2021-09-04 大宝贝 7778



原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

But over the last few decades,this occasional feeling has become chronic for millions.In the UK, 60% of 18 to 34 year old say they often feel lonely.In the US, 46% of the entire population feel lonely regularly.We are living in the most connected time in human history,and yet, an unprecedented number of us feel isolated.


Being lonely and being alone are not the same thing.You can be filled by bliss by yourself, and hate every second surrounded by friends.Loneliness is a purely subjective, individual experience.If you feel lonely,you are lonely.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A common stereotype is that loneliness only happens to people who don't know how to talk to people,or how to behave around others.But population-based studies have shown that social skills make practically no difference for adults when it comes to social connections.Loneliness can affect everybody.

一个普遍的刻板印象是,孤独只会发生在那些不知道如何与人交谈或如何与他人相处的人身上。但基于人口的研究表明,在社交关系方面,社交技能对成年人几乎没有影响 ,孤独会影响每个人。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Money, fame,power, beauty,social skills, a great personality—nothing can protect you against loneliness,because it's part of your biology.Loneliness is a bodily function, like hunger.Hunger make you pay attention to your physical needs;loneliness makes you pay attention to your social needs.


Your body cares about your social needs,because millions of years ago,it was a great indicator of how likely you were to survive.Natural sextion rewarded our ancestors for collaboration,and for forming connections with each other.Our brains grew and became more and more fine-tuned to recognize what others thought and felt, and to form and sustain social bonds.


Being social became part of our biology。You were born into groups of 50 to 150 people,which you usually stayed with for the rest of your life.Getting enough calories, staying safe and warm,or caring for offspring was practically impossible alone.Being together meant survival,being alone meant death.

社交成为我们生理的一部分。你出生在有着50 到 150 人的群体中,通常你的余生都会和他们在一起。摄入足够的卡路里,保持安全和温暖,或者说独自照顾后代几乎是不可能的。在一起意味着生存,孤独意味着死亡。

So it was crucial that you got along with others.For you ancestors, the most dangerous threat to survival was not being eaten by a lion,but not getting the social vibe of your group and being excluded.To avoid that, your body came up with "social pain".


Pain of this kind is is an evolutionary adaptation to rejection.A sort of early warning system to make sure you stop behaviour that would isolate you.Your ancestors who experienced rejection as more painful were more likely to change their behaviour when they got rejected,and thus stayed in the tribe, while those who did not got kicked out and most likely died.


That's why rejections hurt,and even more so, why loneliness is so painful.These mechanisms for keeping us connected worked great for most of our history,until humans began building a new world for themselves


The loneliness epidemic we see today really only started in the late Renaissance.Western culture began to focus on the individual.Intellectuals moved away from the collectivism of the Middle Ages,while the young Protestant theology stressed individual responsibility.This trend accelerated during the Industrial Revolution.People left their villages and fields to enter factories.Communities that had existed for hundreds of years began to dissolve,while cities grew.


As our world rapidly became modern,this trend sped up more and more.Today, we move vast distances for new jobs,love, and education,and leave our social net behind.We meet fewer people in person,and we meet them less often than in the past.


Most people stumble into chronic loneliness by accident.You reach adulthood and become busy with work,university,romance, kids,and Netflix.There's just not enough time.The most convenient and easy thing to sacrifice is time with friends.Until you wake up one day and you realise that you feel isolated,that you yearn for close relationships.But it's hard to find close relationships as adults,and so, loneliness can become chronic.


While humans feel pretty great about things like iPhones and spaceships,our bodies and minds are fundamentally the same they were 50,000 years ago。We are still biologically fine-tuned to being with each other.large scale studies have shown that the stress that comes from chronic loneliness is among the most unhealthy things we can experience as humans。

虽然人类对 iPhone 和宇宙飞船之类的东西感觉很好,但我们的身体和意识从根本上与 50,000 年前是一样的。 我们仍然在生物学上适应彼此的相处。大规模研究表明,长期孤独带来的压力是人类所能经历的最不健康的事情之一。

it makes you age quicker ,it makes cancer deadlier,Alzheimer's advance faster,your immune systems weaker,loneliness is twice as deadly as obesity and as deadly as smoking a pack of ciggarettes a day。the most dangerous thing about it is that once it becomes chronic it can become self sustaining physical and social pain ,use common mechanisms in your brain both feel like a threat and so social pain leads to immediate and defensive behaviour

