill will carry you in the rest of life.
By way of example: I’ve always been a bit of a pedantic idiot. I thought that notes were text only and that one should use limited colours so that you can immediately see what stands out. I thought that cartoons were too childish for notes. Obviously this is wrong! I loved drawing and it was actually really painful to keep my notes “clean” of drawings. You know what? After I allowed myself to do whatever the heck I wanted and *gasp* had fun taking notes, I did better! A picture says a thousand words, and I am a visual person. Glancing at a cartoon was so much better than reading a chunk of text for me.
Everyone is different. Why limit yourself to the same note-taking style?
Topic Summaries These things are your best friends. Try your best to summarise each chapter/topic on a single A4 sheet. Sounds hard? That’s where the learning is. By summarising a topic, you get a bird’s eye view of the chapter and it helps you see how everything fits together. Topic summaries are worth doing, and even doing again to revise. You’ll surprise yourself by being able to summarise a topic on a blank sheet of paper without once looking at the textbook. That’s like a “mini-exam” and how you know you understand something.
If you know you have some topics in the bag, and understand the grading structure - then get ready to do some math. By following the grading structure, you can more or less estimate how well you need to do for your weaker subjects. In this case, I’m talking about how to survive, not be at the top. By focusing on the best topics first, you can be sure to get as many marks as you can for those so that when averaged out with your worst scores, you won’t fall so badly.


Contradiction: Study for your worst topics first. This is because you will run out of energy/stamina at some point when studying during exam season. Starting with the worst topics when you are still fresh ensures you can maximise your performance for these topics. Your best subjects are your best for a reason. These are the things you can do well with your eyes closed - why spend more energy on a smaller amount of improvement, when you can spend the same energy and achieve greater improvement? Raising your average never hurts.
Mean, lean Exam-taking Machine For everything that the Singapore Education System has done to my psyche, I have to say that there were a few benefits: exams don’t scare me. You want to know why? It’s because we start taking serious exams with serious names like CA1, SA1 (Semestral Assessment 1) from the age of 7, (I don’t know if they still do it, but they did when I was 7) - and we do so many (practice) exams that it’s almost a hobby. (Some people still freak out over exams, but that’s because of what everyone says about how your life will be ruined if you are not at the top - which is a half-truth Also refer to Ryan Tanaka’s answer.)
I still remember being sick with gastric flu as an 8 year old kid. I was too sick to sit with the other kids, but I sat in the school office and did my math exam whilst concerned teachers left me mugs of hot water, tissues, and a bin in case I wanted to throw up. I finished that damn exam. At that time, if you didn’t get 100% for primary school exams, there’s something wrong with you (I only got 91% if you wanted to know). Just to give you an idea of what it was like.
Then there was this beast, called the TYS. Ask any Singaporean student who has studied in a Ministry of Education school about the TYS. Everyone will know what it is called. TYS stands for Ten Year Series. It is a published book of the last ten years’ worth of (mathematics in my case) exam papers. Teachers told us that if you completed the book once, you will pass. To do well, you must complete the book twice. This is bordering on rote learning, which I disapprove of except for studying for languages because you can’t get away from it there.


In Singapore, we even buy last year’s papers from the top schools and do those. Once we finished the top schools, we would continue our way down the good schools. Selling examination papers is a lucrative business.
You wanted to know how we studied, right?
When I was in university, I had a rude shock - there were no past year papers. How could I succeed if I didn’t know what the examination format was beforehand? It was then that I realised that knowing the subject was more important than understanding the exam format and all the other crazy strategies of calculating scores down to the last point.
Still, when you aren’t afraid of exams, you have a clear mind when sitting at that little desk with your plastic bag of pencils. A clear mind and a calm heart is more valuable than that white wall of panic that every student has experienced. So there is some value in working on not being afraid of exams.
How to not be afraid of exams, the smart way. Confidence comes from your confidence in how much you have studied, right? But what if you haven’t studied as much as you’d like? Then it’s down to mindset and attitude on the day. Tell yourself “I’ve done what I can, I’ll get what I can - if I do the best with what I have”.
Story time again! I was in the exam hall for one of my worst topics (physiology) for the first year of uni. We were supposed to pick 3 questions from 5 and write short essays for each of them. Because I had question spotted (don’t do this… unless desperate), I found that I had only prepared for 2 out of those 5! I had a shaky third question, but because I had some knowledge of it (as opposed to ZERO for the other questions), I just went for it. I wrote everything I could, even though I knew it was A-level info and not the stuff I’d learned at uni. (By the way, I did International A levels, so it had nothing to do with the insanity of Singapore A levels, which I was spared) - it turned out OK. Not the best, but better than failing if I had only done 2 questions.


My point is that you can still manage with what you have. Have a calm measure of where you are at. Don’t worry about what you don’t have when you are sitting at that desk. Worry about what you have, and use as much of your ammo as you can. There are plenty of sites out there with exam tips like “get lots of sleep” and “take care of yourself” so you can refer to those for that.
Every subject is different, so your approach will be different. Practising math questions over and over works better than practising literature questions over and over. Reading the literature text works better than just reading the math methods. Topic summaries for each topic will look different. Some will require memorisation of important formula, some will require an understanding of basic principles. Don’t limit yourself. You will need this arsenal of varying study skills for later, they are worth cultivating.
Don’t friggin’ copy homework. This is plagiarism and students have been expelled over this because it is that serious. Do your own work. There’s a reason why that person you are copying your work from has done better than you (unless they copied from someone else). Being able to complete and submit work on time is actually a life-skill. So when you are doing that “pointless” assignment, think about what you are actually doing.
Conclusion: of course the best way to succeed would be to have a good foundation of knowledge in your topic and have developed good study skills even before the exam. But there are still methods you can use to get through as best as you can.


