2021-07-15 Kira_Yoshikage 9066

What moment made you say “Yep, I’m definitely dead”, but survived with no major injuries?


Not me, but my mom before I was born. She was riding in a convertible with a friend of hers. They came to an intersection and the friend wasn't paying attention and lost control of the vehicle. There was a big rig going through the intersection and they went right under the trailer. My mom ducked, the driver didn't not. Driver was decapitated, my mom was lucky and only ended up with a scalp full of glass and some serious psychological trauma. She had to get over 200 stitches in her scalp But nothing else significant.


I think about it all the time and think how close I came to never being born at all.


I was at the end of a 2 hour journey about 10 mins from home, pretty rural and I was probably complacent because I took that road everyday. I took a bend at 40MPH (legal limit was 60MPH so wasn’t breaking any speeding rules) which I’ve done many times before, probably faster which looking back was really reckless.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Didn’t see until it was too late that a car had spun out on the other side of the corner and another car had pulled up to help. I slammed on but I wasn’t going to stop in time before hitting the cars pulled up/crashed. I was hurtling straight towards the other cars and people who where stood in the road from the other crash. It was like time slowed down and I was at a cross roads; in my mind I had three choices. Continue on my path and hit the other cars and people, veer to the right and go into a field but there was oncoming traffic and there was a chance I’d hit them or veer to the left and fly into a wooded area. I chose the last option, and in that moment I knew the chances of me surviving or not being seriously injured after a 40MPH head on collision to a tree in a 10 year old Ford KA was pretty slim. I just felt a complete peace come over me, turned the wheel and woke up slumped over the steering wheel to some poor man shouting ‘OMG I THINK SHES DEAD’


Turned out I passed out from shock or something before the impact so when I hit the tree I was completely floppy and this contributed to me having no serious injuries. The front of my car was completely disintegrated, after coming to I tried to put my clutch down to take the car out of gear out of habit and my foot hit the tree trunk. The tree was absolutely fine. I drove past that tree everyday for years after and you could see the chunk my car took out of it.


I was a senior in high school, and the student club I was in organized an unofficial beach trip towards the end of the year; no teachers or official permission, leaving me and a few other seniors in charge of supervising everything. After a couple hour’s worth of fun, one of the other students came running up to me and said that three of the younger members of the club had been swept out by a riptide and couldn’t get back towards the shore. Me and two other of the older students, all experienced swimmers, immediately went to go help them; my friends got two of the three kids in trouble and started guiding them parallel to the shore to get them out of the current, but the guy I went for was panicking, barely staying above the water, and started dragging me down with him almost immediately. I yelled for people to get a lifeguard and tried to keep both of us afloat, but after a few minutes (maybe five, maybe ten, it felt like forever) I was getting exhausted, having trouble keeping both of us above the water, and I couldn’t see anyone coming to the rescue. I started getting big mouthfuls of water and my leg muscles were starting to cramp up, and I remember thinking “Holy shit I might actually die right here, right now” as the current started pulling us further and further away from where everyone was.


Thankfully for everyone involved, one of the students on the beach had flagged down a couple of surfers, who made their way out to where we were as quickly as they could and hauled first the younger student and then me onto the front of their boards and took us back to shore. I’ll always be thankful and appreciative for those strangers who put themselves in the dangerous position of rescuing two drowning swimmers


Edit: As several people have pointed out, it’s not uncommon for people to die doing what I did, i.e swimming into the water to rescue a drowning swimmer without training or equipment; there are a few techniques for rescuing someone drowning in the comments that everyone should learn if they’re ever in the unfortunate situation of having to use them. I should’ve used them, but I was 17 and not thinking straight at the time and almost paid the price because of it.


I survived a car crash that wrecked my car. Rolled twice, landed upside down, learned the hard way that I didn’t have airbags (or at least they didn’t deploy). Did have my seatbelt on though, that probably saved me. Paramedic said he hadn’t seen a wreckage like that and have it end well.


Not even a hairline fracture.


You'd be a mushed raisin if not for your seatbelt. Well done


I’ll never forget what a paramedic once told me: “in my 30 years on the job, I’ve never unbuckled a dead person.”


To be honest I don’t understand how people drive without them. I feel so naked and like I could be flung off the face of this planet. I’ll buckle up to drive across a parking lot.


Parachute deployed but failed to open. That was one of those moments, than training kicked in. Cut away failed chute, deploy secondary. But for a brief moment life was about to be over in my mind.


How long do you have before you hit the ground in free fall?


edit: oh my god guys I get it you have the rest of your life ha ha ha


That question has many answers, depends on height and so on. But on average a human falls at about 200 FPS( Feet Per Second ) From 14000 Feet free fall time would be about 50/60 seconds.


That is not a lot of time to correct the problem...that must have been terrifying.


