2021-07-18 辽阔天空 6589

How do I eat healthily if I’m poor?


Nicaris Daniels-Porter, has lived in poverty most of my life
I’m going to offer a different perspective. I have a budget of $40–50 a month for food and I’m vegan (so keep that in mind as well). This isn’t perfect advice, but I hope that it helps you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Buy non-perishables
I no longer have access to a refrigerator, but when I did I found out that I wasted a lot of money buying fresh food. I would buy fresh produce and it would end up spoiling after just a week so I would end up throwing out a lot of food. Now that I have no refrigerator access because of my living situation (most college students also face this is they live in a dorm, but have no meal plan) this is even more critical. I also only have access to a microwave to heat my food and no cooking equipment (or reasonable place to store it if I had it) I typically buy a lot of instant brown rice and quinoa, canned beans, various canned vegetables (low sodium when possible) and fruits (no or lite syrup when possible), soups, wheat bread, pb & j, and anything thing else that you could keep in a pantry. When I do this, I find that I use nearly everything that I buy with almost no waste from spoilage. This also allows my to buy in bulk during sales (which are frequent for canned goods for some reason) without having to worry about losing any food. Occasionally I may splurge if I have a few extra dollars and buy ingredients for a salad and, because I won’t eat it all in one sitting, I spread it out throughout the day. It’s also nice to get cooked food from the grocery store instead of eating out (much cheaper), but, as a vegan, there are limited options for me so I don’t do this often.


When buying food that will spoil, only buy what you will eat within a day or two
I do this sometimes with fruit especially. I will buy a couple tangerines, apples, bananas, etc. every once in awhile (when I have some extra money left over) and just eat it throughout the day. Farmers markets, if they are in your area, can either be very cheap or pricey, but I have sometimes been able to get fresh food cheaply this way. Great for snacks at work!


Try to buy store brands
Store brands will give you the best bang for your buck 9 times out of 10. Sometimes the quality isn’t the best though so if there is a lot of filler or added corn syrup or something like that, I may move up to another generic brand. Sometimes regular brands either offer more for a similar price, an exceptional quality that is worth a few more cents, or unique offering with no reasonable generic alternative, so this is not a hard and fast rule. Sometimes you can find great deals on breads at the bakery too (if your store has one)!
Try to attend events with food when you can
This may not apply to everyone. My job offers breakfast during monthly meetings or, if we have a conference (1–2 times a year), they will provide breakfast, lunch, and snacks! There are many school and community events too. Even if you aren’t hungry, take something with you if you can.


Try to invest in a supplement
When you have a very limited budget for food, it can be hard to make sure that you are getting enough of every vitamin and mineral you need. I recommend a cheap multivitamin and flax seed oil (usually also very cheap) tablets for omega-3s. I’ve found that the generic amazon multivitamins are great and I’ve found flax seed tablets for as cheap as $10 for a 30 day supply. I do not use supplements every day, but I will use them 2–3 times a week to help them go farther.
Buy extra virgin olive oil
As you read earlier, I am unable to really cook, so this may sound weird, but this is a great way to add healthy calories and fat to your diet. I usually mix in a little with my dinner (sometimes lunch, but usually not). This is not something I would recommend to buy in bulk because, even though this is shelf stable, it will eventually spoil.

当你的食物预算非常有限时,可能很难确保你每天会获得足够的维生素和矿物质。所以我推荐一种便宜的富含omega-3脂肪酸的复合维生素和亚麻籽油片(这些东西通常也很便宜)。我发现亚马逊的普通复合维生素很好,而且我还发现亚麻籽片的价格低至 10 美元,可以吃一个月。我不是每天都服用补充剂,但我会每周服用2-3次,以助于我身体营养的吸收。

