恐龙灭绝的日子 - 一分一秒
2021-09-03 大宝贝 15074

One of the greatest illusions in life is continuity.66 million years ago, the continuity of the dinosaurs had been going on for around 165 million years already - and it didn't seem this would change any time soon. The world was warm, and pleasant, and most of the land was covered with lush forests and an incredible diversity of trees, flowers, ferns and trillions of critters.


Dinosaurswere ubiquitous and had diversified into hundreds of species of all shapes and sizes. Titanosaurs, large gentle giants shared the world with famous beasts like Tyrannosaurus rex or Edmontosaurus. Pectinodon hunted in the undergrowth while Edmontosaurus wandered coastlines and swamps.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

An ancient paradise, a world of plenty, full of life.66 million years ago, maybe on a Tuesday afternoon, life was the same as it had been the day before or a thousand years before or pretty much a million years before. Things were good for our feathered dinosaur buddies. Until a tiny, tiny detail in the sky changed.If there were dinosaurs watching the stars, one night they may have noticed the appearance of a new star. A tiny dot, that for many weeks slowly became bigger and brighter.


Until one fateful day, it looked like another, small moon in the night sky. And then it faded from sight as it dipped into earth's shadow. For a few more hours the illusion of continuity was upheld . Until it was not anymore. In the morning the obxt suddenly appears again. Now almost as large as the sun in the sky and growing every moment, heading for the coast near the Yucatan Peninsula. It takes the asteroid only two seconds to pass through the thin layer between space and the ground to make contact.


As it enters the atmosphere at almost 60 times the speed of sound...Let us stop time.Here we see the unnamed asteroid about to commit extinction. Larger than Mount Everest, it reaches from the ocean high into the atmosphere, higher than passenger planes would fly millions of years later.At this moment the world was one way. In a fraction of a second it would be fundamentally different. Let us make the transition.As the asteroid hits the shallow ocean and the bedrock below,the energy of billions of nuclear weapons is released all at once as the asteroid vaporizes.


A flash of light illuminates the sky as an eerie bright white sphere grows over the Gulf of Mexico . Bedrock melts into seething hot plasma at tens of thousands of degrees celsius. The thermal radiation from the explosion travels at the speed of light and immediately burns everything within a radius of about 1500 kilometers.


while the energy from the impact pushes so hard against earth's crust that it loses all strength and flows away from the impact site like a liquid, creating a hole 25 kilometers deep and 100 kilometers wide. The ocean is pushed back for hundreds of kilometers, like when a kid jumps into a puddle.


As the crust bounces back, melted and flowing crust forms a temporary mountain stretching 10 kilometers into the sky.. An incredible amount of material is blasted into the higher atmosphere or even out into space, as much as 60 times the original mass of the asteroid.The violence of the strike is felt everywhere on earth within minutes.


A magnitude 11 earthquake,maybe the most powerful quake any living thing has ever witnessed in billions of years. It is so insanely strong that in India it might have shaken gigantic lava fields and causes volcanic eruptions that would last for 30,000 years and cover half of the indian subcontinent with lava. Even on the side of earth opposite the impact, the ground still moved by several meters.


Nobody would sleep through this day.The gigantic explosion crashes against the atmosphere with unprecedented violence and causes a shockwave that reaches speeds of more than 1,000 kilometers per hour near the site of impact, similar to the hyper hurricanes on gas giants like Neptune.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In middle America, basically any soil, vegetation or animal is just shredded into pieces and catapulted thousands of km away.Now the formally displaced oceans return. As the temporary mountain at the site of impact collapses, a ring of tsunamis as high as one kilometer, enough to cover all skyscrapers humans would ever build, heads in all directions.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As they crash into the coasts of the continents surrounding the impact, they will drown thousands of kilometers of coastline. 15 hours later some of the waves that get refracted around South America will still tower as much as 100 meters into the sky.But we still have not talked about the worst thing yet.A lot of the debris yeeted into space will orbit earth for thousands of years, some hit the moon or even Mars. But most of it comes right back.


When things fall through the atmosphere at such speeds they get very hot, like hundreds of degrees hot. And this happens to millions of tons of material everywhere. This rapidly heats up the atmosphere to insane temperatures. We don't know exactly how hot it got or how long this heat shock lasted but there are two ideas here.Either the air was heated to hundreds of degrees, for a few minutes. Or to thousands of degrees, for around one minute.


In any case, the air becomes as hot as the inside of an industrial oven. How bad the global effects of this were is contested ,but if enough heat reached the surface,a lot of plants and animals would have died very quickly if they couldn't bury themselves or escape into caves.