Edit because so many people are mentioning this. I understand that you dont pull the chute at the beginning of your jump so the amount of time you have to correct the problem of a failed chute is less than 50-60 seconds. Regardless if it were 20 seconds or 60 seconds, my point remains that you must act quickly under pressure and I would probably be splattered which is why I'm not a professional at launching myself out of planes.


Training kicks in. But you have to diagnose the problem and make decisions quickly.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How do you cut the bad cord? Manually or can you press a button to disconnect it?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There's a handle on the chest strap that you pull to cut the main away, some parachutes I think deploy the reserve with the same handle others there's a second handle to pull.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When I was a kid I was playing hide and seek with my siblings and I got the brilliant idea to hide in the trunk of the car. I meant to leave the trunk barely open so that it didn't latch but accidentally closed it too far and it latched. Mind you this was before they put handles in cars to open trunks from the inside so I was legitimately stuck.


It was almost completely dark so I started seriously freaking out and I thought I was going to die, so I started yelling for help as loud as I could and was kicking at the back seat thinking maybe I could break the latch that keeps the seat from folding. I was probably only in there for about 5 minutes before someone heard me and let me out but it felt like an eternity.


To this day I firmly believe it was because of this incident that I developed some minor claustrophobia. I still have serious fears about being in small, cramped and dark areas.


I have a friend who’s brother died in the trunk of the car playing hide and seek. It got too hot and he couldn’t get out. So sad. I’m glad you made it!


I was driving down a highway, doing 65 MPH, and suddenly my car started to shake. I tapped the brakes in reflex and my entire car flipped 180 degrees. I'm now facing oncoming traffic, including a semi truck. I was so close I couldn't see the driver compartment. I screamed and jerked the wheel, bringing me in front of a sedan with two people screaming as they watched me appear out of nowhere. I kept screaming and floored the gas pedal. Made it to the side of the road and cried for a long time.


I had blown a rear tire. Hitting the brakes was a terrible terrible choice.


What are you supposed to do because I'm sure I would hit the breaks too.


Ease off the gas, put your flashers on so other drivers know there is something amiss, and aim for the shoulder on a shallow angle. (Don't just jerk the wheel over). Basically, no sudden movements and get out of the road. When you're down below, say, 5 mph then you can hit the brakes to come to a full stop.


Edit: some comments below pointed out that you want all 4 wheels off the road and on the same surface if at all possible before you stop. Good point.


It's a good rule of thumb anytime the car behaves unexpectedly.


Boyfriend finally woke me up shortly after we had fallen asleep in a small upstairs bedroom that had a smouldering fire. After we collapsed on the floor and couldn't find the door that was not even five feet away, we kept hitting walls and corners and started to not comprehend anything. After feeling like I was baking in an oven I laid my head down on the floor thinking I'd never see my son again and how sad it was to die. It felt like eternity and felt very lonely. My boyfriend somehow found his phone on the floor, called 911. Fire department showed up in what felt like two seconds but couldn't break down the front door. They shined the flashlight up to window so he could kick out the AC unit, which he did. They finally came upstairs and we crawled to them and they took us straight to the burn unit since they didn't know what shape we were in. I'm pretty sure the entire hospital toured through our room since they've never seen anyone make it out and look the way we did


I'm not sure anyone will see this, but if you ever find yourself in a smoke filled room and can't find a way out, put your hand on a wall and follow it. Eventually you'll get to the door. You can brute force any kind of maze with this. It's what firefighters are trained to do if they get lost.


As a firefighter, I’m amazed you made it out alive/without serious respiratory issues..thats amazing! That amount of smoke/heat without suffering smoke inhalation seems almost not plausible. Congrats on making it!


When I was 18 I was driving through an intersection with the right of way (going 70 kmph, or 43.5 mph), a man in a blue Mazda-3 hatchback decided to run the red light turning left. He was so close to me that I could see the whites of his eyes, and in a split second I thought "I'm about to T-Bone this guy, driver side door and he is going to die". Instinctively I yanked on the wheel and swerved to the right and instantly went over the curb and off the road, onto someones lawn. I slammed the brakes but because I was on grass the tires locked and the car kept momentum. I went through their wooden fence and garden, and straight into the brick wall on the side of their house. As soon as I went off the road, I 100% thought I was going to die. My life didn't flash before my eyes, but people close to me did. It could have only been a second or two but time seemed to slow down and my brain was racing. I thought about how my girlfriend would react, what my parents would say, what my friends would think, etc. When the car hit the wall it punched a few bricks out of place and the entire front end of the vehicle caved in. The windows shattered, the tires exploded, the doors bent into an L shape and the car started to fill with smoke, however the radio was still playing Vicarious by Tool. I was concussed by the airbag, broke my nose, jaw, two fingers, had whiplash and my left knee was dislocated. I was in shock and couldn't believe that what just happened was real, and so I just sat there kinda freaking out. A group of parents from a birthday party across the street saw what happened and ran to the car and pulled me from it as they thought it was about to catch fire. The man in the Mazda-3 drove away. If it wasn't for the testimony of those parents who told the police they witnessed the man run the intersection and that I didn't do anything wrong, I would have been completely liable for all of the property damage and additionally insurance would not have replaced the vehicle as it would have been deemed at-fault. I am glad nobody else got hurt.