Again, I am not claiming that this is a perfect solution, but I thought I would give another perspective since most of the answers incorporate cooking and fresh ingredients which can be expensive, impractical, or simply not possible for some. I don’t know if some of the posters realize this, but, as someone who has grown up in poverty, many poverty-stricken areas don’t have access to fresh produce. So, unless you grow it yourself, you won’t be getting it. Many times the local dollar store or convenience store may be the only place to get food that is not already cooked (i.e. fast food, restaurants, etc.) or junk food, and you can usually find relatively healthy canned goods and other non-perishables there. That is one of many reasons that poor people are prone to obesity and malnutrition. The cheapest foods are usually the most unhealthy and most poor people go for whatever is cheapest. As an example, I am the only one in my family who does not eat white bread (which is extremely unhealthy) because white bread is widely available and is almost always the cheapest type of bread.
Edit: I want to clarify that supplements and olive oil are not part of my food bill, this is from any extra money I may save. I suggested this because it helps me to help my dollars go farther. If I don’t have
the money (this does happen sometimes), I will not get it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ruth Marie Hofmann, Restless explorer of recipes, health foodie with a streak of common sense.
Run download the free PDF file for Good and Cheap. Written by Leanne Brown, a blogger of frugal note, this has an excellent primer for cooking and eating well on $4 per day per the SNAP program here in the States. I was impressed by the first 15 pages or so of this capsule of cooking technique recommendations plus the following pages of recipes. Simple foods are featured but not necessarily is it shoddy nutrition. It’ll launch some inspiration.
You do need to cook your own food. I took a moment to look up your name and location in England, realized that much of what I could recommend in the states would not work immediately for you, but there are some parallels. Eating production foods such as white bread and Nutella is where much of the crappy nutrition lies regardless of what country you reside. To eat well and eat frugal, you need to cook your own, period. Save the Nutella for a dessert treat!

你赶快下载 Good and Cheap 的免费 PDF 文件。这个文件是由节俭笔记的博主 Leanne Brown 撰写的,这是一本教你省钱的入门书,这也是根据美国的SNAP计划教你在美国如何每天只花4美元就可以吃得很好以及烹饪出美味佳肴。这本书前15页推荐的烹饪技巧以及后面的几页食谱给我留下了深刻的印象。简单的食物是一种特色,但这并不代表着简单的食物就没营养。简单的食物会启发你的灵感。

Look and ask for culls at farmer’s markets. Most produce booths are more than happy to move a lot of bruised or broken-skinned produce for half the usual cost … less of you buy the whole box! … than drag it home for the compost heap. This harks to a need to prep and cook promptly to take advantage of the find.
Look for dated markdowns such as bread or grains or rice. Stale bread is a happy find as it can easily be turned into bread stuffing for a casserole, overnight French toast for a Sunday brunch, ground into breadcrumbs for fishcakes or meatloaf or casserole toppings. Check out some of the Dollar-type stores as some have produce sections and large lot finds of whole grain breads. Keep freezer space if possible for extra loaves when you find them. Ask the store when they have their deliveries as invariably they will be marking down excess produce and you’ll likely score twice the produce for the dollar price even if you need to cut out bruises.


Hunt down a slow cooker via a thrift store or yard sale. Utterly and completely indispensable for doing broths and stocks without a great deal of attention on your part. You might be stunned at how you can redirect the near-trash trimmings from onions, celery, carrots, parsley into an overnight transformation for a darn tasty veggie stock (collect them in a freezer bag over a week). Add the bone carcass from a chicken and you’ll have extra flavor and nutrients for cooking rice or potatoes or thickened into sauces.
Eggs are your friend as far as protein. Never pass up a deal on eggs as you’ll always be one pan away from a quick meal when tired. Additional proteins that are far cheaper than animal sources are pulses (lentils) and the burgeoning variety of beans.
Start collecting soup recipes and giving them tryouts. Discover which ones will become your favorites … in my house, thick potato-based creamy soups and veggie minestrone soups are a big thumbs-up with a bit of toast or biscuit. Invariably a pot of soup will cover several days of dinner or lunch meals. They’ll easily absorb leftover tidbits without making you feel like you’re eating a rerun. If lentils are included and perhaps topped with a coddled egg, so rich in flavor, you’ll still feel like fine dining.
Join with frugal-minded neighbors to buy in bulk whenever the opportunity presents a large bag of rice, beans, steel-cut oats, or other dry storage supply. Bulk buys might seem to grab a chunk of budget, but you’ll not need to buy that pantry staple again until the next sale, allowing you to spend on other items during the following week(s).
There is a surprisingly broad scope of foods and recipes that can be wrangled on a tight budget.Play with what’s available to you locally and stay flexible as to the prize find of the day.


Ben Waggoner, I cook it and I eat it.
A lot of folks have already given good answers: Avoid prepared foods. Learn to cook (not necessarily restaurant-grade, but simple stuff). Focus on beans and rice and vegetables; trade your Nutella for peanut butter; buy in bulk when you can; and so on. That’s all good advice.
I’m going to add one tip that I haven’t seen anyone else add: Don’t forget herbs and spices. Pick them up when you can, and learn how to use them.
You might be asking why I say this. You don’t absolutely need herbs and spices to live. OK, some of them might be healthful—but if I only have $5, I’m hungry, and I have to choose between one jar of turmeric or four one-pound bags of dry beans, of course I’ll get the beans, antioxidants be damned. Spices might seem like a luxury that you can’t afford.
BUT. . . herbs and spices can keep you interested in eating. They make it easier for you to stick to a new way of eating. They’ll make your family more willing to eat. Because, well, if you cook up a mess of beans without any seasoning and try to eat them, after a few bites you will probably say, “[expletive dexed] it, pass me the Nutella.” But if you cook up a mess of beans with salt, pepper, garlic, and maybe oregano and thyme. . . it will taste so much better. It’ll keep your taste buds interested.