Elias Svensson, Engineering Student, Chalmers University of Technology
As a college student I've discovered and developed a couple of methods and heuristics that have allowed me to learn very effectively. By practicing these I do not need to attend classes and therefore have more free time to pursue more knowledge in Computer Science through books and online courses, among other things.
A couple of the methods I practice are based on scientific studies. Other heuristics I've developed myself and are basically based on logic. Any feedback or critique is more than welcome, since it would be a great opportunity to improve them if need be!
So, to the methods:
* 80/20 Analysis: Approach learning a subject through an 80/20 analysis, asking what 20% or less of the input could lead to 80% or more of the output? E.g. to learn a language, ask what 20% or less of the total vocabulary is used 80% or more of the time in the language? Focus on learning these 20% for any given task, it is usually remarkably sufficient to achieve your goals. Further reading: Pareto principle
* Spaced repetition: Use flash-cards with spaced repetition for two reasons. One, learning has been found to happen best by testing/quizzing. And two, spaced repetition is an incredibly effective way to go through material quickly, and to retain it with minimal work. Further reading: Spaced repetition. *Highly* recommended app (web, computer and smartphone app available): Anki - powerful, intelligent flashcards
* Pomodoro: The actual day to day grind of studying can become very tiresome and volatile if you simply work in sessions based on your daily motivation and discipline. Using the pomodoro technique, you're much more inclined to stay fresh and alx even through a whole day of studying. Further reading: http://pomodorotechnique.com/
And so, to the heuristics of learning.


* To learn a subject, first learn the vocabulary: If we view knowledge of a subject as a huge set of data, and ask ourselves if there is a subset of data that we can acquire that gives us actionable access to the rest of the data, what is the answer? Vocabulary. If I were to ask you to cook a meal that you've never cooked before, say Swedish meatballs and brown sauce á la IKEA, then you probably would be able to do it if I handed you a cookbook with the recipe. Why? You probably know and understand every individual term, the vocabulary, used in the recipe like "meat", "salt" and "frying pan". But if I were to ask someone who hasn't read a calculus course to take the integral of a function, simply handing them the formula probably will not be enough to allow them to do it. Why? It is really the same question, "Please perform these set of steps to give me the result I desire". The difference between being able to perform the actions lies within understanding the vocabulary of the subject. Once you understand the vocabulary of calculus, it is no different to find how to take an integral of a function to cooking Swedish meatballs.
* To learn something, you must teach it: If I were to define a heuristic of when someone knows something, it would be if he or she can teach the concept. Teaching requires being able to exemplify a general definition of a concept, as well as from an example extrapolate which general principles are at work. In other words, I'd say that you know a concept if you can state the it's abstract definition, and give a simple example of when how the concept is (or could be) applied in the real world. If this is the endgame you are striving for, then learning simply becomes an optimization process of sexting a concept, finding it's definition and work out simple examples concretely illustrating the concept. E.g. to learn the concept "Gravity", the definition is (wikipedia:) "Newton's law of universal gravitation states that any two bodies in the Universe attract each other with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.", and a simple example of this is "Dropping an apple from your hand allows the earth and apple to attract each other, causing the apple to fall to the ground.". It might sound banal, but once you try to do this for ever more advanced concepts, you'll realize how powerful this simple method is. (Related: How to Learn Anything Faster With The Feynman Technique)
To summarize, I've focused on the What and Why of learning in this answer, and it still got very exhaustive. If anybody is more interested in the How-to of applying these methods and heuristics, then I'll gladly share my thoughts in the comments.
Thanks for reading!


Nico van Wijk, Top writer 2018
I think my perspective on this one might be different than most based on the admittedly limited sample size that has graced my feed.
For context, I sat the Cambridge international examinations. I achieved 8 A* stars at IGCSE with studying only the night before each paper and then 5 A* at A levels (including one taken early and skipping a year of formal classes) with roughly two weeks of study before exam time and very minimal homework/classwork conpleted throughout the year. I definitely do not my recommend my study style for everyone nor am I confident that it will help me survive University so am probably planning to adjust. But anyway, that’s enough rambling. Onto what got me through high school.
Rather than rely on “study” before an exam, I focused on understanding concepts during class, not memorising, understanding. Very often in tests, I would forget formulas and methods but be able to rederive or resolve a way to a solution due to logical thinking and a core comprehension of underlying principles.
When teachers were speaking, I never took any notes. Instead I focused on listening. And asking questions. Lots of questions. Of course I didn’t understand absolutely everything straight away. Sometimes I’d have to explore my thoughts and I’m make sure to explore them thoroughly, taking time to discuss with the teacher until I reached a point where I understood.
Also I preferred to spend class time discussing or explaining rather than doing worksheets. By my final years, all of my teachers allowed me to sext the amount of physical work I actually did since they knew I had an alternate preferred learning style. If I didn’t see any benefit from my homework, I would tell my teacher as much.
When it came time to actually study for exams. I always started by reading my course syllabuses. I would go through point by point and make sure that I understood every single topic. If there were any that I was unsure of, I would browse the internet and research until I was confident.
The next step was reading examiner’s reports (potentially a Cambridge curriculum only thing?). I found these documents online and analysed the common mistakes and misconceptions from previous students to make sure that I would not repeat them.
Finally, in the hours/days before I sat my paper, I would practise past papers. Both through timing myself/writing them out and quickly scanning through with mental answering to get through papers in bulk. I would of course take special mental note on my own mistakes so I did not repeat them.
Hope that helps. :D


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