The heat together with raining debris also may have ignited material on forest floors and sparked wildfires as the earth rotated under the searing hot plume. In a few hours massive wildfires were probably burning around the globe. Some of them may have lasted for months and turned earth into a horrifying hot hell.


As the day of the impact draws to an end, many of the dinosaurs are already dead, but the worst is still to come.The gigantic plume of vaporized material reaches the upper atmosphere and spreads around the whole globe. Together with the soot from the burning planet and the aerosols generated at impact, the planet sinks into a deep darkness, with only the remaining raging fires illuminating the scenery.


Whatever plants survive the firstorms will now be starved for sunlight as global photosynthesis is temporarily shut down. Within days temperatures crash as much as 25° celsius.The oceans were especially hit hard. The lack of sunlight killed over 90% of plankton which form the basis of the food web of marine life.


Ultimately this would kill off the large marine reptiles and ammonites that used to dominate the seas.The biosphere the survivors now find themselves in is like an alien landscape.


Ash, debris and the burned remains of the formerly lush and blooming life cover the ground, the sky is dark and it is cold and fresh food is scarce, while fungi thrive. For months and years the planet will be a hostile and deadly place. The sudden global winter will last for decades. At least 75% of all species on earth will just vanish from existence.And so, as the day ends, the world is suddenly different. The continuity that went on for millions of years is no more.


The Era of the dinosaurs is over. Just like that.Eventually, from the ashes of the old world, survivors emerged. Birds that are the direct descendents of the dinosaurs and mammals that would eventually become the dominant animals on the planet. Without the Asteroid, who knows what life on earth would look like today.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Without the sudden disruption of dinosaur continuity, that completely changed the planet and all life on it, we might have never had the opportunity to become what we are today.It is not clear how long the Human Era will last. So far modern humans have been around for 0.1% of the time the dinosaurs were. And in this short amount of time we've achieved impressive feats, from making the world our own, to reaching space and splitting the atom.


Yet our future and our long-term survival is not a given. If we are not careful, it could end in an instant, like the Age of the Dinosaurs ended. But in contrast to them, we know that our continuity is fragile, even if it doesn't feel like it. We can be prepared and be vigilant and hopeful. If we are lucky, our journey will go on for a long, long time.


Earth was a pleasant place for millions of years"
"until it wasn't"


And this wasn't the worst extinction event.


The Great Dying was, and with a name like that, it better be 90% of ocean life and 70% of life on land died.


But it's likely a mix of warming temperatures, oceanic anoxia (oxygen depletion), and oceanic acidification.


I liked yours, but just in case others didn't realize there was an extinction at the end of the Permian period.


I agree because I'd like to know how birds evolved from dinosaurs if the dinosaurs were killed off in this event.


if it was bigger , the atmosphere of earth would probably be blown away and life wouldn't find a way


Birds had already evolved. They may have evolved as early as 160 million years ago.


Thanks. Now my question changes to how did they survive .


small creatures survived, because food was plenty for them and specially birds can fly anywhere to find food. They said all life was not destroyed, only 75% of it was. So fungi thrived, probably some few plants for sure, and insects who re-pollinated more plant life, therefore giving these birds enough food and the birds were food for the small mammals and reptiles who survived by hiding under rocks.

小型生物幸存了下来,因为它们有充足的食物,特别是鸟类可以飞到任何地方寻找食物。他们说并不是所有的生命都都被摧毁了,只有75% 的生命被摧毁了。真菌大量繁衍,可能确实有少数植物,昆虫为更多的植物重新授粉,因此给这些鸟类提供了足够的食物,这些鸟类是躲在岩石下生存下来的小型哺乳动物和爬行动物的食物。

I bet the moon watching earth turn into a cloud of depression was like “are you good?”

我敢打赌,月亮看着地球变成一团沮丧的云,一定会说”你还好吗? ”
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I actually cried at the death of the dinos. They were just being all happy and then woosh, fire rains down from the sky.


A paleontologist found a site in Hell creek that records the FIRST. Hour of this horrific disaster. Burnt trees, fish skewered with other fish, one suitcase sized piece of fossilized skin from a relative of the Triceratops - that first hour was MISERABLE.


“And as the day ends, the world is subtly different.”


I always took the Meteoroid for granted like "yeah it just killed everything", but I never really understood how scary it would've been.


"We put a huge amount of research, love and hours into it because this is the only way we know how to do things".


it's sad that we will never be able to experience what life was like before this. imagine all of the different trees, plants, fruits, vegetables, and other things that went entirely extinct with no fossilized traces of it left behind.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Seeing this makes me feel bad about the Dinosaurs. Sometimes i even feel like they didnt deserve to all die. And sometimes, maybe i even wonder, will they ever come back?