它使你衰老得更快,使癌症更致命,使阿尔茨海默病的发展更快,使你的免疫系统更弱,孤独的致命性是肥胖和每天抽一包烟致命性的两倍。 最危险的是,一旦它变成慢性疾病,它可以成为自我维持的身体和社交痛苦,大脑使用常见的机制都感觉像是一种威胁,因此社交痛苦会导致直接和防御性行为

when it's inflicted on you,when loneliness becomes chronic,your brain goes into self preservation mode,it starts to see danger and hostility everywhere,but that's not all .some studies found that when you're lonely your brain is much more receptive and alx to social signals,while at the same time it gets worse at interpreting them correctly .you pay more attention to others but you understand them less, the part of you brain that recognises faces get out of tune and becomes more likely to categorise neutral faces as hostile


which makes it distrustful of others,loneliness make you assume the worst about others intentions towards you,because of this perceived hostile world,you can become more self-centred to protect yourself which can make you appear more cold unfriendly and socially awkward than you really are,if loneliness has become a strong presence in your life,the first thing you can do is to try to recognise vicious cycle you may be trapped in

这使你的大脑不信任他人,孤独会让你认为别人对你的意图是最坏的,因为这个充满敌意的世界,你会变得更加以自我为中心来保护自己,这会让你表现得比真实的你更冷漠,不友好和不善社交 ,如果孤独已经成为你生活中的一种强烈存在,你能做的第一件事就是试着认识到你可能陷入的恶性循环

it usually goes something like this,an initial feeling of isolation leads to feelings of tension and sadness which makes you focus you attention sextively on negative interactions with others ,this makes your thoughts about yourself and others more negative which then changes your behaviour


you begin to avoid social interaction which leads to more feelings of isolation,this cycle becomes more severe and harder to escape each time.loneliness make you sit far away from others in class,not answer the phone when friends call,decline invitations until the invitations stop,each and every one of us has a story about ourselves and if your story becomes that people exclude you ,others pick up on that and so the outside world can become the way you feel about it

你开始避免社交互动,这会导致更多的孤独感,每一次的这种循环都变得更加严重和难以摆脱。 孤独让你在课堂上远离他人而坐,朋友来电时不接电话,拒绝邀请直到邀请停止,我们每个人都有一个关于自己的故事,如果你的故事变成人们排斥你,其他人就会感受到这一点,这样的话外面世界就会变成你对它的感觉

this is often a slow creeping process that takes years and can end in depression,and a mental state that can prevent connections even if you yearn for them.the first thing you can do to escape it is to accept that loneliness is a totally normal feeling and nothing to be ashamed of.


literally everybody feels lonely at some point in their life ,its a universal human experience,you can't eliminate or ignore a feeling until it goes away magically but you can accept that


you can self examine what you focus your attention on and check if you are sextively focusing on negative things ,was this interaction with a colleague rarely negative or was it really mutual or even positive ,what was the actual content of an interaction?what did the other person say? did they say something bad or did you add extra meaning to their words


maybe another person was not really reacting negatively but just short on time ,then there are your thoughts about the world ,are you assuming the worst about others intentions,do you enter a social situation and have already decided how it will go? do you assume others don't want you around?are you trying to avoid being hurt and not risking opening up and if so can you try to give others the benefit of the doubt can you just assume that they're not against you

也许另一个人并没有真正做出消极反应,只是时间不够,那么就有了你对这个世界的看法,你是否对他人的意图做出了最坏的假设,你是否进入了一个社交场合并已经决定了它将如何发展? 你是否假设其他人不希望你在身边?你是否在努力避免受到伤害而不是冒险敞开心扉?如果是这样,你是否可以尝试让别人从怀疑中受益?也可以假设他们并不反对你吗?

can you risk being open and vulnerable again?and lastly your behaviour,are you avoiding opportunities to be around others,are you looking of oppertunites to decline invitations or are you pushing away others preemptively to protect yourself,are you acting as if you are getting attacked,are you really looking for new connections or have you become complacent with your situation,of course every person in each situation is unique and different and just in introspection alone might not be enough

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

if you feel unable to solve your situation alone by yourself,please try to reach out and get professional help.its not a sign of weakness but of courage,however we look at loneliness as a purely individual problem that needs solving to create happiness or as a public health crisis.it is something that deserves more attention .humans have build a world that is nothing short of amazing and yet not of the shiny things we have made is able to satisfy or substitute.

如果你觉得自己无法独自解决问题,请尝试寻求专业的帮助。这不是软弱的表现,而是勇敢,我们将孤独视为一个纯粹的个人问题,需要解决才能创造幸福,或作为 一场公共健康危机,这是值得有更多关注的事情。人类已经建立了一个令人惊叹的世界 ,然而我们制作的闪亮的东西中没有一个能够满足或替代。

our fundamental and biological need for connection,most animals get what they need from their physical sourroundings,we get what we need from each other and we need to build our artificial human world.based on that,lets try something together lets reach out to someone today


regardless if you feel a little bit lonely or want to make someone else day better,maybe write a friend you haven't spoken to in a while, call a family member who has become estranged, invite a work buddy for a coffee or just go to something you are usually to afraid to go to or too lazy to go to like go to a sports club


everybody is different so you know whats good for you,maybe nothing will come of it and that's okay,don't do this with any expectations,the goal is just to open up a bit,to exercise your connection muscles so that they can grow stronger over time or to help others exercise them。


"I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel alone."


