2021-08-14 moyuman 8065
Dima Ma, Lived in USSR(答主是传说中的苏联遗民)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Answered August 6
I guess it depends on the animal. Bears are probably most likely to attack across North America and Europe.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

However, this is incorrect according to latest research. If a bear goes for your food and not for you, sure it’s ok to lie down. However, if a bear ignores the food and goes after you, you are the food. You have to fight back as aggressively as you can black/white/brown


In comments some people erroneously assume that I suggest that you need to win a fight with the bear. You can’t beat brown/white but by fighting back aggressively you might discourage the bear and he will look for easier prey. Animals can’t afford serious injury. Bears are faster than Olympic sprinters, that’s common knowledge. The only time you should run is if you are with a friend and you are faster than that friend


Patrick Wiley
What new research is this? I’m an eagle scout and I was always taught that during the day brown bears only attack perceived territorial threats. They don’t recognize humans as a food source and wont try to eat you. I even remember seeing a documentary with testimonies people who survived bear attacks by curling into a fetal position as shown.
I was also told that the exception to this is night attacks. If a bear attacks at night its hunting and will try to kill and eat you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dima Ma
If you read carefully what I wrote you will see that I post a picture of advice to play dead. But then point out that new research suggests that IF IF IF brown bear ignores the food in your camp and goes after you he may see you as food source. Playing dead won’t work. I was planning to visit some of those parks in Canada/Alaska but then covid. If more people ask I will find those lixs again and post them into my answer


Patrick Wiley
Oh, so you mean specifically encountering a bear in your camp as opposed to encountering one on a hike. Yeah I could see that.
Also Polar Bears will straight up kill you. For those you probably need bear mace minimum, maybe a gun.

还有北极熊也会直接杀死你。对于那些你可能至少需要bear mace(防熊喷雾牌子)的人,你也许更需要一把枪。

Dima Ma
yes, if you sat down for a picnic, spread your food out. Bear appears. Even if not hungry they will go after easy food and food is right there. With food being right there and he goes after you that’s the trouble. Yes I know about polar bears. You have to fight back in that case and hope for the best


Jaimie McEvoy
Dima, that is not the advice of Parks Canada at all, which is posted at the entrance to every park, and often in other places. I like your answers, but this one is dangerous. I will give more info when I have a bit of time.


Dima Ma
Yes and you are not the first one to mention that. And image confirms what you are saying. However, i am talking about specific situation which you may have missed. If you set down for a picnic and spread your food out. Bear appears but ignores your food BUT goes after you he may see you as food. Brown bears don’t generally see humans as food but they don’t ignore free food either. Research was about that situation. Hope it helps


Jaimie McEvoy
Thank you Dima, I appreciate your answers, and that you graciously took the time to reply. If you have any title or lix to the research, I would be interested in learning.


Faisal Aswar
I don't care if it's brown, black or pink bear. And I won't take any chance of finding out first whether it's me, my food or my phone they after. If they coming at me I would run. Yes run as hell.
Fight back? Yeah maybe. Maybe I can land a few hits, works better if I have weapon in my hand.
Will I survive a fight vs bear? To keep a fair chance, yeah maybe. Maybe it'll let me live after left me some broken bones, some Wolverine-signature bloody wounds, if my skull still in one piece and my eyeballs are still in place.
But nah, I think I prefer to focus my energy at my feet. Run.
Wow so I'm happy that many people care for my life here informing that it's a mistake to run and better to fight it. I knew that bear is quite a runner. I choose to run because I don't know a single thing about fighting a bear or how to scare it off. Now that everyone think it's a better idea, I wish someone could share on how to do it.


Dima Ma
If you run you are dead. Bears are faster than Olympic sprinters

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Stephen Merkel
Is that why some sprinter prefer to run bearfoot?


Faisal Aswar
Sure, I agree it will chase me. If it catch me then it'll goes back to the fight scenario, which also may bring bad result. So at least I made the effort to get away from the trouble first.
Because anyway it's a shitty scenario to begin with


Brent Eads
Your dead just living in absolute fear for a few seconds longer.


Marcel Müller
No, if you run and loose the race it is not back to the fight scenario. You have just given the bear a huge advantage on top of the advantage it allready has because it now has your back and you are unbalanced. Most likely you would find yourself lying on your belly with a bear paw on your back. Not really a recoverable position. Same goes for human attackers or many other animals btw.


