2021-08-18 叶良辰 23966

White Walker
China is beautiful country, I want to visit again soon. Greetings from Germany


Liang Li
I am a designer of Fuxing high speed train, also witnessed the 10 years growth of railway industry. Brett spoke out my heart. It is the government long term vision presiding the development. We bought, studied, improved the technology from Western. Whatever Westerners say, I am always thankful to Western, we wouldn't have high speed rail if not learning, and hope we can provide our technology back someday.


Jordan In China
The trains here are something else! Really prefer it over flying when travelling around China now especially for the price, comfort and the speed.


I prefer the train over flying if it not too far, far more comfortable.


victoria li
I want to travel from New York to Columbus Ohio recently, and really hope there is a high speed train here because it takes 9-10 hours by driving

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Steve L
@victoria li it will never happen, here in California the High-Speed rail project was introduced in 2008 and we still haven't seen nothing 12 years later.


American corporate media will talk about China building "ghost cities" and conclude that china is stupid and wasting money, fast forward a year those cities now have a million people each and are massive economic successes. The west can't comprehend demand being the primary motivator of economic success; there is demand for these cities, china just gets ahead of the problem and builds all the infrastructure first, rather than cramming it into a poorly planned shotgun city like every western country did for centuries.

美国媒体会谈论中国建设“鬼城”,并得出结论说中国浪费钱,很愚蠢. 快进一年,这些城市现在每个都有100万人口,而且取得了巨大的经济成功。西方无法理解需求是经济成功的主要动力;这些城市是有需求的,中国只是在未雨绸缪,先建设所有的基础设施,而不是像西方国家几个世纪以来所做的那样,把人们塞进一个规划糟糕的小城镇.
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Richard Wong
China builds all kinds of things including friendship. The USA destroys. The USA is the Opposition Party of the world.


dark force
Imagine. A world without America = chaos. A world without China = uncomfortable. We need China and America to survive.


oneiric J
I live in Tokyo, my Japanese colleague who go on business trip to Shanghai often said Chinese bullet train has definitely surpassed Shinkansen, being faster, more comfortable and stable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I come in peace Rest in piece
Of course, China stole the tech from the future


Whaikura Tuhaka
Yeah China stole the technology from the future, when we get there in 2025 , they would have stolen technology in 2030, the rest of the world will be stuck in2020.


Gustavo Andrés
IMF is projecting that China will overtake 56 countries in terms of income per head by 2025. By this measure, China will rank 70th in the world and be just outside the top one-third of nations. Still far to go. But it has come a mighty distance in a very short space of time.


I am an economist and if we are doing a cost benefit analysis by considering China as a “company” instead of looking at the perspective only from the rail way company (which is appropriate here since the rail way system is public or state owned), then you will need to take into account of the benefit/value of the time saved by all Chinese who take the high speed rail way system along with other national strategic benefits/values such as a line to Xinjiang (close to the border). In that case you will see the benefit is way over the cost for the company (which is China). This is the economic justification for building this expensive system. You guys pointed out very well that in the west because the rail way system is completely private, they would only consider their revenue as their benefit instead of including all the benefit received by the passengers. Thus from the private company’s point of view their cost is way higher than the benefit. So it is not only because China is looking at the value of the long term but also due to the above reason.

我是一个经济学家,如果我们做一个成本效益分析, 把整个中国当做一个“公司”,而不是只把铁路部门当做一个公司的话(把铁路部门当做一个公司是很合适的,因为铁路系统是国营或私营),那么,我们就要考虑高铁能给所有的中国人节省的时间效益值了,还有,高铁开通到边远地区——新疆,所带来的国家战略利益等等. 这样一分析,你会发现,高铁给整个中国这个“公司”带来的利益,远超其成本了.

deejay sensation
Ppl in the west still be like "china is stealing our technology"
Just a reminder who invented paper. Maybe you heard about it
Maybe you read about on it.China is on another technology level and the west can't deal with it

提醒一下:是谁发明了纸? 也许你听说过,也许你在书上读到过. 中国在另一个层次,西方无法竞争.

Chen Junqian
If the high-speed train tech can be stolen, it only means one thing: the other countries must be too stupid that can't even steal one


Joanne Smith
The HS2 in the UK is said to take 40 years to build and cost billions of tax payers money. China offered to build it in less than 5 years and much cheaper as well, then some Tory member said we shouldn't be doing business with trannical regims and everyone agreed. So I don't think I'll ever see a high speed train in the UK anytime soon


Robert Lu
Get on a faster train and you go faster. The US train is slowing down and behind the China One and even further away in the next 10 years. I am living in the UK for 20 years AND thought UK Politicians are cunning and always pragmatic but definitely not this time. but i think UK still BEAR A CHANCE to get off the wrong train and get on the right one before it was too late.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dharma Pratama.i
only in china the process is cheaper and faster. China is making HSR in Indonesia and it has taken 5 years at a cost of 6 billion dollars with a distance of only 150km expected finish next year. the same problem also happen in thailand it has been running for two years and only reached 20%.