Man that's awesome there were witnesses. I was glad to get to that part because as I was reading you going onto the lawn and hitting the wall, I was thinking, "That's such crap that they would get dinged by their insurance for something not their fault". That's the fucking shitty part about insurance. If you avoid the accident that would have been caused by a reckless driver and they take off, you're screwed with damages to your vehicle for being the one who did nothing wrong.


When both the stewardess and pilot at different times came on the loud speaker of the plane saying they are doing their best to land safely. Then seeing the fire engines and other emergency vehicles on the runway waiting for us. The plane landed fine but as it was going for the landing a weird calm came over me because I knew I wasn't going to make it and that was fine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was drunk and running in the woods when bam, barb wire fence straight to the throat. The last thing I remember I couldn't breathe and was passing out and there was blood squirting from my neck. Woke up an hour later and walked home looking like a murder victim.


I had leg cramp and a momentary blackout when swimming in a diving pool when I was 16. I was really active that I overexert my limit.


Surprisingly I didn't really panicked. Just the dreadful thought: "Oh shit, I'm fucked".


Funny thing is that I didn't really wingle my hands out of the pool panickingly like I usually see in the tv, just silently sinking.


Good thing the pool guard on-duty noticed me and went for my rescue by pulling me out.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Really wish I thanked the guard more that he saved me instead of me cluelessly sitting outside the lobby after the accident.


The thing is, very rarely do people flail their hands in panic when they drown. Usually they just stay still with their mouth and nose submerged underwater. What you want to look for is not the panic, but the responsiveness.


Hi just to add to this I used to be a lifeguard and one of the main things I learned is that this is 100% true. Over the course of two years I have 13 saves and only 1-2 flailed their arms. I had someone swimming laps for 3+ hours start drowning because of a leg cramp, they had swam in front of me for both years I worked there for hours, but the leg cramp took them out. Also most saves came from clueless parents, I had one kid look me dead in the eye, jump into the deep end (16 feet) and take his life jacket off. He was 2, couldn’t swim, and his mom had taken him to the pool, left him there and was going to come get him later. Also little fun fact, if there are two diving boards, and one life guard watching, and neither you, or the person on the other diving board can swim, please, and I mean please go one at a time. I still have a scar from where two little kids jumped at the same time, and when I got to one, the first instinct is to get out of the water, so they climb you. So I got climbed by a 6 year old girl, who wrapped her body around half my face and trapped an arm against my side, and then I got to her 9 year old brother (also drowning) who wrapped his legs around one of mine, trapped my other arm and wrapped his body around my NOW blocked face. If their parents where paying attention, maybe I wouldn’t have a scar on my back from where one of them gouged their finger nails into it trying to escape….


be safe with water and watch your kids people!


Once as a kid I was in the backyard swimming while my family was nearby eating dinner at a round table. Most had their backs to me, but I was like 11 and an experienced swimmer. I got into a toddlers float with leg holes. It ended up flipping over and I was stuck in it. My legs wouldn’t come out of the leg holes. I kicked and thrashed as much as I could, but I was so stuck. And you can’t hear someone screaming under water. So many thoughts ran through my head…mostly how sad I was that my parents were about to find me dead in a matter of minutes and how they’d never forgive themselves for allowing me to silently drown as they talked with friends.


I tried one more time to kick with all of my might. One leg slipped out and I was able to get the other out after. I was fine. Totally fucking spooked, but physically ok.


Did you tell them what happened?


I have a similar story. I was single-digit age and for some reason I removed my life jacket while on our family’s boat with my parents. I was attempting to sit on a the little board that sticks off the back for climbing onto when I toppled off into the water. I was still in swimming classes at the time and couldn’t do much but doggy paddle. I was bobbing up and down in the water and I couldn’t get enough air to scream in between coming up for air. I was little and got panicked and tired really quickly and began to sink, one surfacing at a time, until I couldn’t surface anymore and realized it completely. I thought about my parents on the boat who didn’t know I was gone and wondered when they’d realize I was missing and if they’d find me. A big grey fish swam by and I saw my mom dive in just as everything went dark. I woke up on the boat in a towel.


I ran out of the pool and told them, but I feel like they didn’t take me all that seriously since I was just a kid talking a mile a minute. They probably thought I was being dramatic.


Near drowning experiences are absolutely horrifying. I’m sorry that happened to you. I think what’s scariest is that I had been swimming since the age of 4. My parents thought I was safe. They did all the right things. But I was still a kid that did a stupid thing and my swimming skills didn’t make a difference here. I just remember feeling so hopeless and in these situations 30 seconds feels like an eternity. You can never be too careful.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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