2021-08-02 辽阔天空 15224

What is the best way to learn Chinese?


Guoyi Xu, lives in Chengdu, Sichuan, China
It may seem easy to learn some simple Chinese characters and expressions, but learning it well, by which I mean having a good command of the language that you can communicate with an ordinary Chinese without much difficulty, is not easy at all. You cannot learn it in a single way, because there is no fixed way in learning Chinese, just as you learn other languages. However, there are some tips to follow, which does incorporate some principles for you to obey when choosing the best ways to learn Chinese.
Before learning, you have to figure out what kind of Chinese you are aiming to learn. There are two main types of Chinese spoken by a large number of people—Mandarin and Cantonese.


In Taiwan and most parts of mainland China, it is a requirement for school children to learn Mandarin, because Mandarin is considered as a standard language (or more precisely, a standard system of pronunciation and expression) by most Chinese people. The existence of the standard language Mandarin results from the fact that though all Chinese share the same written language system, the pronunciation and ways of expressions differ greatly from province to province, city to city, and even from town to town. In Southern China, especially, habitants from neighboring towns may fail to make each other understood by speaking to each other, because they have totally different dialects. Therefore, Mandarin serves as a “bond”, for Chinese to understand each other. Mandarin is widely used in TV, radio and comunication in business, politics and education. Any foreign tourist who wish to visit mainland China and Taiwan and communicate with local people, should learn Mandarin.
In Hong Kong, Macao, and some parts of Guangdong Province and Guangxi Province, Cantonese is spoken widely. Since Guangdong and Guangxi are provinces in mainland China, people there mostly consider Cantonese as a dialect rather than an official language. In Hong Kong and Macao, however, Cantonese is considered as an official language. One of my friend who paid a visit to Hong Kong last year came back to say that he was surprised that some people from Hong Kong cannot understand Mandarin when he talked to them. Since my friend cannot speak Cantonese, he had to communicate with that Hong Kong man in English. Well, this is not common, because most people from Hong Kong or Macao speak Mandarin as well as Cantonese. Since a great number of Chinese immigrants in early 20th century were from Guangdong or Hong Kong, a lot of Chinese you hear overseas now are actually Cantonese, not Mandarin.


You have to know this because Mandarin and Cantonese are not same at all. They share the written characters, but the pronunciation and expressions are not similar.
Learn characters and words first, along with expressions. When I first learn English, I started with 26 letters and then some simple words. It is similar learning Chinese. Only after you have learned a number of words and expressions can you figure out what grammar is in Chinese.
There is some sort of misleading English education in China. High school students take English course mostly to learn English grammar, and that’s the reason why a lot of high school student in China hate English courses. Though we began learning English at a very early age in China, there is literally no possibility for most high school students in China to handle for about 2000 English words. For such a limited vocabulary, it is of no use trying to tell them the sentence structure of a long and complex sentence. Sentences like “Had I arrived at the airport earlier, the plane wouldn’t have taken off” are hardly absorbed by some of the high school students. Students at elementary schools are taught past tenses and present perfect tenses, which confuse a lot of high school students. What I want to express using the English example of Chinese students is that as a foreign language learner, you cannot learn grammar in the first place. This is especially important in learning Chinese, because Chinese language has a very complex and flexible grammar system. If you are trying to analyse the sentence structure of Chinese, you will soon get bored.

中国的英语教育存在某种误导。高中生上英语课主要是为了学习英语语法,这就是为什么中国很多高中生讨厌英语课的原因。虽然我们在中国,很小的时候就开始学习英语,但对于中国的大多数高中生来说,几乎不可能掌握大约2000个英语单词。对于如此有限的词汇量,试图告诉他们一个长而复杂的句子的结构是没有用的。像“Had I arrived at the airport earlier, the plane wouldn’t have taken off”这样的句子很难被一些高中生理解。小学的学生学习过去时态和现在完成时态,这让很多高中生感到困惑。我想用中国学生的英语例子来表达的是,作为一名外语学习者,你首先不能学习语法。这在学习汉语时尤其重要,因为汉语有一个非常复杂和灵活的语法系统。如果你试图分析汉语的句子结构,你很快就会感到厌烦。
Actually there is no need to learn grammar in Chinese, and my tips for you is to learn as much words and expressions as possible. Your vocabulary helps you a lot when you lear grammar or communicate with others. As for sentence structures, you just have to read as much materials as possible, and sometimes you don’t need to ask why when you come across several sentences which express the same meaning but are not structured in the same way. Sometimes, it is just the habits of Chinese people to say it that way, and that particular expression just passed generation by generation, and we just take it for granted. When you ask a Chinese people why a sentence is structured in that way or why we use some figure to express a particular meaning, you may not get a satisfying answer. For example, we Chinese use “含着金钥匙” to express children growing up with good living condition and no worry of hunger, but literally the expression means the behavior of keeping a golden key in the mouth. Nobody knows why we use the behavior of keeping a golden key in the mouth to express the meaning of wealth, and we just say it that way.
其实没有必要学习汉语语法,我给你的建议是尽可能多地学习单词和表达。然后当你学习语法或与他人交流时,你会发现词汇对你帮助很大。至于句子结构,你只需要阅读尽可能多的材料,有时当你遇到几个表达相同意思但结构不同的句子时,你不需要问为什么。有时候,中国人习惯这样说,而这种特殊的表达方式一代又一代地流传着,我们只是认为这是理所当然的。当你问一个中国人为什么一个句子是这样的结构,或者为什么我们用一些数字来表达一个特定的意思时,你可能不会得到满意的答案。例如,我们中国人使用“含着金钥匙” 表达孩子们在良好的生活条件下成长,不担心饥饿,但字面上的意思是把金钥匙放在嘴里的行为。没有人知道为什么我们用把金钥匙放在嘴里的行为来表达财富的意义,我们只是这样说。