This video kind of made me realize that loneliness is part of the reason I overshare so much. I lack social interaction so much that when I finally get it I overshare like crazy and scare off new people.


The worst part of loneliness is when you watch a movie and want to share your opinion with someone but you have nobody and you end up talking to yourself


At this point I don’t know if I’m depressed, I have chronic anxiety or I’m just lonely…. I can’t even stay alone at home anymore and I was alone almost my whole life


The sad part is when I encounter with people, they make me feel even more lonely


Honestly, since the pandemic started, I feel like I'm slowly transforming into an introvert. Not like it's a really bad thing, but I used to be an extrovert and I enjoy people's company.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think the reason I have such a hard time talking to people is that I just don't really understand them ,bcause my outlook and ideals almost never match up, and I have such a cynical view of this world that I just immediately assume the worst of someone if even the slightest negative thing happens.


It's like the video said, it's a spiral of really wanting to talk/be with someone, but you just either can't even attempt because you feel like you know how it's gonna end, or once it's over you assume the worst and start reducing/cutting contact.


"I think my biggest problem is that I love being alone but I hate being lonely."


I've watched this video several times during this year, and it brings me comfort knowing that loneliness is part of who we are and that there are ways to overcome it.


I'm at the point where I'm so lonely that I spend a majority of my days fantasizing about my ideal friendships and romantic partner.


The part about our brain evolving towards the social pain was really interesting. I never saw it as an evolutionary reason. That's so cool


That's why I'm always nice and helpful to strangers. You never know if you're their match to light up their inner fire (again). You might be giving them hope in their darkest hours. Or even just a smile on a bad day. We all need these moments.


I can't thank you enough for this video. I have fighting these days with my feelings and this helped me a lot


This really hit home. Nearly had a breakdown at work the other day when I realized I no longer speak with my old social circles and how lonely I suddenly felt at the realization


This was both enlightening and depressing to watch, like staring into a mirror and not being able to see myself looking back...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hey since we all feel lonely, I want you to know through reading this, even though chances are I dont know you, that we are together in being lonely and I know you can make it through this


The worst loneliness isn't being alone, it's being alone surrounded by the people who don't care.


I remember watching this when it first came out. So much shit has happened since then, but at the same time, I’m still here – I haven’t lost to the world yet. That makes me feel proud


I'm surprised by how many people are in the same boat as me. I've felt lonely for years now, and what made me feel lonelier was that I thought I was alone in my loneliness. We can all come back from this guys. 1 year from now, I'll look back on myself and say that version of me is of the past, and I wish everyone else the best in overcoming it.


The worst thing is going from feeling extremely lonely, to extremely fulfilled, then lonely again


As someone addicted to loneliness for too long, I feel perfectly fine when ignored. The problems come when I try to open up step by step, as said in the video. I can't just suddenly change, so the interaction I give is still very little. Normal people cannot understand that, it pissed them off. So the result of my effort is just hurting people I care about, and make them want to push me away, like before.


I have been a lonely person since school, I've always been the one that no one cares about but I cared about others, and I got to the point loneliness it's not a problem anymore, it is part of my essence.


A few years I started working on always accepting invitations from friends for socializing or to help them, unless I truly wasn't able to. I never made the connection that decision could have played a factor in the improvement of my mental health


I know that I will be lonely my whole life. I'm in the middle of high school right now. It's a tough school, and my parents want me to achieve high and do well academically. I don't have a problem with that. But my problem is that it's so hard to make friends.


Being in school literally throws you into a building with 100+ people that are your age and probably have very similar interests. But I still can't make friends. And that is why I'm worried about when I become an adult, where it will be even harder to make friends.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I didn't realize a lot of people could relate to this. so to everyone, please never lose hope. happiness may seem very distant, but it will come to you someday. you are a beautiful soul and you deserve it


If you take a broad view from where you go through this all, and in the end it make sense ,because this was needed to be part of life and you've learned a lot of things from it, hope you bounce back stronger!!


01) in a friend get together all of your friends talking about a massive story they only experienced which you never heard of, all you can do is smile when they laugh and listen like you are not a part of the crew.
02) When your school teacher say "pick up a friend and do this assignment" and you see all your friends has already taken a partner and nobody in your class approach to you and say " can you be my partner". All you can do is approach someone and ask to be your partner with an idle student.
03) When nobody wishes you or surprise you on your birthday.
04) When you see an empty desk right next to your friend and when you try to sit your friend say "this table is reserved to that guy"
05) When all of your friends sits on the dinner table and there is no enough chairs so you need to sit on a different table alone.


