2021-08-09 骑着毛驴到处走 12744

While not surprising, this is an interesting studies that find that applicants are less likely to be contacted for an interview, if their resume has indicators of a working class upbringing.
we sent fictitious resumes to 316 offices of 147 top law firms in 14 cities, from candidates who were supposedly trying to land a summer internship position. All applicants were in the top 1% of their class and were on law review, but came from second-tier law schools. This was important because graduates from the most elite law schools (e.g., Harvard and Yale) are typically recruited on-campus. But law school students from second-tier schools must compete for coveted internship positions by sending in their resumes directly to firms in hopes of attracting employers’ attention by virtue of their C.V.s.


Directly indicating a parent’s occupation or income on a resume might be strange for an employer to see, so we signaled social class position via accepted and often required portions of resumes: awards and extracurricular activities.
For example, our higher class candidate pursued traditionally upper-class hobbies and sports, such sailing, polo, and classical music, while the lower-class candidate participated in activities with lower financial barriers to entry (e.g., pick-up soccer, track and field team) and those distinctly rejected by higher-class individuals (e.g., country music). But crucially, all educational, academic, and work-related achievements were identical between our four fictitious candidates.
Even though all educational and work-related histories were the same, employers overwhelmingly favored the higher-class man. He had a callback rate more than four times of other applicants and received more invitations to interview than all other applicants in our study combined.
Our findings confirm that, despite our national myth that anyone can make it if they work hard enough, the social class people grow up in greatly shapes the types of jobs (and salaries) they can attain, regardless of the achievements listed on their resumes.


Just from personal experience, a lack of volunteer work. It’s a lot easier to volunteer places when you don’t need to go wash dishes in a restaurant after school. but when you’re focused on having to provide for yourself as a youngster, volunteer work isn’t a top priority.


I thought the whole point of requiring internships and volunteering was to weed out poor applicants


I moved to NYC out of school and looked at the openings of a nonprofit and thought, "one year non-paid internship? Good luck finding someone to fill that". Then I learned what a trust fund is...


Exactly. And the trust fund kid will use that experience to prove what a fine upstanding citizen they are in every job interview from now on, which gives them an edge over the poor student who had to wash dishes to survive.


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People tend to judge their wealth relative to those around them, and they also tend to overestimate others wealth.
That being said, if you look at a visualization of the highest paid CEOs, people who came from true poverty are pretty few and far between.


As someone once said- “I didn’t know I was poor until I moved out of my neighborhood.”


I grew up and people called me the rich kid. It was always confusing to me because my father worked for people much wealthier than us. We would get invited to barbecues at his colleagues houses and they were always nicer than ours. It always felt like we were normal and the people above us were rich. Looking back I can see that I grew up extremely privileged. It was just hard to see at the time.


One of my daughters friends came over one day and said that we were rich because we had food in the fridge.


I learned in second grade I was rich when I got so much stuff for xmas, I went to school the next day and had to lie about how many presents I got because most kids only got one thing all day. I opened up presents for about 8 hours and had thousands of dollars worth of stuff.


8 hours? You must have been savoring those unwrappings. My siblings and I tore in like hyenas


A block of presents in the morning with my parents, travel to chicago to my grandmas, another round of presents, family pictures, more presents, food, more presents, etc... Presents literally stacked to the ceiling. My aunt in 08 bought a new house and when she hosted xmas that year filled a whole room to the ceiling with presents.
Back then (as a kid in the 90s) it was just me, my sister, my brother, and my 3 cousins. That was it, just the six of us, so we were spoiled rotten until 2003 when my cousin Melissa came along. Then it was just 7 of us .my grandma buys me some fancy designer clothes b/c she likes buying fancy mens clothes and I'm the only one skinny enough to wear them.


For Americans, most everyone, including the poor and rich, describe themselves as middle class.


It makes a lot of sense. Rich parents tend to make rich kids, but nobody likes a rich kid so they manufacture a “I pulled myself up by my Prada bootstraps!” story.


A rags to riches story is more attractive than having been brought up coddled.


There's a lot of animosity to people that are born into wealth so it's not surprising some would try and play that down


I am a first in my family to go to law school (or any professional program really). My parents worked menial government jobs at a modest salary. Law school was full of individuals who claimed middle class yet were driving $70,000 vehicles to university. Or multiple trips to Europe or abroad generally. Or staying at their parents condo which was vacant. So yes, the headline is correct here.


If someone refers to themselves as middle class, they’re either working class or wealthy, and it’s usually obvious which.
For some reason the ppl I gauged to actually be middle class never pointed it out.
I’ve been out and about and watched very wealthy men unironically refer to themselves as middle class.
The drive to not acknowledge privilege is just as strong as the drive to hide you’re poor .


working class is often part of the middle class. Historically it wasn't even about how much you made but what kind of job you had. So it isn't surprising that people have different perspectives on what socio economic class they were part of growing up.


The working class is generally referring to people above the poverty line and below median income. In some philosophical sense, sure, the middle class is part of the "working class" but in practice we all know they're not the same.


