杀手无人机在没有被告知的情况下“猎杀了人类目标” 去年,一架土耳其军用无人机在没有接到命令的情况下在利比亚猎杀了一个人类目标
2021-07-15 zhangyep121 19775

Arnold Schwarzenegger could’ve seen this one coming.


After a United Nations commission to block killer robots was shut down in 2018, a new report from the international body now says the Terminator-like drones are now here.


Last year "an autonomous weaponized drone hunted down a human target last year" and attacked them without being specifically ordered to, according to a report from the UN Security Council’s Panel of Experts on Libya, published in March 2021 that was published in the New Scientist magazine.


The March 2020 attack was in Libya and perpetrated by a Kargu-2 quadcopter drone produced by Turkish military tech company STM "during a conflict between Libyan government forces and a breakaway military faction led by Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Libyan National Army," the Star reports, adding: "The Kargu-2 is fitted with an explosive charge and the drone can be directed at a target in a kamikaze attack, detonating on impact."


The drones were operating in a "highly effective" autonomous mode that required no human controller and the report notes:
"The lethal autonomous weapons systems were programmed to attack targets without requiring data connectivity between the operator and the munition: in effect, a true ‘fire, forget and find’ capability" – suggesting the drones attacked on their own.


Zak Kallenborn, at the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism in Maryland, said this could be the first time that drones have autonomously attacked humans and raised the alarm."How brittle is the obxt recognition system?" Kallenborn asked in the report. "… how often does it misidentify targets?"

马里兰州恐怖主义和应对恐怖主义研究国家联盟的扎克·卡伦伯恩 (Zak Kallenborn) 表示,这可能是无人机首次自动攻击人类并发出警报。“物体识别系统有多脆弱?” 卡伦伯恩在报告中问道。“……它误判目标的频率有多高?”

Jack Watling at UK defense think tank Royal United Services Institute, told New Scientist: "This does not show that autonomous weapons would be impossible to regulate," he says. "But it does show that the discussion continues to be urgent and important. The technology isn’t going to wait for us."


In August of last year, Human Rights Watch warned of the need for legislation against "killer robots" while NYC mayoral candidate Andrew Yang has called for a global ban on them – something the US and Russia are against.

去年8月,人权观察警告说需要针对“杀手机器人”立法,而纽约市市长候选人 Andrew Yang 则呼吁在全球范围内禁止它们——这是美国和俄罗斯所反对的。

So it hunts down the cell phone number. It goes around from cell tower to cell tower to chase down where the phone is connecting to. Then it triangulates the exact location of the cell phone by repeatedly sending spam calls to the phone.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Culturewarrior11Bravo3V2 > Smith321J
Can this technology be used to take out the people calling us to tell us our car warranty may have expired?


This doesn't surprise me.
10+ years ago I was in a Masters in Computer Science program.
One of my classmates built an autonomous robot (based on Raspberry Pi) for his final project.
It drove around the quad and looked for (using optical recognition) pre-placed bad guy and good guy posters. For the good guys, it just recorded the location, for the bad guys, it had a paintball gun that is used to fire a round at the poster.
This setup cost him a few hundred dollars.

10多年前,我在攻读计算机科学硕士课程的时候,我的一个同学为他的最后一个项目建造了一个自主机器人(基于 Raspberry Pi)。

TNGOP523 > JoeyStalin
With all these "smart devices" listening in on conversations using algorithms to send advertisements about the things you've just talked about, then companies like Verizon and Apple et al selling meta data, one tends to wonder just how far off is a society like that of Orwell's 1984?

随着所有这些“智能设备”使用算法来监听对话,给你发送与你刚刚谈论的事情相关的广告,然后像Verizon 和 Apple 这样的公司再去出售搜集到的元数据,人们往往想知道像这样的社会离奥威尔的《1984》还有多远?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

IndependentproudAmerican > JoeyStalin
"The lethal autonomous weapons systems were programmed to attack targets without requiring data connectivity between the operator and the munition: in effect, a true ‘fire, forget and find’ capability" – suggesting the drones attacked on their own.
If it is programmed to attack without operator data, then how did it attack on its own???
Did anyone else pick that up????

“致命的自主武器系统被编程为无需操作员和弹药之间的数据连接,就可以自动攻击目标:实际上,这是一种真正的‘开火、忘记和发现’能力”——暗示无人机是自行攻击的。 如果它被编程为在没有操作员数据的情况下进行攻击,那么它是如何自行攻击的??? 别人捡到了吗???

30 May, 2021
I watched a Ted Talk about miniature autonomous drones that could be deployed in their thousands. They would be able to identify human targets through facial recognition and use an explosive charge to fire a projectile at the target at close range. We are possibly seeing a new anonymous weapon of mass destruction.

我观看了关于可以部署数千个的微型自主无人机的 Ted 演讲。他们将能够通过面部识别识别人类目标,并使用炸药在近距离向目标发射弹丸。我们可能正在目睹一种新的匿名大规模杀伤性武器。

worldgonemad082 > bigkiwi
The capability has been around for a long time. The reason it’s not in use I believe it’s to prevent damage on unintended targets . War crimes stuff


SteppedInaPoodle > bigkiwi
Ugh, wear a mask, it foils my iPhone anyway.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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