你可能会问我为什么要这么说,因为你并不需要依靠草药和香料来生活。好吧,我之所以这么说,是因为其中有一些草药和香料可能对健康有益。但如果我只有 5 美元,我饿了,我必须要在一罐姜黄或四袋一磅重的干豆子之间做出选择,我当然会选择豆子了,因为填饱肚子最重要。香料可能是你负担不起的奢侈品。

Herbs and spices will also let you vary your diet, even if you only have a few ingredients. Let’s say you have a can or two of crushed tomatoes, and an onion. You could chop up the onion, fry it in a little bit of oil, and then add the tomatoes and let it cook for a bit. Add salt and black pepper (because those go well with just about any dish). And then . . . what?
If you add oregano and rosemary and garlic and a bay leaf. . . you have Italian-style sauce! OK, maybe not exactly the way they do it autentico in Napoli or Roma—but it’ll taste good enough. Cook up and throw in a little ground meat or sausage if you have it, and/or chop up some bell peppers, mushrooms, squash, zucchini, etc. if you can get one or more of those. Ladle the result over cooked pasta. Or spread a spoonful on tortillas or flatbreads or even toast, sprinkle cheese on top if you have any, stick ’em in the oven until bubbly, and you’ve got pizzas. Buon appetito!
If you add red pepper, cumin, and oregano, and fresh cilantro if you have it. . . . bubba, you got you some fine Tex-Mex cookin’, perhaps not exactly like they do it down in the streets of Laredo, but close enough. Add some cooked beans, and some stock or broth (if you have it) or water (if you don’t), and some cooked meat (if you have it), let it all simmer for a while, and you got the fixins’ of some fine chili. Eat hearty, pardner!
If you add red pepper, garlic, oregano, and thyme, plus chopped bell peppers and celery if you have them, maybe chopped parsley if you’ve got that. . . mais chér, you done got you the basics of Cajun sauce piquante, if not quite exactly how they do it in Ville Platte or Thibodeaux. Sauce piquante is an all-purpose recipe that you can add just about any meat to—whether it’s chicken, pork, alligator, or something you ran over on the Evangeline Thruway. Cook your meat, add it to the sauce piquante, let it simmer to blend the flavors, and serve it over cooked rice. Or add maybe 1 cup of dry rice and 2 cups of water or stock to your sauce, add chopped cooked chicken, ham, or sausage if you have them, stir it all up well and let the rice cook on a slow boil until it has absorbed all the liquid. . . you’ve got Cajun jambalaya. Laissez les bons temps roulez!
The point of all of these is not to make perfectly authentic ethnic cuisine. I’m sure that any Italians or Indians who might read this can point out how my recipe would make true natives retch in Firenze or Delhi. I also haven’t been very precise in exactly how much of each ingredient to use—you may find yourself missing ingredients or holding a surplus on any given day, which means that you may have to improvise. The point is that, starting with a small number of ingredients (many of which can be left out or substituted if necessary), and by varying the spices, you can make a bunch of stuff that will taste good—that will keep you and your family wanting to eat it, instead of going back to cornflakes and Nutella.

如果你加入红辣椒、大蒜、牛至和百里香,再加上切碎的甜椒和芹菜(如果有的话),还可以加上切碎的欧芹。这样你就基本已经掌握了piquante辣酱的基本知识,虽然这不是他们在 Ville Platte 或 Thibodeaux 中的做法,但已经很接近了。piquante辣酱是一种通用食谱,可以添加任何肉类,无论是鸡肉、猪肉、鳄鱼肉,还是您在伊万杰琳高速公路上撞到的肉。你可以把你的肉煮熟,然后把它加到辣酱里,让它混合各种味道,然后用小火煨,最后再把它放在煮熟的米饭上就行了。或者是在酱汁中加入 1 杯干米饭和 2 杯水或高汤,再在里面加入切碎的已经煮熟的鸡肉、火腿或香肠(如果有的话),搅拌均匀,让米饭慢慢煮沸直到它吸收了所有的液体。这样你就得到了法式什锦饭。祝你一切顺利!

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