Communicate. By communicating, I mean you can communicate with your Chinese teacher in Chinese,
your Chinese classmates, collegues. You can also read Chinese newspapers, watch Chinese talk shows, movies, listening to Chinese pop songs (There are Mandarin songs and Cantonese songs which sound different, you have to know that) and so on. You can visit China to communicate with the local people. Chinese people are always pleased and ready to talk with a foreigner in Chinese. Since usually a foreigner do not need to speak Chinese to visit China (because a great number Chinese people can speak English), a foreigner who can speak Chinese is rare and can always receive special welcome and warm-hearted helps. In large cities in China, people speak Mandarin, while in the small towns or the country side, dialects may predominate. China is an excellent place for you to practice your Chinese language. You can also practice in your own country with a Chinese people, but for historical reasons, the language spoken by Chinese overseas (especially Chinese born overseas) varies from person to person. Some of them speak Cantonese, some Mandarin, and others dialects of their own hometown. You may not understand some of them even if they are speaking Chinese to you, and don’t worry because they may just be speaking their dialect. Communication is the key to learning a language, and when you are learning Chinese, the diversity of dialects may surprise you when you communicate with Chinese people.


Kevin Dewalt, Startup founder (5), Investor (25+), and mentor (a lot). Now working on SaaS.
Short Answer: Find a Westerners in a similar life situation as yours who learned Chinese to the level of proficiency you desire and ask their advice. Most likely you'll discover that they best (and perhaps only) way to learn a language is to use it.
Long Answer…
I asked this Quora question when I arrived in China and was struggling to learn Chinese. I've recently turned the corner and can now have day-to-day life conversations with Chinese people. Although I'm nowhere near the level of proficiency I desire, I have found a process that is working for me and feel bit more qualified to answer my own question.
I moved to China in the Spring of 2012. It was a hard landing for me, much harder than I expected. In America I spent about 6 months studying part time with software products like Memrise, Chinesepod, and Anki flashcards as well periodic lessons with 1-1 tutors. I continued this practice in China, and by May of 2012 I was intensely frustrated with my progress. Chinese people had a hard time understanding even basic words I was saying and I understand almost nothing of what I heard. Fortunately my hours using Memrise had given me a good grasp of pinyin and knowledge of about 1,000 characters, so at least I could use SMS to communicate as a last resort. But overall I realized that if I didn't find a better approach to start rapidly improving I was on the road to becoming another Westerner who tried to learn and gave up.


I met a lot of Westerners who started working when the first arrived in China, took few hours each week of lessons, and never really got to the point where they could use Chinese as well as I can now. I commonly hear the regret, "I wish I had first focused on Chinese when I arrived."
Every Westerner I met who was "fluent" (1) spent at least several months studying Chinese full time, and (2) spent massive amounts of time speaking 1-1 with native Chinese people.
Of course this doesn't mean that software products, classrooms, and studying part time don't help - I just didn't meet anyone who had used them successfully.
So in early June I decided to give myself a 3-month deadline of getting to basic efficiency or give up. I stopped taking meetings in Beijing, stopped work on any other projects, and dedicated myself full time, 7 days a week to learning Chinese.
I increased my 1-1 time with Chinese teachers from ~8 hours/week to ~25. I found two great teachers(one from a school in Beijing http://www.livethelanguage.cn/, one referred by another American expat) for 3-6 hours per day, 7 days/week.

I started watching episodes of 喜羊羊与灰太狼 per Daniel's advice. I could not (and still can't) follow the dialog at full speed, so my teacher would transcribe the dialog for me and I would study it as well. With my teacher I would explain the entire episode to her, ask questions, and attempt to use the new words and grammar from the episode. When I could watch it at full speed and understand everything I would move on. Sometimes I would have to see the same word multiple times before getting it.
Since I never hand write English, I decided not to learn how to write Hanzi characters except 一 、二、三 :-). But I did type Hanzi everyday, typing out homework assignments, creating my own fictional dialogs, and writing stories. Every day I read them with my teacher, get errors corrected, and talk about them.