Thank you for this video. I didn't have anyone I felt like I could trust when I was young. I think it fundamentally came from my parents who were always happy to criticize and make me feel bad, just so they didn't feel quite so bad about themselves. That mistrust of people in general carried through into adulthood, I was unable to open myself to people which led to loneliness and the stress that comes with it.


In recent years I have opened up more and started to take chances with people that I meet and it has been progressively getting better, though there has been a bit of back-sliding. 2 steps forward, 1 step backward.


I feel a little less lonely knowing that everyone else is also lonely.


I am constantly isolating myself at every chance and mostly alone unless I am at work... I wish I could live completely alone except for grocery shopping or buying the necessities and never get in public or even talk to someone. I am aware this sounds edgy and like I am trying to seem cool but in all honesty, books, painting, music is all I need to feel complete.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am a lawyer and surrounded by people all through the day, may be the reason why. I am even good at teaching, conversation or explaining something, doesn't change the fact that I wish I won lottery and built a house isolating me from anyone and anything.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm very social and all, but yet most of the conversations and relationships are meaningless and unfulfilling. The more I surround myself around others I tend to question myself and my worth. I rather be alone than think I am not as good as the ones around me


The feeling of being alone is feeling empty like a void in your chest, the pain of being excluded is the worst,


Right now I just want to talk to someone that's all I want.


If anyone is reading this, here is some advise,(Family is the most important part of your life, don't waste your time on feeling lonely, because you are not alone you have us),I hope this helps for some of you


This video was very useful. For the last two weeks I've been feeling weird. I moved to another country 1.5 year ago, and was having some bad crisis and just really missing my relatives and friends. I got my parents, sister and 2 amazing new friends, and although I love these people, I still miss others.


My cure for loneliness is riding a motorcycle. Every other motorcyclist you pass will give you the "wave" and just that simple gesture makes you feel like your part of something. Riding gives you an activity a hobby you can do by yourself or with others but it always frees your soul.


Loneliness is when you’re surrounded by people, but don’t feel connected with them. You have hours of conversation, but still feel empty and unsatisfied. You try to speak up, but they don’t understand.


I'm the type of person who likes to cheer everybody up, but when I'm not feeling good nobody seems to care about me and that's what makes me lonely


I spend roughly 85% of my time alone. I almost never feel lonely. I prefer not having to pretend to care about what others are saying or doing. Having others around to worry about just slows me down.


In a society that is hyper individualistic as it is today, we are lonelier than ever. Social media swept the world under the guise of increasing connection amongst us, but in the end just made us lonelier.


Loneliness has never been a problem for me. Being a sole traveller, a merchant seaman most of my life, I enjoy and appreciate the time to sit, think observe and consider. I do not feel empty within. But do understand it can be a problem for many.


if you focus a bit you can see that the pygmalion effect is mentioned here which is basically:we have a belief about someone that belief effects our actions towards that person so those actions effects their belief about themselves so that effects their actions toward us which comes back full circle to reinforce our belief of that person


I like how this video not only helps to understand loneline but also identify some common root causes and what we can do about them. Without dismissing the fact that we may really need professional help. And that try as we may sometimes it may not work but we gotta keep trying for it.


The great thing is that once you learn about your emotions and needs, it becomes so easy to get from feeling of hopelessness and and of the world to happiness and joy full of hope. The mind is truly a powerful thing we humans have.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have social anxiety and it’s really hard for me to make new friends,or even just talk to strangers and that's why I stay at home most of the time,People often assume that I'm hostile and I don't blame them but in reality I would do anything just to experience the feeling of having friends.


For a lot of people, pets are seen as family and especially dogs are much more obvious in their reactions to seeing their human show up.


I suppose that my loneliness is driven primarily by my stubborn opinion that I am right and no one else is. In addition, my desire to avoid conflict and the generally toxic, intolerant nature of our culture add to my desire to leave alone and be left alone.


Stay strong even if it's easier to tell it to other than to yourself.


Its surprising how millions of people are lonely at same time but cant help each other to become NOT.


Woah, I thought as I was getting older I was developing social anxiety, turns out it’s loneliness. Loneliness that has driven me though all of the things mentioned. I started to feel weird around people. Then felt like they would feel weird because I felt weird and they would get uncomfortable because of it, so I then would try to avoid interaction in order to prevent weirdness between me and others.


on that topic, the video was right, i take a lot of things more aggresively. i don't trust people's words . i'm slowly having a harder and harder time picking up sarcasm/jokes.


I'm lonely because I have boundaries and I'd rather be alone than be with manipulators and fake people who drain my energy


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