2021-07-14 天高云淡缚苍龙 13472

Teenagers in the US have been filling the void left by adults who still haven't returned to work since the pandemic started. Some are being promoted to general managers, earning a $50,000 salary, demanding weekends off and tuition reimbursement


Teens accounted for 36% of new hires in June, compared to an average of 10% during the same period from 2017 to 2019, according to an analysis by the small business payroll provider Gusto

根据小型企业薪资服务提供商Gusto的分析,6月份,未成年人占新员工总数的 36%,而2017年至2019年同期的平均比例为10%。

But not all teenagers have equally benefited from the trend. Young people of colour still have a relatively high unemployment rate compared with white teens


Why are some adults not returning to the workforce? 1.Ongoing fears of the Covid-19 crisis 2.Lack of childcare 3.Temporary expansion of unemployment insurance

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Those who are willing to return to work are leveraging the competition to demand higher wages and better working conditions. Companies that traditionally shied away from hiring minors because of state laws are starting to embrace them


Love working full time as a teenager and “demanding” that my employer pay me the same as the last person who did the same job and was literally just older and slower


You think you are the shit now, but in the future you’ll be old and slow too and some teenager will be laughing at you. At my job someone your age goes & gets the coffee and makes copies. Some of these kids even have degrees. They are basically scrap until they earn their cred.


we should have had better protections and we did after this. It was just the not getting the problem everyone else was mad


And more experienced. Would get done 12 hours of work in 8 hours. Are you going to love the same when you’re no longer the teenager too?


Hey, I’m not saying teens are any better. I’m saying that if they do the same work, they should get paid the same. And it infuriates me that society puts them into a special “class” of worker who is more disposable and gets less respect


You are right of course. No worker deserves that treatment.


old and slow according to corporate America is over 40. Enjoy burning yourself out, working hard, and losing your health for crap wages.


Sometimes that’s the case but I’ve noticed at fast food restaurants the younger staff just not giving a damn, and messing up nearly every order, and if you hold them accountable you’re a Karen or whatever the male equivalent is. And you can see them Snapchatting on the job lmao


Yes. That I see a lot of. They all have their phone right next to them. Not in their pocket, not in the back in their locker. Right next to them. It’s a distraction and it takes away from being a good worker.


Why does a bot give a shit about teen workers?


Yeah they don’t have 3k in payments every month they can literally afford to have shitty jobs


True. I didn't start paying rent until I was 26.


Bruh you spent 8 years of your adult life not paying rent? By that time I had already owned my home for 2 years.


Nope, just saved up most of my money. I paid insurance and phone bill. That's about it. I can easily put a down-payment on a house now. But I'm addicted to saving money. Congrats to you though. I will one day have a home as well.


it's all about the bag, dont let anybody tell you different, you get ahead by taking any advantage you can get


Young ppl will save the world


If Financial Times doesn’t sell them to Walmart first.


Better headline:Companies increase exploitation of teens as adults opt out


Better headline: Teens capitalize on low labor supply to make more than the previous generations. But will this last will companies actually continue to pay people a livable amount find out next year on “Do companies care about us?”


Lets add In a few weeks those teens return to school but the restaurant and entertainment industry will have gotten its summer holiday cash

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Just in: Don’t forget the restaurant and entertainment industry aren’t very active until after work and schools hours. Industries that control their opening hours, at most they will be under staffed for lunch rush’s. This allows them to control supply thus making demand lucrative


Bc that's who can manage their lives with min wage and no benefits


almost like that’s the point of minimum wage


"promoted to managers" just means "they can't be unxized and they work 100 hours a day for a fixed salary"


"promoted to managers" just means "they can't be unxized and they work 100 hours a day for a fixed salary"

“晋升为经理”只是意味着“他们不能加入工会,他们每天工作 100 小时以获得固定工资”

there’s actually restrictions on how long teens can work


That's true but what does teen mean? If they're 18, not necessarily. Also, it def means fixed salary and no unx

这是真的,但未成年人是什么意思?如果他们是 18 岁,则不一定。此外,它 def 意味着固定工资和没有工会
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

you are required to pay extra for overtime lol


Many employers ignore that rule though


and you can sue them


You've always lived in a Blue State, right? In FL (as an hourly contractor in IT) I've had to be very aggressive about calling out the myriad white collar employers who lie & claim they don't have to pay overtime. I've had an exec threaten my life. Min wage has to be worse.


if someone is threatening your life and breaking the law there is legal action you can take.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am well aware, thank you. What I'm saying is that if the state government refuses to ENFORCE the law, it becomes a challenge. Since at least one of my current (all awesome) coworkers follows me here, the bigoted crazy exec was at exJob.


Not for salaried workers. Also, minimum wage was created as the minimum for a family of 4 to survive.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Young people especially just don't realize the extent of workforce exploitation. That they can and should demand better.


if they don’t like it they can quit. they got no bills


you think there isn’t a single teenager in the country paying bills? do you also think every child in the country grew up with two parents? do you think every child in the country has parents? please tell us more.


This is a weird way to say “companies that are too cheap to pay adults a living wage take advantage of teenagers who typically require less income to survive and often don’t need benefits cuz they are on their parents’”.


Such a beautiful way of foreshadowing child labour exploitation


Child labor is a stretch.... there's nothing wrong with working as a teen. Unfortunately in some cases, it's the only option a teen has if they want access to money. That's why I started working at 15; money for gas, clothes, food etc and savings.


Beyond not needing as much money to survive - many don’t know the value of their time/skill yet and are more reluctant to stand up for themselves when taken advantage of or abused. How many ppl after working in that environment end up undervaluing themselves later/higher employ?

除了不需要那么多钱来生存之外 - 许多人还不知道他们的时间/技能的价值,并且在被利用或滥用时更不愿意为自己挺身而出。在那种环境中工作后,有多少人最终低估了自己以后/更高职位的价值?

If you can’t afford to pay ppl a living wage as a small business then you shouldn’t have employees. You don’t get to take advantage of ppl for ur profit & act like it was the only way to thrive. Also if ur product is good quality plenty of ppl will pay for it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I can speak for all teenagers who get a job for their own benefit. If the company doesn’t pay a certain wage. We don’t work there, idk where or how y’all getting dragged into working fast food but lmao


Or: Entitled millennial employee who thinks they're worth more then the job is actually worth, replaced by teenager who doesnt cry and complain like a little bitch.


Or even better: Companies try to exploit child labor because children don't realize they're being exploited in the first place


Ppl not going back to poverty wages is one of the best things to come out of the pandemic. I walked out of a 10 year job in april 2020. Lived off my savings for 6 months and ended up with better pay, less stress and I don’t have to work 60 hours/week to live comfortably anymore.


I kept a job during the pandemic, though it was a low 9.50/hr wage. When I saw places were struggling to hire I thought it was time to get a better job. Except all these places that were desperately hiring denied me, even though they were all unskilled positions. And so I ended


up doing the same work as I was before at a new place with slightly better hours but only making 10.45/hr. My previous job offered me 10.50 to stay but still with worse hours.


All of my coworkers and management seem to love to have me around because I do great work. But I’m probably not going to see any recognition for it, like a pay increase or anything.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I don't make a good wage but I hesitate to leave my job because I love everyone in it. I make $7.75/hr at a local restaurant.. but everyone there is practically family so even though I know I have to eventually leave, I do wish for the day to never come.


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