The funny thing is the astroid itself didn't wipe all the dinos but the debris coming back into the earth's atmosphere heating it up to the point where the Dinos couldn't survive and don’t forget the mega tsunami


Ancestors who survived had an extraordinarily strong will power. (Even though life find its way to emerge).


This video was ( I think Unintetionaly) very sad, very nostalgic, and very hopeful.


Someday there will be a "Day Humanity Died - Minute By Minute" lovingly narrated by sentient birds


Long ago, all the dinosaurs live together in harmony, then everything changed when the giant asteroid attacked.


Imagine doing things as you normally do and looking at the sky and thinking "what a lovely day!!", then moments later you think hell could be better than this

想象一下,你正在做你平时做的事情,看着天空,想着“多么美好的一天啊! ! ”过了一会儿,你觉得地狱都会比现在更好。

It's frightening how an entire era disappeared in a blx of an eye. It's even more frightening to think the same, will happen to humanity.


My goodness. This was spookier than the intro to Armageddon , by a country mile. I'm not kidding. Yet... the end is infused with such hopefulness, and a reminder to get live .

我的天啊,这比《世界末日》的介绍还要吓人,恐怖多了,我没开玩笑。然而... 结局充满了希望,提醒我们要活下去。

When I was little, I had an atlas of dinosaurs. It was pretty big one. On one of first pages was a spiral of time. At the bottom were gasses that turned into magma, magma into stones, stones into ground, then trees, you get the idea. It went up and soon there were dinosaurs and their predecessors. However... only up above it all, at the very top of the spiral was one single building, which meant humans. It made me realize just how insignificant we are in grand scale of existance.


That was part of what made me so interested in science, astrophysics and history. I wanted to know what is there, what makes the universe spin. What was there before us, what will be there after us? Why did this dinosaur have huge plates on back? Why was this one so big? How could this giant thing fly?


If life is able to remerge from this catastrophe and these debris, I believe it can do it again after an apocalypse caused by humains.


I would probably die, but I really wish I could see how the world looked like when dinosaurs walked around the earth and experience the beautiful land that existed at that point.


You know I've always found it incredibly hard to believe that dinosaurs existence was so long on the time scale that Humanity time span is only a point of a fraction in comparison yet they were Just Savage beasts and didn't develop past a standard animals... seems unlikely


It makes me wonder how the heck anything survived the tsunamis, earthquakes, the massive forest fires and 1000 degree atmosphere, and then continued going on after 75% of food was wiped out


If only dinosaurs still exists today, maybe we can tame one or be enemies with, depending on your thoughts.


It's even more hilarious to see that I'm not the only one who had to comment on this little tidbit. What a time to be alive


Flowering plants were not that diverse as it is portrayed in the video, although they existed, it was actually after the impact and the big extinction that the diversity explosion of flowers replaced the conifers.


Science teacher: how did the dinosaurs die?
Me: a meteorite crashed in the Gulf of Mexico, causing immense land destruction, tsunamis, and earthquakes across Earth.
Science teacher: then why did you write down "everything was yeeted away"?

科学老师: 恐龙是如何灭亡的?
我: 一颗陨石坠落在墨西哥湾,造成巨大的土地破坏,海啸和地球地震。
科学老师: 那你为什么写“一切都被带走了”?
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kurzgezagt enjoys our fear, "maybe even a Tuesday afternoon" why do they want us to be scared all the time?


I got a little worried when the calendar said Tue 15 jun 21:36. I've been expecting a bright light for a while


I mean, the introdunce should at least be somewhat comforting. The world destroying meteor was visible in the sky for a time, so at least you'd know it was coming


I get why people might feel some fear from a video like this, but personally I feel awe at videos like this. At one end you have the incredible powers that the universe can throw at you. And on the other side you have the persistence of life, yes the majority of species got wiped out, but a couple million years later and here we are with an incredible and beautiful diversity in our biosphere.


Because fear in moderation, keeps us vigilant, cautious of danger, and lets us appreciate the safety we have right now.


Most obxts in the solar system large enough to be able to destroy the planet are tracked constantly, so you really don’t have to worry about that.


Well, if an asteroid that size were on its way there's absolutely nothing we could do about it. Theoretically, we could get extremely unlucky and a gamma ray burst could hit us tomorrow.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The dinosaurs would still be around if they had a space program. Humans could have been wiped out like this for most of our history sans nuclear and space technology. Now we would be able to identify any such large obxt months in advance if not years in advance and plan a unmanned mission to either blow it up in space or deflect the asteroid. Science is the key to survival.


To keep our world safe from disaster, we need to plant a lot of plants and trees, we need to stop fighting all should be friendly with each other, then the world will be safe and dreamful envirinment


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