The concept of working class vs middle class is generally inspired by Marx and the difference is usually that the working class (Proletariat) owns no (income or equity-generating) property and relies on selling their labor for a living, while the middle class (Petit Bourgeoisie) might still have to work but their higher wages allow them to own property, or they might own their own means of production like a shop owner. It's not clear cut and class interests vary based on material conditions, In states like the US, Canada and Australia, many "workers" own some sort of property, which changes their class interests.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I personally only realised my privileged upbringing when I found out how lusciously rich some people at my school where (school I went to when I was 12 years+). There were nobles, children from one of the richest people in Germany (where I live) and besides them I looked really poor with my parents both having an academic background (professor and teacher), but in reality my family is like in the top 5% of Germany by income.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I grew up working class - not destitute, but not secure by any means. Lights got shut off a few times, we weren’t allowed to the door or the phone in case it was a bill collector, etc. I ended up going to a fairly elite college, while my sister went to the local state university. She still claims we grew up middle class and every time she says it I’m just can’t wrap my head around thinking not being able to make ends meet regularly = middle class.


My parents are both lawyers. Our family wasn't in the top 1%, but we were almost certainly in the top 5%. I went to one of the most expensive private schools in the state, and most of my classmates were the children of millionaires or even billionaires. With the exception of a handful of students on financial aid, I was basically the poorest kid there. My parents could afford the tuition but they gave up luxuries to be able to do so - it wasn't a drop in the bucket to them like it was to some of the other families there.
I felt like a poor kid, even though that couldn't be further than the truth... but it seemed that way to me because I had so many peers who lived in literal mansions and had parents buy them a new BMW for their sixteenth birthday, etc. I had a friend buy me World of Warcraft and a year's worth of game cards with the credit card his parents had given him.... He told me not to worry about paying him back because "Dad won't even notice" the money being spent. The idea of my parents giving a credit card to me at 13 was inconceivable.
My parents were well off, but still had to budget their money. That feels poor when you're surrounded by people for whom money is literally no obxt. When a friend said "let's have a party at my parents' cabin at Lake Stevens this weekend" and everybody else says yes right away and I had to call my parents and ask to borrow the car, I felt like the poor kid. The fact that being in a room with these super rich kids at all made me privileged is something I never really processed prior to adulthood. You naturally come to define your environment as normalcy, even when your experience is vastly different from regular people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I grew up class privileged and in my experience class privileged people tend to compare themselves to the Uber-rich, “well, I didn’t have XYZ...” or “I had a job in college!” Like...come on...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah cause really poor folk (like me) don't want attention and I ain't about to tell everyone that my family was on food stamps growing up.


Funny. Growing up in the burbs i always thought i was middle class. Looking back I realized we were working class poor. Single mom making $20,000 a year in the 1990’s. If it weren’t for some close family friends who lent mom money after the divorce to buy out the house i would have been off to the ghetto. My mom was always in a bad mood. I thought she was just an angry person. Later i realized she was always worrying about how we were going to eat that week:

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a poor kid who was growing up with a single Ma, there are a lot of memories I have of her saying "oh, I'm not hungry for lunch, you two just eat your soup."
Looking back on memories like that I realized that she skipped a lot of meals to feed her kids.
She was also stressed a lot.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My father was often on strike or laid off. My mother was a minimum wage worker. There were times when friends brought groceries over or someone else paid a bill but we always had a roof over our head and a meal. Times improved but I was aware of a discrepancy when I was bussed to a school in a different neighbourhood where my new friend's had bedrooms bigger than our living room.


I grew up in Boulder, CO which, is a very expensive place to grow up. The only reason that was possible was because my mom (a receptionist) stole money from her employer for years to afford the rent that kept us in that school district. She’s lucky she didn’t go to prison but she did get fired once we were grown and she doesn’t regret it. But most people get that look when I say I grew up in Boulder. That “oh.... you come from money” look


rags to riches is a multiple generation achievement


Yes, the old "My grandparents came to America in the 1940s with $3.16 in their pocket!"


Exactly. My grandparents were really poor and I grew up really privledged. I don't go around saying I had a hard life, but I do acknowledge that my family did come from a working-class class background.


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If you grand parents worked there butts off to send your parents to college and they worked their butts off to send you to private school. Then sure you are“privileged”. It’s a gift given to you, and acknowledging that gift isn’t a bad thing.


My Grandad literally emigrated to the UK at 16 with nothing. But he was lucky enough to be successful, and my mum (his daughter) went to a prestigious private school. I'm not working class, even if my grandparents were


Lots of people are commenting like these people are all appropriating the struggle of a previous generation and using it as evidence of their own worthiness and hard working attitude.
I’m similar to you - grandparents faced really hard circumstances and worked like hell to give my parents access to education. By the time I was born, we weren’t wealthy but my parents had got their feet in the door for careers that meant we were comfortable and they were able to start earning a lot more through my upbringing.
I don’t want to be associated with the spoiled rich kids who don’t have a clue.But I guess lots of people have experience of people who co-opt the struggle as their own, rather than feeling guilty about their privilege.


The immediate thought I had in my head was Senator Kelly Loeffler, a billionaire, wearing a flannel shirt in a desperate last ditch effort to make herself look like the farm girl she claimed to have once been.


I noticed this as well and realized I fell into the same story. I thought we were poor when I was very young because my parents were farmers. We grew everything we ate and got by until my parents built up wealth while I was in grade school. In my small town my classmates were struggling but their parents didn’t own land and didn’t have the opportunity to build any wealth. but just because I had to work manual labor on the farm did not mean I didn’t have a lot of privileges.


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