只有在中国,工程项目才能建得又快又省钱。中国正在印尼建150公里的高铁,耗时5年,耗资60亿美元,预计明年完工。 而同样的工程项目,在泰国,已经实施2年了,工程进度才完成20%.

@Dharma Pratama.i our problem is freeing land though..unlike in China, when government said they need the land for public purpose, even if you don't want to move, you must move. And government will pay base on tariff.If in Indonesia, when people know government want to use the land, they will put way higher price than the normal price. This is why the progress is so slow..I have worked in Huawei before believe me we build and install all the equipments just within a day and can finish even big migration within 2-3 days. Chinese people are pushy, and I have that same blood of being impatient. I easily get irritated seeing people unable to give their 110% to achieve target ?????? The longest time taken is land acquisition and it's soooooooo frustrating. ?????? I have done a site acquisition that took 6 months but we finish install, commisioning just within 48 hours. I was like what the fck people?! Why you being so annoying?! Why those land owners make others (we the telco workers) life miserable..

如果在印尼,当人们知道政府想要使用土地时,人们就狮子大开口喊高价格. 这就是工程进展如此缓慢的原因。
我以前在华为工作过,相信我,我们在一天之内就建造和安装所有的设备,即使是大型的搬迁,也在2—3天之内做完. 中国人很有进取心,我也有同样的锐意进取的血液,我若看到人们不付出110%的努力去完成任务,我就暴躁. 浪费很长时间在征用土地上的话,会让人沮丧的. 我做了一个网站设备,花了6个月,但我们完成安装,调试仅需48小时.
我就想,他吗的什么人? 你为什么这么烦人?! 为什么那些土地所有者让其他人(我们电信工人)生活悲惨…

John O'neill
The high speed trains are awesome! Back in 2005 I went from Nanning to Kunming by overnight sleeper train as it took about 12 hours did it again in 2019 only took 4 hours and so smooth and comfortable.


Yuan Shi
I ride a train from San Jose to SF, feel like the trains I took in china when I was a kid, like 15 years ago lol


Ben Louis
i remember my friend, despite not being a native chinese, so excited to hear china build the world first highest altitude train. and want to experience it as soon as it open years ago


A Zhao
Great video! I saw an argument that the public transportation is a welfare system for the poor. Poor people rely on public transportation more than the rich to mobilize, to work and to find opportunities. Any public transportation that loses money (not in a wasteful way) deserves credits for the tax payers are subsiding the poor. I live in the US where people generously donate to charities, but still vote to keep public transportation away from their rich community. At an individual level, US people seem to be more humane and kind; at the systemic level, they are quite indifferent to the poor.

很棒的视频!我看到有人说公共交通是穷人的福利系统。穷人比富人更依赖公共交通来迁移、工作和寻找机会。任何公共交通系统的亏本(不是以浪费的方式)都应该得到信贷,因为纳税人正在补贴穷人。我住在美国,人们慷慨地向慈善机构捐款,但仍然投票让公共交通远离他们富裕的社区。就个人而言,美国人似乎更人道、更善良; 但在整个社会层面上,他们对穷人漠不关心.

front seated
China definitely stole this technology from USA. I remember I got a "Hot Wheels" train set as a Xmas present, some 50 years ago. That's quite similar to what I see being copied here by China.

我记得大约50年前,我收到了一套“风火轮”火车作为圣诞礼物。这与我现在看到的中国正在建造的高铁非常相似. (以此足可证明)中国肯定是从美国T来的技术.

Abcd 886
I saw another video a super train with 4000 Km per hour is currently under developing would take less than 30 minutes from Shanghai to Beijing. Nothing is impossible China has just completed the journey to the moon. Give it another 20 years USA may see China’s tail light on many technology. USA knows and sees that coming and that’s why they are blocking China from all aspects right now.


Adam Wu
Greetings from Taiwan! Lee and Oli.Whenever my wife and I had the chance to travel by the bullet train in China, we always took the business class. It worthed every penny. It's so inexpensive, so comfortable and so enjoyable. Business Class Lounge at the station is also provided. ??In Taiwan, travel by bullet train is expensive and not as nice comparing to that of China. ??We also travelled by Intercity in the UK. The experience was beyond comparison. It's noisy, it's wobbing, it's expensive, it's not punctual. But above all, you have to change somewhere (in Leeds if from London to Edinburgh) in the middle. Imagine you have two heavy suitcases and someone to take care of, and you have to rush to change platforms, it's a nightmare, not to mention the time loss in waiting

楼主,来自台湾的问候. 我和妻子有机会在中国(大陆)坐高铁旅行时,我们都会乘坐商务舱,商务舱很值. 很便宜,很舒适,很令人愉快。此外,车站里亦设有商务舱休息室.在台湾,坐高铁旅行很贵,而且不如中国(大陆)好。我们还在英国乘城际火车出行过,吵、晃、贵,还经常延时,根本不能那出来比啊.但最重要的是,你必须在中间的某个地方换车(如果从伦敦到爱丁堡,就在利兹)。想象一下,你有两个很重的行李箱,需要照顾一个人,你不得不匆忙地去换车,这真是一场噩梦,更不用说还要等车造成的时间损失了.