Faisal Aswar
It's the same message. Anything happens after I loose the race would be horrible. As horrible as if I confronted the bear from the start.


Mimic Clam
That is wrong if you fight from the start with a black bear they might think you are to much of a hassle to eat. If you run you just confirmed to the bear you are prey. After you are prey any fighting back just means your trying to survive not thinking you could win to the bear. Hopefully you don't run into an actual bear if this is your mentality.


Faisal Aswar
Nope don't plan to. Thanks


Edison Pebojot
If I shoot them with my gun, they aren't very fast. If you go to an area where there are a lot of bears, the easiest way to survive is to bring your gun.


Jules Wallace
They are faster than white tailed deer


Sam Towers
This is why you should only ever travel with a fat friend.


Niko Auer
If you see a Shark, dive deeper…


Sam Hood
30 mph. Bear foot speed. They look big and slow but are too fast for the vast majority of humans. A walking stick with a sharpened end or mace/bear spray are your best bets.


Alex Wiley
They’re fast but not so manoeuvrable, it really depends on the terrain


Jim Massa
I’ve seen black bears literally scamper up vertical cliffs of at least 75 feet in mere seconds. They are fast AND maneuverable.


Alex Wiley
The odds are still low, but I’ve also never seen anyone beat a bear in a fight


Niko Auer
No matter The terrain…human Will come second every Time.


Alex Wiley
You could say the same about fighting a bear. I think a human would have a higher chance running than fighting and playing to our strengths.
Possibly using woodland, finding something climb etc.


Adam Wu
A human’s strength is tool use and the fear their tool using ancestors instilled in most other animals. You fight back, make noise, look big and grab something to brandish as a weapon. You want to trigger the bear’s “oh shit this is one of those scary naked apes with their long pointy death sticks I’d better stay clear of it” instinct.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex Wiley
Depends on the situation though. This graphic I’m assuming is talking about a time when the bear is charging at you, not simply thinking about charging at you.
In some situations you may have a stick, some not. In some situations there may be a path to escape to, some not.


Niko Auer
Our ancestors used fire. It meant warm and security.
For wild Animals, The humans are somethig strange . They dont take any stupid risks: If you dont know what it is, run away.
To Make noise is good option. They hear you kilometers away and run away.
So If you see a bear, you have come too silent and under The wind. Bear is like WTF?
Slowly step Back, stearing The bear all The Time. NO smiling. Revealing your teeth is sign of aggression. If you run, The Bear sees you as a prey.


Niko Auer
Bears climbs like monkeys. The tree-option is The worst one.


Alex Wiley
Not if it’s a grizzly


Niko Auer
Never seen a grizzly, because they live in The North America, but they are close to Brown bears:
Wild Animals fight and hunt. Other Times they try to Be “energy save-mode" therefore we think that they are slow and clumsy.


Adam Wu
Running is the worse thing you can do, because it triggers the predatory instinct in the bear. Even if it had not been interested in eating you at the beginning, if it sees you run, it will become so interested.


Garrett Stock
You have a better chance at scaring it off than outrunning it.


Andrew Corrigan
There isn’t really a how-to guide for beating a bear in a fight - but you definitely stand a much better chance fighting from the start. They’re fast, but big and cumbersome, so not the most agile - if you have a weapon of some kind or are able to improvise one; then by constantly dodging its’ attacks and countering…You *might* pose enough of a challenge for it to change its’ mind.


Pawel Bialkowski
Only thing to remember is to stay with your head out of bear arms reach while trying to hit it on the nose. Forget 1st thing - one swipe of a bear and you are done. And if you manage 2nd it’s very big chance bear will have to reconsider the situation - it’s painful.


Andrew Corrigan
Yup, in that fight it’s all about not getting hit


Xuanzi Zerene (Еремей Сенько)
The pink one, is actually a panther ;)

粉色的那个,是粉红顽皮豹 ;)

Javieto Prah
Running away incites them to chase and attack you. Also, once you are injured, it is very unlikely they will stop.


Rick Notman
I was going to say the same thing. Hard as it is not to run, running if generally a very very bad idea. You stand a really good chance of triggering an animals prey drive. You got from “potential threat” to “potential dinner”.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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