I looked for every daily life opportunity to speak Chinese. Before going to get a haircut/buy something/to a restaurant I would write out fictional dialogs about what I planned to do, then I would read and discuss them with my teachers. Then I would go out and use the language in the wild, making mistakes and stumbling through it.
By the end August, my 3 month deadline, I was able to carry out basic life conversations.

我开始按照丹尼尔的建议看电视剧喜羊羊与灰太狼 。我不能(现在仍然不能)全速跟随对话,所以我的老师会为我转录对话,我也会学习。我会向她解释整集内容,提出问题,并尝试使用该集的生词和语法。当我可以全速观看并理解一切时。有时,我不得不在了解一个词之前,重复多次看它。
由于我从不手写英语,我决定不学写如何汉字,除非一 、二、三 ,嘿嘿, 但我每天都(用电脑)打汉字,打家庭作业,创造一些虚构的对话,写故事。每天我都和我的老师一起读,纠正错误,并谈论它们。

I still plan on working 1-1 with teachers a few hours a day, reading Chinese, and writing at every opportunity.
In retrospect, my advice is…
1. If life allows it, dedicate 6 months, full time, 24x7 to studying and using Chinese when you arrive in China.
2. Find a way to spend 20-30 hours/week in one-on-one dialog with native speakers. Professional teachers are the best if you can afford it ($5-$20 USD/hour) but you can also get students and tutors if necessary.
3. Be patient, be determined. It is so hard but it gets better.


Mengli He, English Translator in Shenzhen, China
I am a Chinese.
I majored in English in university and I studied French for two years as a second foreign language. But still I am not able to speak like a native speaker in English, or have basic conversations in French.
I have many foreign colleagues who are copywriters of our company. Some of them can speak very fluent Chinese. One of them only studied Chinese for two months, but he can understand most of our Chinese conversations.
Based on my own experience of learning a foreign language, I think the most effective and quickest way to acquire a foreign language is to learn it in an immersive environment.
I would skirt all those detailed language acquisition methods here because there are already many good answers. I would like to share with you how we Chinese people learn Chinese in school. I grew up in a small village where I finished my nine-year compulsory education. So my personal experience only shows a small part of how Chinese students learn Chinese in school.
Read aloud, copy, recite and dictate: We usually read the text aloud during early-morning self-study. Sometimes, we have to recite the full texts, sometimes we only recite some paragraphs. For those classical Chinese poetry in our textbook, we have to recite them all even if we were still too young to conceive the artistic conception. The most frequent homework for our Chinese classes were copy the words/phrases/paragraphs, or recite the text/paragraphs, or write diaries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Write essays with a given topic: Basically, our Chinese classes are always about reading and writing.
Read extracurricular books and take notes: Some of the notes are examination-oriented. But sometimes I takes notes out of pure appreciation for the charm of literature.
To sum up, I don’t think there is any so-called “the best ways” to learn Chinese, but every little bit helps.


Harish Vasanth, studied Mandarin Chinese at Sun Yat-Sen University
Language acquisition is intimidating at times!
Especially, when you don't have a pulsating desire or enough drive, learning a language can be a quite daunting task.
Unlike other languages, Chinese looks tougher and harder to learn but it's not actually. It looks hard mainly because of two reasons
lack of cultural knowledge
Language is directly related with the culture. So the context comes into play. You might have learned the language somewhere outside the country . But to initiate a conversation with a native speaker, you won't feel it like comfortable. Why so? cultural awareness is a must to understand the context of any Language!
So how do we do this?
First and foremost, throw yourself into the unknown , that is the best way. whatever the language you wanna master, if possible, be in that country surrounded by the native speakers and exposed to good quality contents repeatedly, and give yourself enough time to rewire your brain and evolve through the series of events by actively participating in it. A conscious effort required to be successful in it. spend 1–2 years would be suffice to master it if you're spending time wisely grabbing every single opportunity to learn and practice.
So coming back to your point, Chinese can be hard especially when you start off. Cause you're seeing it for the first time and it's a tonal language. It takes sometime to hack into the 5 tones and the rules. These are the building blocks and find time and practice as much as you can


The success mantra - RRR :)
Once you master the tones, it's pretty much done with the language!
Then it's time for a big leap! Get ready to be surprised
As there's no verb conjugation in Chinese which makes it really easy (in comparison with English, Spanish and other languages etc.. )
For example, let's take a verb 'eat' and compare with English
In English the three forms would be
Eat-ate-eaten ( present, past and pp respectively)

But in Chinese, it's 吃(chi1)

It retain the same form without any change irrespective of the tense we use.


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