Mushroom Piggy
I did take business class from Tianjin to Beijing few years ago. It s because only business class available at the moment. it was really great experience. in return trip I took first class. It is not comparable but still very comfortable. I think high speed train benefit China economic much more than looking for profit from high speed train business. It probably also more green than travel on the air.


China stole the technology from the US when the Chinese were working on the American railway in the 19th century.


SE Sun
I took Highspeed train with my wife from Chengdu to Wuhan City early last year. We did order Chinese lunch box from mobile on the train after departing. I can say it was a wonderful experience


Hot Sauce
China's rapid progress is so fast that Western media negative propaganda couldn't even catch up.


I took the train from Beijing to a city near Shanghai. It took about 6 hours and was much more spacious than a plane. I could get my laptop out comfortably and it was quiet so I could work. I also ordered food ahead of time and it was delivered to my train car before it left for the next stop. It really does feel like the future I imagined as a child. Let's get some drone taxis in the air now China


Wonderful Days
I had a short trip via bullet train from Xi’an to Chengdu. it took me 4 hours in 2018(?), not remembering very clear now. It was very comfortable experience, clean and convenient. As trains between two cities were so fast, flight service even got ended. Nowadays, you can book fresh cooked food delivery service on your mobile app, then food will be delivered to you at your required station. The crew members of train will help you help them and service to your table.


Cheng tak mien
Talk less, do more. Train 100 times more engineers than lawyers. Not everything because of profit. Push up saving rate in every family. Ensure more than 90% of poor kids with the potential to get a university place.
-- my observation as a singaporean working in China for more than 10 years.


R.A.M Formula
Im really not knowing what is that chinese government is doing to create such fast miraculous development in almost all fields.. Why cant Democratic system in india do such things..I really admire china and its attitude, i wish i can learn from Chinese way of life.


I have been through Suzhou (& Hongqiao) station so many times. I vouch for this as a really accurate portrayal of travel in China. Even though Suzhou's only 100km from Shanghai that 23minute trip on the Gaotie is preferable to the one & a half hours on a bus or by car, & super cheap, (Y39 last time I went). A lot of countries have a lot to learn from Chinese infrastructure! Check out the latest Fuxing train, 350kph


Kanlaya Kappeng
Westerners have to put aside their prejudices and pre-conceptions about life in China. Politivcs aside, Chinese cities are most;y new, breath-takingly beautiful and clean. People are respectful and helpful to foreigners like myself. I have encountered nothing but kindness from Chinese people when I visit for business, which is about twice a year.


SunMi Miss
China high speed railway is cool! I never have chance to visit China,but it's seems oddly familiar to me (Taiwanse). it's happy to exploring China through your video.thank you for your subtitle. LOVE :))

中国高铁很酷! 我从来没有机会到过中国(大陆),但很奇怪地,中国(大陆)对我(台湾人)来说似乎很熟悉. 很高兴通过你的视频来探索中国. 谢谢你的副标题。爱:)

Free Citizen
1,200 km in 4.5 hours? That gives me the chills. My wife always calls me a speed demon whenever she is in the car with me. But I would have some kind of phobia sitting on this train. Is there any Maglev train in China? BTW, at what resolution did you shoot this video?

4.5小时就能到达1200公里的目的地? 真让我不寒而栗。我妻子每次和我在车里的时候,她都大叫我是飙车族,但就是这样的我,坐在高铁里还是会有某种恐惧症。中国有磁悬浮列车吗? 顺便问一下,你拍这个视频的分辨率是多少?

Vicky McLeod
well the Chiness built the Great Wall and i believe they can build much more things .
btw Trump also trying to make great wall at Mexico borders , Trump love China very much indeed.


Vishnu Joshi
i think china and japan both country living in 2060,rest of world far behind ,but japan is more advanced than chin,and most important thing japan choose democracy and they developed under democracy, it's fantastic,and i feel ashamed as a indian


DJ Pomare
"The eyes of history are on this appointment." - Buttigeig
1964 Japan's first bullet trains were put in service and the the first Beatles album was released.
1998 China started the construction of 36,000km of high speed railways and high speed trains.
2021 US still has NO high speed railway and NO high speed trains.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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